There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

Want some evidence, that hundreds of millions of people are being hurt by AA.

Want some evidence that WP does not exist.

Theres some white people who are privledged but I see the whole thing as a way to further divide us into groups. Its something most likeley a
college proffesor dreamed up in African American Studies. People should spend more time studying something productive to get better jobs
in stead of studying crap that teaches them why they may not be doing as well as other racial groups.

there may be a place for AA when it comes to advancing smart kids through college who dont have the money, but I dont think its the best idea
in the work force. Unless you like everything taking twice as long to accomplish.
I disagree. All white people are privileged. You live in a world where you are the majority owners of all the resources. Your families were allowed to build legacy from the beginning of this countries founding. The social conditioning effect of the media paints whites in a primarily good light. Your very language is geared towards associating white with righteousness, purity, and cleanliness. Rarely is Black used to denote anything good. We know this conditioning works due to the examples of rabid racists on this very board. My belief is given the same circumstances, work drive, etc a white person has more opportunity because the people providing him/her the opportunities are more than likely going to be white. I know I simply have to outwork any white person to gain the same level which I dont mind doing but facts are facts.

Being in the BLACK is a good thing, it means your not in debt, hey well, thats one. I think thats what AC/DC was refering to in their lyrics once they paid off their sound system. seriously though,

I know there is Racism and has been a lot more racism in the past, but Im not a believer in absolutes when it comes to these things
socially. Maybe its just the terminology of privileged I have a problem with. You may have to out work white people in your line of work, but not all Black people do, some have it easy as well, and from your perspective you may not see that white people may actually be in competition as well trying to outwork each other, they just are not focused on race as you are. So if many white people are trying to be the best they can in competition with each other or (whoever.) , why do you call white people specificaly in the US lazy? as I have seen you mention from time to time. You know the US has traditionaly had the reputation of being workaholics when you hold us up to the Europeans. Americans have always been hard workers, granted some things have changed since the advent of the internet and computer related jobs, its not as pysical as it used to be. But the history of my familyy anyway
has been hard labor, sacrifice in starting businesses, and sticking with it for years without really making a fortune, but doing the right honest thing to make
a living. Neither of my grandfathers were privilaged, they sufferd for their kids and one of them ended up being institutionalized for thirty years or so after suffering a nervous breakdown and undergoing shock therapy. Please tell me how that is White privilage? Its just people trying to make a living.

there are many affluent Black people as we all know, the way I see it, in many areas, Black privilage is on the rise, just in some regions you still see big problems with poverty. Im sorry, but part of the reason Black inner city kids have a hard time getting good jobs, is because they dont know how to act,
(of course that is a subject of its own as to why that is) .. example, one day while I was on break from working in a local Berkeley Machine shop, I turned the corner to go back in and blocking the entire sidewalk and front door of the shop was this black kids Bike laying on the ground, he was standing there, (guessing 16 or 17years old) and he asked me " is this where they give the jobs out?"

I didnt quite know what to say at the time, I just said no, but now I feel sorry that I didnt take him aside and try to explain a better approach than that. I really am. Because I know with that kind of self awareness and awareness of how things work, that kid wasnt going to get a job without a lot of help. I was just really busy that day. That doesnt represent all black kids who are better educated, but it does represent a lot of them. You know that if you live in Oakland.
The answer to situations like that kid is what? Im not sure, but maybe more very affluent black people need to go back and help more than they have. A lot of black kids dont really want to listen to white people because they often take things the wrong way.
Example, Obama himself invests into the system that white people are getting rich in. He is going to make many many millions whn he leaves office, I cant remember the last time he has addressed black inner city kids with something positive, and letting them know that they have hope to invest in society as well, but it takes sacacrifice ... other than very broad statements that is.
The problem is not White priviledge but for those black youths who are having the hardest time adjusting to society it is the lack of real leadership in their own community, someone to teach them what to do with the money once they make it,
Being in the black is indeed one of the few good things but we know its an aberration. The social conditioning alone is a major part of what causes issues. Blacks are besieged with negative stereotypes from birth almost...if parents are not careful. There is no Black privilege besides what nature has inherently gifted us. Blacks being affluent is not a privilege. Its the result of hard work and dedication against circumstances whites in general simply don't have to endure. Therein lies the privilege. I'm really curious as to what you think of MBK and Obamas role in it? I also wonder if you know the number of groups of Black professionals that give back to the hood they came from? Its amazing to me that white people are unaware of these things. Is it lack of curiosity or is it just that you rely on hype for your news sources.

