There was only ONE instance when the US paid "ransom" to Iran...

Stop trying to change the subject. You claim it wasn't ransom money.

First, you say Iran has a right to arrest them and they weren't hostages. Then you claim it was just a trade, one country's property for another. Now it's just part of an old program that has been reinstituted.

You're all over the board trying to defend this. Give it up, already.

Obama deals with terrorists. Period.

Hey, this forum is NOT the venue to fix stupidity of your caliber.....I don't give a crap if you stay just as ignorant as you are now.

Fine, have it your way, Obama..the Kenyan Muslim deals with terrorists and steals your guns....
Happy now?

Clementine just exposed you....again.
He was never held accountable, which is the important part. He was a two bit criminal that skated after committing high crimes against the nation.

Honestly, I see Reagan like GWB to be just a patsy surrounded by much smarter and MUCH MORE evil confidants who actually ran the country and kept Ronnie happy with hefty doses of jelly beans.
He was never held accountable

Neither was Hillary.

Funny, imagine what this country would be like if liberals like you could hold people like Hillary accountable? You liberals know personally in your heart of hearts that she's guilty of high crimes, yet you will insist she's done nothing wrong. You will defend her ad nauseam. You'll vote for her nonetheless. That's what people in both parties do. They don't care if their guy/gal was convicted of child molestation for example, but they'll vote for them anyway. But they don't mind in their faux outrage to demand accountability from someone on the opposite side of the aisle, or someone like, oh, say, someone who's been dead for 12 years.

Reagan is dead. That scandal is dead, it is only an undead corpse brought back to the mortal plane in obscure political boards like this one. You can't explain this away. The Iranians are $400m richer. Why were they given that money? A long standing agreement perhaps? If so, what kind of agreement? Maybe a few favors in exchange for sealing the nuke deal? You don't expect me to believe this was an unrequited act of generosity, do you?

The liberal penchant for deflection never ceases to amaze me.
.....and it is NOT on Obama's watch.....

The money received by Iran is NOT US or European or anyone else's money...It is IRANIAN money frozen in various banks.

The ONLY instance that we paid ransom for hostages occurred under Reagan's watch.....Check out the Iran-Contra affair, Ollie North's involvement, and Reagan's "I can't recall" statement during the investigation of the fraudulent affair..

Really? What was that 400 million all about then?
That 400 million was a timely strategy that got some of our spies released with no cost to the AmericanTaxpayer. It all stems from a transaction in 1979 whereas the SHAH of Iran paid 1+ Billions to the USA for jet fighters. The SHAH was ousted in a coup and the planes were never delivered. However, the USA kept the money. Inevitably, Iran took their case to the world Court.

With the fall of the Shah, the US froze ALL Iranian assets to include the billon or so in the jet plane deal.This was done despite the Amity Treaty signed by the Shah and US government in 1955. Ostensibly when Iranian assets were frozen, Article IV of the Amity Treaty was immediately violated. And, since the treaty was never revoked, it remains a viable entity this very day.

But over the years, accusations of terrorism on the part of Iran surfaced to impede any thoughts of unfreezing Iranian assets. Instead, 1.7 billion of Iranian assets was earmarked for payment to the victims of terrorist acts thought to have any Iranian involvement. This was not a spontaneous action:

The treaty violations Iran alleges concern a deluge of private civil lawsuits brought against the Iranian government and affiliated entities in U.S. courts, and the U.S. government’s facilitation of those lawsuits. For years, victims of terrorist attacks (such as the 1984 bombing of U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut) and their families have brought lawsuits against Iran, its central bank and other Iranian government entities in U.S. federal courts, alleging that the Iranian government was complicit in the attacks and thus liable for the resulting pain, suffering and death. Iran has generally declined to appear and defend the cases, resulting in default judgments against it and its entities totaling billions of dollars.

Under both international law and U.S. law, a government and its “instrumentalities” (such as a central bank or a state-owned company) are ordinarily immune from suit in the courts of another country.6 But over the past two decades, Congress has enacted various laws removing immunity from foreign governments involved in terrorist activity and allowing victims of those attacks to sue the governments and their instrumentalities and to enforce judgments against their assets held in the United States. President Obama’s Executive Order 13599, issued in 2012, aided this process further by freezing all Iranian assets within U.S. jurisdiction.

More recently, in April 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Iran’s constitutional challenge to a 2012 statute that specifically allowed a major judgment enforcement action against Iran’s central bank to proceed. On June 6, a federal trial court in the case ordered that $1.7 billion of the bank’s funds be turned over to plaintiffs.8 Iran filed the ICJ case days later.
He was never held accountable

Neither was Hillary.

Funny, imagine what this country would be like if liberals like you could hold people like Hillary accountable? You liberals know personally in your heart of hearts that she's guilty of high crimes, yet you will insist she's done nothing wrong. You will defend her ad nauseam. You'll vote for her nonetheless. That's what people in both parties do. They don't care if their guy/gal was convicted of child molestation for example, but they'll vote for them anyway. But they don't mind in their faux outrage to demand accountability from someone on the opposite side of the aisle, or someone like, oh, say, someone who's been dead for 12 years.

