There should be a law that Congress must know what’s in a bill before they vote!

This is ridiculous. The Democrats, along with RHINOS, pass the monstrosity of an Omnibus bill without even knowing what was in it.

There should be a summary page listing ALL the spending, and Congresspeople should know it so they can debate - and voters should be able to see which elected officials are spending money to help other countries while refusing to help our own.

Why, for example, are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?
There should be a rule on USMB you can’t post unless you’re educated about a topic. This thread should therefore be locked.

Here is a one page summary of each section from the subcommittees and a short 5 page summary of each section.

Here is an example of a one pager.

Here is an example of the summary.
to demafasict the only thing that matters is that the party tells them to support the bill. Dembots are weak minded cultist that can’t think for themselves, and follow whatever their Dear Leaders tell them
There should be a rule on USMB you can’t post unless you’re educated about a topic. This thread should therefore be locked.

Here is a one page summary of each section from the subcommittees and a short 5 page summary of each section.

Here is an example of a one pager.
View attachment 742210
Here is an example of the summary.
View attachment 742211

No need to post all of this. Just say welfare spending.
There should be a rule on USMB you can’t post unless you’re educated about a topic. This thread should therefore be locked.

Here is a one page summary of each section from the subcommittees and a short 5 page summary of each section.

Here is an example of a one pager.
View attachment 742210
Here is an example of the summary.
View attachment 742211
so yoj know what is in the bill because a demafasict that wrote it, gave you a short summary of each section? how many pages is the actual bill dembot??? geez
Wait, the Pentagon can't account for nearly $ 2 TRILLION!!! and you say that's off limits?

Are they funding a Moonbase?
in the early 1960s, the southern democrats, who by the way are republicans now ...were against everything that had to do by giving blacks the freedom to vote rights ... Malcolm X died in 1965 On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon Baines Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act, Malcolm X was dead by then ... so your post about Malcolm X shows us you really know nothing about democrats and black people rights now does it ... you saw a post of Malcolm X against democrats ... he was speaking about Dixie democrats you idiot who now becomes republicans when Jonson sign into law the voting rights act ... ... do you ever read history at all ??? your post is filled with so much disinformation it makes a person can this guy be this stupid about the history ... and you republicans want to have black history being taught... yeah keep them stupid ,,,

in the early 1960s, the southern democrats, who by the way are republicans now ...were against everything that had to do by giving blacks the freedom to vote rights ... Malcolm X died in 1965 On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon Baines Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act, Malcolm X was dead by then ... so your post about Malcolm X shows us you really know nothing about democrats and black people rights now does it ... you saw a post of Malcolm X against democrats ... he was speaking about Dixie democrats you idiot who now becomes republicans when Jonson sign into law the voting rights act ... ... do you ever read history at all ??? your post is filled with so much disinformation it makes a person can this guy be this stupid about the history ... and you republicans want to have black history being taught... yeah keep them stupid ,,,


I think what Malcolm said then is even truer today
They know these bills are nothing but pork and bullshit. We the voters ought to be more aware, and give a shit about the extent of waste and downright criminal graft that is in these bills.

Bed wetters celebrate the waste though, because it supports their agenda. Plenty of "conservatives" don't mind waste that supports their own prize pigs as well.



What NEEDS to change, is that THE PEOPLE MUST have to VOTE on EVERY law, bill, and legal change in government BEFORE allowed to!!
You do realize, right, that there are 435 members of congress and that the only people who write the spending bill are found on a single committee? Did you also realize that this omnibus spending bill was passed at the last minute and the so-called leadership put it on the floor for a vote with the house whip pressuring people to "just vote for it"?

You may want to rethink your position on this.

No need to post all of this. Just say welfare spending.
ok welfare spending. You want to lie about ...... according to the national budget 1.7 billion dollars is spent on welfare ... the current budget for this year is 1.688 trillion means .008 of the national budget is spent on welfare... so what's your point ... what's your argument over welfare spending ... it's there so you can bitch about a nothing program spending your money ...
You do realize, right, that there are 435 members of congress and that the only people who write the spending bill are found on a single committee? Did you also realize that this omnibus spending bill was passed at the last minute and the so-called leadership put it on the floor for a vote with the house whip pressuring people to "just vote for it"?

You may want to rethink your position on this.