Your story about the Black kid is intriguing. What threw you about the circumstances? He was asking for work. Why was this approach a problem? I grew up in Oakland so I know the environment. Most Black kids dont listen to white people because they cannot relate. White people have trouble acknowledging that racism exists and that there is a definite white privilege that exists let alone being able to start to understand their reality.

Was the approach a problem? well, first of all, I myself was not in a position to hire, and back then the busness wa s slow and we were often cutting hours for everyone, so hiring was not really an option. I guess you would have to be there, but yes I think having to step over his bicycle to get in the front door would have been a turn off to the boss, and sort, of his very poor introduction. thats what I meant when I said I should have taken him aside and talked to him about that. On another day I might have. I.m just saying from other black kids Ive seen, they lack that awareness that you have to give a positive first impression at least to a potential employer. I would have told the kid he needed to just introduce himself first and ask if we were hiring, maybe a handshake ? ask something about the business? and not leaving a bicycle blocking the doorway, because that leaves a certain message that maybe besides training this guy, he will have to be babysitted. By the way a couple years later we did hire a black guy from east Oakland who was the first ever.
In the end he worked out OK, but it was rough for a long time getting him to understand what we were all about and how industry works. Its really a tough job for a lot of people regardless of what color they are when they have never been exposed to production and quality control in an antiquated environment.
which it was

As to MBK, I had heard something about it but didnt actually know what it was. Im a little supprised. Id say it looks like a good thing, IF resources are really going where they are supposed to.

I would say, if a black kid is born into a wealthy family that has connections, then that kid is born privilaged. Why not? What about Barry Bond's kids?
they have evry thing set for them in life, you dont call that priveledge becaus esomeone may look at them wrong sometime? There are enough white people who are not racists, so people can choose who they want to associate with. I experienced racism in my early development because my step father
was a mexican guy with a big chip on his shoulder, you have no idea. And you can tell me that white people cant experience racism? Its like I always say,
racism is a human condition that anyone is capapble of, I know that from my experience personaly. It didnt cause me to not like Mexicans, but I learned something about people and you can choose to take th egood things in life with you
Want some evidence, that hundreds of millions of people are being hurt by AA.

Want some evidence that WP does not exist.

Theres some white people who are privledged but I see the whole thing as a way to further divide us into groups. Its something most likeley a
college proffesor dreamed up in African American Studies. People should spend more time studying something productive to get better jobs
in stead of studying crap that teaches them why they may not be doing as well as other racial groups.

there may be a place for AA when it comes to advancing smart kids through college who dont have the money, but I dont think its the best idea
in the work force. Unless you like everything taking twice as long to accomplish.
I disagree. All white people are privileged. You live in a world where you are the majority owners of all the resources. Your families were allowed to build legacy from the beginning of this countries founding. The social conditioning effect of the media paints whites in a primarily good light. Your very language is geared towards associating white with righteousness, purity, and cleanliness. Rarely is Black used to denote anything good. We know this conditioning works due to the examples of rabid racists on this very board. My belief is given the same circumstances, work drive, etc a white person has more opportunity because the people providing him/her the opportunities are more than likely going to be white. I know I simply have to outwork any white person to gain the same level which I dont mind doing but facts are facts.

Being in the BLACK is a good thing, it means your not in debt, hey well, thats one. I think thats what AC/DC was refering to in their lyrics once they paid off their sound system. seriously though,

I know there is Racism and has been a lot more racism in the past, but Im not a believer in absolutes when it comes to these things
socially. Maybe its just the terminology of privileged I have a problem with. You may have to out work white people in your line of work, but not all Black people do, some have it easy as well, and from your perspective you may not see that white people may actually be in competition as well trying to outwork each other, they just are not focused on race as you are. So if many white people are trying to be the best they can in competition with each other or (whoever.) , why do you call white people specificaly in the US lazy? as I have seen you mention from time to time. You know the US has traditionaly had the reputation of being workaholics when you hold us up to the Europeans. Americans have always been hard workers, granted some things have changed since the advent of the internet and computer related jobs, its not as pysical as it used to be. But the history of my familyy anyway
has been hard labor, sacrifice in starting businesses, and sticking with it for years without really making a fortune, but doing the right honest thing to make
a living. Neither of my grandfathers were privilaged, they sufferd for their kids and one of them ended up being institutionalized for thirty years or so after suffering a nervous breakdown and undergoing shock therapy. Please tell me how that is White privilage? Its just people trying to make a living.

there are many affluent Black people as we all know, the way I see it, in many areas, Black privilage is on the rise, just in some regions you still see big problems with poverty. Im sorry, but part of the reason Black inner city kids have a hard time getting good jobs, is because they dont know how to act,
(of course that is a subject of its own as to why that is) .. example, one day while I was on break from working in a local Berkeley Machine shop, I turned the corner to go back in and blocking the entire sidewalk and front door of the shop was this black kids Bike laying on the ground, he was standing there, (guessing 16 or 17years old) and he asked me " is this where they give the jobs out?"

