There was something good that came out of Hillary losing.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.
The looney liberal left has driven themselves into a crazed frenzy over Trump being elected president.

They are leaderless, powerless, with no direction, and their only agenda is "hate Trump".

It's such a wonderful sight......
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.

Thanks for the look into the mind of an unstable and delusional person. This is exactly why I don’t have you on Ignore.
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.
Dude, seriously get a life. Trump is in office because your party ran Hillary.
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.

So it's "losing" that gets the Democratic base involved? Well gosh, little buddy...we'll try and keep them involved for years to come then!

You haven't figured it out yet...have you? All of your ranting about Nazis and how the GOP is out to screw over the Middle Class is going to fall on deaf ears as soon as those Middle Class voters start getting more money in their paychecks and watch the value of their 401K plans increase. You progressives had your shot, R-Derp! You had control of the Oval Office...the Senate and the House. What did you do with that? You managed to spend a trillion dollars and not stimulate the economy. You managed to pass healthcare "reform" that was so badly written that one can only assume you WANTED it to fail. Why would the voters put you people back in charge? So you can screw up foreign policy again? Give us trade deals that are good for everyone else BUT us?

The things the voters are most concerned about are jobs and the economy. They're also worried about the security of the nation and keeping bad people out. Those aren't issues that you progressives care about! You're pushing black lives matter and climate change! It's amusing that you think giving the American people a break on their taxes is a matter of "national survival"! It might be a matter of "survival" for the Washington establishment because they constantly need more...more...more of our tax dollars but the country will be just fine.
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Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.

The dems are reviled now for their hatred of country and their own citizens. They have no message other than hate, division, and more taxes. It's so appalling that king george would have exiled them.
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.
I partially agree. Hillary would have been culturally even worse that Trump. And we have the Donald to thank for "me too." That's like a 2-4-1, no Bill and "me too."

And the dems are energized. They have so many people wanting to run for office, the party is having trouble figuring out which ones to give support to. The polls look really good for them. But I'm not sure the underlying issues are really favorable. The wedge stuff, the gop's embrace of racisim ....sure. But, jobs. Trump is not actually going to bring back jobs. The jobs that paid enough for people with HS educations to drive new cars and have a boat and cabin don't exist. The dems solution is to tax capital to provide more education and health care to workers, which is sort of what unions provided before 1980. But that may not be politically popular. Alvin Toffler predicted an end to nation-states, and Trump may be more than just a one-off, perfect storm delivered by a dem party that was controlled by the Clintons.

I'm not sure how accurate some of the bulleted paragraphs are, but I do recall reading Toffler back in the late 1980s, and much of his predictions of "decentralization" are coming true. I think he was more optimistic than the link reflects.
The Third Wave (Toffler book) - Wikipedia
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.

So it's "losing" that gets the Democratic base involved? Well gosh, little buddy...we'll try and keep them involved for years to come then!

You haven't figured it out yet...have you? All of your ranting about Nazis and how the GOP is out to screw over the Middle Class is going to fall on deaf ears as soon as those Middle Class voters start getting more money in their paychecks and watch the value of their 401K plans increase. You progressives had your shot, R-Derp! You had control of the Oval Office...the Senate and the House. What did you do with that? You managed to spend a trillion dollars and not stimulate the economy. You managed to pass healthcare "reform" that was so badly written that one can only assume you WANTED it to fail. Why would the voters put you people back in charge? So you can screw up foreign policy again? Give us trade deals that are good for everyone else BUT us?

The things the voters are most concerned about are jobs and the economy. They're also worried about the security of the nation and keeping bad people out. Those aren't issues that you progressives care about! You're pushing black lives matter and climate change! It's amusing that you think giving the American people a break on their taxes is a matter of "national survival"! It might be a matter of "survival" for the Washington establishment because they constantly need more...more...more of our tax dollars but the country will be just fine.
The Retirement Crisis: Why 68% Of Americans Aren't Saving In An Employer-Sponsored Plan
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.
The best thing about Cankles losing among the many thousands, is the MSM is now actually doing their job rather than protecting the POTUS, as they did with Big Ears. Of course, they still lie a lot.
PS, if anything good for the dems came out of the election, I think it may be that the party is going with "new blood."
PS, if anything good for the dems came out of the election, I think it may be that the party is going with "new blood."

