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There's No Arguing With This Logic

I'm old enough to remember when a man's wife was his property, and beating her to death was his own affair ... Christians demand their women remain silent in the Church and obey her husband in all ways ... or get beat ...

Only if you live in Gabon. Even if you are 200 years old you dont remember a time in the US when a man didnt go to prison or the electric chair for beating his wife to death.
Christ was tortured to death ... we try to be quick to beat our wives to death, so they don't suffer much ... it's the loving thing to do ...

I don't agree with these types of Christians or Muslims ... but you're wrong if you think this is strictly an Islamic tradition ... maybe you haven't been beaten, but you have friends who have been ... "I ran into a doorknob" ... "I fell down the stairs" ... "I got in the way of my husband running his chainsaw in the bedroom" ... domestic violence is a serious problem in the United States, just ignoring it won't make it go away ... and denying it occurs here is just being part of the problem ...

Post #17 puts you in your place, doesn't it

Last seat in the dumb row.
"What the hell does any of that have to do wit them having The Bomb?"

Are you serious?????

...these are sick people.....their motivation is a desire for a global conflagration.

The reality is that they mean to simply destroy all of Western Civilization.

They simply mean to destroy.

It is the explanation for their affinity for the Islamofascists who look forward to a global conflagration.

Iran: Their foreign policy is aimed at world domination under the leadership of the 12th Imam.

The Hidden Imam, as he is also known by his followers, will only return after a period of cosmic chaos, war and bloodshed – what Christians call the Apocalypse –

“ The hidden Imam who is expected to return....
....beware of doubting, for to doubt the order of God, the Mighty, the Sublime, is apostasy (Kufr). Ibn Khaldun also states that “ When imprisoned with his mother in the house, he entered a sort of well or pit in the house that his family occupies at Samarrah, Iraq, and there he disappeared, but he is to come forth at the end of the age to fill the earth with justice”.
The Twelfth Imam, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (Al-Mahdi-Sahibuz Zaman) (The hidden Imam who is expected to return)

12th Imam
12th Imam

October 07, 2019
Iranian Cleric Ebad Mohammadtabar: When the Hidden Imam Arrives, The Whole World Will Convert to Islam or Die; We Will Confront, Defeat the Jews, Zionism

Any who voted for Hussein should be able to answer this question:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
We were told basically the same thing about the Soviets......Ho-hum.

Ever read the Revelation?....It's basically the same story.....Using that same -and very relevant- yardstick, I could go around saying that every nation run by Christians are death cults too.

This Wilsonian meddlesome warmonger streak amongst so-called "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) really has to go.....It makes you virtually indistinguishable from the progressives you so vociferously claim to oppose.

"We were told basically the same thing about the Soviets......Ho-hum."

No, we weren't.

We were told the diametrically opposite, because they were an enemy that loved life.

Mutual(ly) assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender (see pre-emptive nuclear strike and second strike).
Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mutual_assured_destruction

This is a very different culture:

.“We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder.
Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”
Michael Ledeen | National Review

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

c. And so, the ideals and idea of America, and the iconic message of the Declaration of Independence, ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,’ is anathema to Islamism, just as it was to fascism and communism, and every totalitarian philosophy.
So don't fuck with them....But nooooo, your "reasoned" approach is to get in their faces and be a glittering example of the belligerent "infidels" that they decry to their people.

Yeah, reeeeal reasoned.

You're quite a disappointment is revealing this lack of understanding of geopolitical reality.

So....Neville Chamberlain is your fav????
Oh, good grief...The Chamberlain card is only slightly less tiresome and worn out than the Hitler card...Get a new schtick.

And you're a real disappointment in understanding psychology.

People don't come by foolhardy suicidal beliefs in isolation...They need examples and models in the real world to draw themselves to such beliefs....And your answer is to provide even more and stronger examples for them to recognize.

Your philosophy in this respect is no different from the progressive who swears that just one more law, just one more bureaucracy, just one more new tax, just one more billion dollars thrown at a given problem will fix it forever.

You are, in fact, rejecting reason.

"Oh, good grief...The Chamberlain card is only slightly less tiresome and worn out than the Hitler card...Get a new schtick."

Seems to have found its mark.

You and Chamberlain have the same view of what is clearly a threat to the world.

"People don't come by foolhardy suicidal beliefs in isolation...They need examples and models in the real world to draw themselves to such beliefs....And your answer is to provide even more and stronger examples for them to recognize."

It's called 'the Q'ran."

Perhaps you've heard of it.....it was in all the papers.
Christ was tortured to death ... we try to be quick to beat our wives to death, so they don't suffer much ... it's the loving thing to do ...

I don't agree with these types of Christians or Muslims ... but you're wrong if you think this is strictly an Islamic tradition ... maybe you haven't been beaten, but you have friends who have been ... "I ran into a doorknob" ... "I fell down the stairs" ... "I got in the way of my husband running his chainsaw in the bedroom" ... domestic violence is a serious problem in the United States, just ignoring it won't make it go away ... and denying it occurs here is just being part of the problem ...

