There is simply no denying it is time for "common sense" gun laws

But lets be honest - because you like automobiles and you rely on automobiles, you could care less that people are dying because of them.

Maybe we should talk billions of dollars put into research to survive car crashes. Amazing safety precautions taken. Manufacturers working all the time to make cars safer.

Now your turn.

What are the gun manufacturers doing to make guns safer? That wasn't done 50 - 75 years ago. I know. A safety. Been around for a long time. What else?

Many carry guns don't even have safeties.
Most these accidental shootings are like people being killed by cars when they are still in the garage. It doesn't happen. Either guns are really dangerous or many gun owners are complete morons.

An accident is an accident it really doesn't matter where it happens

And many is a stretch

0.6% of all accidental deaths are gun related

in 2010 only 600 people died from accidental gunshots.

There are over 100 million gun owners and only 600 accidental gun deaths

so we have a ratio of 100,000,000 to 600 so 6 out of every 1 million gun owners will be involved in an accidental gun death by either being the owner of the weapon that someone else accidentally discharges or that they accidentally discharge themselves

That's .00006% of gun owners

Now THAT is an impressive safety record by any standard

Guns are very simple. Just don't point and pull the trigger. Yet 600 killed and almost 20k injured each year. I am unimpressed.

Show me any other accident stat with a .00006% death occurrence rate and then show me an expert who says that is not a stellar safety record

First there are not a 100 million gun owners. So your stat is way off. And again guns are very simple. All you have is a trigger to not pull. Yet 600 dead and 20k injured.
One in Three Americans Own Guns; Culture a Factor, Study Finds

one in 3

Over 350000000 people in the US

Therefore more than 100 000 000 own guns

Gun Ownership Drops in US, but Support for Gun Rights Grows
Really dude. If there wasnt a NEED, why was the RIGHT put into the Bill of Rights?
You try and answer that simple question. Then we can move on to your childish assertions.

I don't have a need for a machete, but I have the RIGHT to own one, and no one has the RIGHT to tell me I can't buy one. That RIGHT can be stripped away by those who want to exert power over me, of course.

I don't need a jet ski, a parachute, a crossbow, rat poison, or a double-bladed axe, but I have the RIGHT to buy any of those, and no one has the RIGHT to tell me I can't buy one. That RIGHT can be stripped away by those who want to exert power over me, of course.

Our self-serving millionaire politicians do not NEED two homes, all the perks they have, and all the money they have decided to pay themselves, but it is their RIGHT to have all of that. It CAN be taken away from them.

The scary thing is often who decides WHO 'deserves' or 'needs' what. Several years ago one female Democrat (might have been Maxine Waters) declare she thought the Federal Government should be the one to decide how much money is 'enough' for Americans and everything over that amount should be taken by the federal government. You talk about 'SCARY'....
But lets be honest - because you like automobiles and you rely on automobiles, you could care less that people are dying because of them.

Maybe we should talk billions of dollars put into research to survive car crashes. Amazing safety precautions taken. Manufacturers working all the time to make cars safer.

Now your turn.

What are the gun manufacturers doing to make guns safer? That wasn't done 50 - 75 years ago. I know. A safety. Been around for a long time. What else?

Many carry guns don't even have safeties.
Safeties. Yay or Nay? | United States Concealed Carry Association

Currently, the most popular auto-pistols for carry are “striker-fired” guns: Glocks, Springfield XDs, Smith and Wesson M&Ps, and others. Although these guns do have various “passive” safety features, they generally have no manual safeties (except on models required by some police departments).
Why would you want to live in a country where you think this is necessary? America is really fucked if all of this is necessary.
I don't think this is necessary - I know it is. The data proves it. And it's 100% necessary in any country. There are bad people in the world. It's a simple reality. It's time to stop living in la-la land and embrace reality. That is, unless one values ideology over human life.
I live in a civilized country where very few people carry guns. You are the one in La La Land. Wake up.
Yeah....very few people carry guns and many are raped, assaulted, and/or murdered. Bad people exist. It's an undeniable fact.
Not true, just convenient to your delusion.
Absolutely true. And at the end of the day - it is my God-given right to carry a firearm. So your opinion on the matter is completely irrelevant.
Since there is no God, then you do not have that right.
I don't think this is necessary - I know it is. The data proves it. And it's 100% necessary in any country. There are bad people in the world. It's a simple reality. It's time to stop living in la-la land and embrace reality. That is, unless one values ideology over human life.
I live in a civilized country where very few people carry guns. You are the one in La La Land. Wake up.
Yeah....very few people carry guns and many are raped, assaulted, and/or murdered. Bad people exist. It's an undeniable fact.
Not true, just convenient to your delusion.
Absolutely true. And at the end of the day - it is my God-given right to carry a firearm. So your opinion on the matter is completely irrelevant.

See how God helps you if your gun possession is illegal.
The Orlando shooter thought it was his god given right to kill those people.
Since there is no God, then you do not have that right.

