There's More to 9-11 Then Fires and Freefall

Mr. Jones

Senior Member
Jan 21, 2009
While almost everyone here is arguing over the freefall times of the WTC towers, and "proving" steel can be heated and melted by showing us pictures of deformed trash cans, the obvious cover up and willful dereliction of duty by our last 2 presidents and the security agencies whose members are sworn to protect the United States against all enemies foreign or domestic goes unmentioned.
Still being overlooked are the facts that both the Clinton and Bush administrations took extra steps to protect the Saudis and the Bin Ladens from being investigated. Where Clinton closed one eye Bush closed both, but both administrations hampered investigations by the FBI and CIA that could have uncovered and possibly prevented the 9-11 attacks.
There is also hardly any mention of the other facts about the 9-11 attacks, like how operation Able Danger managed to identify Atta and three other 9/11 hijackers as members of an Al-Qaida cell more than a year before the attacks, and Philip Zelikow declined to include the information on Able Danger in the 9-11 report.
There are witnesses in the defense dept. that have said there was an effort by the Defense Department to cover up a pre-9/11 military intelligence program known as Able Danger.
EXCLUSIVE: Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings -

Or what about John O'Neil? Just TWO weeks, prior to the attack, O'Neill had left his job with the FBI. O'Neill had quit because he believed that the Bush administration had stymied the intelligence agency's investigations on terrorism.
"The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests, and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it," O'Neill reportedly told the authors of an explosive new book, Hidden Truth (Forbidden Truth in the US), by intelligence analysts Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie. Brisard met O'Neill several times last summer and reports that O'Neill complained bitterly that the US State Department - and behind it the oil lobby who make up President Bush's entourage - blocked attempts to prove bin Laden's guilt.
Who Killed FBI Man John O'Neill? The Story of Bush, Big Oil and the Taliban

There are many instances that were reported on by the MSM and internet sources that suggests some of our own government officials and agencies obstructed and thereby facilitated the 9-11 attackers. It is also suggested that the 9-11 attacks were funded and aided by foreign nations, namely Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Israel. I think these topics should be of concern to anyone researching 9-11. While the actual collapses of the WTC and what happened at the Pentagon and Shanksville are also important, the dealings and actions prior to, during, and after the attacks of those we trusted to protect our country need to be looked at and scrutinized.
Able Danger adds twist to 9/11
Senator Bob Graham Received Detailed Warning Pre 911

"Osama bin Laden is a CIA creation. He was trained by the CIA to fight in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union. The CIA followed Osama bin Laden's operatives prior to the September 11 attacks"
FBI, CIA and NSA Failed to Protect America

On October 1, CNN reported that, according to law enforcement sources, “As much as $100,000 was wired in the past year from Pakistan to Mohamed Atta,
Hence, whether the allegations of bribery are true or not, there are strong indications that the 9/11 Commission was actively involved in a cover-up of information that might otherwise have proved altogether inconvenient for certain policies of he Bush administration in the so-called “war on terrorism”.
9/11 and the Pakistan Connection
While almost everyone here is arguing over the freefall times of the WTC towers, and "proving" steel can be heated and melted by showing us pictures of deformed trash cans, the obvious cover up and willful dereliction of duty by our last 2 presidents and the security agencies whose members are sworn to protect the United States against all enemies foreign or domestic goes unmentioned.
Still being overlooked are the facts that both the Clinton and Bush administrations took extra steps to protect the Saudis and the Bin Ladens from being investigated. Where Clinton closed one eye Bush closed both, but both administrations hampered investigations by the FBI and CIA that could have uncovered and possibly prevented the 9-11 attacks.
There is also hardly any mention of the other facts about the 9-11 attacks, like how operation Able Danger managed to identify Atta and three other 9/11 hijackers as members of an Al-Qaida cell more than a year before the attacks, and Philip Zelikow declined to include the information on Able Danger in the 9-11 report.
There are witnesses in the defense dept. that have said there was an effort by the Defense Department to cover up a pre-9/11 military intelligence program known as Able Danger.
EXCLUSIVE: Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings -

