There's that secession crap again

national socialist party.

Thank You but Right winger will side step the name just a little bit.

Just what do you think that proves though? Hitler was openly hostile towards Socialism so if that's the direction you're heading... Redirect...

Hitler was not hostile towards socialist, he was hostile to communist. Just like democrats are hostile to Republicans and liberals are hostile to conservatives.
Thank You but Right winger will side step the name just a little bit.

Just what do you think that proves though? Hitler was openly hostile towards Socialism so if that's the direction you're heading... Redirect...

Hitler was not hostile towards socialist, he was hostile to communist. Just like democrats are hostile to Republicans and liberals are hostile to conservatives.


You are again illustrating how little you understand about history and politics. Please consider doing a little research before you embarass yourself in front of everyone

Start by looking up the terms Fascist and Socialist
Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

And what does Nazi stand for? Not one damn thing has obama done which is Constitutional.
Are 36 czar's Constitutional?
Is dropping the ball on immigration Constitutional?
Not sure as to the percentage but takeover of a large portion of the private sectors not Constitutional.
Forcing someone to buy something they do not want nor need is not constitutional.
Not closing the borders when the swine flu came from Mexico is not protecting the people which was also un-Constitutional.
You are dumber then dirt, if you disagree.


I understand you are a lightweight on this board so I will take it easy on you. You spout rightwing talking points without having a clue what their background or implications are.

Yes 36 czars are Constitutional. The President has the right to hire whatever advisors he wants. Czars have been inplace since Nixon. Since I know you are a little slow, They are not REAL CZARS, czar is a ceremonial does not have Constitutional powers

Immigration is a Federal Power. It is up to the federal government to protect our borders against attack. Problem is we are not being attacked, we are being infiltrated. It has been going on for 150 years and has been ignored by Dems and Republicans alike. Want to know why everyone talks about it and nobody does anything? We make too much fucking money off of illegal labor

We have not taken over a large sector of private industry. It is a miniscule percentage of the total private workforce. These companies were not taken over, they came to the taxpayer for help and we demanded concessions for that help

If you think the healthcare plan is unconstitutional, the courts will decide. The bill went through bipartisan congressional review and passed muster. You are being forced to have coverage because the alternative is the taxpayer has to cover you if you show up in an emergency room. And I think protecting the taxpayer is Constitutional

Swine flu? Grow up

lol Light weight you aren't even in thew same league with me busher, as in the bush league of baseball.

Let's start with the last one.
Swine flu
obama was quoted saying
“It would be akin to closing the barn door after the horses are out, because we already have cases here, in the United States.”
Sure let people come here and spread it a little more.

Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

Next Immigration
We aren't being attacked? Tell that to the LEO'S at the border who have been killed by Mexican cartels, tell that to the residents of border towns that has lost a family member to the drug lords of Mexico. I am sure it will go a long way with them.

Next take over of private sector
These three the government controls
What else is left that will directly affect the American public
This one obama and the democrats are pushing for.

Next Healthcare
"The bill went through bipartisan congressional review and passed muster." WHAT? omg ONE REPUBLICAN VOTES TO SENND THE BILL TO CONGRESS TO VOTE NON IT AND IT'S BIPARTISAN S peechless.
national socialist party.

Thank You but Right winger will side step the name just a little bit.

Just what do you think that proves though? Hitler was openly hostile towards Socialism so if that's the direction you're heading... Redirect...

Well, he was openly hostile towards RUSSIA...

but that's beside the point. A fascist can come from left or right. It doesn't matter because they LIE about their motives.
Just what do you think that proves though? Hitler was openly hostile towards Socialism so if that's the direction you're heading... Redirect...

Hitler was not hostile towards socialist, he was hostile to communist. Just like democrats are hostile to Republicans and liberals are hostile to conservatives.


You are again illustrating how little you understand about history and politics. Please consider doing a little research before you embarass yourself in front of everyone

Start by looking up the terms Fascist and Socialist

No it is you who is illustrating how little you know. Read Mein Kampf
Here's the link
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
And what does Nazi stand for? Not one damn thing has obama done which is Constitutional.
Are 36 czar's Constitutional?
Is dropping the ball on immigration Constitutional?
Not sure as to the percentage but takeover of a large portion of the private sectors not Constitutional.
Forcing someone to buy something they do not want nor need is not constitutional.
Not closing the borders when the swine flu came from Mexico is not protecting the people which was also un-Constitutional.
You are dumber then dirt, if you disagree.


I understand you are a lightweight on this board so I will take it easy on you. You spout rightwing talking points without having a clue what their background or implications are.

