There Is No Such Thing As Gay "PRIDE"

About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL

LOL, don't ever call anyone dumb. And when you do, don't make a stupid remark, aka, post an idiot-gram.

Look up the basis for homophobia, a good example is William Bonin, the LA Freeway killer. One data point is not the be all, end all list necessary to make a broad general conclusion, but it is not the only example if one wants to review the literature.

what are you talking about? OBVIOUSLY there have been cases where people who are scraming and shouting about gays are in fact gay themselves. NO ONE said otherwise.

But it is almost guaranteed that when you say something about gays some idiot liberal will scream that you must be in the closet which as you point out is pretty fucking rare to be the case, so rare in fact that it isn't even worth discussing let alone worth claiming that EVERY person who dislikes gays must be in the closet, as so many idiotic liberals do.

THAT is what is stupid.
91-92% of the time it's stupid.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL

LOL, don't ever call anyone dumb. And when you do, don't make a stupid remark, aka, post an idiot-gram.

Look up the basis for homophobia, a good example is William Bonin, the LA Freeway killer. One data point is not the be all, end all list necessary to make a broad general conclusion, but it is not the only example if one wants to review the literature.

Dear Wry Catcher
some people just don't believe in or approve of homosexual relations or "marriages."
That doesn't mean they are all "homophobic" or HATEFUL like the extreme case of someone homocidally targeting gay people.

Isn't it just as overly broad to paint all homosexual people as choosing to be immoral, live unhealthy lifestyles, and/or associating them with sick pedophiles?

It makes sense to me if we want to stop painting people with a broad brush,
that goes for both sides.

If we want to reach an understanding that some homosexual people are sick, some are not,
some can change and some cannot,
doesn't it help to make a similar Distinction between some people who are sick to the point of being truly phobic, hateful or even criminal, and some people who simply by their beliefs just don't agree with certain things like homosexuality
(or such as Muslims who don't believe in eating pork and should not be judged or forced to justify their beliefs either).

We hear all the time that Muslims should not be judged for their faith denomination, just because of other Jihadist types who are hateful and killing people.

When are we going to see the same consideration and understanding
not to discriminate against people for not believing homosexuality is natural,
and trying to judge and punish them as "homophobes" because of the abuse of others who are hateful or dangerous?
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL

LOL, don't ever call anyone dumb. And when you do, don't make a stupid remark, aka, post an idiot-gram.

Look up the basis for homophobia, a good example is William Bonin, the LA Freeway killer. One data point is not the be all, end all list necessary to make a broad general conclusion, but it is not the only example if one wants to review the literature.

what are you talking about? OBVIOUSLY there have been cases where people who are scraming and shouting about gays are in fact gay themselves. NO ONE said otherwise.

But it is almost guaranteed that when you say something about gays some idiot liberal will scream that you must be in the closet which as you point out is pretty fucking rare to be the case, so rare in fact that it isn't even worth discussing let alone worth claiming that EVERY person who dislikes gays must be in the closet, as so many idiotic liberals do.

THAT is what is stupid.

When someone posts a thread such as this one, my observation cannot and should not be ruled out. You nor I know what is in the author of the OP's head and heart; as for being judgmental, I can suspect that you were likely dumped by a liberal Democrat SO, because of your bigotry and sexual proclivities, and now hate all Democrats, liberals and progressives.

Now, this ^^^ judgment lacks substance and evidence and ought to be ridiculed (thought it might nevertheless be true). I simple think you're a typical jerk desperate for attention.
Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL

LOL, don't ever call anyone dumb. And when you do, don't make a stupid remark, aka, post an idiot-gram.

Look up the basis for homophobia, a good example is William Bonin, the LA Freeway killer. One data point is not the be all, end all list necessary to make a broad general conclusion, but it is not the only example if one wants to review the literature.

what are you talking about? OBVIOUSLY there have been cases where people who are scraming and shouting about gays are in fact gay themselves. NO ONE said otherwise.

