There should be a law that Congress must know what’s in a bill before they vote!

There should be a rule on USMB you can’t post unless you’re educated about a topic. This thread should therefore be locked.

Here is a one page summary of each section from the subcommittees and a short 5 page summary of each section.

Here is an example of a one pager.
View attachment 742210
Here is an example of the summary.
View attachment 742211
That is nothing but a PR brochure.
ok welfare spending. You want to lie about ...... according to the national budget 1.7 billion dollars is spent on welfare ... the current budget for this year is 1.688 trillion means .008 of the national budget is spent on welfare... so what's your point ... what's your argument over welfare spending ... it's there so you can bitch about a nothing program spending your money ...
Unnecessary welfare spending is contributing to the labor shortage, which in turns contributes to Biden’s record-high inflation. So while welfare recipients shop at Whole Foods with their tax-free SNAP, retirees who worked and saved for 40 years at buying day-old bread at Safeway.
Wrong. The primary responsibility of the government is the general welfare of the people.

And a standing army is unconstitutional in times of peace.

I can see you're an illiterate in all things American history, and Constitution.

You should try reading more on both instead of listening to right wing talkingpoints from other idiots.
Wrong. The primary responsibility is to defend us from attack - which of course IS for the general welfare of the people. It is NOT to give so much in handouts that people won’t even work!!

And a standing VOLUNTARY army is necessary during times of peace since an enemy can attack at any time, and having an army both deters that and allows us to defend.

I can see you are a leftist, which makes you illiterate and ignorant - and caring more about providing homes and food to migrants who SHOULD NOY BE HERE than what Is best for Americans.

P.S. I also see you turned the debate into a personal insult - which I returned - but that’s also a dead giveaway of a leftist: insult, attack, abuse.
Wrong. The primary responsibility of the government is the general welfare of the people.

And a standing army is unconstitutional in times of peace.

I can see you're an illiterate in all things American history, and Constitution.

You should try reading more on both instead of listening to right wing talkingpoints from other idiots.

One of the primary things the Constitution charges our representatives with is to protect this country from FOREIGN and domestic threats alike. You have to have a standing army these days. In the days of yore people only fought with guns which they brought themselves. You can't do that any longer. Our military needs the training in warfare, in technology, in operating weapons.
Yup. And what’s with the item to ensure “equity for communities of color”? Hand out more money to crime-ridden black areas until they have the same ”outcome” of working class whites?

If you're a hard working American buy your own cable and internet. If you're a low income slouch, don't worry, those taxpayers that buy their own entertainment will now be forced to buy yours too.
ok welfare spending. You want to lie about ...... according to the national budget 1.7 billion dollars is spent on welfare ... the current budget for this year is 1.688 trillion means .008 of the national budget is spent on welfare... so what's your point ... what's your argument over welfare spending ... it's there so you can bitch about a nothing program spending your money ...

The point is the Communists are expanding that welfare so that more people are government dependent. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Buy your own damn cable and internet and I'll buy my own.
The point is the Communists are expanding that welfare so that more people are government dependent. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Buy your own damn cable and internet and I'll buy my own.

Really? I thought you'd walk into the Cable company and whine, "I got an owie, give me free stuff."
so yoj know what is in the bill because a demafasict that wrote it, gave you a short summary of each section? how many pages is the actual bill dembot??? geez
It’s about 900 pages but since it was originally printed with giant font a large margins you guys are calling it 4,000 pages. Anyone talking about it hasn’t read it. I have. Here are two random “pages”

thanks so you didn’t read it and admit that none of your demafasict leaders have either
Just cuz you’re too dumb to read a bill doesn’t mean I am. I gave you a link to one pages, to summaries, and to the bill. All you complain about is being retarded so you can’t understand. That’s not democrats fault. We wanted your ass to stay in school. You left to do manual work like the Republican overlords want.

Read the fucking bill retard. It’s a good bill that even republicans are bragging about.
Just cuz you’re too dumb to read a bill doesn’t mean I am. I gave you a link to one pages, to summaries, and to the bill. All you complain about is being retarded so you can’t understand. That’s not democrats fault. We wanted your ass to stay in school. You left to do manual work like the Republican overlords want.

Read the fucking bill retard. It’s a good bill that even republicans are bragging about.
The fact you think it is a good bill means you haven't read it. In fact, NO ONE has read it. If you started reading it the moment it dropped on a very early morning hour, you would have h ad to read for 24 hours a day for 5 straight days, without sleep.

So, stop lying about this.
The fact you think it is a good bill means you haven't read it. In fact, NO ONE has read it. If you started reading it the moment it dropped on a very early morning hour, you would have h ad to read for 24 hours a day for 5 straight days, without sleep.

So, stop lying about this.
Takes 20 seconds to easily read a page. Time yourself. Takes a day or two to understand the entire budget of the US if you read every word. Many pages are just tables.

Takes 20 seconds to easily read a page. Time yourself. Takes a day or two to understand the entire budget of the US if you read every word. Many pages are just tables.

View attachment 742249
Again, it would take five days reading 24 hours straight each day to read. Since I know you haven't stayed awake for five straight days, it would be three times a long to read.

I do understand the budget and financing process of our government. You don't seem to understand that it has not been followed since at least 2016 if not longer.

This bill should never have seen the light of day. It is a lame-duck spending package for democratic supporters.
Again, it would take five days reading 24 hours straight each day to read. Since I know you haven't stayed awake for five straight days, it would be three times a long to read.

I do understand the budget and financing process of our government. You don't seem to understand that it has not been followed since at least 2016 if not longer.

This bill should never have seen the light of day. It is a lame-duck spending package for democratic supporters.
That’s not true. You’re lying. Read the page I attached and multiply it times 4,000. Two 8 hour days or four 4 hour days.
We don’t have to ask the DHS. They are part of the Biden Administration whose goal it is to get in as many foreigners as possible, and as quickly as possible, who can barely read, never finished high school, have no skills, and will quickly go on the government dole when the first of their four or five children are born.

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