There should be a law that Congress must know what’s in a bill before they vote!

The vast majority of that is for the military and for providing support for the illegals.

And 300 more border agents?! Are you kidding me? The are hiring 86,000 more IRS agents to track down and harass small business owners while hiring only 300 more border agents?

They are overwhelmed after Biden has invited all these low-life illegals in, and will be more so after he lifts Title 42. We need at least 10,000 more border agents, and more likely 20,000.
I suggest you write your representative or better yet run for office..
I suggest you write your representative or better yet run for office..
I’ve written my representative before, believe me. He’s a Democrat who ignores his Republican constituents. I get a form email back weeks later that doesn’t address what I’ve said.

Democrat officials ignore what Republicans want. Being Democrats, they think they know better.
I’ve written my representative before, believe me. He’s a Democrat who ignores his Republican constituents. I get a form email back weeks later that doesn’t address what I’ve said.

Democrat officials ignore what Republicans want. Being Democrats, they think they know better.
A GOP member would give you the same form letter. Looks like you'll be running for office.
The vast majority of that is for the military and for providing support for the illegals.

And 300 more border agents?! Are you kidding me? The are hiring 86,000 more IRS agents to track down and harass small business owners while hiring only 300 more border agents?

They are overwhelmed after Biden has invited all these low-life illegals in, and will be more so after he lifts Title 42. We need at least 10,000 more border agents, and more likely 20,000.

You could hire a million more border agents and not one of them will do any good with such failed leadership as we have now. Just more agents to arrest them and let them go into the country. More agents could only be advantageous to the public with a real leader which we don't have any longer.
This is ridiculous. The Democrats, along with RHINOS, pass the monstrosity of an Omnibus bill without even knowing what was in it.

There should be a summary page listing ALL the spending, and Congresspeople should know it so they can debate - and voters should be able to see which elected officials are spending money to help other countries while refusing to help our own.

Why, for example, are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?

There should be a law that no military spending can be equal to, or surpass domestic spending.

The law should also state that no tax cuts can be passed without the ability to replace the revenue, without cutting domestic spending, or borrowing the money.
are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?

Wait, so the Border Patrol and ICE and all the rest of said agencies got no funding at all in this bill....are you sure about that?
Congress needs term limits.

There is only one solution to this, and that is get the attention of the public. I've said this before, we need a national consumption tax for overspending. If we had to start paying for all this garbage, more and more people would revolt against it.

For instance let's say we had a consumption tax to cover deficit spending right now; 5 cents on the dollar. If this bill passes, it would increase to 10 cents on the dollar. Now you have everybody's attention. More people writing and threatening Congress would give them something to think about before approving garbage like this. They'd know the voters are pissed and will likely vote them out of office, especially when their opponents remind us of this come election time.

You'd see how fast spending 45 billion on Ukraine, 4 million dollars for a Michelle Obama trail, 2 million dollars for an LGBQRESTU museum, and another couple million on a wax museum for black people.
This is ridiculous. The Democrats, along with RHINOS, pass the monstrosity of an Omnibus bill without even knowing what was in it.

There should be a summary page listing ALL the spending, and Congresspeople should know it so they can debate - and voters should be able to see which elected officials are spending money to help other countries while refusing to help our own.

Why, for example, are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?
What, another law the Swamp can ignore?

There should be a law that no military spending can be equal to, or surpass domestic spending.

The law should also state that no tax cuts can be passed without the ability to replace the revenue, without cutting domestic spending, or borrowing the money.
There should be a law that welfare cannot be increased without cutting spending on other domestic spending. We can start by removing the item in the bill that calls to inject innocent dogs with cocaine.

Military spending is totally separate. The primary responsibility of our government is to protect us from foreign adversaries.
There is an incredibly easy fix to this, in two parts…

1. Require every spending bill to include documentation indicating which of the eighteen specific items in Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution this spending is mandated by.