I didnt quite know what to say at the time, I just said no, but now I feel sorry that I didnt take him aside and try to explain a better approach than that. I really am. Because I know with that kind of self awareness and awareness of how things work, that kid wasnt going to get a job without a lot of help. I was just really busy that day. That doesnt represent all black kids who are better educated, but it does represent a lot of them. You know that if you live in Oakland.
The answer to situations like that kid is what? Im not sure, but maybe more very affluent black people need to go back and help more than they have. A lot of black kids dont really want to listen to white people because they often take things the wrong way.
Example, Obama himself invests into the system that white people are getting rich in. He is going to make many many millions whn he leaves office, I cant remember the last time he has addressed black inner city kids with something positive, and letting them know that they have hope to invest in society as well, but it takes sacacrifice ... other than very broad statements that is.
The problem is not White priviledge but for those black youths who are having the hardest time adjusting to society it is the lack of real leadership in their own community, someone to teach them what to do with the money once they make it,
Being in the black is indeed one of the few good things but we know its an aberration. The social conditioning alone is a major part of what causes issues. Blacks are besieged with negative stereotypes from birth almost...if parents are not careful. There is no Black privilege besides what nature has inherently gifted us. Blacks being affluent is not a privilege. Its the result of hard work and dedication against circumstances whites in general simply don't have to endure. Therein lies the privilege. I'm really curious as to what you think of MBK and Obamas role in it? I also wonder if you know the number of groups of Black professionals that give back to the hood they came from? Its amazing to me that white people are unaware of these things. Is it lack of curiosity or is it just that you rely on hype for your news sources.

Your story about the Black kid is intriguing. What threw you about the circumstances? He was asking for work. Why was this approach a problem? I grew up in Oakland so I know the environment. Most Black kids dont listen to white people because they cannot relate. White people have trouble acknowledging that racism exists and that there is a definite white privilege that exists let alone being able to start to understand their reality.

Was the approach a problem? well, first of all, I myself was not in a position to hire, and back then the busness wa s slow and we were often cutting hours for everyone, so hiring was not really an option. I guess you would have to be there, but yes I think having to step over his bicycle to get in the front door would have been a turn off to the boss, and sort, of his very poor introduction. thats what I meant when I said I should have taken him aside and talked to him about that. On another day I might have. I.m just saying from other black kids Ive seen, they lack that awareness that you have to give a positive first impression at least to a potential employer. I would have told the kid he needed to just introduce himself first and ask if we were hiring, maybe a handshake ? ask something about the business? and not leaving a bicycle blocking the doorway, because that leaves a certain message that maybe besides training this guy, he will have to be babysitted. By the way a couple years later we did hire a black guy from east Oakland who was the first ever.
In the end he worked out OK, but it was rough for a long time getting him to understand what we were all about and how industry works. Its really a tough job for a lot of people regardless of what color they are when they have never been exposed to production and quality control in an antiquated environment.
which it was

As to MBK, I had heard something about it but didnt actually know what it was. Im a little supprised. Id say it looks like a good thing, IF resources are really going where they are supposed to.

I would say, if a black kid is born into a wealthy family that has connections, then that kid is born privilaged. Why not? What about Barry Bond's kids?
they have evry thing set for them in life, you dont call that priveledge becaus esomeone may look at them wrong sometime? There are enough white people who are not racists, so people can choose who they want to associate with. I experienced racism in my early development because my step father
was a mexican guy with a big chip on his shoulder, you have no idea. And you can tell me that white people cant experience racism? Its like I always say,
racism is a human condition that anyone is capapble of, I know that from my experience personaly. It didnt cause me to not like Mexicans, but I learned something about people and you can choose to take th egood things in life with you

I think what you witnessed was a 2 pronged problem. You had an expectation of the kid that he should know the protocol to getting a job. (Why I dont know.) The kid had the expectation that no matter what he did or said you were probably going to give him the run around. This is just guessing since I was not there. There is definitely a lack of awareness regarding protocol when dealing with white people. There is a language barrier as well. I would have told him to pick his bike up and explained to him the correct way to ask for a job. If Black people are not working in a certain industry why would you assume they would understand the workings of the industry? Maybe I read your post wrong?