Yes 36 czars are Constitutional. The President has the right to hire whatever advisors he wants. Czars have been inplace since Nixon. Since I know you are a little slow, They are not REAL CZARS, czar is a ceremonial does not have Constitutional powers

Immigration is a Federal Power. It is up to the federal government to protect our borders against attack. Problem is we are not being attacked, we are being infiltrated. It has been going on for 150 years and has been ignored by Dems and Republicans alike. Want to know why everyone talks about it and nobody does anything? We make too much fucking money off of illegal labor

We have not taken over a large sector of private industry. It is a miniscule percentage of the total private workforce. These companies were not taken over, they came to the taxpayer for help and we demanded concessions for that help

If you think the healthcare plan is unconstitutional, the courts will decide. The bill went through bipartisan congressional review and passed muster. You are being forced to have coverage because the alternative is the taxpayer has to cover you if you show up in an emergency room. And I think protecting the taxpayer is Constitutional

Swine flu? Grow up

lol Light weight you aren't even in thew same league with me busher, as in the bush league of baseball.

Let's start with the last one.
Swine flu
obama was quoted saying
“It would be akin to closing the barn door after the horses are out, because we already have cases here, in the United States.”
Sure let people come here and spread it a little more.

Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

Next Immigration
We aren't being attacked? Tell that to the LEO'S at the border who have been killed by Mexican cartels, tell that to the residents of border towns that has lost a family member to the drug lords of Mexico. I am sure it will go a long way with them.

Next take over of private sector
These three the government controls
What else is left that will directly affect the American public
This one obama and the democrats are pushing for.

Next Healthcare
"The bill went through bipartisan congressional review and passed muster." WHAT? omg ONE REPUBLICAN VOTES TO SENND THE BILL TO CONGRESS TO VOTE NON IT AND IT'S BIPARTISAN S peechless.

Oh man, I forgot about the flu crap! That was pretty spectacular. And we're coming up on flu season again.

According to terral (on youtube) we're already infected with the plague....heaven knows what could happen this year!

I understand you are a lightweight on this board so I will take it easy on you. You spout rightwing talking points without having a clue what their background or implications are.

Yes 36 czars are Constitutional. The President has the right to hire whatever advisors he wants. Czars have been inplace since Nixon. Since I know you are a little slow, They are not REAL CZARS, czar is a ceremonial does not have Constitutional powers

Immigration is a Federal Power. It is up to the federal government to protect our borders against attack. Problem is we are not being attacked, we are being infiltrated. It has been going on for 150 years and has been ignored by Dems and Republicans alike. Want to know why everyone talks about it and nobody does anything? We make too much fucking money off of illegal labor

We have not taken over a large sector of private industry. It is a miniscule percentage of the total private workforce. These companies were not taken over, they came to the taxpayer for help and we demanded concessions for that help

If you think the healthcare plan is unconstitutional, the courts will decide. The bill went through bipartisan congressional review and passed muster. You are being forced to have coverage because the alternative is the taxpayer has to cover you if you show up in an emergency room. And I think protecting the taxpayer is Constitutional

Swine flu? Grow up

lol Light weight you aren't even in thew same league with me busher, as in the bush league of baseball.

Let's start with the last one.
Swine flu
obama was quoted saying
“It would be akin to closing the barn door after the horses are out, because we already have cases here, in the United States.”
Sure let people come here and spread it a little more.

Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

Next Immigration
We aren't being attacked? Tell that to the LEO'S at the border who have been killed by Mexican cartels, tell that to the residents of border towns that has lost a family member to the drug lords of Mexico. I am sure it will go a long way with them.

Next take over of private sector
These three the government controls
What else is left that will directly affect the American public
This one obama and the democrats are pushing for.

Next Healthcare
"The bill went through bipartisan congressional review and passed muster." WHAT? omg ONE REPUBLICAN VOTES TO SENND THE BILL TO CONGRESS TO VOTE NON IT AND IT'S BIPARTISAN S peechless.

Oh man, I forgot about the flu crap! That was pretty spectacular. And we're coming up on flu season again.

According to terral (on youtube) we're already infected with the plague....heaven knows what could happen this year!

The first part of 2011 and the last couplke of months of 2011 going into 2012, will be a very busy time. I suggest that you start stocking up on dry goods Clorox, water, Medical supplies, and ammo.
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Con your a redneck loser. I could care less if you cooked for soldiers in Iraq.

I don't know who the fuck you are, but your audacity to insult: 1) the military, 2) the South, and 3) anyone's intelligence is amusing as hell. Your posts are indicative of some stupid kid on the Internet past his bedtime. If you want to even attempt to puff your chest up and declare intelligence, at least fucking show some signs of it. Don't call someone stupid and sound like a goddamn braindead idiot in the process.