2. Limit every spending bill to appropriations under a single one of those eighteen items only.

This would force the authors of spending bills to not only prove the expenditure is legitimate, but to limit it to a singular topic.
There is only one solution to this, and that is get the attention of the public. I've said this before, we need a national consumption tax for overspending. If we had to start paying for all this garbage, more and more people would revolt against it.

For instance let's say we had a consumption tax to cover deficit spending right now; 5 cents on the dollar. If this bill passes, it would increase to 10 cents on the dollar. Now you have everybody's attention. More people writing and threatening Congress would give them something to think about before approving garbage like this. They'd know the voters are pissed and will likely vote them out of office, especially when their opponents remind us of this come election time.

You'd see how fast spending 45 billion on Ukraine, 4 million dollars for a Michelle Obama trail, 2 million dollars for an LGBQRESTU museum, and another couple million on a wax museum for black people.
I love that idea.
There should be a law that welfare cannot be increased without cutting spending on other domestic spending. We can start by removing the item in the bill that calls to inject innocent dogs with cocaine.

Military spending is totally separate. The primary responsibility of our government is to protect us for foreign adversaries.

Wait, the Pentagon can't account for nearly $ 2 TRILLION!!! and you say that's off limits?

Are they funding a Moonbase?
Wait, the Pentagon can't account for nearly $ 2 TRILLION!!! and you say that's off limits?

Are they funding a Moonbase?
You can say that about all bloated government agencies. Why start with the one that PROTECTS us from enemy countries rather than the ones that encourage able-bodied people to refuse to work and Instead live off of other people’s money?
You can say that about all bloated government agencies. Why start with the one that PROTECTS us from enemy countries rather than the ones that encourage able-bodied people to refuse to work and Instead live off of other people’s money?
P.S. I do volunteer teaching of financial literacy, and all my “tutees” have the same goal - to get out of financial straits. But NONE have jobs! They double up with other welfare families, where no adult has a job either, and between the TANF, the food stamps, the free Medicaid, etc., nobody is willing to take a job!

When I’ve suggested the $18 an hour jobs being advertised at Target, located just a few blocks from where I teach, the answer is always the same: that type of work is beneath them, or boring, or whatever.

I am so frustrated by the unwillingness of people to take steps to solve their own financial problems that I am seriously considered resigning from the post. It’s not rewarding, and it’s not helping the people on welfare.
This is ridiculous. The Democrats, along with RHINOS, pass the monstrosity of an Omnibus bill without even knowing what was in it.

There should be a summary page listing ALL the spending, and Congresspeople should know it so they can debate - and voters should be able to see which elected officials are spending money to help other countries while refusing to help our own.

Why, for example, are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?




What NEEDS to change, is that THE PEOPLE MUST have to VOTE on EVERY law, bill, and legal change in government BEFORE allowed to!!
P.S. I do volunteer teaching of financial literacy, and all my “tutees” have the same goal - to get out of financial straits. But NONE have jobs! They double up with other welfare families, where no adult has a job either, and between the TANF, the food stamps, the free Medicaid, etc., nobody is willing to take a job!

When I’ve suggested the $18 an hour jobs being advertised at Target, located just a few blocks from where I teach, the answer is always the same: that type of work is beneath them, or boring, or whatever.

I am so frustrated by the unwillingness of people to take steps to solve their own financial problems that I am seriously considered resigning from the post. It’s not rewarding, and it’s not helping the people on welfare.

My father and I were discussing this at Christmas yesterday. He's a Democrat voter and makes no bones about it. But we both agreed on this subject.

With over 10 million jobs open, nobody should be on unemployment and all able bodied people on welfare should have full-time jobs. Instead of having to list the jobs you supposedly applied for, after two months, the government sends you to these places looking for help. The employer should have to provide a report to the government on why they didn't hire one of their clients. Then the government should take steps to insure that these people are employable. If they are deliberately trying to avoid getting hired (attitude, dressing like a bum, making excuses for why they can't work the shift they were offered) then public assistance gets cut off.

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