Or what about John O'Neil? Just TWO weeks, prior to the attack, O'Neill had left his job with the FBI. O'Neill had quit because he believed that the Bush administration had stymied the intelligence agency's investigations on terrorism.
"The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests, and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it," O'Neill reportedly told the authors of an explosive new book, Hidden Truth (Forbidden Truth in the US), by intelligence analysts Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie. Brisard met O'Neill several times last summer and reports that O'Neill complained bitterly that the US State Department - and behind it the oil lobby who make up President Bush's entourage - blocked attempts to prove bin Laden's guilt.
Who Killed FBI Man John O'Neill? The Story of Bush, Big Oil and the Taliban

There are many instances that were reported on by the MSM and internet sources that suggests some of our own government officials and agencies obstructed and thereby facilitated the 9-11 attackers. It is also suggested that the 9-11 attacks were funded and aided by foreign nations, namely Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Israel. I think these topics should be of concern to anyone researching 9-11. While the actual collapses of the WTC and what happened at the Pentagon and Shanksville are also important, the dealings and actions prior to, during, and after the attacks of those we trusted to protect our country need to be looked at and scrutinized.
Able Danger adds twist to 9/11
Senator Bob Graham Received Detailed Warning Pre 911

"Osama bin Laden is a CIA creation. He was trained by the CIA to fight in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union. The CIA followed Osama bin Laden's operatives prior to the September 11 attacks"
FBI, CIA and NSA Failed to Protect America

On October 1, CNN reported that, according to law enforcement sources, “As much as $100,000 was wired in the past year from Pakistan to Mohamed Atta,
Hence, whether the allegations of bribery are true or not, there are strong indications that the 9/11 Commission was actively involved in a cover-up of information that might otherwise have proved altogether inconvenient for certain policies of he Bush administration in the so-called “war on terrorism”.
9/11 and the Pakistan Connection

Selective half-truths and pure fiction.

Especially the part about John O'Neil.
There's More to 9-11 Then Fires and Freefall

Sorry Jones, but it's...

... There's More To 9-11 *THAN* Fires and Freefall... not *then*.

How can one even begin to consider your conspiracy theory if you're not even intelligent enough to get basic grammar right?
Last edited:
Selective half-truths and pure fiction.

Especially the part about John O'Neil.
Anyone interested can look up the information themselves. It was widely reported by various MSM news outlets, as well as internet sources.
While almost everyone here is arguing over the freefall times of the WTC towers, and "proving" steel can be heated and melted by showing us pictures of deformed trash cans, the obvious cover up and willful dereliction of duty by our last 2 presidents and the security agencies whose members are sworn to protect the United States against all enemies foreign or domestic goes unmentioned.
Still being overlooked are the facts that both the Clinton and Bush administrations took extra steps to protect the Saudis and the Bin Ladens from being investigated. Where Clinton closed one eye Bush closed both, but both administrations hampered investigations by the FBI and CIA that could have uncovered and possibly prevented the 9-11 attacks.
There is also hardly any mention of the other facts about the 9-11 attacks, like how operation Able Danger managed to identify Atta and three other 9/11 hijackers as members of an Al-Qaida cell more than a year before the attacks, and Philip Zelikow declined to include the information on Able Danger in the 9-11 report.
There are witnesses in the defense dept. that have said there was an effort by the Defense Department to cover up a pre-9/11 military intelligence program known as Able Danger.
EXCLUSIVE: Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings -

Or what about John O'Neil? Just TWO weeks, prior to the attack, O'Neill had left his job with the FBI. O'Neill had quit because he believed that the Bush administration had stymied the intelligence agency's investigations on terrorism.
"The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests, and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it," O'Neill reportedly told the authors of an explosive new book, Hidden Truth (Forbidden Truth in the US), by intelligence analysts Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie. Brisard met O'Neill several times last summer and reports that O'Neill complained bitterly that the US State Department - and behind it the oil lobby who make up President Bush's entourage - blocked attempts to prove bin Laden's guilt.
Who Killed FBI Man John O'Neill? The Story of Bush, Big Oil and the Taliban

