These are the allegations in the Joe Biden impeachment inquiry

Watching the Democrat sheep defend Biden is priceless as they know full well he is the most indefensible President they’ve ever had. You watch…. Once he has been moved aside, the Left will pounce on him just as much.
No American soldier serving in combat died in Afghanistan during the last 18 months of Trump's presidency.

That was until Joe Biden fucked everything up.
First your statement is false.

Which makes your a fucking gullible fool... Get it, fucking gullible. They know you are stupid enough to believe this and keep comining back for more... That makes you a fool...

By the way how many Americans lost there lives due to his mishandling of the virus... Biden had to clean up that mess too...
Watching the Democrat sheep defend Biden is priceless as they know full well he is the most indefensible President they’ve ever had. You watch…. Once he has been moved aside, the Left will pounce on him just as much.
Watching imbeciles like you attack the President's son is hilarious, when you link it to a charge against the President

Senior FBI agent disputes some whistleblowers’ claims about Hunter Biden probe​

Thomas Sobocinski, who manages the FBI team investigating Hunter Biden, was interviewed by the House Judiciary Committee - wapo​

Watching the Democrat sheep defend Biden is priceless as they know full well he is the most indefensible President they’ve ever had. You watch…. Once he has been moved aside, the Left will pounce on him just as much.
What defense?

First you have to make a case, that involves actual evidence of a crime... You have unsubstantiated and debunked allegations so far...
Watching imbeciles like you attack the President's son is hilarious, when you link it to a charge against the President

Senior FBI agent disputes some whistleblowers’ claims about Hunter Biden probe​

Thomas Sobocinski, who manages the FBI team investigating Hunter Biden, was interviewed by the House Judiciary Committee - wapo​

I said watching you people defend Biden…. Not his son…. Is hilarious. You brought in his son. Now it’s really mockable.
President Clinton and Independent Counsel Robert Ray agreed Friday to settle the seven-year Whitewater probe. The president admitted that he gave misleading testimony in the 1998 Paula Jones case about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, accepted a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license, and promised to cover $25,000 in legal fees related to disbarment proceedings against him in Arkansas. In exchange, Ray agreed not to indict Clinton on perjury charges. What kind of agreement is this?

It’s not your everyday legal agreement. It’s not a declination, in which a prosecutor drops a criminal investigation because the case isn’t solid enough to indict. Nor is it a plea bargain, in which a prosecutor accepts a guilty plea from the indicted in exchange for a lenient sentence (because, of course Clinton was never indicted). Nor is it a referral of a criminal case to civil authorities for resolution (such as when a criminal antitrust case is referred to civil prosecutors). The most unusual aspect of the deal is that Clinton reached a civil resolution with a criminal prosecutor.

The Clinton-Ray agreement occupies a legal space somewhere between a declination and a plea bargain. Ray declined to indict Clinton for criminal perjury (as in a declination), but he also struck a deal that requires Clinton to admit his evasions in the Jones proceedings and to pay a price (as in a plea bargain).

The deal brings in a third party, the Arkansas Supreme Court’s Committee on Professional Conduct, which was considering disbarment of Clinton–a civil action–over his alleged perjury. How exactly the deal was brokered is not clear. But here’s what it offers the three parties: Ray goes home knowing that Clinton received some punishment for his behavior. The Supreme Court’s committee gets the same satisfaction. And Clinton frees himself from the clutches of a criminal prosecutor and from a civil proceeding in which he could have been disbarred.

Because he took a plea deal.

That's how it works, dummy.
"A New York Judge, SCOTUS, and the Arkansas Bar all disagree with you." regarding me stating Bill Clinton was never prosecuted for perjury.

you/Mud said "He took a plea deal to avoid being found guilty of perjury."

It was to avoid any future prosecutions, where in a court of law a defendant has the presumption of innocence. If it were about being guilty the court should've taken the case.

perjury as a legal term. not lying as the public sees it.

you are misrepresenting facts:

On his last day in office, Clinton agreed to accept a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license.

In exchange, Clinton will receive immunity from further prosecution and avoids a possible indictment on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice after he leaves office.

Clinton acknowledged he knowingly gave false answers to questions about Lewinsky when he was deposed in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case. Clinton said today’s agreement brings “complete closure” to the matter.

“I tried to walk a fine line between acting lawfully and testifying falsely, but I now recognize that I did not fully accomplish that goal and that certain of my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky were false,” Clinton said in a written statement read by Press Secretary Jake Siewert.
I haven’t thought this out fully, but I think I should be hoping the Repubs go all out with this ridiculous endeavor.

I figure Americans will see it only as another sign of how crazy they have become. Americans know that some money always finds its way to top politician’s dumb family relations’ “companies” & “projects,” and this money was peanuts in the real world anyway. Most see it as more Republican distraction to excuse the real political crime of our ex-“commander-in-chief,” who called out and then did nothing for hours as mobs carrying his banners battled cops and invaded the Capitol.

The 2nd impeachment of Trump was bipartisan and 100% justified, but failed to get the needed 2/3 votes in the Senate only because of the cowardice of the old Republican party leadership. At the time most leading Repubs thought Trump was finished, so there was certainly no point in losing Trumptard votes by voting for the impeachment or to convict. But that failure came back to haunt them and the nation. It turned out to have momentous ramifications.

This impeachment is a joke and nobody but Trumptard fanatics cares much one way or the other. As I said, let them bring it on.
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President Clinton and Independent Counsel Robert Ray agreed Friday to settle the seven-year Whitewater probe. The president admitted that he gave misleading testimony in the 1998 Paula Jones case about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, accepted a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license, and promised to cover $25,000 in legal fees related to disbarment proceedings against him in Arkansas. In exchange, Ray agreed not to indict Clinton on perjury charges. What kind of agreement is this?

It’s not your everyday legal agreement. It’s not a declination, in which a prosecutor drops a criminal investigation because the case isn’t solid enough to indict. Nor is it a plea bargain, in which a prosecutor accepts a guilty plea from the indicted in exchange for a lenient sentence (because, of course Clinton was never indicted). Nor is it a referral of a criminal case to civil authorities for resolution (such as when a criminal antitrust case is referred to civil prosecutors). The most unusual aspect of the deal is that Clinton reached a civil resolution with a criminal prosecutor.

The Clinton-Ray agreement occupies a legal space somewhere between a declination and a plea bargain. Ray declined to indict Clinton for criminal perjury (as in a declination), but he also struck a deal that requires Clinton to admit his evasions in the Jones proceedings and to pay a price (as in a plea bargain).

The deal brings in a third party, the Arkansas Supreme Court’s Committee on Professional Conduct, which was considering disbarment of Clinton–a civil action–over his alleged perjury. How exactly the deal was brokered is not clear. But here’s what it offers the three parties: Ray goes home knowing that Clinton received some punishment for his behavior. The Supreme Court’s committee gets the same satisfaction. And Clinton frees himself from the clutches of a criminal prosecutor and from a civil proceeding in which he could have been disbarred.

So your own links agree with me: Clinton was not prosecuted for perjury. And he did not agree he perjured himself, as part of any deal he made.

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