Barry Bonds kids represent less than 1% of Black kids. When speaking of white privilege we are speaking as a collective. Typically a white person is going to have a leg up no matter the case because they are more likely to have family with connections for the industry they are looking to be employed in simply because of racist policies in the past. A good example is your job that didnt have Black people in it. Why not? Oakland has a large Mexican population so I know a lot of them hate white people. Again you are speaking of one offs. Racism may be something that is a human condition but its not something everyone is capable of. The best example I have heard goes something like this.

If all whites decided to no longer hire any Black people or denied them loans would that affect the Black community adversely? Now switch the scenario around. If all Black people decided to no longer hire any white people or denied loans to whites would that affect the white community adversely? You can see that Black people are incapable of practicing racism Doesnt mean they cant be racist. Racism is a system that is made possible and made effective via the control of resources. It is driven by the belief that the superior race should have all the resources.
Theres some white people who are privledged but I see the whole thing as a way to further divide us into groups. Its something most likeley a
college proffesor dreamed up in African American Studies. People should spend more time studying something productive to get better jobs
in stead of studying crap that teaches them why they may not be doing as well as other racial groups.

there may be a place for AA when it comes to advancing smart kids through college who dont have the money, but I dont think its the best idea
in the work force. Unless you like everything taking twice as long to accomplish.
I disagree. All white people are privileged. You live in a world where you are the majority owners of all the resources. Your families were allowed to build legacy from the beginning of this countries founding. The social conditioning effect of the media paints whites in a primarily good light. Your very language is geared towards associating white with righteousness, purity, and cleanliness. Rarely is Black used to denote anything good. We know this conditioning works due to the examples of rabid racists on this very board. My belief is given the same circumstances, work drive, etc a white person has more opportunity because the people providing him/her the opportunities are more than likely going to be white. I know I simply have to outwork any white person to gain the same level which I dont mind doing but facts are facts.

Being in the BLACK is a good thing, it means your not in debt, hey well, thats one. I think thats what AC/DC was refering to in their lyrics once they paid off their sound system. seriously though,

I know there is Racism and has been a lot more racism in the past, but Im not a believer in absolutes when it comes to these things
socially. Maybe its just the terminology of privileged I have a problem with. You may have to out work white people in your line of work, but not all Black people do, some have it easy as well, and from your perspective you may not see that white people may actually be in competition as well trying to outwork each other, they just are not focused on race as you are. So if many white people are trying to be the best they can in competition with each other or (whoever.) , why do you call white people specificaly in the US lazy? as I have seen you mention from time to time. You know the US has traditionaly had the reputation of being workaholics when you hold us up to the Europeans. Americans have always been hard workers, granted some things have changed since the advent of the internet and computer related jobs, its not as pysical as it used to be. But the history of my familyy anyway
has been hard labor, sacrifice in starting businesses, and sticking with it for years without really making a fortune, but doing the right honest thing to make
a living. Neither of my grandfathers were privilaged, they sufferd for their kids and one of them ended up being institutionalized for thirty years or so after suffering a nervous breakdown and undergoing shock therapy. Please tell me how that is White privilage? Its just people trying to make a living.

there are many affluent Black people as we all know, the way I see it, in many areas, Black privilage is on the rise, just in some regions you still see big problems with poverty. Im sorry, but part of the reason Black inner city kids have a hard time getting good jobs, is because they dont know how to act,
(of course that is a subject of its own as to why that is) .. example, one day while I was on break from working in a local Berkeley Machine shop, I turned the corner to go back in and blocking the entire sidewalk and front door of the shop was this black kids Bike laying on the ground, he was standing there, (guessing 16 or 17years old) and he asked me " is this where they give the jobs out?"

I didnt quite know what to say at the time, I just said no, but now I feel sorry that I didnt take him aside and try to explain a better approach than that. I really am. Because I know with that kind of self awareness and awareness of how things work, that kid wasnt going to get a job without a lot of help. I was just really busy that day. That doesnt represent all black kids who are better educated, but it does represent a lot of them. You know that if you live in Oakland.
The answer to situations like that kid is what? Im not sure, but maybe more very affluent black people need to go back and help more than they have. A lot of black kids dont really want to listen to white people because they often take things the wrong way.
Example, Obama himself invests into the system that white people are getting rich in. He is going to make many many millions whn he leaves office, I cant remember the last time he has addressed black inner city kids with something positive, and letting them know that they have hope to invest in society as well, but it takes sacacrifice ... other than very broad statements that is.
The problem is not White priviledge but for those black youths who are having the hardest time adjusting to society it is the lack of real leadership in their own community, someone to teach them what to do with the money once they make it,
Being in the black is indeed one of the few good things but we know its an aberration. The social conditioning alone is a major part of what causes issues. Blacks are besieged with negative stereotypes from birth almost...if parents are not careful. There is no Black privilege besides what nature has inherently gifted us. Blacks being affluent is not a privilege. Its the result of hard work and dedication against circumstances whites in general simply don't have to endure. Therein lies the privilege. I'm really curious as to what you think of MBK and Obamas role in it? I also wonder if you know the number of groups of Black professionals that give back to the hood they came from? Its amazing to me that white people are unaware of these things. Is it lack of curiosity or is it just that you rely on hype for your news sources.