My question to you is this though, Ben...are they going with new ideas...or are they going with the same old ideas only repackaged, called something else and pitched by someone with such a brief political record that you can't TELL it's the same old thing?
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.
I partially agree. Hillary would have been culturally even worse that Trump. And we have the Donald to thank for "me too." That's like a 2-4-1, no Bill and "me too."

And the dems are energized. They have so many people wanting to run for office, the party is having trouble figuring out which ones to give support to. The polls look really good for them. But I'm not sure the underlying issues are really favorable. The wedge stuff, the gop's embrace of racisim ....sure. But, jobs. Trump is not actually going to bring back jobs. The jobs that paid enough for people with HS educations to drive new cars and have a boat and cabin don't exist. The dems solution is to tax capital to provide more education and health care to workers, which is sort of what unions provided before 1980. But that may not be politically popular. Alvin Toffler predicted an end to nation-states, and Trump may be more than just a one-off, perfect storm delivered by a dem party that was controlled by the Clintons.

I'm not sure how accurate some of the bulleted paragraphs are, but I do recall reading Toffler back in the late 1980s, and much of his predictions of "decentralization" are coming true. I think he was more optimistic than the link reflects.
The Third Wave (Toffler book) - Wikipedia
Education and healthcare aren't politically popular?

That makes no sense.
Remember, Trey and other Republicans said they had at least two years of investigations to ruin her presidency like they tried to do to Obama.

But then she wasn't elected.

If she had been, I suspect you wouldn't see this enthusiasm in the Democratic Party.

Hundreds of Democrats have signed up to run all over the United States.

Republicans have become a hated political party. After tax cuts for billionaires, screwing over millions of Americans. Going after civil rights. Working hard to dirty up the environment. By the midterms, there won't be a single GOP policy that other Americans aren't disgusted with.

Finally, Republicans have done something the Democrat's leadership hasn't been able to do. Get the Democratic base involved and motivated. They get it. They understand the GOP wants to turn America into a combination of a plutocracy, a Nazi type country and a theocracy.

Don't get me wrong, Republicans are doing a lot of damage. And they will do more. But it only motivates Democrats and independents to fight back. It's a matter of national survival.
I partially agree. Hillary would have been culturally even worse that Trump. And we have the Donald to thank for "me too." That's like a 2-4-1, no Bill and "me too."

And the dems are energized. They have so many people wanting to run for office, the party is having trouble figuring out which ones to give support to. The polls look really good for them. But I'm not sure the underlying issues are really favorable. The wedge stuff, the gop's embrace of racisim ....sure. But, jobs. Trump is not actually going to bring back jobs. The jobs that paid enough for people with HS educations to drive new cars and have a boat and cabin don't exist. The dems solution is to tax capital to provide more education and health care to workers, which is sort of what unions provided before 1980. But that may not be politically popular. Alvin Toffler predicted an end to nation-states, and Trump may be more than just a one-off, perfect storm delivered by a dem party that was controlled by the Clintons.

I'm not sure how accurate some of the bulleted paragraphs are, but I do recall reading Toffler back in the late 1980s, and much of his predictions of "decentralization" are coming true. I think he was more optimistic than the link reflects.
The Third Wave (Toffler book) - Wikipedia
Education and healthcare aren't politically popular?

That makes no sense.

The whole post makes no sense, especially the new blood comment since dems are rehashing the same vitriol to their citizens and reelecting the same tired tax loving loonbats.
There was something good that came out of Hillary losing.

- Democrats / snowflakes have exposed themselves as the threats to our democracy - according to Hillary - that they are

- The criminal FBI has been exposed for their conspiring to and taking action to protect Hillary from indictment for her proven crimes as well as their proven acts of sedition against the President of the United States ('Insurance policy')

- The Obama administration's crimes have further been exposed / proven

- All the Success President Trump has had

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