There's that secession crap again

All prezes have "czars", they've even been called czars in past admins.

What people don't like about Obama's appointees is they're all progressive ideogogues, as Obama is himself.

When you appoint someone who has openly stated he believes in rationing of health care and redistributing wealth as the head of Medicare, you're pretty much throwing caution to the wind.
The problem is that you are part of the problem. So is nixon stuill in charge? we aren't talking about how they started we are talking about the increased number of of no checks and balanced czars. Why is the need of having that many?

The President can have as many advisors as he needs to do his job. How he organizes the Executive branch is also his decision. Whether he calls them Czars or Deputy Under Secretaries is his decision

In the United States, the informal political term "czar" or "tsar" is employed in media and popular usage to refer to high-level officials who oversee a particular policy. There have never been any U.S. government offices with the title "czar", but various governmental officials have sometimes been referred to by the nickname "czar" rather than their actual title.

The earliest known use of the term for a U.S. government official was in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt (1933–1945), during which twelve positions were so described. The term was revived, mostly by the press, to describe officials in the Nixon and Ford administrations and continues today.
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The problem is that you are part of the problem. So is nixon stuill in charge? we aren't talking about how they started we are talking about the increased number of of no checks and balanced czars. Why is the need of having that many?

The President can have as many advisors as he needs to do his job. How he organizes the Executive branch is also his decision. Whether he calls them Czars or Deputy Under Secretaries is his decision

In the United States, the informal political term "czar" or "tsar" is employed in media and popular usage to refer to high-level officials who oversee a particular policy. There have never been any U.S. government offices with the title "czar", but various governmental officials have sometimes been referred to by the nickname "czar" rather than their actual title.

The earliest known use of the term for a U.S. government official was in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt (1933–1945), during which twelve positions were so described. The term was revived, mostly by the press, to describe officials in the Nixon and Ford administrations and continues today.

Capitol Briefing - Byrd to Obama: Enough Already With the 'Czars'
List of U.S. executive branch czars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes, i KNOW its Wiki, but you can check the links for confirmation at the bottom
its a good compilation of ALL "Czars" appointed and who was and who wasn't confirmed by the Senate

With the way our economy has worsen and t have all those czars past a present looks like the czars system is a failure and should be stopped.
i agree, but some of the people being called "czars" are actually cabinet positions that are confirmed by the senate
List of U.S. executive branch czars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes, i KNOW its Wiki, but you can check the links for confirmation at the bottom
its a good compilation of ALL "Czars" appointed and who was and who wasn't confirmed by the Senate

With the way our economy has worsen and t have all those czars past a present looks like the czars system is a failure and should be stopped.
i agree, but some of the people being called "czars" are actually cabinet positions that are confirmed by the senate

From your link obama had just 6 out of 37 of his czars confirmed by congress. Any even if they are confirmed by the senate they do not answer to the senate they have no checks and balances
With the way our economy has worsen and t have all those czars past a present looks like the czars system is a failure and should be stopped.
i agree, but some of the people being called "czars" are actually cabinet positions that are confirmed by the senate

From your link obama had just 6 out of 37 of his czars confirmed by congress. Any even if they are confirmed by the senate they do not answer to the senate they have no checks and balances
if they have to be confirmed by the senate, then they can be checked by the senate
i think its just another distraction to focus on the czars and not the real problems

runaway big government
i agree, but some of the people being called "czars" are actually cabinet positions that are confirmed by the senate

From your link obama had just 6 out of 37 of his czars confirmed by congress. Any even if they are confirmed by the senate they do not answer to the senate they have no checks and balances
if they have to be confirmed by the senate, then they can be checked by the senate
i think its just another distraction to focus on the czars and not the real problems

runaway big government

The czars is part and partsal with big govrnment. and they do not answer to anyone but obama. Coingress cannot have them removed.
uh, you clearly dont know history if you think Czar sounds "commie"

and some of the people known as "czars" are actually cabinet positions confirmed by the senate

I thought the term was coined from the Reagan Administration.

