There's a Growing 'Trad-Wife' Trend That's Making Feminists Furious

I care about pissing off people like YOU and the so called feminists I described.

How is the tradwife lifestyle damaging?
It's not as long as everyone is happy and no one feels exploited or coerced into a life of domestic servitude.
It's not as long as everyone is happy and no one feels exploited or coerced into a life of domestic servitude.

That's not what the radical feminists think, and those are the people with sand in their vaginas over this.

See once you start using the term's coerced or exploited you give away your true feeling son this.

It bothers you because these people DONT THINK JUST LIKE MEEEEEEEEEE
That's not what the radical feminists think, and those are the people with sand in their vaginas over this.

See once you start using the term's coerced or exploited you give away your true feeling son this.

It bothers you because these people DONT THINK JUST LIKE MEEEEEEEEEE
Doesn't bother me a bit. My wife doesn't work and takes care of most of the household chores. It's her choice and I support it. I also supported her decision when she worked. I didn't like how she was treated in our local service industry that are the only jobs to be had around here.
Doesn't bother me a bit. My wife doesn't work and takes care of most of the household chores. It's her choice and I support it. I also supported her decision when she worked. I didn't like how she was treated in our local service industry that are the only jobs to be had around here.

That's you. Many on your side aren't like that.
This is why there has been a concerted effort to devalue suitable husbands.
Disappointed that no one fitting your stereotypes ever really shows up around here?
You should hook-up with this one.....Sounds like a laugh a minute. ;)


It started with young women half-joking about being angry with the feminist movement for “liberating” women so they now have to get up to go to work to pay their own bills.

The BBC made a skit off the back of this complaint that, while meant as a joke, ended up being a perfect way that described how many women felt about their “liberation.” They say the left can’t meme, but this skit proves they can do so ironically.

Then a trend on began emerging that gained traction very quickly. It was women simply posting their daily lives as traditional housewives. They cooked, they cleaned, they looked nice for their breadwinning husband, and they took care of the children during the day.

It’s a trend being called “tradwife.”

There's a Growing 'Trad-Wife' Trend That's Making Feminists Furious

Yep, nothing says peak feminism like squatting in a workplace toilet while a robot sucks milk out your tits so you can continue to pay some other woman to ignore your kid.


Yup instead of staying home, and taking care of their own families; they fought to be wage slaves taking care of faceless corporations. Often times, by the time they figure out that they have been duped... It's too late to live that family life they passed on. Tik Tok, YT, and the like are littered with dried up old cat ladies lamenting the decisions of their youth in regard to career over family.
Yup instead of staying home, and taking care of their own families; they fought to be wage slaves taking care of faceless corporations. Often times, by the time they figure out that they have been duped... It's too late to live that family life they passed on. Tik Tok, YT, and the like are littered with dried up old cat ladies lamenting the decisions of their youth in regard to career over family.

What people don't realize is there is time to work, and have a profession and a career long past your biological prime for being a parent.

More so for women than men, but even for men being a 60 year old father of a 10 year old isn't optimal.

Meanwhile people are able to work these days in some fields well into their 80's with minimal issues.

My grandfather worked 3 months a year preparing tax returns for people right up until he died at 102.
The truth is, you can't have it all. If you want to have a family and raise your children to your own standards, you can't do that while working 40+ hours a week. Add to that a biological clock that stipulates the best chance of having strong, healthy offspring comes in your 20s-early 30s, you have to choose your priorities wisely during that envelope.
Oh, there are plenty of those, and you usually take their side.
You probably can't understand this but I'll attempt to explain. Every bit of your culture wars crap is an attack on someone's fundamental rights. I am against that. What people do with their rights is seldom any of my or your business.
You probably can't understand this but I'll attempt to explain. Every bit of your culture wars crap is an attack on someone's fundamental rights. I am against that. What people do with their rights is seldom any of my or your business.

Bullshit. The left is the one pushing all this crap, not the right. The whole point of the left's side is forced acceptance, not tolerance. Hence bake that cake or else, mutilate teens or else, let men beat women in sports or else, give up freedoms in the name of AGW or else, and a whole list more.

The ONE argument you may have a point over is abortion, and that is unique because it involves another human life, and an innocent one at that.
Bullshit. The left is the one pushing all this crap, not the right. The whole point of the left's side is forced acceptance, not tolerance. Hence bake that cake or else, mutilate teens or else, let men beat women in sports or else, give up freedoms in the name of AGW or else, and a whole list more.

The ONE argument you may have a point over is abortion, and that is unique because it involves another human life, and an innocent one at that.
I was talking about me and my opinions on any of your ginned up moral outrage campaigns. First and foremost people should mind their own damned business if something has no direct bearing on their lives.
I was talking about me and my opinions on any of your ginned up moral outrage campaigns. First and foremost people should mind their own damned business if something has no direct bearing on their lives.

All well and good to say, but you seem to only go after those opining from the right while giving those on the left a pass.

And every American has a right to an opinion on any fucking topic they feel like. It's certain actions, like preventing others from having an opinion, that is the main issue.
This from your link:

Yep, nothing says peak feminism like squatting in a workplace toilet while a robot sucks milk out your tits so you can continue to pay some other woman to ignore your kid.

Is brilliant and spot-on.

There are women who prefer to work, even if all they make is eaten up by childcare and work-related expenses. Praise Allah, I had a "Tradwife," who wanted to stay home and raise our children. They are leaps and bounds ahead of other people their age. Always have been.
All well and good to say, but you seem to only go after those opining from the right while giving those on the left a pass.

And every American has a right to an opinion on any fucking topic they feel like. It's certain actions, like preventing others from having an opinion, that is the main issue.
You seem to be able to state your opinion just fine but you can't take anyone contradicting your narrative. You seriously don't want to hear the complaints of your designated targets.
You seem to be able to state your opinion just fine but you can't take anyone contradicting your narrative. You seriously don't want to hear the complaints of your designated targets.

A message board isn't the issue. I'm not the issue. The issue is speakers being disrupted, people being fired for having the wrong opinion, and people being too scared to express their viewpoints publicly.

I hear all their complaints, and laugh at 90% of them or so.

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