Your story about the Black kid is intriguing. What threw you about the circumstances? He was asking for work. Why was this approach a problem? I grew up in Oakland so I know the environment. Most Black kids dont listen to white people because they cannot relate. White people have trouble acknowledging that racism exists and that there is a definite white privilege that exists let alone being able to start to understand their reality.

Was the approach a problem? well, first of all, I myself was not in a position to hire, and back then the busness wa s slow and we were often cutting hours for everyone, so hiring was not really an option. I guess you would have to be there, but yes I think having to step over his bicycle to get in the front door would have been a turn off to the boss, and sort, of his very poor introduction. thats what I meant when I said I should have taken him aside and talked to him about that. On another day I might have. I.m just saying from other black kids Ive seen, they lack that awareness that you have to give a positive first impression at least to a potential employer. I would have told the kid he needed to just introduce himself first and ask if we were hiring, maybe a handshake ? ask something about the business? and not leaving a bicycle blocking the doorway, because that leaves a certain message that maybe besides training this guy, he will have to be babysitted. By the way a couple years later we did hire a black guy from east Oakland who was the first ever.
In the end he worked out OK, but it was rough for a long time getting him to understand what we were all about and how industry works. Its really a tough job for a lot of people regardless of what color they are when they have never been exposed to production and quality control in an antiquated environment.
which it was

As to MBK, I had heard something about it but didnt actually know what it was. Im a little supprised. Id say it looks like a good thing, IF resources are really going where they are supposed to.

I would say, if a black kid is born into a wealthy family that has connections, then that kid is born privilaged. Why not? What about Barry Bond's kids?
they have evry thing set for them in life, you dont call that priveledge becaus esomeone may look at them wrong sometime? There are enough white people who are not racists, so people can choose who they want to associate with. I experienced racism in my early development because my step father
was a mexican guy with a big chip on his shoulder, you have no idea. And you can tell me that white people cant experience racism? Its like I always say,
racism is a human condition that anyone is capapble of, I know that from my experience personaly. It didnt cause me to not like Mexicans, but I learned something about people and you can choose to take th egood things in life with you

I think what you witnessed was a 2 pronged problem. You had an expectation of the kid that he should know the protocol to getting a job. (Why I dont know.) The kid had the expectation that no matter what he did or said you were probably going to give him the run around. This is just guessing since I was not there. There is definitely a lack of awareness regarding protocol when dealing with white people. There is a language barrier as well. I would have told him to pick his bike up and explained to him the correct way to ask for a job. If Black people are not working in a certain industry why would you assume they would understand the workings of the industry? Maybe I read your post wrong?

Barry Bonds kids represent less than 1% of Black kids. When speaking of white privilege we are speaking as a collective. Typically a white person is going to have a leg up no matter the case because they are more likely to have family with connections for the industry they are looking to be employed in simply because of racist policies in the past. A good example is your job that didnt have Black people in it. Why not? Oakland has a large Mexican population so I know a lot of them hate white people. Again you are speaking of one offs. Racism may be something that is a human condition but its not something everyone is capable of. The best example I have heard goes something like this.

If all whites decided to no longer hire any Black people or denied them loans would that affect the Black community adversely? Now switch the scenario around. If all Black people decided to no longer hire any white people or denied loans to whites would that affect the white community adversely? You can see that Black people are incapable of practicing racism Doesnt mean they cant be racist. Racism is a system that is made possible and made effective via the control of resources. It is driven by the belief that the superior race should have all the resources.

I think you got me slightly wrong. i wasnt assuming or expecting anything from the kid. I was just pointing out that he was a little lost in knowing the proper way to approach someone for a job. I agree with the rest of your paragraph though, I was sorry later I didnt take a little time to talk to him, because I was
pretty busy that day. Its just a funny thing that has stayed in my memory for years, thats all.