There are many instances that were reported on by the MSM and internet sources that suggests some of our own government officials and agencies obstructed and thereby facilitated the 9-11 attackers. It is also suggested that the 9-11 attacks were funded and aided by foreign nations, namely Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Israel. I think these topics should be of concern to anyone researching 9-11. While the actual collapses of the WTC and what happened at the Pentagon and Shanksville are also important, the dealings and actions prior to, during, and after the attacks of those we trusted to protect our country need to be looked at and scrutinized.
Able Danger adds twist to 9/11
Senator Bob Graham Received Detailed Warning Pre 911

"Osama bin Laden is a CIA creation. He was trained by the CIA to fight in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union. The CIA followed Osama bin Laden's operatives prior to the September 11 attacks"
FBI, CIA and NSA Failed to Protect America

On October 1, CNN reported that, according to law enforcement sources, “As much as $100,000 was wired in the past year from Pakistan to Mohamed Atta,
Hence, whether the allegations of bribery are true or not, there are strong indications that the 9/11 Commission was actively involved in a cover-up of information that might otherwise have proved altogether inconvenient for certain policies of he Bush administration in the so-called “war on terrorism”.
9/11 and the Pakistan Connection

Clinton was in office eight years. While he was diddling interns, his fool of an A.G. directed the FBI and the CIA NOT to share information under penalty of law and the illigal alien terrorists were attending flight school. Do the math, Bush was sworn into office on Jan 20th and the attack came on Sept 11 of the same year. Bush had time to stymie nothing. O'Neill quit because a republican won. Why did Clinton's National Security Advisor steal documents from the Archives? Because they were related to the 9-11 attack. He became a thief to protect the corrupt Clinton administration. You can bet your ass-ets that every federal commission is in the business of protecting the federal government first. A search for the truth comes in a dismal second if at all. Clinton's ass't A.G. who drafted the memo that prevented the FBI and the CIA from sharing information was on the commission. She should have been called as a witness but the fix was in before the commission even got to work.
There's More to 9-11 Then Fires and Freefall

Sorry Jones, but it's...

... There's More To 9-11 *THAN* Fires and Freefall... not *then*.

How can one even begin to consider your conspiracy theory if you're not even intelligent enough to get basic grammar right?
First of all, it is not my conspiracy theory, but the governments that is questionable and the topic, and whoop de fucking do one letter in one word is misspelled lol! How about dealing with the topic instead.
Selective half-truths and pure fiction.

Especially the part about John O'Neil.
Anyone interested can look up the information themselves. It was widely reported by various MSM news outlets, as well as internet sources.

Thats true...they can see how you're totally fucking wrong--as usual.

I recommend "The Man Who Knew" by PBS's highly regarded series, "FRONTLINE". It's available at free of charge. That would and should be your first clue to it's validity Einstein; they're not selling their story. It tells the true story about John O'Neil without the crazy assed lies that you inserted. They talk to his actual former co-workers and his lover.

Let me guess, they're all lying and some guy selling his story is telling the truth, right fuck-tard?
There's More to 9-11 Then Fires and Freefall

Sorry Jones, but it's...

... There's More To 9-11 *THAN* Fires and Freefall... not *then*.

How can one even begin to consider your conspiracy theory if you're not even intelligent enough to get basic grammar right?
First of all, it is not my conspiracy theory, but the governments that is questionable and the topic, and whoop de fucking do one letter in one word is misspelled lol! How about dealing with the topic instead.

No dumbfuck, the Commission Report is unassailable and 100% correct on the major points. You cannot quote one fucking thing wrong in the report on the major points; otherwise you'd do it. But you can't can' you bitch.

You're sanity is quite questionable.
Selective half-truths and pure fiction.

Especially the part about John O'Neil.
Anyone interested can look up the information themselves. It was widely reported by various MSM news outlets, as well as internet sources.

Thats true...they can see how you're totally fucking wrong--as usual.

