There was never a protest in Libya, it was nothing but a planned attack..

Uh, let me think....believe the witnesses and the top Libyan officials...

Or believe cnn who has steadfastly reported exactly what Hillary feeds them?
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obama is now blaming Hillary.

Will she take this to the bitter end, or just slam down his career like she should and go down in history as a Great American Hero.
obama is now blaming Hillary.

Will she take this to the bitter end, or just slam down his career like she should and go down in history as a Great American Hero.

She didn't want to take it when she was lying for the admin last week about an internet move.
Admin busted, lying, again.

I blame our own admin/state department more than I blame al Quaida. Hillary and Obama should be tried as traitors:

Report: Never an Anti-American Protest in Benghazi, Only a Planned Attack | The Weekly Standard

Is this the third or tenth explanation for what happened? I ask only because i've lost count. First it was "Libyans protesting the film", then it was "Jihadists using the protest as cover", then it was "There was no terrorist attack", then something else and now this.

Make up your minds people!!!
obama is now blaming Hillary.

Will she take this to the bitter end, or just slam down his career like she should and go down in history as a Great American Hero.

Oh ya Hillary is pissed. She wore the scarf and everything.
If Hillary came out and denounced obama's lies Romney would win this election but no one, no one at all could stop Hillary's election in 2016. She would be the greatest American hero since Eisenhower.
Why would you blame the state department more than the people who carried out the deadly assault?

You guys are really afraid of a second Obama term huh?
What's really sad is the Hussein Regime had intel that there would be increased risk on 9/11. He chose to ignore that warning. Then he lied and said it wasn't a terrorist attack, it was all a riot because of a youtube video. Then went off to raise money for his re-election in Las Vegas. Now he is saying it is "self evident" that it was a terrorist attack.

Bottom line is this 'President' allowed an attack on our embassies on 9/11, our flags torn down and burned, the AQ flag raised, and 4 people dead.

Yet all the outrage from the liberal media is all about an edited tape of Romney speaking at a dinner.

This shitbag of a President is a disgrace, as is every liberal in this country that supports this utter failure of a President.
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What's really sad is the Hussein Regime had intel that there would be increased risk on 9/11. He chose to ignore that warning. Then he lied and said it wasn't a terrorist attack, it was all a riot because of a youtube video. Then went off to raise money for his re-election in Las Vegas. Now he is saying it is "self evident" that it was a terrorist attack.

Bottom line is this 'President' allowed an attack on our embassies on 9/11, our flags torn down and burned, the AQ flag raised, and 4 people dead.

Yet all the outrage from the liberal media is all about an edited tape of Romney speaking at a dinner.

This shitbag of a President is a disgrace, as is every liberal in this country that supports this utter failure of a President.

The Romney tape was from a fund raiser last MAY, but was kept under wraps until the attack on our Consulate in Libya.
The administration did lie and they have lied and they did not adequately provide a security detail in Libya.
And it was a planned attack BY AL QAEDA.
Al Qaeda wants to take over the newly formed Libyan "government" and has threatened the current command structure.
But there were also protestors. Even Ray Charles can see that. Al Qaeda is hated in Libya as they are about everywhere in most all Muslim countries. Al Qaeda has killed and tortured 1000 times more Muslims than any other group because they want power. I am sure some of the protestors may have links to them but 90% do not.
They were protesting the movie which was an excuse spread by Al Qaeda to cover their tracks, or attempt to. Al Qaeda WANTS US TO BELIEVE THE PROTESTORS WERE THE CAUSE.
Damn, everyone knows there are damn protests going on all over the damn world.
You don't say.

The admin was saving it for just such an occasion. Which they knew would come up, because they knew those guys were in serious danger.

Hillary puts her buddies over Americans any day. So does Obama.
koshergrl said:
I blame our own admin/state department more than I blame al Quaida. Hillary and Obama should be tried as traitors

Rabid right-wingers siding with terrorists over their own president -- check.

koshergrl said:
Uh, let me think....believe the witnesses and the top Libyan officials...

Or believe cnn

Rabid right-wingers believing foreign governments and their citizens over American journalists -- check.

You're on quite the roll there, patriot.
Look, folks, it's Jose!

How's it hanging, Jose? Great to see you.

The admin has changed it's story, never fear. They've given up sticking to the hardline and have decided it's time to pretend they're just idiots, not cynical murderers.

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