There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats

"There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats"

Yes, we call it "being educated" and "caring about other people", two ideas which, understandably, seem foreign and scary to you.

That is, Unless. . .

Unless they are "other people" who are small, underdeveloped and otherwise inconvenient.

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"There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats"

Yes, we call it "being educated" and "caring about other people", two ideas which, understandably, seem foreign and scary to you.

Unless. . . they are "other people" who are small, underdeveloped and otherwise inconvenient.


The far left just politically enslaves them, so no need to worry!
"There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats"

Yes, we call it "being educated" and "caring about other people", two ideas which, understandably, seem foreign and scary to you.

Unless. . . they are "other people" who are small, underdeveloped and otherwise inconvenient.


The far left just politically enslaves them, so no need to worry!

Dimz Mentality
No personhood = no victim.
Problem solved.
We have killed "the top terrorist" on the planet 50 times now. How do we determine when we win?

We win when everyone decides they don't want to be the "top terrorist."

Not like we're going to run out of Javelins or Hellfire missiles anytime soon.

We decide who is the "top terrorist".

Only by not killing them as they rise the ladder of importance.

Kinda like Obama did, actually.
We have killed "the top terrorist" on the planet 50 times now. How do we determine when we win?

We win when everyone decides they don't want to be the "top terrorist."

Not like we're going to run out of Javelins or Hellfire missiles anytime soon.

We decide who is the "top terrorist".

Only by not killing them as they rise the ladder of importance.

Kinda like Obama did, actually.
If it was 1943 they’d be screaming murder that Yamamoto was killed.
We have killed "the top terrorist" on the planet 50 times now. How do we determine when we win?

We win when everyone decides they don't want to be the "top terrorist."

Not like we're going to run out of Javelins or Hellfire missiles anytime soon.

We decide who is the "top terrorist".

Only by not killing them as they rise the ladder of importance.

Kinda like Obama did, actually.

Obama was a failure ........if you want to go there, fine with me.
Democrats have always been anti-America since 1860
Can you cite where the founders argued what being American meant? Just curious- if one from the 1860's had to be called out I'd go with Lincoln first, who usurped the constitution and his authority setting a precedent for ALL who came after him- then Jackson- see, I thought the founders signed the Declaration of Independence agreeing to it's wording- most importantly; ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- I don't see a caveat in all. Do you?

America touts itself as being Free- free is unencumbered- it's not Party specific- the founders believed that foreign entanglements were not a good idea- Jefferson and Washington can both be quoted in that regard- were they not American enough for Republicans?

I know both sides rely heavily on hyperbole which accomplishes little to bring about unity- you know, United States-
When loyalty to a Party is what determines being an American is it's a sure sign for modern times, it ain't.
Democrats have always been anti-America since 1860
Can you cite where the founders argued what being American meant? Just curious- if one from the 1860's had to be called out I'd go with Lincoln first, who usurped the constitution and his authority setting a precedent for ALL who came after him- then Jackson- see, I thought the founders signed the Declaration of Independence agreeing to it's wording- most importantly; ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- I don't see a caveat in all. Do you?

America touts itself as being Free- free is unencumbered- it's not Party specific- the founders believed that foreign entanglements were not a good idea- Jefferson and Washington can both be quoted in that regard- were they not American enough for Republicans?

I know both sides rely heavily on hyperbole which accomplishes little to bring about unity- you know, United States-
When loyalty to a Party is what determines being an American is it's a sure sign for modern times, it ain't.
Can you cite where the founders argued what being American meant?

They never argued about it. It’s all documented in the Declaration of Independence
We have killed "the top terrorist" on the planet 50 times now. How do we determine when we win?

You never win, you only contain.

All that is needed for democrats to win, is for good men to do nothing. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
They took up for China over the takes some kind of brainwashing to turn Americas against their own Country.

No one, not even the democrats took up for China, dude. The democrats and us REAL conservatives, exposed the propaganda Trump was spewing about the "trade deficit." Which wasn't about money. It was SOLELY about how much more Americans buy from China, than they buy from us. It's called a "free market economy". on a global scale
IF Trump and the rest of the DC thugs wanted to keep jobs here, they'd do something about the value of our dollar. Trumps not smart enough to even know how or why $8hr here is a poverty wage, and why it's a middle class wage in China.

$5 says you don't know either.

Tell you what Mr., how about you get a huge loan from a US bank, open up a factory and pay your employee's $2hr. When no one shows up to work, maybe you'll understand the delima.
Clue: It's not that Americans have to make so much money to life half way decent. It's because the USD is over inflated. And who's fault is that? It's the governments fault for allowing the Fed to fck with our dollar value. Even though, the United States Constitution gives that authority to the congress.

BTW, it takes two birds to fly. I'm not taking up for the democrats. Because they're just as guilty as the right. But when those on the right refuse to hold their own accountable for the inactions, mistakes or deliberate wrong doings, then there's something wrong with them. Maybe they're ignorant to what's really going on. Maybe they don't really wanna know what's going on, and just blame the "other guys." Either way, one side blaming the other, without understanding what they're blaming, is just stupid and partisan. You know, like the impeachment.
We have killed "the top terrorist" on the planet 50 times now. How do we determine when we win?

You never win, you only contain.

All that is needed for democrats to win, is for good men to do nothing. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

When are you going to start paying for this eternal vigilance?
As soon as I stop paying for babies to have their limbs ripped off.

No, you aren't paying for that. That's a part of my question. Your "eternal vigilance" has saw thousands of babies killed.

When are you going to start paying?
We have killed "the top terrorist" on the planet 50 times now. How do we determine when we win?

You never win, you only contain.

All that is needed for democrats to win, is for good men to do nothing. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

When are you going to start paying for this eternal vigilance?
As soon as I stop paying for babies to have their limbs ripped off.

You realized Trump funded Planned Parenthood, right? Just sayin.
We have killed "the top terrorist" on the planet 50 times now. How do we determine when we win?

You never win, you only contain.

All that is needed for democrats to win, is for good men to do nothing. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

When are you going to start paying for this eternal vigilance?

Every day when I expose you and your fellow Stalinists.

I'm a Stalinist for wanting the debt addressed?

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