I recommend "The Man Who Knew" by PBS's highly regarded series, "FRONTLINE". It's available at free of charge. That would and should be your first clue to it's validity Einstein; they're not selling their story. It tells the true story about John O'Neil without the crazy assed lies that you inserted. They talk to his actual former co-workers and his lover.

Let me guess, they're all lying and some guy selling his story is telling the truth, right fuck-tard?
frontline: the man who knew | PBS
Anyone interested can look up the information themselves. It was widely reported by various MSM news outlets, as well as internet sources.

Thats true...they can see how you're totally fucking wrong--as usual.

I recommend "The Man Who Knew" by PBS's highly regarded series, "FRONTLINE". It's available at free of charge. That would and should be your first clue to it's validity Einstein; they're not selling their story. It tells the true story about John O'Neil without the crazy assed lies that you inserted. They talk to his actual former co-workers and his lover.

Let me guess, they're all lying and some guy selling his story is telling the truth, right fuck-tard?
frontline: the man who knew | PBS

We all know PBS is in the back pocket of big oil and the GOP so I wouldn't put too much stock in it! :lol::lol:
Sorry Jones, but it's...

... There's More To 9-11 *THAN* Fires and Freefall... not *then*.

How can one even begin to consider your conspiracy theory if you're not even intelligent enough to get basic grammar right?
First of all, it is not my conspiracy theory, but the governments that is questionable and the topic, and whoop de fucking do one letter in one word is misspelled lol! How about dealing with the topic instead.

No dumbfuck, the Commission Report is unassailable and 100% correct on the major points. You cannot quote one fucking thing wrong in the report on the major points; otherwise you'd do it. But you can't can' you bitch.

You're sanity is quite questionable.

...many of the 9/11 commission members themselves doubt the official story.
The following are a few examples:

Senator Max Cleland, who resigned from the 9/11 Commission after calling it a “national scandal”, stated in a 2003 PBS interview,

“I’m saying that’s deliberate. I am saying that the delay in relating this information to the American public out of a hearing… series of hearings, that several members of Congress knew eight or ten months ago, including Bob Graham and others, that was deliberately slow walked… the 9/11 Commission was deliberately slow walked, because the Administration’s policy was, and its priority was, we’re gonna take Saddam Hussein out.”
Cleland, speaking with Democracy Now, said,

“One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”.
In 2006 the Washington Post reported that several members of the 9/11 Commission suspected deception on part of the Pentagon. As reported,

“Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon’s initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.”

9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerry also has unanswered questions. As reported by Salon, he believes that there are legitimate reasons to believe an alternative version to the official story.

“There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version,” Kerrey said. The commission had limited time and limited resources to pursue its investigation, and its access to key documents and witnesses was fettered by the administration.