"...but you're wrong if you think this is strictly an Islamic tradition ..."

Link or lie.
1. I used to be shocked by the lack of understanding that goes into the pronouncements of Democrats/Liberals...stuff like this:
"Well, if Israel has nukes, why can't Iran??????"


2. In the following case, we see the necessity of considering the ...'principles'....that are the basis of the statement....and not merely the statement itself.

"Islamic judge tells abused child bride, if you obeyed your husband he wouldn’t have to beat you"
Islamic judge tells abused child bride, if you obeyed your husband he wouldn't have to beat you · Caldron Pool

The judge certainly is correct....I can see his logic.

Of course, he's a moron.

2. "Aynaz Anni Cyrus was born and raised in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Before she reached 15-years of age, she’d endured hundreds of lashings and was imprisoned close to 14 times. Her crimes included wearing nail polish and singing too loudly in public.

“He had me for over a year,” she said. “And every day, if he wasn’t beating me, he was raping me. If he wasn’t raping me, he was beating me, or sometimes he was doing both.”

One day, after enduring a beating so bad it left her with a dislocated shoulder and a bruised and bloodied face, Aynaz managed to escape to a nearby courtroom. Aynaz begged the judge to save her, explaining that sooner or later her “husband” was going to kill her.

The judge “was looking down at his papers,” Aynaz recounts. “Very calmly he looked up, with a smile, and said, ‘Well, young lady, maybe if you start obeying your husband he wouldn’t have to beat you.'”

“Now go home, and make him happy,” the judge added."

3. The judge wasn’t a madman, according to Aynaz. He was simply following the teachings of the Quran, in particular, chapter 4:34, which states:

Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike [scourge, beat them] them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand."
Islamic judge tells abused child bride, if you obeyed your husband he wouldn't have to beat you · Caldron Pool

These are the folks that Hussein Obama and his Democrats are insistent on guaranteeing nuclear weapons.
What the hell does any of that have to do wit them having The Bomb?

Even though their society is populated with backward-assed goat daters stuck in the 3rd century, their leaders aren't totally suicidal idiots....Setting off a nuke would be the end of them and everything they claim to hold dear.

It isn't only sometimes that minding your own got-dammned business is the best policy.

But they ARE suicidal idiots. If they get a bomb, they will use it. The only question is, on whom.
Only if you live in Gabon. Even if you are 200 years old you dont remember a time in the US when a man didnt go to prison or the electric chair for beating his wife to death.

1977 in Eastern Oregon ... fella blew his wife's brains out in crowded bar ... 6 months suspended sentence and 5 years probation ... she was associating with known cattle rustlers ... that swayed the jury ...
1. I used to be shocked by the lack of understanding that goes into the pronouncements of Democrats/Liberals...stuff like this:
"Well, if Israel has nukes, why can't Iran??????"


2. In the following case, we see the necessity of considering the ...'principles'....that are the basis of the statement....and not merely the statement itself.

"Islamic judge tells abused child bride, if you obeyed your husband he wouldn’t have to beat you"
Islamic judge tells abused child bride, if you obeyed your husband he wouldn't have to beat you · Caldron Pool

The judge certainly is correct....I can see his logic.

Of course, he's a moron.

2. "Aynaz Anni Cyrus was born and raised in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Before she reached 15-years of age, she’d endured hundreds of lashings and was imprisoned close to 14 times. Her crimes included wearing nail polish and singing too loudly in public.

“He had me for over a year,” she said. “And every day, if he wasn’t beating me, he was raping me. If he wasn’t raping me, he was beating me, or sometimes he was doing both.”

One day, after enduring a beating so bad it left her with a dislocated shoulder and a bruised and bloodied face, Aynaz managed to escape to a nearby courtroom. Aynaz begged the judge to save her, explaining that sooner or later her “husband” was going to kill her.

The judge “was looking down at his papers,” Aynaz recounts. “Very calmly he looked up, with a smile, and said, ‘Well, young lady, maybe if you start obeying your husband he wouldn’t have to beat you.'”

“Now go home, and make him happy,” the judge added."

3. The judge wasn’t a madman, according to Aynaz. He was simply following the teachings of the Quran, in particular, chapter 4:34, which states:

Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike [scourge, beat them] them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand."
Islamic judge tells abused child bride, if you obeyed your husband he wouldn't have to beat you · Caldron Pool

These are the folks that Hussein Obama and his Democrats are insistent on guaranteeing nuclear weapons.
Then why did President Trump allow them to restart their nuclear weapons program?
Only if you live in Gabon. Even if you are 200 years old you dont remember a time in the US when a man didnt go to prison or the electric chair for beating his wife to death.

1977 in Eastern Oregon ... fella blew his wife's brains out in crowded bar ... 6 months suspended sentence and 5 years probation ... she was associating with known cattle rustlers ... that swayed the jury ...