Reagan is dead. That scandal is dead, it is only an undead corpse brought back to the mortal plane in obscure political boards like this one. You can't explain this away. The Iranians are $400m richer. Why were they given that money? A long standing agreement perhaps? If so, what kind of agreement? Maybe a few favors in exchange for sealing the nuke deal? You don't expect me to believe this was an unrequited act of generosity, do you?

The liberal penchant for deflection never ceases to amaze me.

Accountable for what? Reagan's crimes are well documented and real. The fact that you and the rest of the conservative-bubble-land gang have hyped up Ben Gassy into something that never was and you are so immersed in your own fantasy world now that you actually think there was something there doesn't make it so. There were 10+ incidents exactly the same with far greater loss of life under Bush with no eyebrows raised and no investigations.

And the email thing was investigated by the FBI and no charges. YOU and the rest of bubble-land claiming 'the fix is in' like trump is now doing with the frigin election also does not make anything that isn't real, real. Did she do some dumb things? Yes, she admitted it. Was it anything worth losing your shit over? Not by a long shot, she wasn't even charged with a misdemeanor.

And the $400 million has already been explained and that was the president, not Hillary Clinton. You derps believe that by creating a false equivalency about ANYTHING now actually makes it true. It doesn't. Your delusions about these things only reside in your head.

You know what, forget it. Faux News and con-talk-radio has so eroded the con-bubble-land residents ability to think clearly that it doesn't matter what I or anyone says. You have your list of demons they've implanted in your head and no amount of fact will overcome them. How great it is for the country that this unholy mental disease alliance between fake right wing kristians and greedy corporate America are finally ripping the Republican Party to shreds. The base that fake con-media has sewn together like frankenstein the last 25 years is finally breaking apart and you'll have to choose which small fragment to sign up with.

Good luck wit dat.
Don't have a point to make? Go for the spelling/grammar instead. How quaint.

Hey, many dozens of posts on this thread and you STILL believe that I had "no point to make"? Really???

The spelling stupidity by one of your ilk just show the low level of education by most of you right wing nitwits, and I DO like to point that out since it pisses you off. LOL
Accountable for what?

That particular phrase (above) is often used by right wingers whenever a judgment on democrats does not go with their wishes.....part of that lynching mentality that constitutes a right winger's sense of "justice"..
Let me attempt to understand this: The Iranian news service said it was a RANSOM payment.
Two of the hostages claim it was a RANSOM payment.
The man who told us we could keep our own doctors claims it is a COINCIDENCE????
Let me attempt to understand this: The Iranian news service said it was a RANSOM payment.
Two of the hostages claim it was a RANSOM payment.
The man who told us we could keep our own doctors claims it is a COINCIDENCE????
Help me to understand how unfreezing a portion of US held Iranian assets can be construed as ransom payment regardless of why the funds were released?
He was never held accountable

Neither was Hillary.

Funny, imagine what this country would be like if liberals like you could hold people like Hillary accountable? You liberals know personally in your heart of hearts that she's guilty of high crimes, yet you will insist she's done nothing wrong. You will defend her ad nauseam. You'll vote for her nonetheless. That's what people in both parties do. They don't care if their guy/gal was convicted of child molestation for example, but they'll vote for them anyway. But they don't mind in their faux outrage to demand accountability from someone on the opposite side of the aisle, or someone like, oh, say, someone who's been dead for 12 years.

Reagan is dead. That scandal is dead, it is only an undead corpse brought back to the mortal plane in obscure political boards like this one. You can't explain this away. The Iranians are $400m richer. Why were they given that money? A long standing agreement perhaps? If so, what kind of agreement? Maybe a few favors in exchange for sealing the nuke deal? You don't expect me to believe this was an unrequited act of generosity, do you?

The liberal penchant for deflection never ceases to amaze me.

REPUBLICANS said Hillary didn't do anything wrong. Not Democrats - REPUBLICANS. Over and over again, REPUBLICANS have exonerated Hillary, but you keep saying she's corrupt. Where is the cognitive disconnect with you people. You can't suck and blow at the same time.

Now Republicans are all backtracking saying how awesome Hillary is and they're going to vote for her.

Hillary hasn't been held accountable because REPUBLICANS keep making up shit, investigating the shit they made up, and find nothing.
Let me attempt to understand this: The Iranian news service said it was a RANSOM payment.
Two of the hostages claim it was a RANSOM payment.
The man who told us we could keep our own doctors claims it is a COINCIDENCE????

Like your ilk, the Iranian news service enjoys in placing the US in a bad light.
Two of the hostages (they were prisoners of Iran, probably for spying on that country) would have no fucking idea about what to label the money......just glad they're out of that shithole of Iranian prison system.
There was only ONE instance when the US paid "ransom" to Iran...Until the recent 400 Million to Free the Hostages.
There is no such thing as coincidence.

Obama had $400 million to give Iran in his wallet???

You right wing morons are too damn easy to knock to the curb.....Try harder. LOL
Call it a ransom or call it what ever you want. Fact is, the hostages were released only after the plane carrying the cash landed.
Then and only then could the plane carrying the hostages depart. You liberals are so in denial/

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