Commissioner Tim Roemer, speaking to CNN, stated that Commission members were considering a criminal probe of false statements. As quoted,
“We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting,” Roemer told CNN. “We were not sure of the intent, whether it was to deceive the commission or merely part of the fumbling bureaucracy.”
Clinton was in office eight years. While he was diddling interns, his fool of an A.G. directed the FBI and the CIA NOT to share information under penalty of law and the illigal alien terrorists were attending flight school. Do the math, Bush was sworn into office on Jan 20th and the attack came on Sept 11 of the same year. Bush had time to stymie nothing. O'Neill quit because a republican won. Why did Clinton's National Security Advisor steal documents from the Archives? Because they were related to the 9-11 attack. He became a thief to protect the corrupt Clinton administration. You can bet your ass-ets that every federal commission is in the business of protecting the federal government first. A search for the truth comes in a dismal second if at all. Clinton's ass't A.G. who drafted the memo that prevented the FBI and the CIA from sharing information was on the commission. She should have been called as a witness but the fix was in before the commission even got to work.
I agree, Clinton was more responsible for the attacks then people seem to know or want to admit, IE: In 1998 The FBI in Oklahoma, in a memo titled, “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” warned that suspicious foreigners were receiving flight training for no apparent reason, and that they might be part of a plot to use airliners in the manner they were eventually used on 9/11 but the Bush administration did their part too. In the months leading up to 9/11 FBI offices around the country, warned about the potential use of airplanes as terrorist weapons, with the most recent warning coming out of the Phoenix office in July of 2001, less than two months before 9-11. FBI in Minneapolis were more specific, and had already identified Moussaoui as one of the would be hijackers. Bush and his people dismissed the intelligence despite Richard Clarke, Bush’s top counter terrorism official, saying that U.S. intelligence agencies were convinced, ten weeks prior to 9/11 that a major Al Qaeda attack was imminent. It's appalling that Ashcroft stopped flying on commercial flights in July 2001 because of the threat, then turns down FBI requests for more resources for counter terrorism operations. His own action indicated he believed an attack could take place with commercial aircraft. I read somewhere that he had 68 or so programs he requested budget increases for, anti-terrorism wasn't among them WTF? Clinton was the first President to interfere with the investigations, but not long after George Bush got into office it was tightened and, as O Neil said, completely killed. O'Neil didn't quit because a Republican was elected, he was so disgusted with being stonewalled and when finally Bush ordered the FBI to back off on its investigation both of Al Qaeda and bin Laden he left the agency, taking a job as the security director for the World Trade Center where he died on 9-11. Anyway, both presidents were warned and knew of the threat and purposefully ignored it. It looks as if the plan was allowed to proceed unimpeded, no matter who was in the white house.
As for Clinton advisor-
"What is known of the report tells of “glaring weaknesses” in national security that are too lengthy to report here but suffice it to say the Clinton Administration knew about substantial Al-Qaeda cells in the United States a full 17 months before the September 11 attacks, and did not make begin to implement the recommendations made by Richard Clarke and the rest of the National Security Council staff and that is what they wanted to keep from the 9/11 Commission and the press.
Bill Clinton himself lied about the Millennium Bomb Plot when he said, “Well, we did a great job on that. Our plan really worked well. We got it. We got it”. The Millennium After Action Report refutes that statement because it makes it clear that there was no plan"

Clinton Top Man at National Security Stole Documents to Thwart 9/11 Commission The IUSB Vision Weblog
The MFkers knew, and didn't do shit about it. Why?
Selective half-truths and pure fiction.

Especially the part about John O'Neil.
Anyone interested can look up the information themselves. It was widely reported by various MSM news outlets, as well as internet sources.

Thats true...they can see how you're totally fucking wrong--as usual.

I recommend "The Man Who Knew" by PBS's highly regarded series, "FRONTLINE". It's available at free of charge. That would and should be your first clue to it's validity Einstein; they're not selling their story. It tells the true story about John O'Neil without the crazy assed lies that you inserted. They talk to his actual former co-workers and his lover.

Let me guess, they're all lying and some guy selling his story is telling the truth, right fuck-tard?
I just watched that and I find it credible, so WTF is your problem? Where am I wrong in what I stated asshole?

No dumbfuck, the Commission Report is unassailable and 100% correct on the major points. You cannot quote one fucking thing wrong in the report on the major points; otherwise you'd do it. But you can't can' you bitch.

You're sanity is quite questionable.
What major points are you referring to? You're up to your same old BS. The commission report is flawed because it was given BS, and told to back off and don't cross the line. Just because they agree that some planes hit US targets doesn't make it totally correct. You never come here with anything useful, just BS baiting tactics and running interference to distract from the topic.
First of all, it is not my conspiracy theory, but the governments that is questionable and the topic, and whoop de fucking do one letter in one word is misspelled lol! How about dealing with the topic instead.

No dumbfuck, the Commission Report is unassailable and 100% correct on the major points. You cannot quote one fucking thing wrong in the report on the major points; otherwise you'd do it. But you can't can' you bitch.

You're sanity is quite questionable.