I'm fine with that will be the last one passed by the democrats ... the rest of the next two years will be hearings on hunter Biden Hillary against the FBI, CIA, and The DOJ know the guys who got convictions for your party members for selling put the government... so



My father and I were discussing this at Christmas yesterday. He's a Democrat voter and makes no bones about it. But we both agreed on this subject.

With over 10 million jobs open, nobody should be on unemployment and all able bodied people on welfare should have full-time jobs. Instead of having to list the jobs you supposedly applied for, after two months, the government sends you to these places looking for help. The employer should have to provide a report to the government on why they didn't hire one of their clients. Then the government should take steps to insure that these people are employable. If they are deliberately trying to avoid getting hired (attitude, dressing like a bum, making excuses for why they can't work the shift they were offered) then public assistance gets cut off.
Absolutely! As we head into a recession and jobs dry up, people will be crying that they need help because there are no jobs. But what is their excuse NOW, when jobs are going begging at twice the minimum wage?

For example, I was working with a woman with four children. Her food stamp budget is $1000 a month and her TANF is $1400 a month - all non-taxable, of course. That is equivalent to $3000 a month in earnings, or around $18 an hour. Naturally, she doesn’t want to work and give up her “government pay,” as she calls it, and end up with the same money.

What we should do is peg “government pay” to actual earned income. You have no earnings, you get no government pay. Anything you earn is matched by the government, up to the maximum. So, in order for the woman with four children (each child has a different father, and not a one is paying support) to get her $1400 in TANF, she would have to earn $1400 with a job.
I'm fine with that will be the last one passed by the democrats ... the rest of the next two years will be hearings on hunter Biden Hillary against the FBI, CIA, and The DOJ know the guys who got convictions for your party members for selling put the government... so
So, you are fine that while we still don't have a budget, the last two years were nothing but hearings on Jan. 6th and kangaroo court proceedings to keep a citizen of this country from exercising their right to run for office and then passing a budget - in lame duck session, which is almost never done -- but instead, are pushing last-minute spending for pet projects and Democrat payback to supporters while keeping the border wide open. You're fine with that?

You're fine with the fact that a handful of people control the massive spending of money we don't have while keeping the other 425 members of the House in the dark about what is being spent?

Remember this when the Republicans have the gavel. Remember and keep your whining to yourself.
Yes, but THEY tell them what they want in it.
But that’s on an individual basis. You think the rhinos who voted for the monstrosity told their staff to put money in to inject dogs with cocaine, and hand out more money based on what color (black) the beneficiaries are?
There should be a law that welfare cannot be increased without cutting spending on other domestic spending. We can start by removing the item in the bill that calls to inject innocent dogs with cocaine.

Military spending is totally separate. The primary responsibility of our government is to protect us from foreign adversaries.

Wrong. The primary responsibility of the government is the general welfare of the people.

And a standing army is unconstitutional in times of peace.

I can see you're an illiterate in all things American history, and Constitution.

You should try reading more on both instead of listening to right wing talkingpoints from other idiots.
Don't you get tired of reading fake news?

The FY 2023 Omnibus Appropriations Bill:

  • Strengthens national security with a 10-percent increase in defense spending, including a 4.6-percent pay raise for our troops as well a $315 million investment to upgrade and improve military facilities in Texas.
  • Supports border communities in Texas that absorb the costs from the surge of illegal immigration by directing $800 million to the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) to compensate these communities.
  • Provides funding for Border Patrol, including an increase of 300 new agents.
  • Enhances security at ports of entry by providing $70 million for advanced security screen technology to help crack down on illegal border crossings.
  • Supports rural Texas communities and Texas’ robust agriculture industry with $3.7 billion in disaster assistance made available for Texas farmers, ranchers, and producers affected by an unprecedented drought.
  • Invests in school safety grants with $216 million in federal grants and national initiatives to curb school and neighborhood violence.
  • Allocates $4.2 billion for the F-35 program, supporting manufacturing and jobs at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas.
  • Provides $1.61 billion in IMPACT Act for local school districts with military instillations or federal land.
  • Supports and funds laws introduced and passed by Sen. Cornyn to support victims of crime and abuse, including the Debbie Smith Act reauthorization, PROTECT Our Children Act, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, Abolish Human Trafficking Act, and the SANE Act.
Of these new agents, will any actually be deporting the invasion? Or just helping process them in?

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