Yes is a real mensa candidate. The entire universe was the result of one giant, inexplicable "explosion". And every delicate balance was just one big accident. :lol:
I live in a civilized country where very few people carry guns. You are the one in La La Land. Wake up.
Yeah....very few people carry guns and many are raped, assaulted, and/or murdered. Bad people exist. It's an undeniable fact.
Not true, just convenient to your delusion.
Absolutely true. And at the end of the day - it is my God-given right to carry a firearm. So your opinion on the matter is completely irrelevant.

See how God helps you if your gun possession is illegal.
The Orlando shooter thought it was his god given right to kill those people.
Key word is "thought". Just like you think you know what you're talking about when you clearly don't. Sadly, the world is full of people like you. Blind and ignorant, but convincing themselves they know something that just isn't true.
See how God helps you if your gun possession is illegal.

It will never be "illegal" because I have a God-given right to own and carry firearms. Period. I don't answer to libtards. I answer to God.

Quote where the bible mentions firearms.
Jesus said to carry a sword. A firearm is the modern day equivalent
Since there is no God, then you do not have that right.

Since you operate on the same intellectual level as the average 4-year old, then you do not have an opinion. At least, not one that matters.

You've got the baseless personal insult mastered. Try something a bit more difficult.
Anyone with a fucking brain knows if they have any sort of police record involving any sort of physical violence one of the first things they are told is: "This means who may not own any firearms".
How many of these people would then go into a store/gun show and attempt to buy a legal firearm? Fucking GOLD STAR!!!!! NO ONE!!!!!!!

Stores aren't where the loopholes are fuckwit.
So put up where I used the word "loophole". You can' because I did not use the word.
I was referring to the FACT that no one who knows they are prohibited from possessing a firearm is going to be dumb enough to go to a licensed firearm seller, who they know by law must do a background check, and attempt to purchase a legal firearm.

Which has nothing to do with loopholes. The loophole is that the guy can go to YOU and buy a gun with NO background check.

Why is it so important to you to keep that loophole open?
So now explain how anyone is going to 'close' the 'loophole' AKA going into any inner city negro shithole and buying as many illegal firearms as they can afford from the gang bangers.
Close THAT loophole if you can.
That loophole is big enough to fit Hillary's ass through.
No law abiding citizen is going to go into that shithole and buy an illegal firearm. They never need to. They can just go to any gun store and buy a legal firearm.

If you make a private sale to an ineligible purchaser when it's required you make a background check, and you don't, you have committed a crime.

That's the point of closing the loophole. To make harder for the ineligible to make a purchase.
So how the fuck could that ludicrous fantasy work?
Yesterday even the fucking DEMs voted NO! to close the so-called 'loophole'.
So when I want to sell my grandfather's old Navy revolver to my neighbor I'm somehow supposed to do a fucking 'background check' on him first.
Don't you see how fucking dumb that is?
"Hello? Is this the FBI? This is Bob Jones calling. I have an old Navy revolver I inherited from my grandfather. My neighbor Bill Smith wants to buy it. Would you mind running a background check on him to see if he's allowed to posses a firearm? I don't mind holding if it won't take too long. I have fresh pasta in the boiling water".
That's EXACTLY what the gun grabbers are trying to put into law.
We have seen it far too often. Way too many tragic and unnecessary deaths. We have reached the point that no honest person could deny that it is time for "common sense" gun laws. Barack Obama has preached this for 8 straight years now and he has been right all along.

Wherever guns are banned (public schools, universities, movie theaters, etc.) - horrific tragedy ensues. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, police departments, NRA meetings, etc.) peace and security ensues. Anybody with "common sense" would look at the indisputable reality and immediately implement "common sense" gun laws which would permit firearms everywhere, all the time. Fully automatic weapons in every building (just the Secret Service has while the president is in public). Teachers with guns on them. College students conceal carrying.

Anybody who doesn't support these basic "common sense" gun laws clearly isn't interested in public safety, preserving human life, or security. Instead they are simply interested in control. This one is so obvious - both sides can agree on it. Again - unless someone is more interested in a control/oppression agenda.
You people are so far up your own asses. Don't you see how ridiculous your logic is? Ok you want more "good guys" with guns but you fail to realize that by arming everyone you are only increasing the risk of more nut jobs getting guns. It's such a brainless idea.

And let's examine the "good guy" scenario. Many concealed carried people may have good intentions, but many of them probably know next to nothing about gun safety. How do you think that would turn out?

I've had more training than most police on the street. How much do you suppose I need?
I never said there weren't trained gun owners. I'm saying that many aren't. There are douche bags who own a gun simply because they think they're badasses. Many of them probably wouldn't have the sack to actually take down an active shooter anyway.
And how many owners hold CC permits? The one set contains the other, but the sets are not equivalent.

Indeed. Virginia is awash in firearms, but less than half a million have carry permits.
But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

I thought you said Jesus said that? No direct quotes from Jesus eh? I am so surprised. And was it the AR that Jesus liked or not?
What if he preferred the AK 47. What would that mean?

