There will always be poverty.



Republicans are always wanting to end programs that benefit the poor. They insist these programs don't work because there is still poor so they look for "alternate and age old methods" that never work.

Remember Andre Bauer? Feed the poor and they will.....well, you know.

Remember Newt? Poor children have no role model? Make them janitors.

Remember "Hungry children work harder"?

Ask a USMB Republican what the "Welfare Work Requirement" is and you get a black stare. And this endless lie about illegal aliens getting food stamps. Why can't they stop telling this lie?

The truth is, there will always be poverty. The number one cause of bankruptcy are medical bills. Suddenly a family is poor.

Look at what Sandy did to the East Coast. Not only were people wiped out from everything they had, even their jobs were gone. Eric Cantor's plan was no solution.

Unskilled assembly jobs being moved to China and suddenly a family is poor. The Democrat's plan for more education to prepare people for a new job isn't a handout.

And where are the Republican's "alternate plans"? How come we can't get USMB Republicans to explain what we should be doing? How is "get government out of the way" supposed to work? How is bringing immigrants with degrees here going to help Americans already here?

So USMB Republicans don't like anything the Democrats want to do. What is their plan if they have one? Isn't it time they told us or STFU?
remember Ben Franklin; The worst thing to do for poor people is to make them comfortable in their poverty.

but hey, it's the best way to bribe people for votes!

So that's the plan? Make people who are already misrable MORE misrable?

Any other Republicans with more of these brilliant plans? Tell us how they work again?
Poverty is not NEARLY painful enough.

When I was growing up we were very very poor. Back in the days when there was no safety net. Medical care was by some charity, usually Catholic. There were no food stamps. No HUD housing. Nothing. We lived on the streets. It was NOT painful enough for my parents to get a job and a place to live. They were quite comfortable as bad as it was.

BUT, when someone went to the police and turned them in, I was taken away and the Judge said "clean up your act, get a job and a stable home or you will never see your daughter again." THAT was painful enough and that's what they did. Judges could do that. They did that. There was no help. They were denied even visitation.

Poverty should be as painful as it is to force people into getting themselves out of poverty. If an illegal could slither across the border from some dirt poor village and find a job, surely an American can do the same.
remember Ben Franklin; The worst thing to do for poor people is to make them comfortable in their poverty.

but hey, it's the best way to bribe people for votes!

So that's the plan? Make people who are already misrable MORE misrable?

Any other Republicans with more of these brilliant plans? Tell us how they work again?

Ben Franklin was a Founding Father, there were no republicans back then.

But it's nice to see that you're way to dumb to grasp the ideal. Makes me not feel so bad, b/c I now understand that liberals really don't care about learning from past mistakes.
Hunger is a great motivator.

Worked for me.

the poor are not hungry. They are overweight.

They have cable TV, internet, cell phones, washer/dryers/ microwaves , houses etc.

What they don't have is the self-control to delay gratification.

The poor I know will skip out on paying rent or loans but will not forego weed, booze and cigs for one day.

and forget about working a steady job if they can get assistance or just get by from day to day.

RDEAN, this is the real world where there will always been poor that are not very bright, lazy or make poor choices as a lifestyle.

You expect the working class to support the real world bums while bashing all republicans as heartless. Who really is heartless and selfish? those that work or those that leech?

You are a parasite RDEAN
Poverty is not NEARLY painful enough.

When I was growing up we were very very poor. Back in the days when there was no safety net. Medical care was by some charity, usually Catholic. There were no food stamps. No HUD housing. Nothing. We lived on the streets. It was NOT painful enough for my parents to get a job and a place to live. They were quite comfortable as bad as it was.

BUT, when someone went to the police and turned them in, I was taken away and the Judge said "clean up your act, get a job and a stable home or you will never see your daughter again." THAT was painful enough and that's what they did. Judges could do that. They did that. There was no help. They were denied even visitation.

Poverty should be as painful as it is to force people into getting themselves out of poverty. If an illegal could slither across the border from some dirt poor village and find a job, surely an American can do the same.

Sorry, that story doesn't sound truthful to me. An entire family living on the street and the parents could have done something about it the entire time but didn't until their kids were taken away? Then they decided to finally work just to get their kids back? Even saying it out loud sounds like a lie.
Hunger is a great motivator.

Worked for me.

the poor are not hungry. They are overweight.

They have cable TV, internet, cell phones, washer/dryers/ microwaves , houses etc.

What they don't have is the self-control to delay gratification.

The poor I know will skip out on paying rent or loans but will not forego weed, booze and cigs for one day.

and forget about working a steady job if they can get assistance or just get by from day to day.

RDEAN, this is the real world where there will always been poor that are not very bright, lazy or make poor choices as a lifestyle.