It's just another word for "expert".

Which are "cabinet positions" that have to be "confirmed" by the Senate? Cuz that's a new one on me.
actually is was first used in the Nixon administration
and i dont remember which ones were and werent
but if you look on wiki for it, you can spend your time going through the massive list
i did a while back when everyone was going nutzo over "Obama's Czars"

The only time I don't put links is when something is so easy to find, anyone can type in the words and go look at a hundred different sources or if I've already posted it a couple of times. I've been banned for posting the same link more than once. If you have to "research it", it's probably "made up".


Republican leader referring to children receiving school lunches: The poor are like animals. If you feed them they'll breed.

Republican senate nominee: The unemployed are "spoiled". It's not my job to help them find jobs.

Tea Party Leader: The unemployed are "bellyachers". They should sober up and go get a job.

Republican Senator: Apology to BP for creating the most massive environmental disaster in this country, ever.

The list is endless. Republican leaders have so much contempt for their base and for the country. It's a real shame. Why the base puts up with it is beyond me. The fact that they defend such dialog is astounding.

It makes you wonder what kind of people the Republicans have "devolved" into.
I thought the term was coined from the Reagan Administration.

It's just another word for "expert".

Which are "cabinet positions" that have to be "confirmed" by the Senate? Cuz that's a new one on me.
actually is was first used in the Nixon administration
and i dont remember which ones were and werent
but if you look on wiki for it, you can spend your time going through the massive list
i did a while back when everyone was going nutzo over "Obama's Czars"

The only time I don't put links is when something is so easy to find, anyone can type in the words and go look at a hundred different sources or if I've already posted it a couple of times. I've been banned for posting the same link more than once. If you have to "research it", it's probably "made up".


Republican leader referring to children receiving school lunches: The poor are like animals. If you feed them they'll breed.

Republican senate nominee: The unemployed are "spoiled". It's not my job to help them find jobs.

Tea Party Leader: The unemployed are "bellyachers". They should sober up and go get a job.

Republican Senator: Apology to BP for creating the most massive environmental disaster in this country, ever.

The list is endless. Republican leaders have so much contempt for their base and for the country. It's a real shame. Why the base puts up with it is beyond me. The fact that they defend such dialog is astounding.

It makes you wonder what kind of people the Republicans have "devolved" into.
you are such a fucking IDIOT

check that out asshole
and if you think what YOU post is fact, you must live in the river in egypt
Good grief, you're such a moron, rdean.

You just really don't have a clue, do you?

You've just admitted you don't bother with research and expect your audience to figure out what is true and what is false.

Well tell you what....because of that, everybody assumes everything you say is false.

And I guess, for my side, that's a good thing, because it's indicative that nobody is taking the lefty weirdoes seriously.
Good grief, you're such a moron, rdean.

You just really don't have a clue, do you?

You've just admitted you don't bother with research and expect your audience to figure out what is true and what is false.

Well tell you what....because of that, everybody assumes everything you say is false.

And I guess, for my side, that's a good thing, because it's indicative that nobody is taking the lefty weirdoes seriously.

Why do you feel the need to speak for everyone? You do it a lot.
Good grief, you're such a moron, rdean.

You just really don't have a clue, do you?

You've just admitted you don't bother with research and expect your audience to figure out what is true and what is false.

Well tell you what....because of that, everybody assumes everything you say is false.

And I guess, for my side, that's a good thing, because it's indicative that nobody is taking the lefty weirdoes seriously.

Why do you feel the need to speak for everyone? You do it a lot.

That's a common idiom used by both sides, I do it a lot to, it means nothing. Obviously Allie doesn't believe that she speaks for EVERYONE. Why don't you ever seak out against "lefties" who use the expression? Oh that's right.........
The Director of National Intelligence is a position created by Congress and Blair was confirmed by the Senate.

