There's Actually A Pretty Solid Way To Reasonably Predict What Happens Next

So everyone, across the entire political spectrum, can generally concur upon one simple fact:

The polls are often wrong.

Where they frequently lose the plot (and by "they" I mean Leftists and Doomers) is that this does not mean we can't paint a pretty lucid picture of where things are headed.

And this is due to the plain truth that, despite an abundance of irregularities, there are also reliable trendlines that have been quite consistent ever since 2016 - as least as far as The Don's specific performance is concerned.

And that is polls perpetually underrate him.

CNN's Harry Enten knows it, FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver recognizes it, and of course the Right leaning media sphere acknowledges it.

Trump always under polls.

So, how could we utilize this basic metric, to assist us in predicting a potential 2024 outcome?

Well, we could take the underestimations of 2020, and apply them to what they mean in terms of the '24 contest.

For example, let's take my Blue State of Rhode Island.

They originally estimated a Biden victory of 30 points.

His actual win?

17 points.

Hardly a tight race, but a significant deficit from how he was expected to perform.

Now, interestingly, Rhode Island hasn't been polled since October - but that poll showed Biden with an 18 point advantage.

But if one "course corrects" based on 2020 polling errors?

His lead is whittled down to a shockingly minimalist 5 points.

And this dynamic exists in virtually every single state.

In other words - across the board, even in states he won, Biden vastly underperformed his polling in 2020.

Of course, Leftists will scoff at this and dismiss it because they have to in order to get through their ennui-infested existences.

But this post is for the Doomers.

To impress upon you that this will be too big to rig - IF YOU VOTE.

If you don't?

You will have ushered in another four years of bumbling Biden and his communist clown show.

Act accordingly.
LOL at you expecting anyone to listen to anything you fucking have to say when you cant even acknowledge Biden won the last election.
Didn't happen last time. I doubt it will happen this time.
Sure it did

Didn't happen last time. I doubt it will happen this time.
Democrats burn down buildings. MAGA didn't burn down the Capital. Not one fire was set.

The only people that died was two women, one shot to death and the other beaten to death, both at the hands of Capital Police.

Many witnesses who never entered the Capital have been arrested and imprisoned since shortly after Jan 6th.

And this is an example of the kind of conditions they're being imprisoned in:

Your thread is about predictions.

I predict you'll bitch about voter fraud if your guy loses.

I'll be elated if you just admit your blob lost...but you would short circuit if you veered into the area of telling the truth.
The voting system created to be abused is the real problem. The Progs are a group of many psychotic subgroups who have embraced radicalism. And they have control pushing fascism for their agendas or else they destroy others with different views in a democracy. When the time comes you cannot force people to protect other people like we used to out of knowing right from wrong. Government is god. The real cult. As it always becomes, and nations decline.
When Trump was president the Right did nothing because they were too busy trusting the plan. Trump didn't drain the swamp, lock her up, or build the wall. He didn't repeal or replace Obamacare. Government spending exploded and he didn't even try to veto it. He continued the Neocons wars and Neocon foreign policy. He didn't protect gun rights or free speech rights for those on the Right. He went along with the scamdemic and got the clotshot rushed through the safety testing process at warp speed. His three SCOTUS appointments were all centrists. Trump was an abject failure.
LOL... here is what happens next.

If the blob wins, you’ll claim there was no voter fraud.
If the blob loses, you’ll claim there was nothing but voter fraud.
Au contraire...fraud is now an integral and presently unremovable component in all levels of elections. It will be a major factor in primaries, finals, state and national elections.
When Trump was president the Right did nothing because they were too busy trusting the plan. Trump didn't drain the swamp, lock her up, or build the wall. He didn't repeal or replace Obamacare. Government spending exploded and he didn't even try to veto it. He continued the Neocons wars and Neocon foreign policy. He didn't protect gun rights or free speech rights for those on the Right. He went along with the scamdemic and got the clotshot rushed through the safety testing process at warp speed. His three SCOTUS appointments were all centrists. Trump was an abject failure.
The war against Trump led by Pelosi's pride soldiers effectively stifled every initiative that Trump put forward. Early in the pandemic Pelosi screamed condemnation for Trump's travel ban. The three justices may not be as right leaning as you would like..but they are a damn sight better than Roberts or Jackson.
The war against Trump led by Pelosi's pride soldiers effectively stifled every initiative that Trump put forward. Early in the pandemic Pelosi screamed condemnation for Trump's travel ban. The three justices may not be as right leaning as you would like..but they are a damn sight better than Roberts or Jackson.
Trump had 2 years of Republican control of Congress and did nothing.
Trump had 2 years of Republican control of Congress and did nothing.
That is true....but remember that a large segment of the GOP hated him and still does.
Having said that I suppose he did back track on some things.
Trump had 2 years of Republican control of Congress and did nothing.
He passed some pretty awesome tax cuts. Decreased a lot of our overbearing regulations. Had our border under control. Peace in the Middle East, destroyed Isis. Biden (or somebody I'm not sure) has worked very hard to erase all of that.
He passed some pretty awesome tax cuts. Decreased a lot of our overbearing regulations. Had our border under control. Peace in the Middle East, destroyed Isis. Biden (or somebody I'm not sure) has worked very hard to erase all of that.


And you barely scratched the surface.

Whenever I hear doomers whine about "he didn't do anything" my eyes roll up into the back of my noggin.

It reminds me of that old Monty Python sketch.

He passed some pretty awesome tax cuts. Decreased a lot of our overbearing regulations. Had our border under control. Peace in the Middle East, destroyed Isis. Biden (or somebody I'm not sure) has worked very hard to erase all of that.
Yes.... was good for the global economy. War is only good for the arms dealers.

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