...many of the 9/11 commission members themselves doubt the official story.
The following are a few examples:

Senator Max Cleland, who resigned from the 9/11 Commission after calling it a “national scandal”, stated in a 2003 PBS interview,

“I’m saying that’s deliberate. I am saying that the delay in relating this information to the American public out of a hearing… series of hearings, that several members of Congress knew eight or ten months ago, including Bob Graham and others, that was deliberately slow walked… the 9/11 Commission was deliberately slow walked, because the Administration’s policy was, and its priority was, we’re gonna take Saddam Hussein out.”
Cleland, speaking with Democracy Now, said,

“One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”.
In 2006 the Washington Post reported that several members of the 9/11 Commission suspected deception on part of the Pentagon. As reported,

“Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon’s initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.”

9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerry also has unanswered questions. As reported by Salon, he believes that there are legitimate reasons to believe an alternative version to the official story.

“There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version,” Kerrey said. The commission had limited time and limited resources to pursue its investigation, and its access to key documents and witnesses was fettered by the administration.

Commissioner Tim Roemer, speaking to CNN, stated that Commission members were considering a criminal probe of false statements. As quoted,
“We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting,” Roemer told CNN. “We were not sure of the intent, whether it was to deceive the commission or merely part of the fumbling bureaucracy.”
Nope, his thinking is "commission report says plane hit building, goes boom, falls down, report 100% good" Major points..STFU. :lol:
jones, i have a question for you, i have asked this of several troofers and so far none have been honest enough to answer
there is another troofer on this forum that claims the WTC towers had solid concrete cores with special DoD rebar coated in C-4 explosives built into the original construction
what is your take on that claim?

No dumbfuck, the Commission Report is unassailable and 100% correct on the major points. You cannot quote one fucking thing wrong in the report on the major points; otherwise you'd do it. But you can't can' you bitch.

You're sanity is quite questionable.

What major points are you referring to? You're up to your same old BS. The commission report is flawed because it was given BS, and told to back off and don't cross the line. Just because they agree that some planes hit US targets doesn't make it totally correct. You never come here with anything useful, just BS baiting tactics and running interference to distract from the topic.

Major points...who, what, when, where and why.

It is totally correct shitbrains; otherwise you'd be quoting where it is wrong. But you can't can you.

PS: Fuck you!
Anyone interested can look up the information themselves. It was widely reported by various MSM news outlets, as well as internet sources.

Thats true...they can see how you're totally fucking wrong--as usual.

I recommend "The Man Who Knew" by PBS's highly regarded series, "FRONTLINE". It's available at free of charge. That would and should be your first clue to it's validity Einstein; they're not selling their story. It tells the true story about John O'Neil without the crazy assed lies that you inserted. They talk to his actual former co-workers and his lover.

Let me guess, they're all lying and some guy selling his story is telling the truth, right fuck-tard?
I just watched that and I find it credible, so WTF is your problem? Where am I wrong in what I stated asshole?

The reasons for his departure for one thing. The reasons he went to work--on his own accord--at WTC for another. The piece of shit author sets it up to indicate that O'Neil was being targeted. Nothing is further from the truth...but of course you and your lying piece of shit ass won't point that out will you? Because lying is all you do.

How's your search for those living hi-jackers going douchebag?

No dumbfuck, the Commission Report is unassailable and 100% correct on the major points. You cannot quote one fucking thing wrong in the report on the major points; otherwise you'd do it. But you can't can' you bitch.

You're sanity is quite questionable.

What major points are you referring to? You're up to your same old BS. The commission report is flawed because it was given BS, and told to back off and don't cross the line. Just because they agree that some planes hit US targets doesn't make it totally correct. You never come here with anything useful, just BS baiting tactics and running interference to distract from the topic.

Major points...who, what, when, where and why.

It is totally correct shitbrains; otherwise you'd be quoting where it is wrong. But you can't can you.

PS: Fuck you!
Who-Al Qaeda and OBL=questionable
What-airplanes=so. When=September 11 2001=yea. Where-New York, Pentagon, Shanksville PA=and? Why-questionable.
Wow major points noted and still you fail to show how accurate the report was. Your post is another one of your fails just like the 9-11 report. Face it you were lied to and made a fool of like most Americans, but what's worse is your arrogance to man up and admit it, which makes you a bigger fool.

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