There's that secession crap again

Tank is a racist and conhog calls peopel ****** all the time.

They are racists.
Texas v. White, U.S. Supreme Court Case Summary & Oral Argument

what are "PEOPELS".....and Conhog uses the word ****** alot? in many of his threads....i dont see this.....but one thing i do have a problem telling the Truth.....and you exaggerate and twist things real nice.....and your an asshole....thats a fact....

As long as the spelling police are out in force, it's "you're an asshole", not "your an asshole".

Just trying to help.

Carry on.

you knew what i meant right?...miss smarter than anyone "Truth" misspells words daily......dont you have a Bathroom to go clean up?......
And sitting back and watching it be dstroyed would be what? Voting does not work if you are of age you should know better.

Could I respectfully ask for some details here?

Where exactly is our country being destroyed? Do you have a job? Do you have a place to live, car, cell phone, computer

How has your standard of living been destroyed in the last 18 months?

It sad but what the hell LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been for the past 3 and a half years?

I noticed your non responsive is what I expected

As I thought, you are full of shit and have no specifics
Natonal guard was for renecks that couldn't cut it at the colleges I went to conhog.
Could I respectfully ask for some details here?

Where exactly is our country being destroyed? Do you have a job? Do you have a place to live, car, cell phone, computer

How has your standard of living been destroyed in the last 18 months?

It sad but what the hell LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been for the past 3 and a half years?

I noticed your non responsive is what I expected

As I thought, you are full of shit and have no specifics

If you can't see nothing I say would make you see it. So continue on in your sheeple blkiss.
Natonal guard was for renecks that couldn't cut it at the colleges I went to conhog.

Yeah, that's what all the assholes say.

Meanwhile, National Guardsmen get killed at the same rate and get paid less than regular military.
It sad but what the hell LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been for the past 3 and a half years?

I noticed your non responsive is what I expected

As I thought, you are full of shit and have no specifics

If you can't see nothing I say would make you see it. So continue on in your sheeple blkiss.

In other words, just more shit pulled out of your ass.

If I am going to complain, I will do so with specifics, not some vague garbage.
Defending the Constitution at some point becomes pointless if your only Option is to vote for this guy or that guy, and both of them will disrespect the constitution and ignore our laws.

At some point, a government that ignores its laws, and Violates the constitution Becomes such a threat to us all, that Playing with in the rules of the game will not bring the desired result. When the game is rigged how can you win by simply voting.

Personally I do not think the Next "revolution/Civil war" will come from the States or People. I have been doing a lot of thinking about it, and I believe that some Day maybe soon maybe not, when we are near Economic Collapse under all this Debt. We will be the Victims or Benefactors of a Military Coup In the US. Our Military Officers are Sworn to Protect and Defend Both the Government, and the Constitution on the United states. At some point it is not unimaginable for a group of the US military leadership to make the decision that the Federal Governments is a direct threat to the constitution of the United states, and act. If they took over, called for a constitutional Convention between the states and promised new Elections in the Future, they might just get away with it. If things got bad enough before they did it, that is.

What do you think we are .....a Banana Republic?

Do you know what a banana republic is. Every time our government passes a law that many believe violates our constitution. At least in those peoples minds. we become more and more, a banana republic.

A banana Republic is a republic in name only where some form of Elite power group controls things, and the Peoples rights are only as good as the whims of the government. Sound failure at all?

Your problem is that it doesn't violate the Constitution. Just because Glenn Beck screams it at the top of his lungs doesn't make it so

I got news for you..We have the greatest republic in history and it has been through a lot worse than you are seeing now.This republic survived a Civil War, Depression, WWI and II, Civil Rights conflicts, assasinations and the right wing whines because we passed a healthcare bill.
Natonal guard was for renecks that couldn't cut it at the colleges I went to conhog.

Way to insult an entire branch of the military who have done nothing but selflessly defend your right to be an idiot.

PS - I don't even believe you went to college, based off your writing samples on this board, and your embarrassing shortage of critical thinking skills; but I DID attend college, in fact I have four Degrees, including a Masters, and my postings generally reflect those of someone who has had a formal education, so your point about uneducated rednecks is both laughable and racist.
Conhog you are that slow. No wonder you were in the reserves.

National Guard =/= reserves, you fool. Also, I CHOSE to be in the National Guard. Just as you chose not to graduate high school.