But it is almost guaranteed that when you say something about gays some idiot liberal will scream that you must be in the closet which as you point out is pretty fucking rare to be the case, so rare in fact that it isn't even worth discussing let alone worth claiming that EVERY person who dislikes gays must be in the closet, as so many idiotic liberals do.

THAT is what is stupid.

When someone posts a thread such as this one, my observation cannot and should not be ruled out. You nor I know what is in the author of the OP's head and heart; as for being judgmental, I can suspect that you were likely dumped by a liberal Democrat SO, because of your bigotry and sexual proclivities, and now hate all Democrats, liberals and progressives.

Now, this ^^^ judgment lacks substance and evidence and ought to be ridiculed (thought it might nevertheless be true). I simple think you're a typical jerk desperate for attention.
There's only 7% of a chance you are right. Its pointless to entertain you're accusation. You have no way to prove it so its just a silly troll tactic...especially online.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the news media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we hear about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

I think it refers to coming out and accepting oneself and others. The intent is to support those who cannot
help being as they are and being rejected by society if this isn't something they can choose or change.

I think "pride" becomes detrimental when it involves justification to insult, demean or reject others as inferior.

Also, the type of people who can change their orientation is different.
Why aren't we just as "proud" for former gays who come out and admit they used to identify
as homosexual but now they don't.
Because that would hurt the false politically driven claim that they are born that way.

Dear OffensivelyOpenMinded because it isn't proven or disproven one way or another,
people still have the right to their beliefs. Just not the right to impose these "faith based beliefs" on others.

Even if research shows it is not genetic,
that doesn't mean it couldn't be caused by hormonal anomalies
in the womb that cause the opposite identity or orientation to be formed.

And just because someone was born that way
doesn't mean they can't change. Some people born
with cancer can be cured. But some people who
got cancer from smoking by choice may not be cured.
One category does not apply to all people.

I think it is spiritually determined, and cannot be mandated by govt
what policies people believe or don't believe in.

Like any other religion or faith based belief, people
should have freedom in private and not impose these things in public and/or through govt,
where it becomes a detriment to the equal protection of others to the same rights and religious freedom to believe and practice without force or penalty by law.

Otherwise it's discrimination, because none of these
beliefs have been proven or disproven, but remain faith based,
they should be respected and left to the free choice of individuals like creeds.
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About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the news media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we hear about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

I think it refers to coming out and accepting oneself and others. The intent is to support those who cannot
help being as they are and being rejected by society if this isn't something they can choose or change.

I think "pride" becomes detrimental when it involves justification to insult, demean or reject others as inferior.

Also, the type of people who can change their orientation is different.
Why aren't we just as "proud" for former gays who come out and admit they used to identify
as homosexual but now they don't.
Because that would hurt the false politically driven claim that they are born that way.

Dear OffensivelyOpenMinded because it isn't proven or disproven one way or another,
people still have the right to their beliefs. Just not the right to impose these "faith based beliefs" on others.

Even if research shows it is not genetic,
that doesn't mean it couldn't be caused by hormonal anomalies
in the womb that cause the opposite identity or orientation to be formed.

And just because someone was born that way
doesn't mean they can't change. Some people born
with cancer can be cured. But some people who
got cancer from smoking by choice may not be cured.

I think it is spiritually determined, and cannot be mandated by govt
what policies people believe or don't believe in.

Like any other religion or faith based belief, people
should have freedom in private and not impose these
things in public as a detriment to the equal protection of others to the
same rights and religious freedom to believe and practice without penalty by law.

Otherwise it's discrimination, because none of these
beliefs have been proven or disproven, but remain faith based
and the free choice of individuals like creeds.
They do not have the right to pass laws as if it has been proven they can't help themselves. They can think what they want, but they have no right to force their belief through law and have government ran under the false pretense their unsubstantiated belief is fact. And that is what is going on today.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the mews media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we here about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

Is the OP a statement made by you, based on your feelings about being gay? Too bad, hating oneself is not healthy, maybe you need to go to one of those places where they de-gay people like you.
A study done has shown your stupid little trick here only applies to 7% of what they call "homophobes"... The vast majority of people who do not like homos are not closeted faggots.

