there was no insurrection on jan 6th !

Well, let's just use the above post by one of the more histrionic posters here to comment about the "inhumane treatment" the violent January 6th rioters currently jailed have jail.
Let's just do it in a bullet-point fashion cause it's getting late.

1. Those now incarcerated and not bonded out are there because their charges are for violence against a person; they've made statements indicating they are violent; they pose a flight risk.
2. They complain the conditions in jail are poor. Which is probably true. Many jails are that way....rather non-Holiday Express-like. Duh! Jail is an unpleasant place to be. Duhx2!
3. Their whining about being treated badly is now being heard by the management and decision makers and many prisoners have been moved to other less crowded facilities.
4. Not to go unnoticed, management & decision makers are finally taking actions .......because, it is argued......a bunch of white males are whining about the food, the lack of privacy, the rude guards.
5. Not to go unnoticed, management & decision makers have heard the exact same complaints for years, and years, and years.......from the mostly black prisoners who've experienced that jail.
6. See the recent opinion piece in the Washington Post ....."We have a plan to close the D.C. jail. It's time to act. ...... by three staffers of 'District Task
Force on Jails'

In fact, the vast majority of the political prisoners held are charged with nothing more than simple trespass.

A handful, less than a dozen, are charged with resisting arrest or assault. The holding of the political prisoners is a statement by the Reich that any dissent against the Reich will be dealt with harshly. The intent is to create fear so that no one dare protest the ruling Nazi party.

Good Nazi Chalicotherium pimps the Reichstag Fire as a rally call to focus the hatred of party members and as warning to those who would oppose the Reich.

Good Nazi Chalicotherium has Emperor Xi as his supreme ruler to remind his party of the dangers of popular protests. The democrat Reich must crush pro-liberty movements before they grow to the size that they did in Hong Kong.

600 political prisoners serve as warning, resistance is futile, the Reich will rule with an iron fist.
They’re domestic terrorists, criminals, and rightwing thugs.

Nazi to English Dictionary:

Peaceful Protest:





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In fact, the vast majority of the political prisoners held are charged with nothing more than simple trespass.
A handful, less than a dozen, are charged with resisting arrest or assault.
How 'bout giving the engaged forum a link to credible sourcing on your assertion about "the vast majority"; and, a credible verifiable source on the "less-than-a-dozen".

If you can do that for us, good poster Uncensored, then the widely held opinion about you could begin to change.
Good luck.
And thanks in advance.

"600 political prisoners serve as warning......,"
RE: "600 political" prisoners ----see above about sourcing.
Show us good poster Uncensored.
Show us that you ain't an empty suit and that you really do know whereof you speak.

Saddle up, mi amigo.
How 'bout giving the engaged forum a link to credible sourcing on your assertion about "the vast majority"; and, a credible verifiable source on the "less-than-a-dozen".

If you can do that for us, good poster Uncensored, then the widely held opinion about you could begin to change.
Good luck.
And thanks in advance.


RE: "600 political" prisoners ----see above about sourcing.
Show us good poster Uncensored.
Show us that you ain't an empty suit and that you really do know whereof you speak.

Saddle up, mi amigo.

Good Nazi Chalicotherium, how about you provide any person who has been charged with "insurrection" connected to your Reichstag Fire?
"Good Nazi ........ how about you provide any person who has been charged with "insurrection" connected to your Reichstag Fire?"

Gollyshux, good poster Uncensored, I really am reluctant to become your mentor for internet-gossipboard protocols; however, sometimes a timely bit of advice can help move the discussion along, give it a chance to be productive and informative.

So, it works like this in Adult Swim: If YOU make an assertion...... it is up to YOU to prove it. To substantiate it. To make it credible.
It is NOT up to another to prove your assertion.

So, let's reel back up to your assertions about '600 political prisoners'; your assertion on 'vast majority held on tresspass'.

My poor avatar didn't make those assertions.
Yours did.

So saddle up, mon ami.
Whaddya got that proves you know whereof you speak?
Gollyshux, good poster Uncensored, I really am reluctant to become your mentor for internet-gossipboard protocols; however, sometimes a timely bit of advice can help move the discussion along, give it a chance to be productive and informative.

So, it works like this in Adult Swim: If YOU make an assertion...... it is up to YOU to prove it. To substantiate it. To make it credible.
It is NOT up to another to prove your assertion.

So, let's reel back up to your assertions about '600 political prisoners'; your assertion on 'vast majority held on tresspass'.

My poor avatar didn't make those assertions.
Yours did.

So saddle up, mon ami.
Whaddya got that proves you know whereof you speak?

Well goodness, Good Nazi Chalicotherium, when you wrote

Anyway, ....this alleged gay insurrection against the Capitol of the United States of America and the counting of the Electoral Votes seems oddly familiar.

One would certainly take that as a pretty bold assertion.

It would be the height of hypocrisy to lecture about the onus to support an assertion whilst refusing to support your own.

But to show that I'm not a blowhard the way Chalicotherium, here is a radical left hate site listing the FACT that the majority of political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire have been charged with nothing more that protesting against the Reich.

90% charged with no more that "Parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building"

Which was protected under the 1st Amendment, when we used to have one. The Reich put an end to that, as the political prisoners of war now know.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !
Capitol. Not capital.

What happened on 1/6 is several hundred people, at the urging of the worst sore loser of all time, attempted to overthrow a duly elected government.

That's textbook insurrection.
Capitol. Not capital.

What happened on 1/6 is several hundred people, at the urging of the worst sore loser of all time, attempted to overthrow a duly elected government.

That's textbook insurrection.

Uh no, it has nothing to do with insurrection, you fucking hack.

Tell me Herr Goebbels, how exactly were unarmed protesters taking selfies going to " overthrow a duly elected government."
Capitol. Not capital.

What happened on 1/6 is several hundred people, at the urging of the worst sore loser of all time, attempted to overthrow a duly elected government.

That's textbook insurrection.

1/6 was a hate hoax done by HOMOS in MAGADRAG directed by the Community HATE HOAX Organizer also known as the

cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief

See the source image

Uh no, it has nothing to do with insurrection, you fucking hack.

Tell me Herr Goebbels, how exactly were unarmed protesters taking selfies going to " overthrow a duly elected government."
Simple, by delaying disrupting the normal process of confirming the votes of American citizens.
"1/6 was a hate hoax done by HOMOS in MAGADRAG........"
(see post #1036 for the full context)

Seriously, who cannot love this bar?
We've got winners........
We've got ___________.

Imagine the scene, several thousand gay guys costumed-up in MAGAHats, waving their Trump flags, F*ck Biden flags, and beating down uniformed cops with Blue Lives Matter flags! The cinematography would be stunning! Like one of those avalanche-of-zombies scenes. Or one of those Australian mice plague scenes where a gabillion of the little critters come cascading out of grain bins?

The colorful postings of the good poster LaDairis* offers us a peek into the world of LooneyGoons, the serious and the delirious.

Accordingly, the good poster LaDairis is presented with the 'Here's-More-Rope' Award.

Well earned, I might add. :thup:

*PS.....good poster LaDairis, please do not leave this gossipboard, don't go to Q's Board, or InfoWars' Board, or Reddit, or Revolver. We need you here. You are like the little bit older teenage version of the good poster Li'l Bripat. A Me & Mini-Me coupling?

Or? ....... are you two avatars really the same guy? Merely switching avatars like changing your tighty-whiteys?

Whether you guys are one or ARE the entertainment here. I love this bar!

Chillicothe doesn't realize German soldiers dressed up as Polish soldiers to start their fighting in WWII. It wouldn't surprise me if liberals would use the same tactics.


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