What liberal slime you are. Scum. Goodbye.
Only if you live in Gabon. Even if you are 200 years old you dont remember a time in the US when a man didnt go to prison or the electric chair for beating his wife to death.

1977 in Eastern Oregon ... fella blew his wife's brains out in crowded bar ... 6 months suspended sentence and 5 years probation ... she was associating with known cattle rustlers ... that swayed the jury ...

No moving goalposts.

I provided this....
....the teachings of the Quran, in particular, chapter 4:34, which states:

Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike [scourge, beat them] them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.

If you cannot provide same from the holy books of civilization....Western Civilization....then I have proven you a liar and a simple minded indoctrinee.
Nukes make you safe. Thats why we have them. Every country should have nukes.

Just a hint: it is a wasted effort that you apply, proving, on a daily basis, what a moron you are.


Everyone knows it, and your place in that firmament is assured

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia

3.war criminal - an offender who violates international law during times of war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillan
war criminal
No nuclear power has ever been attacked. Japan would have been safe if it had nules. Why should any country be denied nules ?
But they ARE suicidal idiots. If they get a bomb, they will use it. The only question is, on whom.
We were told the same thing about the Soviets...We're being told the same thing about Kim.

At some point, you have to come to the realization that people who stand to make fucktons of money on perpetual war are bullshitting you.

I just proved that the earlier enemy was susceptible to threats of mutual destruction, while these psychopaths look fonrward to it.

Now don't lie again.

We were told the diametrically opposite, because they were an enemy that loved life.

Mutual(ly) assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender (see pre-emptive nuclear strike and second strike).
Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mutual_assured_destruction

This is a very different culture:

.“We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder.
Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”
Michael Ledeen | National Review

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

c. And so, the ideals and idea of America, and the iconic message of the Declaration of Independence, ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,’ is anathema to Islamism, just as it was to fascism and communism, and every totalitarian philosophy.
Only if you live in Gabon. Even if you are 200 years old you dont remember a time in the US when a man didnt go to prison or the electric chair for beating his wife to death.

1977 in Eastern Oregon ... fella blew his wife's brains out in crowded bar ... 6 months suspended sentence and 5 years probation ... she was associating with known cattle rustlers ... that swayed the jury ...

Yeah, injustice happens everywhere. The difference is here we are outraged and sometimes justice actually happens. In Iran the people respond with "meh".

I am amazed at how you idiots try and rationalize giving nukes to fucking bat shit crazy mullahs.

WTF is wrong with you?
But they ARE suicidal idiots. If they get a bomb, they will use it. The only question is, on whom.
We were told the same thing about the Soviets...We're being told the same thing about Kim.

At some point, you have to come to the realization that people who stand to make fucktons of money on perpetual war are bullshitting you.

Yes, but the Iranians are different. We have been able to see how much terrorism they export. Kim is a loon, but he isn't suicidal, he likes his carnal pleasures.

The Islamists can't wait to get their 72 virgins.
"...but you're wrong if you think this is strictly an Islamic tradition ..."

Link or lie.

Wikipedia has 17 references in their article Christianity and domestic violence ...

5 seconds on Google ... looks like you're the liar ... and lazy as shit ... weak minded ...

One of the most damaging fables of Liberalism....one that you've bought like it was on sale, is the equivalence of all cultures.

The roots of postmodernism can be traced to the anthropologist Franz Boas, who, in an effort to study exotic cultures without prejudice, found it useful to take the position that no culture is superior to any other. Thus was born the idea of cultural relativity.

The idea spread like wildfire through the universities, catapulted by the radical impetus of the sixties, ready and willing to reject "the universality of Western norms and principles." Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution"

"Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual human's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture. This principle was established as axiomatic in anthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the idea in 1887: "...civilization is not something absolute, but ... is relative, and ... our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes."[1] but did not actually coin the term "cultural relativism."

It takes a certain level of fool to believe that.

Raise your paw.
Nukes make you safe. Thats why we have them. Every country should have nukes.

Just a hint: it is a wasted effort that you apply, proving, on a daily basis, what a moron you are.


Everyone knows it, and your place in that firmament is assured

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia

3.war criminal - an offender who violates international law during times of war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillan
war criminal
No nuclear power has ever been attacked. Japan would have been safe if it had nules. Why should any country be denied nules ?

"Why should any country be denied nules (sic) ?"

No answer is necessary.

You've proven everything I stated.
Only if you live in Gabon. Even if you are 200 years old you dont remember a time in the US when a man didnt go to prison or the electric chair for beating his wife to death.

1977 in Eastern Oregon ... fella blew his wife's brains out in crowded bar ... 6 months suspended sentence and 5 years probation ... she was associating with known cattle rustlers ... that swayed the jury ...

Yeah, injustice happens everywhere. The difference is here we are outraged and sometimes justice actually happens. In Iran the people respond with "meh".

I am amazed at how you idiots try and rationalize giving nukes to fucking bat shit crazy mullahs.

WTF is wrong with you?

It's called 'Liberalism.'

Appears to be a mental disorder.

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