You know, that's what I thought but I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't 100 percent sure.

My son's in the National Guard.

My niece just joined the reserves, as a captain and a dr.

We were joking over what to call her...Dr. Captain Rachel, or Cpt. Dr. Rach?

Anyway....she's a stellar person, as is my son. She decided to join when she saw my son graduate basic in GA. She said she was struck by how young everyone is, and thought, "who will take care of these guys? Somebody needs to". Now, 5 years later, she's a captain.
Condouche. You did a few years in the guard the got a history degree fro a shitty college. I bet that was tough for a redneck like you. history lol
What do you think we are .....a Banana Republic?

Do you know what a banana republic is. Every time our government passes a law that many believe violates our constitution. At least in those peoples minds. we become more and more, a banana republic.

A banana Republic is a republic in name only where some form of Elite power group controls things, and the Peoples rights are only as good as the whims of the government. Sound failure at all?

Your problem is that it doesn't violate the Constitution. Just because Glenn Beck screams it at the top of his lungs doesn't make it so

I got news for you..We have the greatest republic in history and it has been through a lot worse than you are seeing now.This republic survived a Civil War, Depression, WWI and II, Civil Rights conflicts, assasinations and the right wing whines because we passed a healthcare bill.

We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.
Condouche. You did a few years in the guard the got a history degree fro a shitty college. I bet that was tough for a redneck like you. history lol

A few years? I joined at 17 , I went to boot camp the summer before my senior year in high school, 1988. I served until 2010. Actually I'm not quite technically retired. AT 19 years old my unit was activated to to go to Iraq as part of Operation Desert Storm. I was enrolled in and attending college at the time and had the option to not go, I declined, dropped out of college and spent a year in Iraq. Upon returning I returned to college. I obtained my FIRST undergraduate degree from a small private college called College of the Ozarks in Branson , MO. To those in the know this college is universally acknowledged as one of the top private colleges in the nation. after graduating from college I was selected for officer candidacy school and ranger school. I received 2 more bachelor degrees and a Masters degree from the University of Arkansas. In 2003 I again deployed to Iraq for a year. in 2006 I deployed to the southern border for year. In between these over seas deployments I was FULL time National Guard, meaning I worked every day as a regular job.

So, what have YOU contributed in the last 20 years? besides poorly written posts in which you claim to be educated?
You dropped put then got a history degree. I bet that was really tough for you. Lol
This ass clown attacked me, so I call him out. I've never heard history described as a tough major. Lol
This ass clown attacked me, so I call him out. I've never heard history described as a tough major. Lol

And I've never heard of ANY Masters Degree that is easy.

But if you want to talk about difficulty. Try spending a summer evening in the fine Iraqi desert with a bullet in your leg that a field doctor is trying to cut out of you because you are temporarily stuck where you are because the weather has grounded any air transport out and your vehicle has been disabled, all the while some crazy Iraqis are taking MORE pot shots at your group. Oh and you're 19 years old by the way.

I don't want to hear about tough. Your ass wouldn't even make it through boot camp.

Not to mention, attacking someone's college degrees when you yourself have LIED about receiving yours in the first place is the height of hilarity.
I find it interesting that the states closest to economic collapse are the most liberal ones in the US... but they are supposedly the 'best run' according to these maps of statistics.

And as we all know... there are lies, damn lies and statistics.

The problems are two:

1. The Blue states pay too much to public employees. No bus driver is worth 30 dollars an hour plus full retirement. If it can be negotiated that companies contribute to a workers retirement plan, fine, but not pay for people that don't work there anymore. And that goes for CEOs.

2. The Red states drain capital from the Blue states. If they were able to keep that money instead of having to prop up the Red states, their budgets would be balanced.
Here's a crazy idea then. Stop subsidizing failed blue states and failed red states with federal funds and force fiscal responsibility on all of them. It is not government's place to be a profit sharing system, or collective bargaining agreement.
I noticed your non responsive is what I expected

As I thought, you are full of shit and have no specifics

If you can't see nothing I say would make you see it. So continue on in your sheeple blkiss.

In other words, just more shit pulled out of your ass.

If I am going to complain, I will do so with specifics, not some vague garbage.

NO in other words both of you are one blind cock sucking SOBS.

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