There Is None Greater -

Nothing in your post precludes the possibility of nefarious behavior.

Personally I don't care where he was born. He is no American.

That said, please explain your position vis-a-vis Trump and the Constitution.
Nefarious behavior by the state of Hawaii?

Why not?

Why don't you explain how you would run a republic, which is a federation of states, where each moron with a lot of money can simply assert the records from those states are insufficient.

I would run it by constitutional restrictions and mandates, where authority not granted to the federal government by it remains with the states, as was intended from the beginning.

Also, people with no money can also assert falsification of records. You have not explained your claim to constitutional issues.

I would say he demonstrated a disdain for the constitution.

Again, how so?

And given your assertion that he is not American makes it crystal clear that you despise our constitution, too, and think it only applies to white conservatives, apparently.

American is not a skin color, but an idea. He rejects the idea. The Constitution is nothing but an impediment to him.
Great, then show the world where you explained to the world how idiotic Trump’s birther stunt was, and how disgusting states like Arizona and Kansas were for pretending they had a constitutional leg to stand on with regard to the birther issue.

You clearly aren't in favor of respect for the states, as you still pretend Hawaii’s verified state records are not meaningful to you.

You do know that Obama is a natural born citizen, right?

As I said, I could not care less where he was born. Support your claim re: Trump/Constitution.
I did, Trump repeatedly takes credit for getting Obama to show his birth certificate. But he did not. If he had read the constitution, he would know (as you still apparently don't) that as far as Unities States and its citizens were concerned, the birth certificate matter was immutably settled the moment the state of Hawaii verified Obama’s bc on 10/31/2008.

"Settled" is a matter of opinion. Nothing that can be revisited is settled.
Settled" is a matter of opinion. Nothing that can be revisited is settled.
No, settled is a matter of constitutional law.

Just as my freedom of speech is not a matter of opinion, neither is Obama’s place of birth.

That's how laws work. If we had billionaire populist mob rule, few people would want to live here.
Settled" is a matter of opinion. Nothing that can be revisited is settled.
No, settled is a matter of constitutional law.

There is no such thing as "settled law". Recall the amendment process.
I am aware of the amendment process. The notion that you are questioning Article IV, which couldn't possibly be more fundamental to our system of government, merely highlights the contempt you and Trump have for our constitution.

Apparently, you and he like Putisms better, where a petulant, vindictive strong man gets to make up his own rules.

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