There was only ONE instance when the US paid "ransom" to Iran...

.....and it is NOT on Obama's watch.....

The money received by Iran is NOT US or European or anyone else's money...It is IRANIAN money frozen in various banks.

The ONLY instance that we paid ransom for hostages occurred under Reagan's watch.....Check out the Iran-Contra affair, Ollie North's involvement, and Reagan's "I can't recall" statement during the investigation of the fraudulent affair..
Except Iran says Barry paid the ransom, Iran has been showing off the cash, Iran has been showing the video of the ransom being paid, and the hostages have reported a ransom was paid...

But if the 'messiah', Mr. Lie of the Year, says it then it must be true...

I would expect Iranians babbling in influent English to misconstrue the meaning of the word "ransom' but for YOU to do so is just plain stupid.
.....and it is NOT on Obama's watch.....

The money received by Iran is NOT US or European or anyone else's money...It is IRANIAN money frozen in various banks.

The ONLY instance that we paid ransom for hostages occurred under Reagan's watch.....Check out the Iran-Contra affair, Ollie North's involvement, and Reagan's "I can't recall" statement during the investigation of the fraudulent affair..

Hey dummy, we didn't give a nickel to Iran under Iran/Contra.
.....and it is NOT on Obama's watch.....

The money received by Iran is NOT US or European or anyone else's money...It is IRANIAN money frozen in various banks.

The ONLY instance that we paid ransom for hostages occurred under Reagan's watch.....Check out the Iran-Contra affair, Ollie North's involvement, and Reagan's "I can't recall" statement during the investigation of the fraudulent affair..
Except Iran says Barry paid the ransom, Iran has been showing off the cash, Iran has been showing the video of the ransom being paid, and the hostages have reported a ransom was paid...

But if the 'messiah', Mr. Lie of the Year, says it then it must be true...

I would expect Iranians babbling in influent English to misconstrue the meaning of the word "ransom' but for YOU to do so is just plain stupid.
Iranians are stupid and don't know what the word 'ransom' means? THAT'S YOUR ARGUMENT?

So I guess the Americans hostages that said it was a random also are too stupid to know what 'ransom' means?!

And the 'ransom' video that was released?

Bypassing Congress, foreign currency loaded on an unmarked plane and flown out at night to an Iranian airport where American hostages happen to be waiting....

...but that's NOT paying a 'ransom'...

GOD...just when I thought Liberals could NOT get any more STUPID..
You are just besmirching the greatest president that ever lived.
The only consensus that Reagan was the "greatest president that ever lived" exists only in the minds of RW White males. everyone else thought he was a bigoted Jerk and chief of the American version of the Taliban.
Obama just paid a $400 million dollar ransom, is it really any surprise he bowed to Iran like a punk?

Nothing says 'ransom' like handing someone back their own money........

Not like under Reagan when we paid our money to release hostages
U.S. Paid Hostage Ransom, Iranian Says
AMMAN, Jordan — A top Iranian official said Friday that the United States paid ransom to Iran in an effort to free American hostages in Lebanon, and suggested that further payments could lead to the release of more captives.

"I explicitly declare to the American people and the world that the Americans paid us ransom in the Lebanese affair," Hashemi Rafsanjani, Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, said. "We received ransom in return for our intercession."
.....and it is NOT on Obama's watch.....

The money received by Iran is NOT US or European or anyone else's money...It is IRANIAN money frozen in various banks.

The ONLY instance that we paid ransom for hostages occurred under Reagan's watch.....Check out the Iran-Contra affair, Ollie North's involvement, and Reagan's "I can't recall" statement during the investigation of the fraudulent affair..
Except Iran says Barry paid the ransom, Iran has been showing off the cash, Iran has been showing the video of the ransom being paid, and the hostages have reported a ransom was paid...

But if the 'messiah', Mr. Lie of the Year, says it then it must be true...

I would expect Iranians babbling in influent English to misconstrue the meaning of the word "ransom' but for YOU to do so is just plain stupid.
Iranians are stupid and don't know what the word 'ransom' means? THAT'S YOUR ARGUMENT?

So I guess the Americans hostages that said it was a random also are too stupid to know what 'ransom' means?!

And the 'ransom' video that was released?

Bypassing Congress, foreign currency loaded on an unmarked plane and flown out at night to an Iranian airport where American hostages happen to be waiting....

...but that's NOT paying a 'ransom'...

GOD...just when I thought Liberals could NOT get any more STUPID..
It is obvious the Iranian spokesmen you cite don't know the meaning of the word "ransom" if they applied that definition to this recent set of events. But you double down on your own flawed perspective when you give weight to anything the freed American prisoners said, about the conditions of their release. All they know is what they heard from their captors…the same people who don't know what ransom means. :lol:
Obama just paid a $400 million dollar ransom, is it really any surprise he bowed to Iran like a punk?