You expect the working class to support the real world bums while bashing all republicans as heartless. Who really is heartless and selfish? those that work or those that leech?

You are a parasite RDEAN

Clearly that would be you.
You can always build more programs for microlending that include
business training to help even the poorest communities out of poverty.

And always build more schools where even the poorest
children and teachers can do work to invest in their own programs in exchange for training
and services, while building a sustainable system from there.

So even if we always have poor and people to educate and train, who are dependent
on assistance while they move up the class ranks toward independence,
there are already sustainable programs out there that address this
and take invested resources to grow more schools, and teachers to replicate such models.

none of this is based on handouts, but teaching people how to fish.
the problem is our media resources being wasted fighting in divided camps
instead of promoting solutions that would UNITE diverse parties in AGREEMENT.
we are too busying using resources and media to bash and criticize over differences or wrongs,
that the right answers and solutions deserving of attention and funding are neglected.
and sadly these would solve the problems being politicized and publicized in campaigns at the cost of millions
that could have been better invested in solutions, and publicizing candidates or leaders who further and develop such efforts as part of their policies.

See Grameen Bank Foundation by Mohammad Yunus, Ithaca HOURS by Paul Glover,
PACE Universal schools by Deepa Willingham, Habitat for Humanity/Architecture for Humanity, many programs like this invest in education and training coops to break the cycle of poverty and oppression/abuse/crime that otherwise comes with it.

Republicans are always wanting to end programs that benefit the poor. They insist these programs don't work because there is still poor so they look for "alternate and age old methods" that never work.

Remember Andre Bauer? Feed the poor and they will.....well, you know.

Remember Newt? Poor children have no role model? Make them janitors.

Remember "Hungry children work harder"?

Ask a USMB Republican what the "Welfare Work Requirement" is and you get a black stare. And this endless lie about illegal aliens getting food stamps. Why can't they stop telling this lie?

The truth is, there will always be poverty. The number one cause of bankruptcy are medical bills. Suddenly a family is poor.

Look at what Sandy did to the East Coast. Not only were people wiped out from everything they had, even their jobs were gone. Eric Cantor's plan was no solution.

Unskilled assembly jobs being moved to China and suddenly a family is poor. The Democrat's plan for more education to prepare people for a new job isn't a handout.

And where are the Republican's "alternate plans"? How come we can't get USMB Republicans to explain what we should be doing? How is "get government out of the way" supposed to work? How is bringing immigrants with degrees here going to help Americans already here?

So USMB Republicans don't like anything the Democrats want to do. What is their plan if they have one? Isn't it time they told us or STFU?

here is where I wrote up the plans for the community campus model
to be replicated for prison and immigration reforms:
Earned Amnesty
based on public housing reforms written into federal HOPE VI legislation and subgrant agreements in 1994
please note these plans were censored and destroyed under Democrat adminstrations,
so you can blame them equally as Republicans for why party politics absconded with
millions if not billions in resources and YEARS of media time spent on campaigns and elections while sustainable
ideas like this campus model went unfunded and unmentioned in the media
when this is the model solution to many of the political issues being campaigned for or against.
both parties are to blame, if you want to be fair!
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Poverty is not NEARLY painful enough.

When I was growing up we were very very poor. Back in the days when there was no safety net. Medical care was by some charity, usually Catholic. There were no food stamps. No HUD housing. Nothing. We lived on the streets. It was NOT painful enough for my parents to get a job and a place to live. They were quite comfortable as bad as it was.

BUT, when someone went to the police and turned them in, I was taken away and the Judge said "clean up your act, get a job and a stable home or you will never see your daughter again." THAT was painful enough and that's what they did. Judges could do that. They did that. There was no help. They were denied even visitation.

Poverty should be as painful as it is to force people into getting themselves out of poverty. If an illegal could slither across the border from some dirt poor village and find a job, surely an American can do the same.

Sorry, that story doesn't sound truthful to me. An entire family living on the street and the parents could have done something about it the entire time but didn't until their kids were taken away? Then they decided to finally work just to get their kids back? Even saying it out loud sounds like a lie.

The entire family was the three of us. There were no kids. There was one kid. Me. I lived with my aunt for a year.

As painful as the time on the streets were, it does not compare to the horror of being in my 30s with a child of my own and hearing my mother describe those days as the happiest of her life. No one to answer to. No boss or landlord to tell them what to do. No wage slave timeclock to punch. No bills. Just hitch hikeing whereever someone else was going.

