There's that secession crap again

Do you know what a banana republic is. Every time our government passes a law that many believe violates our constitution. At least in those peoples minds. we become more and more, a banana republic.

A banana Republic is a republic in name only where some form of Elite power group controls things, and the Peoples rights are only as good as the whims of the government. Sound failure at all?

Your problem is that it doesn't violate the Constitution. Just because Glenn Beck screams it at the top of his lungs doesn't make it so

I got news for you..We have the greatest republic in history and it has been through a lot worse than you are seeing now.This republic survived a Civil War, Depression, WWI and II, Civil Rights conflicts, assasinations and the right wing whines because we passed a healthcare bill.

We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.
Your problem is that it doesn't violate the Constitution. Just because Glenn Beck screams it at the top of his lungs doesn't make it so

I got news for you..We have the greatest republic in history and it has been through a lot worse than you are seeing now.This republic survived a Civil War, Depression, WWI and II, Civil Rights conflicts, assasinations and the right wing whines because we passed a healthcare bill.

We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

Here we are back to the idiotic presumption that actions are constitutional until a court decides they're not.

So are criminals not criminals after they've committed a crime, before they're convicted?
Your problem is that it doesn't violate the Constitution. Just because Glenn Beck screams it at the top of his lungs doesn't make it so

I got news for you..We have the greatest republic in history and it has been through a lot worse than you are seeing now.This republic survived a Civil War, Depression, WWI and II, Civil Rights conflicts, assasinations and the right wing whines because we passed a healthcare bill.

We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

I agree, please speak to your buddy Zona who sports Hannity as a NAZI as his avatar. Oh and I don't in ANYWAY believe everything Obama has done is constitutional; but here's a question for you, when Bush enacted the Patriot Act did you declare it was constitutional? Be honest, b/c I'm sure someone on this board knows the answer.
We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

Here we are back to the idiotic presumption that actions are constitutional until a court decides they're not.

So are criminals not criminals after they've committed a crime, before they're convicted?

Actually, that is correct my dear. They are ALLEGED criminals up and until their actual conviction. And it is the same with laws. They are neither constitutional nor unconstitutional until they have been ruled on. There are actually a myriad of laws in our country which have NEVER been ruled on, and so they are neither.
I find it interesting that the states closest to economic collapse are the most liberal ones in the US... but they are supposedly the 'best run' according to these maps of statistics.

And as we all know... there are lies, damn lies and statistics.

The problems are two:

1. The Blue states pay too much to public employees. No bus driver is worth 30 dollars an hour plus full retirement. If it can be negotiated that companies contribute to a workers retirement plan, fine, but not pay for people that don't work there anymore. And that goes for CEOs.

2. The Red states drain capital from the Blue states. If they were able to keep that money instead of having to prop up the Red states, their budgets would be balanced.
Here's a crazy idea then. Stop subsidizing failed blue states and failed red states with federal funds and force fiscal responsibility on all of them. It is not government's place to be a profit sharing system, or collective bargaining agreement.

It's also not the government's place to SHUT DOWN INDUSTRY and stop the harvest of natural resources....but they do it.

When they do it, they pay the states with subsidies and grants.

It's the government paying hush money. They cripple the states, and in return, they get to support them.
What do you think we are .....a Banana Republic?

Do you know what a banana republic is. Every time our government passes a law that many believe violates our constitution. At least in those peoples minds. we become more and more, a banana republic.

A banana Republic is a republic in name only where some form of Elite power group controls things, and the Peoples rights are only as good as the whims of the government. Sound failure at all?

Your problem is that it doesn't violate the Constitution. Just because Glenn Beck screams it at the top of his lungs doesn't make it so
39 States are suing the government claiming Health care violates their rights under the constitution. Many also feel that Government ownership of GM violates the constitution. I am afraid you are wrong here bud, though I know you will never admit to it. It is about Perception, and if enough people perceive government actions to be unconstitutional. We have a problem.

I got news for you..We have the greatest republic in history and it has been through a lot worse than you are seeing now.This republic survived a Civil War, Depression, WWI and II, Civil Rights conflicts, assasinations and the right wing whines because we passed a healthcare bill.
I agree we have survived worse, and we will survive this. What I said was a hypothetical. Again I was only saying IF anything like a civil war ever happened again. I believed it was more likely to come in the form of Some type of Military Coup, than as a popular uprising or a bunch of States Succeeding.

Again I was in no way advocating it happen. I would hope we can get our shit together before we let things get bad enough for something like that to happen here. However anyone who thinks it could never happen here, is rather naive in my opinion. We are a great nation no doubt, but we are not super natural. We are not immune to losing our liberty in any of a thousand ways, Including a Military coup.
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Your problem is that it doesn't violate the Constitution. Just because Glenn Beck screams it at the top of his lungs doesn't make it so

I got news for you..We have the greatest republic in history and it has been through a lot worse than you are seeing now.This republic survived a Civil War, Depression, WWI and II, Civil Rights conflicts, assasinations and the right wing whines because we passed a healthcare bill.

We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

And what does Nazi stand for? Not one damn thing has obama done which is Constitutional.
Are 36 czar's Constitutional?
Is dropping the ball on immigration Constitutional?
Not sure as to the percentage but takeover of a large portion of the private sectors not Constitutional.
Forcing someone to buy something they do not want nor need is not constitutional.
Not closing the borders when the swine flu came from Mexico is not protecting the people which was also un-Constitutional.
You are dumber then dirt, if you disagree.
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We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

Here we are back to the idiotic presumption that actions are constitutional until a court decides they're not.

So are criminals not criminals after they've committed a crime, before they're convicted?