As to why th ecompany didnt have any black employees through the years? I knew the old man who ran the place pretty well, it was a small shop of about 8 people, and he told me he never hired a black person because he was afraid of being sued for something or a person faking an injury. pretty harsh yeah?
Anyway we finaly did hire a black guy a couple years later, mainly because I vouched for him.

As to your last paragraph, Im white and I never felt in any way that i want other peoples resources, or take anything from anyone whether it be a position or job. I imagine most white people feel the same as me, i think we all just want to work and have a family. there is always a small power hungry minority in societies but to think all the negatives exist in one race I think is off. anyway, you hold your opinion, were just not going to agree
I disagree. All white people are privileged. You live in a world where you are the majority owners of all the resources. Your families were allowed to build legacy from the beginning of this countries founding. The social conditioning effect of the media paints whites in a primarily good light. Your very language is geared towards associating white with righteousness, purity, and cleanliness. Rarely is Black used to denote anything good. We know this conditioning works due to the examples of rabid racists on this very board. My belief is given the same circumstances, work drive, etc a white person has more opportunity because the people providing him/her the opportunities are more than likely going to be white. I know I simply have to outwork any white person to gain the same level which I dont mind doing but facts are facts.

Being in the BLACK is a good thing, it means your not in debt, hey well, thats one. I think thats what AC/DC was refering to in their lyrics once they paid off their sound system. seriously though,

I know there is Racism and has been a lot more racism in the past, but Im not a believer in absolutes when it comes to these things
socially. Maybe its just the terminology of privileged I have a problem with. You may have to out work white people in your line of work, but not all Black people do, some have it easy as well, and from your perspective you may not see that white people may actually be in competition as well trying to outwork each other, they just are not focused on race as you are. So if many white people are trying to be the best they can in competition with each other or (whoever.) , why do you call white people specificaly in the US lazy? as I have seen you mention from time to time. You know the US has traditionaly had the reputation of being workaholics when you hold us up to the Europeans. Americans have always been hard workers, granted some things have changed since the advent of the internet and computer related jobs, its not as pysical as it used to be. But the history of my familyy anyway
has been hard labor, sacrifice in starting businesses, and sticking with it for years without really making a fortune, but doing the right honest thing to make
a living. Neither of my grandfathers were privilaged, they sufferd for their kids and one of them ended up being institutionalized for thirty years or so after suffering a nervous breakdown and undergoing shock therapy. Please tell me how that is White privilage? Its just people trying to make a living.

there are many affluent Black people as we all know, the way I see it, in many areas, Black privilage is on the rise, just in some regions you still see big problems with poverty. Im sorry, but part of the reason Black inner city kids have a hard time getting good jobs, is because they dont know how to act,
(of course that is a subject of its own as to why that is) .. example, one day while I was on break from working in a local Berkeley Machine shop, I turned the corner to go back in and blocking the entire sidewalk and front door of the shop was this black kids Bike laying on the ground, he was standing there, (guessing 16 or 17years old) and he asked me " is this where they give the jobs out?"

I didnt quite know what to say at the time, I just said no, but now I feel sorry that I didnt take him aside and try to explain a better approach than that. I really am. Because I know with that kind of self awareness and awareness of how things work, that kid wasnt going to get a job without a lot of help. I was just really busy that day. That doesnt represent all black kids who are better educated, but it does represent a lot of them. You know that if you live in Oakland.
The answer to situations like that kid is what? Im not sure, but maybe more very affluent black people need to go back and help more than they have. A lot of black kids dont really want to listen to white people because they often take things the wrong way.
Example, Obama himself invests into the system that white people are getting rich in. He is going to make many many millions whn he leaves office, I cant remember the last time he has addressed black inner city kids with something positive, and letting them know that they have hope to invest in society as well, but it takes sacacrifice ... other than very broad statements that is.
The problem is not White priviledge but for those black youths who are having the hardest time adjusting to society it is the lack of real leadership in their own community, someone to teach them what to do with the money once they make it,
Being in the black is indeed one of the few good things but we know its an aberration. The social conditioning alone is a major part of what causes issues. Blacks are besieged with negative stereotypes from birth almost...if parents are not careful. There is no Black privilege besides what nature has inherently gifted us. Blacks being affluent is not a privilege. Its the result of hard work and dedication against circumstances whites in general simply don't have to endure. Therein lies the privilege. I'm really curious as to what you think of MBK and Obamas role in it? I also wonder if you know the number of groups of Black professionals that give back to the hood they came from? Its amazing to me that white people are unaware of these things. Is it lack of curiosity or is it just that you rely on hype for your news sources.

