there should be a background check before the NRA can buy a Politician

the NRA spent more than $30 million supporting Trump, more money than any other outside group and double what it spent to support Low Energy Mitt Romney's run against Obama. that money paid for 10,000 negative ads attack Secretary Clinton in battleground states.

i'm not asking to repeal the 2nd Amendment, i don't think we should take away your guns. i just dont wanna be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the 1st place!

Ha ha basquebromance
you had me at your subject line. Good one!
Was that yours or did you get that from someone else?

The key is
1. not taking the 2nd Amendment out of context with enforcing
the REST of the Bill of Rights, so that guns are only used for defending laws not violating
them, including not abusing weapons to deprive people
of life liberty or property without "due process" (ie no murder, robbery or other crimes
that violate equal civil rights of others), or for violating right to security in our persons
houses and effects, or causing a breach or disturbance of the peace in violation of
the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble.

So if people want to invoke the 2nd Amendment, this must be made clear
it is connected with respecting the rest of the Constitutional laws and equal protections.

2. proper screening for anyone who is so mentally incapable of complying with civil laws
and authority, they pose a health and safety threat to themselves or others.

The most effective methods I have found for detecting, treating and curing
such conditions in advance BEFORE this escalates to deadly dangers
is spiritual healing therapy that has been applied to curing schizophrenia and other mental
illness, as well as physical diseases in some cases.

Killing people off for having deadly or dangerous diseases never cured the cause of leprosy or AIDS.
If we treat mental and criminal illness like other deadly diseases
which have a cause and cure, one day we can improve the recovery and cure rate
as with cases of diabetes and cancer that are treatable by early intervention.

We don't wait until someone dies of these diseases to begin treatment.
At first sign of disorder, the sooner the spiritual healing process is applied, the better the results.

That's what I recommend:
To implement district wide education and training on civil laws and procedures,
so everyone communitywide knows and agrees to comply with the same rules.
And this would naturally involve and enable screening out of anyone with
disabilities or disorders rendering them at risk of not being able to comply,
and thus requiring special assistance, counseling, supervision, guardianship or detention in cases
of extremely dangerous illness.

If we streamline the process as public legal education and medical screening,
then it doesn't have to involve "criminalizing" people and fighting to deprive or defend rights.

by teaching basic law enforcement to everyone as a uniform civic standard,
this automatically flags anyone with problems respecting the law, authority or rights of others.
people don't remember that he Brady Bill required background checks on gun purchases at federally licensed firearms dealers. that law stopped 2 million purchases by convicted felons, domestic abusers, and fugitives. the NRA funded an intense backlash to the Brady Bill and helped defeat all the Democrats in the 94 wave. then in 2000, the NRA took down Al Gore.

after that, it became conventional wisdom that it was safer for Democrats to say nothing at all about guns and hope the NRA stay away. no more, folks, no more!
She lost control of her son and he turned into a violent thug.....she is lucky he didn't go on to commit murder...he almost murdered Zimmeran......

what about the kid named Dontre who was killed in 2014, shot more than a dozen times by a police officer in Milwaukee after a scuffle in a public park, where he had fallen asleep on a bench.

And every day Americans use their legal guns to stop violent criminals and to save lives......on average 1,500,000 times a year......rapes, robberies and murders stopped....

Is there a reason you keep listing shootings where the mintority involved failed to obey the police?

i am thinking Blair Holt, who was a WHITE music loving high school student on the honor roll. he was planning to go to college to study business, to accomplish his big dream of being in the music industry.

in 2007, Blair was riding a public bus from school to his grandparent's store. a young gang member opened fire on a group of teenagers, aiming for someone in a rival gang. a friend sitting next to Blair jumped up to run to the back of the bus, but Blair pushed him back into the seat. Blair saved his life, but was killed himself in the process.

now, that's not a "mintority"!

Blair Holt.....wasn't a white kid....the kid who shot him wasn't white.....

Your point?

my point is that actually, guns do kill people.

your right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh my right to live. the adults have failed the students. it's in their hands now. and if any politician gets in their way, the students will vote them out! OUT!

if a politician is not part of the solution, then they're the problem!

Considering that your right to own a knife does not outweigh my Right to live, we need to ban knives....according to your logic, if you can ban 8 million rifles because a handful are misused to commit murder, then we need to ban knives which are used to murder more people every single year than AR-15 civilian rifles are.....

That is your logic....
She lost control of her son and he turned into a violent thug.....she is lucky he didn't go on to commit murder...he almost murdered Zimmeran......

what about the kid named Dontre who was killed in 2014, shot more than a dozen times by a police officer in Milwaukee after a scuffle in a public park, where he had fallen asleep on a bench.

And every day Americans use their legal guns to stop violent criminals and to save lives......on average 1,500,000 times a year......rapes, robberies and murders stopped....

Is there a reason you keep listing shootings where the mintority involved failed to obey the police?

i am thinking Blair Holt, who was a WHITE music loving high school student on the honor roll. he was planning to go to college to study business, to accomplish his big dream of being in the music industry.

in 2007, Blair was riding a public bus from school to his grandparent's store. a young gang member opened fire on a group of teenagers, aiming for someone in a rival gang. a friend sitting next to Blair jumped up to run to the back of the bus, but Blair pushed him back into the seat. Blair saved his life, but was killed himself in the process.

now, that's not a "mintority"!

Blair Holt.....wasn't a white kid....the kid who shot him wasn't white.....

Your point?

my point is that actually, guns do kill people.

your right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh my right to live. the adults have failed the students. it's in their hands now. and if any politician gets in their way, the students will vote them out! OUT!

if a politician is not part of the solution, then they're the problem!

The AR-15 is not a military weapon, it is a civilian weapon...and kills fewer people every single year than knives, hammers and empty hands do....and a lot less than cars do........
Sybrina and her husband had to listen to their son's killer tell the press "they didn't raise their son right" and later make a fortune auctioning off the gun that killed Trayvon.

we need better laws. if there's a crime, there should be accountability, whether you wear blue jeans, a blue business suit, or a blue police uniform. we need accountability across the board. we're not getting that. think that Trayvon should have gone to jail for the crimes he committed when he lived with his mother? That would have stopped him from violently attacking Zimmerman, so I do see your point.....
people don't remember that he Brady Bill required background checks on gun purchases at federally licensed firearms dealers. that law stopped 2 million purchases by convicted felons, domestic abusers, and fugitives. the NRA funded an intense backlash to the Brady Bill and helped defeat all the Democrats in the 94 wave. then in 2000, the NRA took down Al Gore.

after that, it became conventional wisdom that it was safer for Democrats to say nothing at all about guns and hope the NRA stay away. no more, folks, no more!

No...that is stopped initial purchases of guns which later went through after the screw up was fixed for the buyer....who was falsely identified because they had a name similar to an actual felon...the felon who bought their gun through a straw buyer and had no problem getting their gun immediately....

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
the NRA spent more than $30 million supporting Trump, more money than any other outside group and double what it spent to support Low Energy Mitt Romney's run against Obama. that money paid for 10,000 negative ads attack Secretary Clinton in battleground states.

i'm not asking to repeal the 2nd Amendment, i don't think we should take away your guns. i just dont wanna be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the 1st place!
/——/ there should be a background check before the Teachers Union can buy a Politician

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