Thats the way it works ......the burden of proof is on YOU to prove it is Un-Constitutional

Good luck
We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

And what does Nazi stand for? Not one damn thing has obama done which is Constitutional.
Are 36 czar's Constitutional?
Is dropping the ball on immigration Constitutional?
Not sure as to the percentage but takeover of a large portion of the private sectors not Constitutional.
Forcing someone to buy something they do not want nor need is not constitutional.
Not closing the borders when the swine flu came from Mexico is not protecting the people which was also un-Constitutional.
You are dimmer then dirt, if you disagree.

Obama is not a Nazi, and Rightwinger isn't dim. there are plenty of legitimately stupid left wingers on this board to call out for such, no reason to lump one in who isn't. Mistaken, yes, dumb , no.
We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

I agree, please speak to your buddy Zona who sports Hannity as a NAZI as his avatar. Oh and I don't in ANYWAY believe everything Obama has done is constitutional; but here's a question for you, when Bush enacted the Patriot Act did you declare it was constitutional? Be honest, b/c I'm sure someone on this board knows the answer.

I did not think it was constitutional when Bush passed it. I hated the name because it implied that if you opposed it you were unpatriotic. I also didn't like when Obama extended it.

But i understand that it is my opinion only. I did not propose secession because of the Patriot Act, I did not cry that my country was sinking into anarchy

I looked at it as an overreaction to a terrorist attack...still do
Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

And what does Nazi stand for? Not one damn thing has obama done which is Constitutional.
Are 36 czar's Constitutional?
Is dropping the ball on immigration Constitutional?
Not sure as to the percentage but takeover of a large portion of the private sectors not Constitutional.
Forcing someone to buy something they do not want nor need is not constitutional.
Not closing the borders when the swine flu came from Mexico is not protecting the people which was also un-Constitutional.
You are dimmer then dirt, if you disagree.

Obama is not a Nazi, and Rightwinger isn't dim. there are plenty of legitimately stupid left wingers on this board to call out for such, no reason to lump one in who isn't. Mistaken, yes, dumb , no.

EDITED the dim part.
Read carefully what I said.
What does Nazi stand for?
Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

I agree, please speak to your buddy Zona who sports Hannity as a NAZI as his avatar. Oh and I don't in ANYWAY believe everything Obama has done is constitutional; but here's a question for you, when Bush enacted the Patriot Act did you declare it was constitutional? Be honest, b/c I'm sure someone on this board knows the answer.

I did not think it was constitutional when Bush passed it. I hated the name because it implied that if you opposed it you were unpatriotic. I also didn't like when Obama extended it.

But i understand that it is my opinion only. I did not propose secession because of the Patriot Act, I did not cry that my country was sinking into anarchy

I looked at it as an overreaction to a terrorist attack...still do

My point of course was that Obama and his cronies spent the entire campaign trail screaming that the Patriot Act was unconstitutional and them promptly extended many of them once in office. That is the kind of underhandedness that I am sick of.
We will see what has and and what does violate the COTUS. My personal opinion is that it does, my wife the attorney agrees. The fact is that it will up to the SCOTUS to decide the matter. In either case, one is not wrong for expressing their opinion about the constitutionality of the law no matter which way they lean. Now if once a ruling is made someone argues that the SCOTUS is wrong I have a problem with that.

As for the other point. I agree, Obama is not going to destroy this country. He's a giant boob, and a horrible President, but we've survived those before.

Everything the Obama Administration has done is Constitutional. It will be so unless they are improbably overruled by the courts. It does not matter what you, your wife or Glenn Beck thinks...the courts get to make tha calls

I am frankly fed up with the right wing rhetoric of Hitler, Nazis, Communists and does a diservice to those who actually suffered from those regimes.

And what does Nazi stand for? Not one damn thing has obama done which is Constitutional.
Are 36 czar's Constitutional?
Is dropping the ball on immigration Constitutional?
Not sure as to the percentage but takeover of a large portion of the private sectors not Constitutional.
Forcing someone to buy something they do not want nor need is not constitutional.
Not closing the borders when the swine flu came from Mexico is not protecting the people which was also un-Constitutional.
You are dumber then dirt, if you disagree.


I understand you are a lightweight on this board so I will take it easy on you. You spout rightwing talking points without having a clue what their background or implications are.

Yes 36 czars are Constitutional. The President has the right to hire whatever advisors he wants. Czars have been inplace since Nixon. Since I know you are a little slow, They are not REAL CZARS, czar is a ceremonial does not have Constitutional powers

Immigration is a Federal Power. It is up to the federal government to protect our borders against attack. Problem is we are not being attacked, we are being infiltrated. It has been going on for 150 years and has been ignored by Dems and Republicans alike. Want to know why everyone talks about it and nobody does anything? We make too much fucking money off of illegal labor

We have not taken over a large sector of private industry. It is a miniscule percentage of the total private workforce. These companies were not taken over, they came to the taxpayer for help and we demanded concessions for that help

If you think the healthcare plan is unconstitutional, the courts will decide. The bill went through bipartisan congressional review and passed muster. You are being forced to have coverage because the alternative is the taxpayer has to cover you if you show up in an emergency room. And I think protecting the taxpayer is Constitutional

Swine flu? Grow up
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national socialist party.

Thank You but Right winger will side step the name just a little bit.


Once again you are showing your ignorance of history and political science. Please go look up the degree of Socialism the Nazis tolerated. See how the Nazis treated REAL Socialists

I like you reb and welcome you to play with the big dogs......but your limitations are obvious for all to see
national socialist party.

Thank You but Right winger will side step the name just a little bit.


Once again you are showing your ignorance of history and political science. Please go look up the degree of Socialism the Nazis tolerated. See how the Nazis treated REAL Socialists

I like you reb and welcome you to play with the big dogs......but your limitations are obvious for all to see

Give me the definition of the word Nazi.

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