There is simply no denying it is time for "common sense" gun laws

A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.

Common sense gun laws is recognizing that wherever guns are banned, tragedy ensues. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensues.

So you believe the federal government should force schools, for example, to allow anyone to walk in and around a school, brandishing a firearm,

and do so unmolested.

Seriously, people, this is what we're up against.
It is telling that you equate "brandishing" with concealed carry. Interesting, but not surprising.
A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.

Common sense gun laws is recognizing that wherever guns are banned, tragedy ensues. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensues.

So you believe the federal government should force schools, for example, to allow anyone to walk in and around a school, brandishing a firearm,

and do so unmolested.

Seriously, people, this is what we're up against.

I think teachers/admin should be able to carry (provided they pass training and prove they're competent mentally and physically with a gun).

Let me ask you this:

I'm teaching a class of 25 students and one of my students stands up with a gun and starts am I supposed to defend my 24 other students in the room?
You're supposed to whip out your cell phone and call 911 while telling the shooter in your most authoritative voice that he is violating school policy and it's going to go on his permanent record.
Shot himseld not someone else and he didn't have a CC permit did he? He was taking a class
And it is clear how unsafe carrying is. Can't even teach it safely.

Yeah real unsafe

It's a fuck of a lot safer than driving

Most these accidental shootings are like people being killed by cars when they are still in the garage. It doesn't happen. Either guns are really dangerous or many gun owners are complete morons.

An accident is an accident it really doesn't matter where it happens

And many is a stretch

0.6% of all accidental deaths are gun related

in 2010 only 600 people died from accidental gunshots.

There are over 100 million gun owners and only 600 accidental gun deaths

so we have a ratio of 100,000,000 to 600 so 6 out of every 1 million gun owners will be involved in an accidental gun death by either being the owner of the weapon that someone else accidentally discharges or that they accidentally discharge themselves

That's .00006% of gun owners

Now THAT is an impressive safety record by any standard

Guns are very simple. Just don't point and pull the trigger. Yet 600 killed and almost 20k injured each year. I am unimpressed.
No actually it is not. People drive many millions of times more than they use guns.

That is a very special kind of ignorance. Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns. Who cares about the miles? They are costing lives. Including children. Which means, you don't give a shit about human life. You give a shit about your irrational fear of an inanimate object.

Of course they kill more, they are used many, many millions of times more. Do you think a pitbull is more dangerous than a tiger? They kill more people.

And drivers deal with high speeds, weather conditions, other drivers, animals in the road... By comparison gun owners can't slowly pull out of the driveway.
All great points. But meaningless. At the end of the day - more people are dying. Do you care about human life or not? If you do - you should really work to ban automobiles first. But lets be honest - because you like automobiles and you rely on automobiles, you could care less that people are dying because of them.

Yes guns serve a purpose and are constantly being made safer. Guns serve no purpose.
Shot himseld not someone else and he didn't have a CC permit did he? He was taking a class
And it is clear how unsafe carrying is. Can't even teach it safely.

Yeah real unsafe

It's a fuck of a lot safer than driving

Most these accidental shootings are like people being killed by cars when they are still in the garage. It doesn't happen. Either guns are really dangerous or many gun owners are complete morons.

An accident is an accident it really doesn't matter where it happens

And many is a stretch

0.6% of all accidental deaths are gun related

in 2010 only 600 people died from accidental gunshots.

There are over 100 million gun owners and only 600 accidental gun deaths

so we have a ratio of 100,000,000 to 600 so 6 out of every 1 million gun owners will be involved in an accidental gun death by either being the owner of the weapon that someone else accidentally discharges or that they accidentally discharge themselves

That's .00006% of gun owners

Now THAT is an impressive safety record by any standard

Guns are very simple. Just don't point and pull the trigger. Yet 600 killed and almost 20k injured each year. I am unimpressed.

Show me any other accident stat with a .00006% death occurrence rate and then show me an expert who says that is not a stellar safety record
Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns.

Damn you gun nutters are stupid. Can't tell the difference in purpose between a car and a gun.
Sure I can. I can tell that automobiles have caused more deaths every single year for nearly a century now. Your frustration over reality is palpable. You're irrational fear over an inanimate object is comical. You're ignorance is tragic.

They are used many millions of times each day... Are you really this stupid?
But lets be honest - because you like automobiles and you rely on automobiles, you could care less that people are dying because of them.

Maybe we should talk billions of dollars put into research to survive car crashes. Amazing safety precautions taken. Manufacturers working all the time to make cars safer.

Now your turn.

What are the gun manufacturers doing to make guns safer? That wasn't done 50 - 75 years ago. I know. A safety. Been around for a long time. What else?
And it is clear how unsafe carrying is. Can't even teach it safely.