That is one of their dumber claims . I mean are "Islamaphobes" secretly Muslims? LOL

LOL, don't ever call anyone dumb. And when you do, don't make a stupid remark, aka, post an idiot-gram.

Look up the basis for homophobia, a good example is William Bonin, the LA Freeway killer. One data point is not the be all, end all list necessary to make a broad general conclusion, but it is not the only example if one wants to review the literature.

Dear Wry Catcher
some people just don't believe in or approve of homosexual relations or "marriages."
That doesn't mean they are all "homophobic" or HATEFUL like the extreme case of someone homocidally targeting gay people.

Isn't it just as overly broad to paint all homosexual people as choosing to be immoral, live unhealthy lifestyles, and/or associating them with sick pedophiles?

It makes sense to me if we want to stop painting people with a broad brush,
that goes for both sides.

If we want to reach an understanding that some homosexual people are sick, some are not,
some can change and some cannot,
doesn't it help to make a similar Distinction between some people who are sick to the point of being truly phobic, hateful or even criminal, and some people who simply by their beliefs just don't agree with certain things like homosexuality
(or such as Muslims who don't believe in eating pork and should not be judged or forced to justify their beliefs either).

We hear all the time that Muslims should not be judged for their faith denomination, just because of other Jihadist types who are hateful and killing people.

When are we going to see the same consideration and understanding
not to discriminate against people for not believing homosexuality is natural,
and trying to judge and punish them as "homophobes" because of the abuse of others who are hateful or dangerous?

I'm sorry, you have posted a comment that is rational and thought provoking; nothing in your post will have an impact on the majority who will read it, and in particular the author of post #39, above. Read his post in #39 and direct your comments to him. I agree with the sentiment you've expressed, and my post was an observation linked to a reality and not meant - as I wrote - to be the be all and end all on the issue.

Thanks for adding some sanity to the thread.
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THIS is something to be PROUD of >>


Rainbow patch on left shoulder

Absolutely. The 42nd Division dates back to WWI and has nothing to do with queers. Stop looking to be outraged over nothing.
Yo, the Gay Lovers are alive and well, as you can attest to, in the Socialist Democrat Party, how proud they are of the perversion and the immorality of the act itself!

The Socialist Democrat Parties Church:
I do find it really amusing to watch all of these terrified homophobes all patting each other on the back and reassuring themselves.....
Proud to be a poop dick and use your butthole as an artificial vagina? Why?

Hey closet case, do you realize that 90% of what you post is about homosexuality? Just come out in the open already and STFU about it. This constant crying out for acceptance is annoying.
You wouldn't think sodomy would be a point of pride, but hey, we're all different I guess.
In the last 15 minutes Jarlaxle has called a post of mine on the alert system "dumb" seven times. Since he lacks the ability to offer a rebuttal or an explanation, I invite anyone following this thread who agrees with Jarlaxle to offer me an explanation as to the dumbness of this unreported post. Feel free to cite the number of any post I've made on this thread as the dumb one, and if you want on every post on this thread with real examples.
THIS is something to be PROUD of >>


