Theresa May - "inhuman"

Many still missing...

Police: 58 missing and presumed dead in London apartment fire
June 17, 2017 -- Metropolitan Police Commander Stuart Cundy announced Saturday that 58 people are missing and presumed dead after the fire at Grenfell Tower in London, England.
Cundy, speaking outside Notting Hill Methodist Church, confirmed the previous death toll of 30 but said 28 more people likely died in the fire at the 24-story apartment building on Wednesday. "We've worked tirelessly to confirm the number of people who we believe were in the tower on the night and, at this time we cannot assume they are safe and well," he said. "Sadly at this time there are 58 people who we were told were in Grenfell Tower on the night, who were missing, who I have to assume are dead." Police also identified the first known victim of the fire, 23-year-old Mohammed Al-Habjali, who lived in Grenfell Tower. "His family is being supported by liaison officers from the Metropolitan Police," Cundy said.Metropolitan Police said family liaison officers have been deployed to support 52 families of residents who died, were injured or were reported missing.

Cundy also said the London Fire Brigade searched "every floor of the building" and recovered 16 bodies, but added it may take weeks for the search and recovery operation to become "significant. "Both myself and colleagues from London Fire Brigade have already said it will take weeks. It may take longer than that. My commitment to families is that as soon as we can, we will locate and recover their loved ones," Cundy said. "The reason we had to pause the search and recovery yesterday was for the safety of our staff. We do not want another fatality arising out of this tragedy."


A view shows the total destruction of the 24-story Grenfell Tower building on June 16, 2017. Metropolitan Police Commander Stuart Cundy said Saturday at least 58 people missing from the apartment building have been presumed dead​

As the investigation began, Cundy urged missing residents who are alive and have not come forward to contact authorities to ensure their safety. "I would like to ask anyone who was in Grenfell Tower that night, but for whatever reason has not told us they are safe to please call our Casualty Bureau," he said. "It does not matter why you have not told us, what is important is that we know you are safe."

After she met with fire victims, volunteers and local leaders, British Prime Minister Theresa May said support for families following the fire was "not good enough." "I have heard the concerns and I have ordered immediate action across the board to help victims' relatives and the survivors. People lost everything in the fire and were left in only the clothes they were wearing. I can confirm that a 5 million pound ($6 million) emergency fund that I announced yesterday is now being distributed on the ground so people can buy clothes, food and other essentials. If more funding is required, it will be provided," May said, while more than 1,000 protesters rallied outside her residence Saturday.

Police: 58 missing and presumed dead in London apartment fire

See also:

May earmarks relief money for London fire victims; death toll at 30
June 16, 2017 - "The government is there for them," the British prime minister said Friday.
British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday announced relief funds for people affected by the massive apartment fire in London this week that killed 30 people and spawned growing calls for more government help. May announced £5 million, or $6.4 million, in aid to help victims of the Grenfell Tower fire pay for emergency supplies like food, clothing and other items. "They have been left with nothing -- no bank cards, no money, no means of caring for their children or relatives," the prime minister said in a statement Friday. "One woman told me she had escaped in only her top and underwear." The prime minister's effort came as investigators try to figure out how the raging inferno started at the tower in the North Kensington neighborhood of west London. Authorities say at least 30 people have died from the blaze, which engulfed the Grenfell Tower early Wednesday morning. "Everyone affected by this tragedy needs reassurance that the government is there for them," May added.


A view of the 24-story Grenfell Tower in west London on Friday shows large-scale devastation of the building caused by a massive fire earlier this week, which killed at least 30 people and injured dozens more.​

BBC News reported Friday that about 40 additional people remain missing. Dozens were also injured in the fire, including 12 who remain in critical condition. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince William visited with people affected by the fire Friday at a makeshift gathering place to counsel friends and relatives. Protesters upset with how the British government has so far handled the aftermath continued calls Friday for greater assistance. Friday, some heckled May and chanted "coward" as she made her address at London's St. Clement's Church.

Officials said Friday they are doing everything they can to relocate those displaced by the tower. British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn proposed putting some of them up in empty luxury homes owned by wealthy residents of the area -- which is a fairly affluent neighborhood. "I'm here to get some answers," protester Kais Khaldoun told the New York Times. "Kensington is one of the richest areas, how did they allow this negligence? How did they allow this tragedy to happen when it could have easily been avoided?" Officials said due to the nature of their deaths, it's possible all of the victims of the fire might not be conclusively identified. Forensic analysts are using DNA and dental methods to try and identify some of the discovered remains.

May earmarks relief money for London fire victims; death toll at 30
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Theresa May branded 'inhuman' after Newsnight interview about Grenfell Tower fire

What a week this wretched woman has had.

I cant see her having many more at this rate.