Yeah real unsafe

It's a fuck of a lot safer than driving

Most these accidental shootings are like people being killed by cars when they are still in the garage. It doesn't happen. Either guns are really dangerous or many gun owners are complete morons.

An accident is an accident it really doesn't matter where it happens

And many is a stretch

0.6% of all accidental deaths are gun related

in 2010 only 600 people died from accidental gunshots.

There are over 100 million gun owners and only 600 accidental gun deaths

so we have a ratio of 100,000,000 to 600 so 6 out of every 1 million gun owners will be involved in an accidental gun death by either being the owner of the weapon that someone else accidentally discharges or that they accidentally discharge themselves

That's .00006% of gun owners

Now THAT is an impressive safety record by any standard

Guns are very simple. Just don't point and pull the trigger. Yet 600 killed and almost 20k injured each year. I am unimpressed.

Show me any other accident stat with a .00006% death occurrence rate and then show me an expert who says that is not a stellar safety record

First there are not a 100 million gun owners. So your stat is way off. And again guns are very simple. All you have is a trigger to not pull. Yet 600 dead and 20k injured.
But lets be honest - because you like automobiles and you rely on automobiles, you could care less that people are dying because of them.

Maybe we should talk billions of dollars put into research to survive car crashes. Amazing safety precautions taken. Manufacturers working all the time to make cars safer.

Now your turn.

What are the gun manufacturers doing to make guns safer? That wasn't done 50 - 75 years ago. I know. A safety. Been around for a long time. What else?

Many carry guns don't even have safeties.
Yeah real unsafe

It's a fuck of a lot safer than driving

Most these accidental shootings are like people being killed by cars when they are still in the garage. It doesn't happen. Either guns are really dangerous or many gun owners are complete morons.

An accident is an accident it really doesn't matter where it happens

And many is a stretch

0.6% of all accidental deaths are gun related

in 2010 only 600 people died from accidental gunshots.

There are over 100 million gun owners and only 600 accidental gun deaths

so we have a ratio of 100,000,000 to 600 so 6 out of every 1 million gun owners will be involved in an accidental gun death by either being the owner of the weapon that someone else accidentally discharges or that they accidentally discharge themselves

That's .00006% of gun owners

Now THAT is an impressive safety record by any standard

Guns are very simple. Just don't point and pull the trigger. Yet 600 killed and almost 20k injured each year. I am unimpressed.

Show me any other accident stat with a .00006% death occurrence rate and then show me an expert who says that is not a stellar safety record

First there are not a 100 million gun owners. So your stat is way off. And again guns are very simple. All you have is a trigger to not pull. Yet 600 dead and 20k injured.
One in Three Americans Own Guns; Culture a Factor, Study Finds

one in 3

Over 350000000 people in the US

Therefore more than 100 000 000 own guns
Skull. You ain't doing good here today.

The second amendment intended to fill a need by granting a right.

The fact you can't contest that proves I am RIGHT.
Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns.

Damn you gun nutters are stupid. Can't tell the difference in purpose between a car and a gun.
Sure I can. I can tell that automobiles have caused more deaths every single year for nearly a century now. Your frustration over reality is palpable. You're irrational fear over an inanimate object is comical. You're ignorance is tragic.
Society has determined that it is worth the loss of tens of thousands of lives every year for the sole purpose of being able to drive fast.
Nah, the Constitution is enough common sense for me. But i'll give the OP a chance to give us his or her's interpretation of what 'Common Sense' means. I'll also await the list of specific new laws they're proposing.
No actually it is not. People drive many millions of times more than they use guns.

That is a very special kind of ignorance. Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns. Who cares about the miles? They are costing lives. Including children. Which means, you don't give a shit about human life. You give a shit about your irrational fear of an inanimate object.

Of course they kill more, they are used many, many millions of times more. Do you think a pitbull is more dangerous than a tiger? They kill more people.

And drivers deal with high speeds, weather conditions, other drivers, animals in the road... By comparison gun owners can't slowly pull out of the driveway.
All great points. But meaningless. At the end of the day - more people are dying. Do you care about human life or not? If you do - you should really work to ban automobiles first. But lets be honest - because you like automobiles and you rely on automobiles, you could care less that people are dying because of them.

Yes guns serve a purpose and are constantly being made safer. Guns serve no purpose.
Ludicrous. They serve no purpose in YOUR mind. Not the same as serve no purpose. I think you're just flailing now.
But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

I thought you said Jesus said that? No direct quotes from Jesus eh? I am so surprised. And was it the AR that Jesus liked or not?
What if he preferred the AK 47. What would that mean?

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