What happened was ,, I got sick. I got impetigo. A man traveling with his daughter picked us up and drove us to my grandmother's home in NYC? After giving my grandma an earful he went to the police. I probably owe my life to that man. It took an entire year for my folks to get the message. They didn't run out and get a job and a place to live. They hit the road first thing. Except you know, it was easier to get a ride with a small child than only two adults. This was in the late 40s and early 50s. There were lots of hitchers in those days.

Quite honestly you can believe it or not. Nothing will change my mind that most "poor" are just like my mom and step dad. They are poor because it's too much effort not to be poor and it cuts into their personal time. Especially today when poverty is so comfortable.
There are certain problems that we may never eradicate, but then again maybe our goal is not eradication but cutting the numbers. We will probably always have murders but again can we cut the numbers, can we cut the number of the poor, the number of auto accidents the rate of cancer? Have we made progress in areas that once seemed hopeless, just in my lifetime, polio comes to mind, in another 100 years I wonder where we will be, and who will still be lamenting "we can't do anything."
Hunger is a great motivator.

Worked for me.

the poor are not hungry. They are overweight.

They have cable TV, internet, cell phones, washer/dryers/ microwaves , houses etc.

What they don't have is the self-control to delay gratification.

The poor I know will skip out on paying rent or loans but will not forego weed, booze and cigs for one day.

and forget about working a steady job if they can get assistance or just get by from day to day.

RDEAN, this is the real world where there will always been poor that are not very bright, lazy or make poor choices as a lifestyle.

You expect the working class to support the real world bums while bashing all republicans as heartless. Who really is heartless and selfish? those that work or those that leech?

You are a parasite RDEAN

Clearly that would be you.

I pull the cart and don't ride in it asswipe
Poverty is not NEARLY painful enough.

When I was growing up we were very very poor. Back in the days when there was no safety net. Medical care was by some charity, usually Catholic. There were no food stamps. No HUD housing. Nothing. We lived on the streets. It was NOT painful enough for my parents to get a job and a place to live. They were quite comfortable as bad as it was.

BUT, when someone went to the police and turned them in, I was taken away and the Judge said "clean up your act, get a job and a stable home or you will never see your daughter again." THAT was painful enough and that's what they did. Judges could do that. They did that. There was no help. They were denied even visitation.

Poverty should be as painful as it is to force people into getting themselves out of poverty. If an illegal could slither across the border from some dirt poor village and find a job, surely an American can do the same.

Sorry, that story doesn't sound truthful to me. An entire family living on the street and the parents could have done something about it the entire time but didn't until their kids were taken away? Then they decided to finally work just to get their kids back? Even saying it out loud sounds like a lie.

The entire family was the three of us. There were no kids. There was one kid. Me. I lived with my aunt for a year.

As painful as the time on the streets were, it does not compare to the horror of being in my 30s with a child of my own and hearing my mother describe those days as the happiest of her life. No one to answer to. No boss or landlord to tell them what to do. No wage slave timeclock to punch. No bills. Just hitch hikeing whereever someone else was going.

What happened was ,, I got sick. I got impetigo. A man traveling with his daughter picked us up and drove us to my grandmother's home in NYC? After giving my grandma an earful he went to the police. I probably owe my life to that man. It took an entire year for my folks to get the message. They didn't run out and get a job and a place to live. They hit the road first thing. Except you know, it was easier to get a ride with a small child than only two adults. This was in the late 40s and early 50s. There were lots of hitchers in those days.

Quite honestly you can believe it or not. Nothing will change my mind that most "poor" are just like my mom and step dad. They are poor because it's too much effort not to be poor and it cuts into their personal time. Especially today when poverty is so comfortable.

So lucky you had a grandparent to go to. Most poor don't. So what happens to them? Fuck 'em?

Poverty is comfortable? You've been swallowing Republican swill.

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So that's the plan? Make people who are already misrable MORE misrable?

Any other Republicans with more of these brilliant plans? Tell us how they work again?

Name a period in time before the 19th century when anyone, anywhere, has ever protested poverty.
The poor aren't miserable. They have cars, color television sets, they have government provided housing and can afford to spend the food money on lap dances.

If they had a little real misery, they might get off their lazy asses and get a job doing something.
The poor aren't miserable. They have cars, color television sets, they have government provided housing and can afford to spend the food money on lap dances.

If they had a little real misery, they might get off their lazy asses and get a job doing something.
Taking a lifeline from a drowning man does make him swim. Take shelter away from the poor, they show up on the door of relatives or live on streets. Take away food, and they steal. All of which creates even more problems for the community.

Someone once said the real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations. Once people become convinced that they cannot succeed, they will not try. You have to find a way to convince people they can get off drugs, give up alcohol, go back to school, get a job, or take care of their family. Until this happens, nothing will change. This is one of the biggest problems in working with the poor.
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