That authority was granted to the bureaucracy by Congress in Section 111 of the TARP legislation:

(1) In general.--Where the Secretary determines that the purposes of this Act are best met through direct purchases of troubled assets from an individual financial institution where no bidding process or market prices are available, and the Secretary receives a meaningful equity or debt position in the financial institution as a result of the transaction, the Secretary shall require that the financial institution meet appropriate standards for executive compensation and corporate governance. The standards required under this subsection shall be effective for the duration of the period that the Secretary holds an equity or debt position in the financial institution.​

The Secretary--in this case, Geithner--was given broad authority to administer the executive compensation provisions of the law. Geithner delegated that authority by appointing Feinberg Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation. All of this in accordance with Article II Section 2.

So who does he answer to it isn't the congress. He has no checks and balences. He has no authority over any busniess that did not recieve the tarp but for some resaon he does. The arguement was that the government was or was not controling the private sector thanks for supporting my arguement that the government in fact does control a large portion of Americas private sector.

He answers to the President who answers to Congress and the Courts

Check and balance

Talk to Byrd he warned obama to stop.
Good grief, you're such a moron, rdean.

You just really don't have a clue, do you?

You've just admitted you don't bother with research and expect your audience to figure out what is true and what is false.

Well tell you what....because of that, everybody assumes everything you say is false.

And I guess, for my side, that's a good thing, because it's indicative that nobody is taking the lefty weirdoes seriously.

Why do you feel the need to speak for everyone? You do it a lot.

That's a common idiom used by both sides, I do it a lot to, it means nothing. Obviously Allie doesn't believe that she speaks for EVERYONE. Why don't you ever seak out against "lefties" who use the expression? Oh that's right.........

Really? You call it an "idiom"?

More of a sweeping generalization or a blatant assumption that "everyone" thinks like you do.
Good grief, you're such a moron, rdean.

You just really don't have a clue, do you?

You've just admitted you don't bother with research and expect your audience to figure out what is true and what is false.

Well tell you what....because of that, everybody assumes everything you say is false.

And I guess, for my side, that's a good thing, because it's indicative that nobody is taking the lefty weirdoes seriously.

Why do you feel the need to speak for everyone? You do it a lot.

Sound judgement, and common sense can speak for most people
Why do you feel the need to speak for everyone? You do it a lot.

That's a common idiom used by both sides, I do it a lot to, it means nothing. Obviously Allie doesn't believe that she speaks for EVERYONE. Why don't you ever seak out against "lefties" who use the expression? Oh that's right.........

Really? You call it an "idiom"?

More of a sweeping generalization or a blatant assumption that "everyone" thinks like you do.

Oh stop, you know that's not true. Just like when someone says "well everyone knows that." Simple idiom the speaker obviously doesn't believe that EVERYONE literally knows that, whatever that is in the sentence.

Is this all you have to offer to this particular thread is to bash Allie for using a pretty common expression? That's sad.
Good grief, you're such a moron, rdean.

You just really don't have a clue, do you?

You've just admitted you don't bother with research and expect your audience to figure out what is true and what is false.

Well tell you what....because of that, everybody assumes everything you say is false.

And I guess, for my side, that's a good thing, because it's indicative that nobody is taking the lefty weirdoes seriously.

Why do you feel the need to speak for everyone? You do it a lot.

Change everybody to many, and nobody to most.

Good grief, you're such a moron, rdean.

You just really don't have a clue, do you?

You've just admitted you don't bother with research and expect your audience to figure out what is true and what is false.

Well tell you what....because of that, everybody assumes everything you say is false.

And I guess, for my side, that's a good thing, because it's indicative that nobody is taking the lefty weirdoes seriously.

Why do you feel the need to speak for everyone? You do it a lot.

Sound judgement, and common sense can speak for most people

Yes they can.
Bod's just having a maalox moment, she'll get over it.
And I speak for everybody when I say...

who really cares anyway? I find speaking for others preferable to the equally annoying habit of using the royal "we".

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