Rainbow patch on left shoulder

Absolutely. The 42nd Division dates back to WWI and has nothing to do with queers. Stop looking to be outraged over nothing.
In the last 15 minutes Jarlaxle has called a post of mine on the alert system "dumb" seven times. Since he lacks the ability to offer a rebuttal or an explanation, I invite anyone following this thread who agrees with Jarlaxle to offer me an explanation as to the dumbness of this unreported post. Feel free to cite the number of any post I've made on this thread as the dumb one, and if you want on every post on this thread with real examples.
Who is "Jarlaxle"?
In the last 15 minutes Jarlaxle has called a post of mine on the alert system "dumb" seven times. Since he lacks the ability to offer a rebuttal or an explanation, I invite anyone following this thread who agrees with Jarlaxle to offer me an explanation as to the dumbness of this unreported post. Feel free to cite the number of any post I've made on this thread as the dumb one, and if you want on every post on this thread with real examples.
This one is pretty dumb. Having said that, the dumb thing is pretty dumb too.
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the news media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we hear about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

I think it refers to coming out and accepting oneself and others. The intent is to support those who cannot
help being as they are and being rejected by society if this isn't something they can choose or change.

I think "pride" becomes detrimental when it involves justification to insult, demean or reject others as inferior.

Also, the type of people who can change their orientation is different.
Why aren't we just as "proud" for former gays who come out and admit they used to identify
as homosexual but now they don't.
Because that would hurt the false politically driven claim that they are born that way.

What evidence do you have that homosexality isn't born? Experiential? Are you gay curious, had an affair and now hate yourself?
About 30 years ago, when the lunacy of gay pride starting becoming common, Nancy Reagan commented on it by asking "What is there to be proud of ?" LOL. Well, good question. What IS there to be proud of about homosexuality ? Is there something to be proud of about being a sex pervert ? Of living an abnormal, lifestyle that is contrary to nature ?

Actually, the use of the word "pride" is a false flag. It is a DEFLECTION used by gays to cover up the real shame that is inherent with this perverted way of life. The idea is the more gays exhibit a pride in being gay, the more people, especially young children, will be influenced to accept this nonsense as being an acceptable, legitimate lifestyle. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will begin to believe it.

Speaking of flags, yesterday the suck-up mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, Rick Kriseman, happily raised the rainbow flag of homosexuality, alongside the American flag, to honor gays, in time for a Gay Pride Parade they are having tomorrow night in St. Pete. The rainbow flag is also now displayed on all the lampposts lining Central Ave, in downtown St. Petersburg, where the parade will proceed, with thousands of gays happily displaying their perversion, and pretending that it is acceptable and valid.

So while these mentally aberrated people go out flaunting their sickness, they are also insulting and offending the thousands of members of (and veterans of) the US Army 42nd Infantry Division, whose logo is that of the rainbow. I wonder how many of these gays ever served in the military, or have any idea of the thousands of soldiers of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division who lost their lives in World War I and World War II, so that these sick people could now go out and parade, and freely express themselves.

I really think the news media is doing a disservice to us all by broadcasting and reporting on these gross displays of human pathology. Think about all the children sitting at home who may be watching these trashy displays, while no parent is in the house to lend their parental comment(s).

No folks, there is no "PRIDE" going on here at all. It is all a big show by gays who are simply trying to coverup their shame, and recruit more young people into their ranks (noting that gays cannot reproduce, so they must recruit).

What a joke to hear the word "PRIDE" being bandied about here. Do we hear about telephone pole climber "pride" ? Or cab driver "pride"? Or mechanical engineer "pride"? How about fishing boat captain "pride" ? Of course not. Because these people have no need to express or display their pride, if they have it. They are not trying to deflect away shame.

I think it refers to coming out and accepting oneself and others. The intent is to support those who cannot
help being as they are and being rejected by society if this isn't something they can choose or change.

I think "pride" becomes detrimental when it involves justification to insult, demean or reject others as inferior.

Also, the type of people who can change their orientation is different.
Why aren't we just as "proud" for former gays who come out and admit they used to identify
as homosexual but now they don't.
Because that would hurt the false politically driven claim that they are born that way.

What evidence do you have that homosexality isn't born? Experiential? Are you gay curious, had an affair and now hate yourself?
Well, if you're going to make a genetics argument, you have to admit that homosexuals are notoriously poor at passing on their genes.

No, I'm not going to explain it to you.

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