Some people find it difficult to publicly express emotion, yet privately have no problem expressing emotion, Theresa May is probably one of those people, it doesn't mean she's inhuman because she doesn't spontaneously erupt into tears on camera.
She should stand down and let someone else have a go.
Yes, your agenda has been very clear from the start. Use this horrendous tragedy to get Comrade Corbyn into power. You really are a very sick man.





Here is the full article, it contains a video interview with the Reverend Mark O'Donoghue, the area Dean of Kensington who attended the meeting at Downing Street.

What REALLY happened when May met Grenfell Tower victims: Rev says PM DID show humanity

As I said already in this thread, some people do not show emotion in public, but they do show emotion in private, the Far Left Marxist human filth are the ones the ONLY ones who are inhuman, using the DEAD PEOPLE of Grenfell Tower to attempt to score cheap political points.

Rot In Hell you soulless and diseased creatures with your Terrorist Kebab pets that you lick the buttocks of and DEFEND and apologise for and DEFLECT attention away from every time there's an Islamic Terrorist attack.
Try again, Tammy. I don't read Breibart, and don't even remember it exists unless someone, like you, posts a link to it :wink_2:

Neither have I made any of the claims you have linked to here - apart from the fact that most, if not all of these blocks were conceived of and built under a Labour gvmnt - and - I will add - it was their idea to house people like rats in a maize - of course they had to do that since they enjoy flooding the country with immigrants in order to win general elections (how's that working out? Lol) and they need somewhere to put them.

You've made it clear your agenda is to peddle the false narrative that it is ONLY the Conservative gvmnt that is to blame, and that Theresa May is an inhuman murderer (I'm helping you to get back on topic in your own thread here, Tammy - my pleasure :wink:), but to most sensible people that is idiotic - the Labour Party share the blame - for all of the reasons given in the thread where this is being discussed - the appropriate thread - not the one about Mrs May's psychological processes.

So, YOU - peddler of lies and misinformation in order to foment rioting and the undermining of the elected gvmnt - ME - telling it how it is and not giving my party a pass.

Now, how about you quit lying through your teeth and address these
issues in the appropriate thread where they were raised and where they are still being discussed?
Try again, Tammy. I don't read Breibart, and don't even remember it exists unless someone, like you, posts a link to it :wink_2:

Neither have I made any of the claims you have linked to here - apart from the fact that most, if not all of these blocks were conceived of and built under a Labour gvmnt - and - I will add - it was their idea to house people like rats in a maize - of course they had to do that since they enjoy flooding the country with immigrants in order to win general elections (how's that working out? Lol) and they need somewhere to put them.

You've made it clear your agenda is to peddle the false narrative that it is ONLY the Conservative gvmnt that is to blame, and that Theresa May is an inhuman murderer (I'm helping you to get back on topic in your own thread here, Tammy - my pleasure :wink:), but to most sensible people that is idiotic - the Labour Party share the blame - for all of the reasons given in the thread where this is being discussed - the appropriate thread - not the one about Mrs May's psychological processes.

So, YOU - peddler of lies and misinformation in order to foment rioting and the undermining of the elected gvmnt - ME - telling it how it is and not giving my party a pass.

Now, how about you quit lying through your teeth and address these
issues in the appropriate thread where they were raised and where they are still being discussed?

Let me refresh your memory.

This is what you posted.

Lie -Towers - built by Labour - Lie - cladding introduced and implemented under Labour to satisfy Lie EU green laws - Lie - safety warnings ignored by labour between 1997 and 2010 - Lie - recent similar fire with fatalities under Labours watch - similar fire yesterday in Labour borough.

Lets break down your lies.

1. The tower was built in the early 70s under a Ted Heath govt and a tory council.
2. The cladding was fitted 3 years ago under a tory government and a tory council.
3. The EU has nothing to do with it and in fact these panels,fitted by the tories, are banned in Germany.
4. The safety warnngs came out off the 2009 Lakanal House fire. The coroners report was delivered to the tory government in 2013 and the tories sat on it.
5. Perhaps you can point to a fire with a body count like this.

Now stop this dirty tory game and try to be honest.
Although there doesn't seem to be much interest in this thread (another of Tainted's fails) - the few people who are here and who might be interested in the topic that Tammy is using in an attempt to derail his own failed thread - ie the tower fire, construction materials, etc etc, can find these discussions at the link below, as they are actually ongoing in an appropriate thread, here:

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Busted, your lies exposed - go and find another script.
Although there doesn't seem to be much interest in this thread (another of Tainted's fails) - the few people who are here and who might be interested in the topic that Tammy is using in an attempt to derail his own failed thread - ie the tower fire, construction materials, etc etc, can find these discussions at the link below, as they are actually ongoing in an appropriate thread, here:

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
Busted, your lies exposed - go and find another script.

Lol. Well here's the link for you, AGAIN, boyo. Now go and tell me just how busted I am in the appropriate thread where the topic is being discussed, boyo.

Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

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