For fuck sake it's a quote from the bible you MORON oh wait i bet you think because it's a verse from the book of Luke that Luke said it right?


And last time I checked there were no firearms in biblical times.
An accident is an accident it really doesn't matter where it happens

And many is a stretch

0.6% of all accidental deaths are gun related

in 2010 only 600 people died from accidental gunshots.

There are over 100 million gun owners and only 600 accidental gun deaths

so we have a ratio of 100,000,000 to 600 so 6 out of every 1 million gun owners will be involved in an accidental gun death by either being the owner of the weapon that someone else accidentally discharges or that they accidentally discharge themselves

That's .00006% of gun owners

Now THAT is an impressive safety record by any standard

Guns are very simple. Just don't point and pull the trigger. Yet 600 killed and almost 20k injured each year. I am unimpressed.

Show me any other accident stat with a .00006% death occurrence rate and then show me an expert who says that is not a stellar safety record

First there are not a 100 million gun owners. So your stat is way off. And again guns are very simple. All you have is a trigger to not pull. Yet 600 dead and 20k injured.
One in Three Americans Own Guns; Culture a Factor, Study Finds

one in 3

Over 350000000 people in the US

Therefore more than 100 000 000 own guns

Gun Ownership Drops in US, but Support for Gun Rights Grows

So in the past more than one in 3 owned a gun now it's one in 3
Guns are very simple. Just don't point and pull the trigger. Yet 600 killed and almost 20k injured each year. I am unimpressed.

Show me any other accident stat with a .00006% death occurrence rate and then show me an expert who says that is not a stellar safety record

First there are not a 100 million gun owners. So your stat is way off. And again guns are very simple. All you have is a trigger to not pull. Yet 600 dead and 20k injured.
One in Three Americans Own Guns; Culture a Factor, Study Finds

one in 3

Over 350000000 people in the US

Therefore more than 100 000 000 own guns

Gun Ownership Drops in US, but Support for Gun Rights Grows

So in the past more than one in 3 owned a gun now it's one in 3

Households moron.

Gun ownership has decreased among all age, race and gender groups since 1973. At its peak in that time frame, in 1977, 50.4 percent of households had guns. By 2014, just 31 percent of households did.
Show me any other accident stat with a .00006% death occurrence rate and then show me an expert who says that is not a stellar safety record

First there are not a 100 million gun owners. So your stat is way off. And again guns are very simple. All you have is a trigger to not pull. Yet 600 dead and 20k injured.
One in Three Americans Own Guns; Culture a Factor, Study Finds

one in 3

Over 350000000 people in the US

Therefore more than 100 000 000 own guns

Gun Ownership Drops in US, but Support for Gun Rights Grows

So in the past more than one in 3 owned a gun now it's one in 3

Households moron.

Gun ownership has decreased among all age, race and gender groups since 1973. At its peak in that time frame, in 1977, 50.4 percent of households had guns. By 2014, just 31 percent of households did.

Of course it has, and we currently enjoy a 5% unemployment rate. :laugh:
But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

I thought you said Jesus said that? No direct quotes from Jesus eh? I am so surprised. And was it the AR that Jesus liked or not?
What if he preferred the AK 47. What would that mean?

For fuck sake it's a quote from the bible you MORON oh wait i bet you think because it's a verse from the book of Luke that Luke said it right?


And last time I checked there were no firearms in biblical times.
You'll have to forgive Wilbur, SP. He's about as bright as a broken lightbulb.
But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

I thought you said Jesus said that? No direct quotes from Jesus eh? I am so surprised. And was it the AR that Jesus liked or not?
What if he preferred the AK 47. What would that mean?

For fuck sake it's a quote from the bible you MORON oh wait i bet you think because it's a verse from the book of Luke that Luke said it right?


And last time I checked there were no firearms in biblical times.
You'll have to forgive Wilbur, SP. He's about as bright as a broken lightbulb.
Shit I'm am atheist and I know how bible verses work
Conservative hero Bill O'Reilly:

“There is too much gun crime in the USA, and high-powered weaponry is too easy to get,” O’Reilly said.

O’Reilly and others seem to consider the AR-15 as a heavy weapon. “That’s the fact. So let’s deal with it. We all have the right to bear arms, but we don’t have the right to buy and maintain mortars. Even if you feel threatened by gangsters or a New World Order. No bazookas, no Sherman tanks, no hand grenades,” O’Reilly said.

Implying Congress does indeed have the power to act, O’Reilly said, “That’s because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias, made up of individuals. They have that right in the name of public safety. Therefore, Congress should debate what kind of weapons should be available for public sale.”

An M2 is a heavy weapon an AR-15 is not. I find it hilarious when you lefties immediately quote someone you loath because occasionally they say something you agree with. Mr. O'Reilly should not comment on things he knows nothing about until he can get his facts straight.

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