There should be a law that Congress must know what’s in a bill before they vote!

This is ridiculous. The Democrats, along with RHINOS, pass the monstrosity of an Omnibus bill without even knowing what was in it.

There should be a summary page listing ALL the spending, and Congresspeople should know it so they can debate - and voters should be able to see which elected officials are spending money to help other countries while refusing to help our own.

Why, for example, are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?

The problem is purely they don't care what's in something as long there is a part of it they want. If what they want is 2% of a policy and that 2% is in there they don't care about the other 98%.

If they cared they would know what was in the entire policy. If they cared they would learn what all is in it.

So saying there should be a law saying they need to know what's in a policy is a moot point.
This is ridiculous. The Democrats, along with RHINOS, pass the monstrosity of an Omnibus bill without even knowing what was in it.

There should be a summary page listing ALL the spending, and Congresspeople should know it so they can debate - and voters should be able to see which elected officials are spending money to help other countries while refusing to help our own.

Why, for example, are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?
They obey the law now?
The problem is purely they don't care what's in something as long there is a part of it they want. If what they want is 2% of a policy and that 2% is in there they don't care about the other 98%.

If they cared they would know what was in the entire policy. If they cared they would learn what all is in it.

So saying there should be a law saying they need to know what's in a policy is a moot point.
Well, if they don’t care what’s in it (and clearly they don’t), that’s MORE of a reason to make a law requiring they know.

There should be a law that Congress must know what’s in a bill before they vote!​

Cute, sweet, and naive.
We don’t have to ask the DHS. They are part of the Biden Administration whose goal it is to get in as many foreigners as possible, and as quickly as possible, who can barely read, never finished high school, have no skills, and will quickly go on the government dole when the first of their four or five children are born.
The only thing that frightens Karen558 more than a black person walking down the street is a Mexican person moving in next door to her.
This is ridiculous. The Democrats, along with RHINOS, pass the monstrosity of an Omnibus bill without even knowing what was in it.

There should be a summary page listing ALL the spending, and Congresspeople should know it so they can debate - and voters should be able to see which elected officials are spending money to help other countries while refusing to help our own.

Why, for example, are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?
Amen and Amen. My question is how can anybody defend this?

This horrendous anti-American, pro radical leftist spending bill will do pretty much nothing to strengthen America or improve the lives of citizens in any way. It will likely greatly escalate inflation and make lives of less than very rich Americans much more difficult.

The summary list of what is being funded should also be clearly spelled out like:

--mega billions to double the size of the IRS with the intention of expanded audits on middle and lower income families. Many can expect significantly lower tax refunds in 2022.
--the mega millions for gender education in our military and for places like Pakistan
--promoting abortions in other countries
--the bill actually adds $2.65 trillion in costs to U.S. tax payers over the next 10 years, i.e. $20k per American household
--forbidding DHS from enforcing immigration laws but millions in additional funding to process thousands of illegals coming across the border every day
--hundreds of pages of 4000 earmarks totaling mega billions and many of these fund things previous congresses considered off limits such as:
  • $1.5 million to encourage people to eat outdoors in sunny Pasadena, California.
  • $1.1 million for a solar array in cloudy Kirkland, Washington.
  • $2 million for B360, a group that promotes dirt-bike culture in Baltimore.
  • $3 million for the tiny and remote island of St. George, Alaska, for water infrastructure and $2.5 million for harbor improvements, for a total cost of over $82,000 per resident.
  • $500,000 for a skate park in Rhode Island.
  • $4.8 million for an environmental impact report on the possible expansion of Chicago’s rail transit system. Bureaucracy at work.
  • $13 million to expand the airport in the tiny city of Abbeville, Alabama.
  • $4 million for “Soy-Enabled Rural Road Reconstruction” in Iowa.
  • $2.35 million for the Leahy Center in Vermont, named after Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. The member who requested the earmark? Sen. Patrick Leahy.
  • Funding for a wide array of woke organizations and left-wing activists.
  • etc. etc. etc.

And this is just part of the insane content of this legislation. Not a single member of Congress was given time to read even half of this. At least some responsible members had their staffers divide it up and give them a rough summary of the contents to justify their no votes.

Nobody but NOBODY has justification for a yes vote on this.
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Wrong. The primary responsibility is to defend us from attack - which of course IS for the general welfare of the people. It is NOT to give so much in handouts that people won’t even work!!

And a standing VOLUNTARY army is necessary during times of peace since an enemy can attack at any time, and having an army both deters that and allows us to defend.
On this part I have to disagree to a point.

We are at a point where there is no way all the armies of the world combined could invade and hold territory in the USA. The people are better armed than the rest of the world. Just in TX alone we have 10's of thousands of people proficient with rifles at long ranges, and some of them are very well equipped with suppressors, night vision, GPS technology and communication equipment just for hunting.

Then you have the veterans and all the armed professionals.

Along with the non-bed wetter dominated states I don't believe the entire world even with our own military if it went rouge could contain our population, they couldn't control a small country full of sheep fucking rock farmers with shitty AK's.

We do need a strong military, and we should be spending a lot on new tech, but we do not need to maintain a world police force. We could easily cut the military budget in half, get rid of almost the entire officer corps especially since it's infested with leftist lunatics, and go back to drafting fit 18-20 year olds for two years of service so that we have a base population that has minimal combat training. The "standing army" should be exceptional trainers and well organized managers that can mobilize for war, without having thousands of troops and sailors deployed all over the world.

Our military has become a uniformed welfare program and it needs to be overhauled.
On this part I have to disagree to a point.

We are at a point where there is no way all the armies of the world combined could invade and hold territory in the USA. The people are better armed than the rest of the world. Just in TX alone we have 10's of thousands of people proficient with rifles at long ranges, and some of them are very well equipped with suppressors, night vision, GPS technology and communication equipment just for hunting.

Then you have the veterans and all the armed professionals.

Along with the non-bed wetter dominated states I don't believe the entire world even with our own military if it went rouge could contain our population, they couldn't control a small country full of sheep fucking rock farmers with shitty AK's.

We do need a strong military, and we should be spending a lot on new tech, but we do not need to maintain a world police force. We could easily cut the military budget in half, get rid of almost the entire officer corps especially since it's infested with leftist lunatics, and go back to drafting fit 18-20 year olds for two years of service so that we have a base population that has minimal combat training. The "standing army" should be exceptional trainers and well organized managers that can mobilize for war, without having thousands of troops and sailors deployed all over the world.

Our military has become a uniformed welfare program and it needs to be overhauled.
I believe they can invade certain areas and take them over. The Prog areas that can easily be taken over will not be defended y Red area people.
Just cuz you’re too dumb to read a bill doesn’t mean I am. I gave you a link to one pages, to summaries, and to the bill. All you complain about is being retarded so you can’t understand. That’s not democrats fault. We wanted your ass to stay in school. You left to do manual work like the Republican overlords want.

Read the fucking bill retard. It’s a good bill that even republicans are bragging about.
You read it???? Really? the entire bill? What's good about it?
We do need a strong military, and we should be spending a lot on new tech, but we do not need to maintain a world police force.

We never created the position of world police. It kind of formed on it's own. If we don't want to be the world police, somebody else will take our place. Now think of the countries that are large and powerful enough to take that position.
Literacy a requirement of Congressional servitude?

my my.......

Government reps should prove themselves prior to being elected. It is not asking too much for voters to know whether or not a candidate has knowledge relative to the job. Once a state has enough of a citizen uproar about improving our political choices, other states will quickly follow suit. It will snowball quite quickly, but the delay is breaking the ice. It will happen one day, unless we continue to devolve under authoritarian leftist goals.

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