Your story about the Black kid is intriguing. What threw you about the circumstances? He was asking for work. Why was this approach a problem? I grew up in Oakland so I know the environment. Most Black kids dont listen to white people because they cannot relate. White people have trouble acknowledging that racism exists and that there is a definite white privilege that exists let alone being able to start to understand their reality.

Was the approach a problem? well, first of all, I myself was not in a position to hire, and back then the busness wa s slow and we were often cutting hours for everyone, so hiring was not really an option. I guess you would have to be there, but yes I think having to step over his bicycle to get in the front door would have been a turn off to the boss, and sort, of his very poor introduction. thats what I meant when I said I should have taken him aside and talked to him about that. On another day I might have. I.m just saying from other black kids Ive seen, they lack that awareness that you have to give a positive first impression at least to a potential employer. I would have told the kid he needed to just introduce himself first and ask if we were hiring, maybe a handshake ? ask something about the business? and not leaving a bicycle blocking the doorway, because that leaves a certain message that maybe besides training this guy, he will have to be babysitted. By the way a couple years later we did hire a black guy from east Oakland who was the first ever.
In the end he worked out OK, but it was rough for a long time getting him to understand what we were all about and how industry works. Its really a tough job for a lot of people regardless of what color they are when they have never been exposed to production and quality control in an antiquated environment.
which it was

As to MBK, I had heard something about it but didnt actually know what it was. Im a little supprised. Id say it looks like a good thing, IF resources are really going where they are supposed to.

I would say, if a black kid is born into a wealthy family that has connections, then that kid is born privilaged. Why not? What about Barry Bond's kids?
they have evry thing set for them in life, you dont call that priveledge becaus esomeone may look at them wrong sometime? There are enough white people who are not racists, so people can choose who they want to associate with. I experienced racism in my early development because my step father
was a mexican guy with a big chip on his shoulder, you have no idea. And you can tell me that white people cant experience racism? Its like I always say,
racism is a human condition that anyone is capapble of, I know that from my experience personaly. It didnt cause me to not like Mexicans, but I learned something about people and you can choose to take th egood things in life with you

I think what you witnessed was a 2 pronged problem. You had an expectation of the kid that he should know the protocol to getting a job. (Why I dont know.) The kid had the expectation that no matter what he did or said you were probably going to give him the run around. This is just guessing since I was not there. There is definitely a lack of awareness regarding protocol when dealing with white people. There is a language barrier as well. I would have told him to pick his bike up and explained to him the correct way to ask for a job. If Black people are not working in a certain industry why would you assume they would understand the workings of the industry? Maybe I read your post wrong?

Barry Bonds kids represent less than 1% of Black kids. When speaking of white privilege we are speaking as a collective. Typically a white person is going to have a leg up no matter the case because they are more likely to have family with connections for the industry they are looking to be employed in simply because of racist policies in the past. A good example is your job that didnt have Black people in it. Why not? Oakland has a large Mexican population so I know a lot of them hate white people. Again you are speaking of one offs. Racism may be something that is a human condition but its not something everyone is capable of. The best example I have heard goes something like this.

If all whites decided to no longer hire any Black people or denied them loans would that affect the Black community adversely? Now switch the scenario around. If all Black people decided to no longer hire any white people or denied loans to whites would that affect the white community adversely? You can see that Black people are incapable of practicing racism Doesnt mean they cant be racist. Racism is a system that is made possible and made effective via the control of resources. It is driven by the belief that the superior race should have all the resources.

I think you got me slightly wrong. i wasnt assuming or expecting anything from the kid. I was just pointing out that he was a little lost in knowing the proper way to approach someone for a job. I agree with the rest of your paragraph though, I was sorry later I didnt take a little time to talk to him, because I was
pretty busy that day. Its just a funny thing that has stayed in my memory for years, thats all.

As to why th ecompany didnt have any black employees through the years? I knew the old man who ran the place pretty well, it was a small shop of about 8 people, and he told me he never hired a black person because he was afraid of being sued for something or a person faking an injury. pretty harsh yeah?
Anyway we finaly did hire a black guy a couple years later, mainly because I vouched for him.

