There is simply no denying it is time for "common sense" gun laws

See how God helps you if your gun possession is illegal.

It will never be "illegal" because I have a God-given right to own and carry firearms. Period. I don't answer to libtards. I answer to God.

Quote where the bible mentions firearms.
Where it talks about self-defense junior. And it does so in multiple cases. Let me guess - you never read the bible but you thought it would be wise to challenge what it says? Don't become a lawyer junior... :lmao:

Quote where it mentions firearms.
I just did junior. You lose. Next time - it would be wise to know the answer before you ask the question if you're looking for that "gotcha" moment. Now you just look stupid.


You didn't quote the bible dipshit.
No actually it is not. People drive many millions of times more than they use guns.

That is a very special kind of ignorance. Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns. Who cares about the miles? They are costing lives. Including children. Which means, you don't give a shit about human life. You give a shit about your irrational fear of an inanimate object.

Of course they kill more, they are used many, many millions of times more. Do you think a pitbull is more dangerous than a tiger? They kill more people.

And drivers deal with high speeds, weather conditions, other drivers, animals in the road... By comparison gun owners can't slowly pull out of the driveway.
You lose. Next time - it would be wise to know the answer before you ask the question if you're looking for that "gotcha" moment. Now you just look stupid.

Guns in the Bible eh? Sure there are dude..sure there are.

I believe I read where a Philistine was killed by a mussie loader in like 25ad. But I could be mis remembering.
We have seen it far too often. Way too many tragic and unnecessary deaths. We have reached the point that no honest person could deny that it is time for "common sense" gun laws. Barack Obama has preached this for 8 straight years now and he has been right all along.

Wherever guns are banned (public schools, universities, movie theaters, etc.) - horrific tragedy ensues. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, police departments, NRA meetings, etc.) peace and security ensues. Anybody with "common sense" would look at the indisputable reality and immediately implement "common sense" gun laws which would permit firearms everywhere, all the time. Fully automatic weapons in every building (just the Secret Service has while the president is in public). Teachers with guns on them. College students conceal carrying.

Anybody who doesn't support these basic "common sense" gun laws clearly isn't interested in public safety, preserving human life, or security. Instead they are simply interested in control. This one is so obvious - both sides can agree on it. Again - unless someone is more interested in a control/oppression agenda.
You people are so far up your own asses. Don't you see how ridiculous your logic is? Ok you want more "good guys" with guns but you fail to realize that by arming everyone you are only increasing the risk of more nut jobs getting guns. It's such a brainless idea.

And let's examine the "good guy" scenario. Many concealed carried people may have good intentions, but many of them probably know next to nothing about gun safety. How do you think that would turn out?

I've had more training than most police on the street. How much do you suppose I need?
I never said there weren't trained gun owners. I'm saying that many aren't. There are douche bags who own a gun simply because they think they're badasses. Many of them probably wouldn't have the sack to actually take down an active shooter anyway.
And how many owners hold CC permits? The one set contains the other, but the sets are not equivalent.
Shot himseld not someone else and he didn't have a CC permit did he? He was taking a class
And it is clear how unsafe carrying is. Can't even teach it safely.

Yeah real unsafe

It's a fuck of a lot safer than driving

Most these accidental shootings are like people being killed by cars when they are still in the garage. It doesn't happen. Either guns are really dangerous or many gun owners are complete morons.

An accident is an accident it really doesn't matter where it happens

And many is a stretch

0.6% of all accidental deaths are gun related

in 2010 only 600 people died from accidental gunshots.

There are over 100 million gun owners and only 600 accidental gun deaths

so we have a ratio of 100,000,000 to 600 so 6 out of every 1 million gun owners will be involved in an accidental gun death by either being the owner of the weapon that someone else accidentally discharges or that they accidentally discharge themselves

That's .00006% of gun owners

Now THAT is an impressive safety record by any standard
Again she didn't shoot someone her kid did because she didn't secure her weapon and was she legally carrying?
She was legal and the kid could have shot anyone. Not safe.

But she didn't

Could have would have should haves don't count

The mom died moron. How did her carrying make anyone safer?
People die from doing stupid things all the time. A lot more people die from other accidents than they do from accidental gun shots

We don't need morons who shoot themselves and others in schools.

It's not up to you to tell people what they do and do not need
That is a very special kind of ignorance. Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns. Who cares about the miles? They are costing lives. Including children. Which means, you don't give a shit about human life. You give a shit about your irrational fear of an inanimate object.

Did God tell you all the above?
No actually it is not. People drive many millions of times more than they use guns.

That is a very special kind of ignorance. Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns. Who cares about the miles? They are costing lives. Including children. Which means, you don't give a shit about human life. You give a shit about your irrational fear of an inanimate object.

Of course they kill more, they are used many, many millions of times more. Do you think a pitbull is more dangerous than a tiger? They kill more people.

And drivers deal with high speeds, weather conditions, other drivers, animals in the road... By comparison gun owners can't slowly pull out of the driveway.
All great points. But meaningless. At the end of the day - more people are dying. Do you care about human life or not? If you do - you should really work to ban automobiles first. But lets be honest - because you like automobiles and you rely on automobiles, you could care less that people are dying because of them.
That is a very special kind of ignorance. Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns. Who cares about the miles? They are costing lives. Including children. Which means, you don't give a shit about human life. You give a shit about your irrational fear of an inanimate object.

Did God tell you all the above?
Nope. Common sense did. Something the left sorely lacks (unfortunately).
I don't care how many times people rightfully use their guns in self defense. And it doesn't matter. How many times do you exercise your 5th amendment rights?

There isn't a true "need" then. Just the desire to exercise a right that didn't really exist in its current form till the asshole Scalia fucked things up big time.

Is that what you are saying..LMAO.

Since when does a right require a need?

You don't need to be able to type shit on the web do you? No you don't
I don't care how many times people rightfully use their guns in self defense. And it doesn't matter. How many times do you exercise your 5th amendment rights?

There isn't a true "need" then. Just the desire to exercise a right that didn't really exist in its current form till the asshole Scalia fucked things up big time.

Is that what you are saying..LMAO.

Well I've owned a weapon since I was 16 an that was before Heller
Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns.

Damn you gun nutters are stupid. Can't tell the difference in purpose between a car and a gun.
Sure I can. I can tell that automobiles have caused more deaths every single year for nearly a century now. Your frustration over reality is palpable. You're irrational fear over an inanimate object is comical. You're ignorance is tragic.
Automobiles cause more deaths every single year for about a century now than guns.

Damn you gun nutters are stupid. Can't tell the difference in purpose between a car and a gun.
It doesn't matter the purpose.

Drivers are far less safe than gun owners
How can you not love libtard "logic". In their mind, it doesn't matter how many people die. It only matter is they like the inanimate object or if they fear the inanimate object. :eusa_doh:
Since when does a right require a need?

Since the 2nd A was written.

Are you really this obtuse?

Why do you think the second amend..was put into the Bill of RIGHTS.
Fucking because they felt there was a NEED for that amendment.
You can't be as dumb as you seem to be on here.
You're insinuating that the same party that tried to make it illegal for Americans to buy 'missiles' and then attempted to sneak into that same legislation their attempt to classify certain types of ammo as 'missiles' is actually capable of 'common sense' gun legislation?!


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