There's plastic in the tap water: Study says 94 percent of U.S. tap water could be contaminated

There's plastic in the tap water: Study says 94 percent of U.S. tap water could be contaminated

So there is plastic in our water that is so special. Hormones in our milk and they just don't know why we have cancer or why tranny's feel like tranny's and gays feel like gays.

View attachment 148120

When does the BS STOP!! They put so much shit in our water yet have the nerve to say how safe it is, charge people with high taxes using some bs excuse they're up grading for a better water whatever. These fkn corporations are so full of gawd dam chit it is sickening.

And sheep that Fluoride bs you drink isn't any safer it's fkn rat poison jackasses and no it is not the same KIND of FLUORIDE found in the ground that is considered natural fluoride.
Good informative post. We need more like this.. I like to add something just as scary.
How many times have we seen our kids using a garden hose to cool down ...frolicking and giggling in the mist of spray.
The unseen danger comes from the hose.
I just recently discovered this by happenstance. I was shopping for a garden hose one day and just grabbed one that seemed good and sturdy. At home I pulled all the stickers off and lefi the cardboard labeling on a workbench. I did notice some subscript writing that was too small to read
So i just focused on putting my new hose to work. I attached one end to an out door faucet, the other to a sprinkler, and it was good to go.

Meandering. back into my workshop i decided to look for warranty information...just in case a defect was discovered. I grabbed a magnifying glass
and held it over the fine print. I was astounded by what i saw. In letters a bit larger than the others was the word WARNING! Followed by...
"This product has been found by the State of California to contain substances that are known to cause cancer or reproductive harm.
Do not drink from this hose."

I stood up...angry that these hoses are being sold without bold warning labels.... How many people owe their cancer to the vendors who manufacture and supply these hoses knowing the evil they contain.
Needless to say..I returned the hose to the store with all due haste. With refund in hand i went elsewhere shopping for a hose that was safe to drink from. Surprisingly...the next vendor had an assortment of hoses that were labeled " drink safe" accompanied by the. picture of a large water drop. I never noticed that before and neither have millions of other ubsuspecting folks...who just assume all garden hoses are safe to drink from or safe enough to allow thier kids to spray eacj other with. My take on it? There ought to be a law!
Criminalize the selling of dangerous toxic water hoses.

I found something on it over here. ..

Healthy Hoses — Is Your Garden Hose Spewing Chemicals? - Eartheasy Blog
Thanks for the in valuable information you discovered. I'm sending this to all of my friends and relatives.
My well water is iron rich so I have to salt, but it tastes way better than city or bottled water. We love our glacier fed aquifer/stream.
There's plastic in the tap water: Study says 94 percent of U.S. tap water could be contaminated

So there is plastic in our water that is so special. Hormones in our milk and they just don't know why we have cancer or why tranny's feel like tranny's and gays feel like gays.

View attachment 148120

When does the BS STOP!! They put so much shit in our water yet have the nerve to say how safe it is, charge people with high taxes using some bs excuse they're up grading for a better water whatever. These fkn corporations are so full of gawd dam chit it is sickening.

And sheep that Fluoride bs you drink isn't any safer it's fkn rat poison jackasses and no it is not the same KIND of FLUORIDE found in the ground that is considered natural fluoride.
Good informative post. We need more like this.. I like to add something just as scary.
How many times have we seen our kids using a garden hose to cool down ...frolicking and giggling in the mist of spray.
The unseen danger comes from the hose.
I just recently discovered this by happenstance. I was shopping for a garden hose one day and just grabbed one that seemed good and sturdy. At home I pulled all the stickers off and lefi the cardboard labeling on a workbench. I did notice some subscript writing that was too small to read
So i just focused on putting my new hose to work. I attached one end to an out door faucet, the other to a sprinkler, and it was good to go.

Meandering. back into my workshop i decided to look for warranty information...just in case a defect was discovered. I grabbed a magnifying glass
and held it over the fine print. I was astounded by what i saw. In letters a bit larger than the others was the word WARNING! Followed by...
"This product has been found by the State of California to contain substances that are known to cause cancer or reproductive harm.
Do not drink from this hose."

I stood up...angry that these hoses are being sold without bold warning labels.... How many people owe their cancer to the vendors who manufacture and supply these hoses knowing the evil they contain.
Needless to say..I returned the hose to the store with all due haste. With refund in hand i went elsewhere shopping for a hose that was safe to drink from. Surprisingly...the next vendor had an assortment of hoses that were labeled " drink safe" accompanied by the. picture of a large water drop. I never noticed that before and neither have millions of other ubsuspecting folks...who just assume all garden hoses are safe to drink from or safe enough to allow thier kids to spray eacj other with. My take on it? There ought to be a law!
Criminalize the selling of dangerous toxic water hoses.

I found something on it over here. ..

Healthy Hoses — Is Your Garden Hose Spewing Chemicals? - Eartheasy Blog

I used to love the taste of water coming from a new garden hose it meant water was about to fill my dry mouth.
What changed uour mind...before you read this op...that is?
Nothing wrong with my water as it comes from my 300 foot deep well. Only the government can fuck up water.
Nothing wrong with my water as it comes from my 300 foot deep well. Only the government can fuck up water.
Is the depth of your well 300 feet from the surface of the water to ground level or is it 300 ft from the bottom of the well to ground level?
Nothing wrong with my water as it comes from my 300 foot deep well. Only the government can fuck up water.
Here I will have to respectfully disagree.Although water contamination can be linked to jet fuel leakage on some air force bases or via underground nuclear testing...i believe water contamination is far more likely to be caused by industrial pollution.

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