As to your last paragraph, Im white and I never felt in any way that i want other peoples resources, or take anything from anyone whether it be a position or job. I imagine most white people feel the same as me, i think we all just want to work and have a family. there is always a small power hungry minority in societies but to think all the negatives exist in one race I think is off. anyway, you hold your opinion, were just not going to agree

The issue is not what you as a single white person may or may not do. I wouldnt even consider you a racist or a bigot. Its a collective dynamic. You mentioned that the owner never hired a Black person because he thought someone would fake an injury. That means you may have gotten your job over a more qualified Black person simply because he was Black. Thats exactly the point I am making. The owner is in control of the opportunity. He gives it to a white person simply because he is at the very least bigoted. The net effect is racism. Now multiply that same scenario thousands of times over. How many Black people did not get an opportunity because Blacks dont control the system that bestows that opportunity and the person that does is racist or bigoted?
Whites have the privilege of having their shit together more than other races.
Whites have the privilege of having their shit together more than other races.
That usually happens when you have a 350 year head start and you own all the resources.
I thought you said blacks started civilization in Africa?
They did. Building up resources has nothing to do civilization. You can be a monkey and build up resources.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
Whites have the privilege of having their shit together more than other races.
That usually happens when you have a 350 year head start and you own all the resources.
I thought you said blacks started civilization in Africa?
They did. Building up resources has nothing to do civilization. You can be a monkey and build up resources.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
Whites have the privilege of having their shit together more than other races.
That usually happens when you have a 350 year head start and you own all the resources.
I thought you said blacks started civilization in Africa?
They did. Building up resources has nothing to do civilization. You can be a monkey and build up resources.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
That usually happens when you have a 350 year head start and you own all the resources.
I thought you said blacks started civilization in Africa?
They did. Building up resources has nothing to do civilization. You can be a monkey and build up resources.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
No white people haven't passed anyone by.
I thought you said blacks started civilization in Africa?
They did. Building up resources has nothing to do civilization. You can be a monkey and build up resources.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
No white people haven't passed anyone by.
Then why do you support affirmative action? Just admit it, you just say whatever suits your current argument, regardless of whether it contradicts all your other stated positions.
They did. Building up resources has nothing to do civilization. You can be a monkey and build up resources.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
No white people haven't passed anyone by.
Then why do you support affirmative action? Just admit it, you just say whatever suits your current argument, regardless of whether it contradicts all your other stated positions.
What has this got to due with AA?
I thought you said blacks started civilization in Africa?
They did. Building up resources has nothing to do civilization. You can be a monkey and build up resources.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
No white people haven't passed anyone by.
I don't see any white peeps still living in mud huts like black folks still do.
They did. Building up resources has nothing to do civilization. You can be a monkey and build up resources.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
No white people haven't passed anyone by.
I don't see any white peeps still living in mud huts like black folks still do.
They arent intelligent enough to do that. When you use natures materials instead of poisoning your environment that denotes more intelligence. Just think opposite of what you would do and that will lead you into the path of enlightenment.
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
No white people haven't passed anyone by.
I don't see any white peeps still living in mud huts like black folks still do.
They arent intelligent enough to do that. When you use natures materials instead of poisoning your environment that denotes more intelligence. Just think opposite of what you would do and that will lead you into the path of enlightenment.
The weird part is that you actually believe it and are living in a mud hut then! Or are you not smart enough for a mud hut?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
No white people haven't passed anyone by.
I don't see any white peeps still living in mud huts like black folks still do.
They arent intelligent enough to do that. When you use natures materials instead of poisoning your environment that denotes more intelligence. Just think opposite of what you would do and that will lead you into the path of enlightenment.
The weird part is that you actually believe it and are living in a mud hut then! Or are you not smart enough for a mud hut?
No I live here in the US. Thats against code.
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

Why are right wingers on the USMB such dipshits? Why do they make claims that are so easy to disprove? Is that why they become as angry as they become? Is it tardation or a determined ignorance? I really want to know.
And how do they function in their real lives? Is it that cheap to live in a trailer?

The 50 percent gap in callback rates is statistically very significant, Bertrand and Mullainathan note in Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination (NBER Working Paper No. 9873). It indicates that a white name yields as many more callbacks as an additional eight years of experience. Race, the authors add, also affects the reward to having a better resume. Whites with higher quality resumes received 30 percent more callbacks than whites with lower quality resumes. But the positive impact of a better resume for those with Africa-American names was much smaller.

Employers Replies to Racial Names
By "monkey" you mean black people, right?
No white people like you.
So black people started civilization, but because they were slow and/or lazy, every other race passed them by?
No white people haven't passed anyone by.
I don't see any white peeps still living in mud huts like black folks still do.
They arent intelligent enough to do that. When you use natures materials instead of poisoning your environment that denotes more intelligence. Just think opposite of what you would do and that will lead you into the path of enlightenment.
What part of modern US homes is poisonous to the environment? Just shut up dummy.

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