Nothing says 'ransom' like handing someone back their own money........

Not like under Reagan when we paid our money to release hostages
U.S. Paid Hostage Ransom, Iranian Says
AMMAN, Jordan — A top Iranian official said Friday that the United States paid ransom to Iran in an effort to free American hostages in Lebanon, and suggested that further payments could lead to the release of more captives.

"I explicitly declare to the American people and the world that the Americans paid us ransom in the Lebanese affair," Hashemi Rafsanjani, Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, said. "We received ransom in return for our intercession."
Nice spin...

But the MORON who tried to declare HIS Syrian Red Line was the WORLD'S Red Line ... and the world laughed at him ... just followed Iran's DEMANDS by loading $400 million in foreign currency onto an unmarked airplane and SECRETLY flying it to Iran in the middle of the night in exchange for US hostages...

That's what the world saw.
That's what Iran is telling the world.
That's what Iran is showing on their video.
That's what the released hostages are saying
But idiot libs and Obama are saying 'uh-uh'.

In his last few months Obama is going down in flames...looking like an ass doing it...and bringing his idiot supporters with him.
You are just besmirching the greatest president that ever lived.
The only consensus that Reagan was the "greatest president that ever lived" exists only in the minds of RW White males. everyone else thought he was a bigoted Jerk and chief of the American version of the Taliban.

The only good thing about "Bedtime for Bonzo" was it was Clint Eastwood's first movie part.
You are just besmirching the greatest president that ever lived.
The only consensus that Reagan was the "greatest president that ever lived" exists only in the minds of RW White males. everyone else thought he was a bigoted Jerk and chief of the American version of the Taliban.

The only good thing about "Bedtime for Bonzo" was it was Clint Eastwood's first movie part.
You have devolved right before my eyes…. time to tell you to go to hell!
You are just besmirching the greatest president that ever lived.
The only consensus that Reagan was the "greatest president that ever lived" exists only in the minds of RW White males. everyone else thought he was a bigoted Jerk and chief of the American version of the Taliban.

The only good thing about "Bedtime for Bonzo" was it was Clint Eastwood's first movie part.
You have devolved right before my eyes…. time to tell you to go to hell!

I thought Clint's part as a hospital orderly was stunning!

So you didn't like the chimp movie? Me neither.

Well thanks for thinking of me but??? Don't I have to die first?

I'll pass.
There is just no end of your justifications of St. Ronnie's behaviour, his corruption, and his incompetence is there?

If you want to pretend to be an American, "color,""behavior," etc.

WikiLeaks released two weeks back video of DWS describing how those who pay are sold commission appointments in the federal government by Barack Obama.The open selling of federal posts for cash.


Yet you have the NERVE to imply Reagan was corrupt? :eek:

I understand the anger and hatred of the left (there is nothing else, after all) at Reagan, he destroyed your beloved USSR. But your lies are absurd - flat out stupid.

If Obama or anyone in his administration had done anything like this, you'd have him impeached for treason.


So you figure the more outrageous your lies, the more likely they will be believed?

Nixon suggested that the IRS be used on his enemies. The IRS head at the time refused. Nixon was driven from office for it.

Obama used the IRS against thousands on his enemies list. Lois Lerner gleefully complied.

Hell you've been trying to impeach both him and Hillary for Benghazi since the moment it happened. Stop lying about shit. I realize it's all you've got, but just stop. No one believes this crap any more.

The Obama administration is the most corrupt administration in the history of the USA. We are little more than a 3rd world kleptocracy at this point, Stalinist Commisars selling jobs and contracts with the blessing, hell the LOVE of you corrupt fucks in the rank and file.

I assume you are just as crooked, corrupt, and dishonest in you daily life as the criminal conspiracy of a party you support. The democrats reflect you complete lack of ethics, values, and integrity. Da Comrade?
Iran's done real well on Hussein's watch. I'm sure they're very sad to see him go. Him and Kerry are the worst negotiators in history. Not the kind of folks you want making deals.
again, your wishful thinking and delusions, oh mr life fail.

My dissertation was accepted by the board of regents this last Monday. So it's "Dr. life fail" to you, Mz. Fakelawyer. :thup:

Congratulations. I got my BSEE and then started raising a family.

Thank you. It's bee a long, strange trip. This is Supply and Production Chain Management. I worked in a team of 5, and we refined Dr. Goldratt's theory of constraints, focusing on demand pull with the elimination of time fences. We will be published in the October IJPS.

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