Furthermore, I don't know what colleges you are claiming to have gone to, but if they allow people with your level of communication skills to attend and/or graduate, then it must be one hell of a community college there, kiddo. So, amuse me. Tell me what amazing school you go/went to, and tell me what amazing subject you study(ied). I love when people lie on the Internet to look smarter than they actually are, especially when they do so in such a hilariously daft way.
Con your a redneck loser. I could care less if you cooked for soldiers in Iraq.

I don't know who the fuck you are, but your audacity to insult: 1) the military, 2) the South, and 3) anyone's intelligence is amusing as hell. Your posts are indicative of some stupid kid on the Internet past his bedtime. If you want to even attempt to puff your chest up and declare intelligence, at least fucking show some signs of it. Don't call someone stupid and sound like a goddamn braindead idiot in the process.

Furthermore, I don't know what colleges you are claiming to have gone to, but if they allow people with your level of communication skills to attend and/or graduate, then it must be one hell of a community college there, kiddo. So, amuse me. Tell me what amazing school you go/went to, and tell me what amazing subject you study(ied). I love when people lie on the Internet to look smarter than they actually are, especially when they do so in such a hilariously daft way.

When he first showed up here he claimed to have an MBA from Loyola of New Orleans. Then he proceeded to post at an 8th grade level. He decided to make fun of my degrees and military career when I questioned his honesty about having said degree. He's also claimed to be making over $100K a year.
Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

This may sound like obvious advice but I'll offer it anyway: whenever you have a question like that, start by looking to the Constitution itself.

In this case, you'll want to go to Article II Section 2 Paragraph 2:

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.​

The Constitution is clear that not everyone in the executive branch must be confirmed by the Senate (though I've noticed many of the people referred to as czars have received Senate confirmation, which calls into question what that term is supposed to mean now). Significant leeway has been delegated to the President (and Cabinet Secretaries) in various areas over time.
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Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

This may sound like obvious advice but I'll offer it anyway: whenever you have a question like that, start by looking to the Constitution itself.

In this case, you'll want to go to Article II Section 2 Paragraph 2:

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.​

The Constitution is clear that not everyone in the executive branch must be confirmed by the Senate (though I've noticed many of the people referred to as czars have received Senate confirmation, which calls into question what that term is supposed to mean now). Significant leeway has been delegated to the President (and Cabinet Secretaries) in various areas over time.

If you read the COTUS it says MAY, it does not say the President is automatically authorized to create any office he wants without Congressional approval. If this were so, he could do whatever he wanted, something I think we can all agree that no one wants.

That is why it is referred to as the Advice and Consent Clause.

Honestly, I couldn't tell you if Congress authorized every "czar" that has been appointed by Obama, or any other President; but he does NOT have the authority to just act on his own.
The problems are two:

1. The Blue states pay too much to public employees. No bus driver is worth 30 dollars an hour plus full retirement. If it can be negotiated that companies contribute to a workers retirement plan, fine, but not pay for people that don't work there anymore. And that goes for CEOs.

2. The Red states drain capital from the Blue states. If they were able to keep that money instead of having to prop up the Red states, their budgets would be balanced.
Here's a crazy idea then. Stop subsidizing failed blue states and failed red states with federal funds and force fiscal responsibility on all of them. It is not government's place to be a profit sharing system, or collective bargaining agreement.

It's also not the government's place to SHUT DOWN INDUSTRY and stop the harvest of natural resources....but they do it.

When they do it, they pay the states with subsidies and grants.

It's the government paying hush money. They cripple the states, and in return, they get to support them.

This is where the right is absolutely "stuck on stupid". It IS the governments job to keep those resources from be "exploited". Obama is working with the tools left over from the last administration.

Is it perfectly fine with you if every company left the SAME mess as BP? Try defending that!
Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

Ummm... the "Czars" you speak of are just civilian advisors maintained by the President... They're neither elected nor appointed in an official capacity (the way a judge is, e.g.)... They have no real authority. They're not actual "Czars" in the literal sense. They're more like research experts.

The only reason the right has started this shit-fit about the "Czars" is because the word "Czar" sounds, well, kinda Commie to a lot of Americans, and throwing you guys into a fervor has more or less been their whole playbook as of late.
Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

Ummm... the "Czars" you speak of are just civilian advisors maintained by the President... They're neither elected nor appointed in an official capacity (the way a judge is, e.g.)... They have no real authority. They're not actual "Czars" in the literal sense. They're more like research experts.

The only reason the right has started this shit-fit about the "Czars" is because the word "Czar" sounds, well, kinda Commie to a lot of Americans, and throwing you guys into a fervor has more or less been their whole playbook as of late.
uh, you clearly dont know history if you think Czar sounds "commie"

and some of the people known as "czars" are actually cabinet positions confirmed by the senate
Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

Ummm... the "Czars" you speak of are just civilian advisors maintained by the President... They're neither elected nor appointed in an official capacity (the way a judge is, e.g.)... They have no real authority. They're not actual "Czars" in the literal sense. They're more like research experts.

The only reason the right has started this shit-fit about the "Czars" is because the word "Czar" sounds, well, kinda Commie to a lot of Americans, and throwing you guys into a fervor has more or less been their whole playbook as of late.
uh, you clearly dont know history if you think Czar sounds "commie"

and some of the people known as "czars" are actually cabinet positions confirmed by the senate

lol, I didn't say it was Commie, I said it sounds kinda Commie to a lot of Americans.

I have to correct myself; According to Wiki, there are official appointees that are sometimes referred to as "Czars," specifically the highest ranking officials in a given Department; Often just because their official title is too cumbersome.

In the case of the civilian "czars" I refer to above, the attachment of the term "Czar" to that individual is merely a creation of the media.
Next if czars are Constitutional where are the checks and balances? They answer to no one but obama. They can do as they wish with no oversight. So where is the Constitutionality?

Ummm... the "Czars" you speak of are just civilian advisors maintained by the President... They're neither elected nor appointed in an official capacity (the way a judge is, e.g.)... They have no real authority. They're not actual "Czars" in the literal sense. They're more like research experts.

The only reason the right has started this shit-fit about the "Czars" is because the word "Czar" sounds, well, kinda Commie to a lot of Americans, and throwing you guys into a fervor has more or less been their whole playbook as of late.
uh, you clearly dont know history if you think Czar sounds "commie"

and some of the people known as "czars" are actually cabinet positions confirmed by the senate

I thought the term was coined from the Reagan Administration.

It's just another word for "expert".

Which are "cabinet positions" that have to be "confirmed" by the Senate? Cuz that's a new one on me.
Here's a crazy idea then. Stop subsidizing failed blue states and failed red states with federal funds and force fiscal responsibility on all of them. It is not government's place to be a profit sharing system, or collective bargaining agreement.

It's also not the government's place to SHUT DOWN INDUSTRY and stop the harvest of natural resources....but they do it.

When they do it, they pay the states with subsidies and grants.

It's the government paying hush money. They cripple the states, and in return, they get to support them.

This is where the right is absolutely "stuck on stupid". It IS the governments job to keep those resources from be "exploited". Obama is working with the tools left over from the last administration.

Is it perfectly fine with you if every company left the SAME mess as BP? Try defending that!
No. It's not. Find the power in the constitution. Aint there. Every state has the right to do that with it's resources. THAT is constitutional, but the feds? No.

Obama is working with the tools left over from the last administration.

Bullshit. complete and utter. He owns this fucking mess HE MADE WORSE BY BEING INCOMPETENT OR A SABOTEUR to the cleanup and problem solving process! Not to mention irrelevant to the discussion at hand. But nice attempt at deflection.

Is it perfectly fine with you if every company left the SAME mess as BP? Try defending that!

Apply Flamethrower directly to the strawman... apply flamethrower directly to the strawman...

Irrelevant and not germane to the topic at hand. The federal government is not supposed to be an entity to redistribute wealth on a personal, corporate, civic, municipal, county or state basis. It is not to pick the market's winners and losers. It is to protect the freedoms of the states and their citizens, not interfere with them by pretending it has responsibilities created wholly in the fevered dreams of fascists like you.
Ummm... the "Czars" you speak of are just civilian advisors maintained by the President... They're neither elected nor appointed in an official capacity (the way a judge is, e.g.)... They have no real authority. They're not actual "Czars" in the literal sense. They're more like research experts.

The only reason the right has started this shit-fit about the "Czars" is because the word "Czar" sounds, well, kinda Commie to a lot of Americans, and throwing you guys into a fervor has more or less been their whole playbook as of late.
uh, you clearly dont know history if you think Czar sounds "commie"

and some of the people known as "czars" are actually cabinet positions confirmed by the senate

I thought the term was coined from the Reagan Administration.

It's just another word for "expert".

Which are "cabinet positions" that have to be "confirmed" by the Senate? Cuz that's a new one on me.
actually is was first used in the Nixon administration
and i dont remember which ones were and werent
but if you look on wiki for it, you can spend your time going through the massive list
i did a while back when everyone was going nutzo over "Obama's Czars"
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