These "Make Trump Feel Great Again" Rallies Help What , Except Himself..?

Why does it bug you so much? Why do you fascists like Antifa and the Nazi always hate it when people use their right to free speech?

Not all people who oppose Trump are far left...

Yet all who wish to squash free speech like you are.
Picking a fight with McConnell struck me as ... odd. LOL
Why? McConnell is whats wrong with the country. If Trump by accident helps fix that I am not going to complain.

This all started McConnell said something Trump didn't like, so Trump is now on the path to trash McConnell..
Trump has done this from the beginning of his campaign last year..

Yet all who wish to squash free speech like you are.
Picking a fight with McConnell struck me as ... odd. LOL
Why? McConnell is whats wrong with the country. If Trump by accident helps fix that I am not going to complain.
Trump can't get any legislation passed. And Trump has not done the one thing he could do to push McConnell to pass things - make peace with the dem moderates in the senate, and after his Charlottesville gaffe of saying "there were some good people with the Nazis and White Supremicists" that's not happening
There most likely were good people in the rally. Not smart people. There had to be a percentage of idiots who didn't know what the Altright really was. We can thank the Media for that since they lump ALL who are not regressives like them into the Altright. Same can be said from the communist side of BLM and Antifa.
Exactly what is THE ALT RIGHT? Because I don't think YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE.
It's a fictitious term originally made up as THE LEFT...

If The People who elected President Trump are ALT RIGHT as you say, then there is no ALTERNATE RIGHT. Because The President won 85% of the counties in the 50 states vs. Clinton's 15%.
So ALT RIGHT.....really is just "MAINSTREAM MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA" and alt right is just a figment of people's imaginations.
I know what they are. They are a collection of racist morons who think the western culture is synonymous with being white and need to save the white race from other races. If you dont think the white race is superior you are NOT alt right. No matter what that retard Milo said.

Your Statement is Proof you don't KNOW.
I guess you have no clue at all. Tell me, were you able to see the eclipse with your head up your ass?
Because I am pretty sure you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

You apparently know how to define FASCIST LEFT NEO NAZIS...which are entirely LEFT....and support THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.
NICE FAKE PICTURE OF A FAKE ADD THAT WAS NEV ER POSTED, and the origin of this image is actually from We'll make sure to get their funding pulled.
Not fake, snowflake.
POST THE ACTUAL CRAIGSLIST ADD. You can't. And I was able to look at the METADATA, and it is totally fake.
this was about tax reform in the next congress. how fking stupid are you libs.
Why does it bug you so much? Why do you fascists like Antifa and the Nazi always hate it when people use their right to free speech?

Not all people who oppose Trump are far left...

Yet all who wish to squash free speech like you are.
Picking a fight with McConnell struck me as ... odd. LOL
Why? McConnell is whats wrong with the country. If Trump by accident helps fix that I am not going to complain.

This all started McConnell said something Trump didn't like, so Trump is now on the path to trash McConnell..
Trump has done this from the beginning of his campaign last year..

He should trash McConnell. He is part of the LEFT-RIGHT CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT.
The fact is, you can ignore a few loons posting whatever pictures they want to support their arguments. The Tweet you would like to lie about and contribute to half of the country was done by a single individual.

Truth is, only about 500 Protesters showed up, vs. 20,000 attendees at The Trump Rally
ANTIFA showed up in small numbers (50), still tried to start shit and had to get tear gassed. And those are facts you cannot ignore.

Do you have a link to back yourself up? and not a Brietbart, Fox one.

The fact is, you can ignore a few loons posting whatever pictures they want to support their arguments. The Tweet you would like to lie about and contribute to half of the country was done by a single individual.

Truth is, only about 500 Protesters showed up, vs. 20,000 attendees at The Trump Rally
ANTIFA showed up in small numbers (50), still tried to start shit and had to get tear gassed. And those are facts you cannot ignore.

Do you have a link to back yourself up? and not a Brietbart, Fox one.

You claimed the GOP put this out.
Because Obama would openly break the law ? Are you sniffing glue?

No, moron...........If you CANNOT answer my question, just back away and find some other cesspool where you can post.your bullshit.....LOL
NICE FAKE PICTURE OF A FAKE ADD THAT WAS NEV ER POSTED, and the origin of this image is actually from We'll make sure to get their funding pulled.
Not fake, snowflake.
POST THE ACTUAL CRAIGSLIST ADD. You can't. And I was able to look at the METADATA, and it is totally fake.
That's the actual ad.

Pull your head out of your ass.
Why does it bug you so much? Why do you fascists like Antifa and the Nazi always hate it when people use their right to free speech?

Not all people who oppose Trump are far left...

Yet all who wish to squash free speech like you are.
Picking a fight with McConnell struck me as ... odd. LOL
Why? McConnell is whats wrong with the country. If Trump by accident helps fix that I am not going to complain.

This all started McConnell said something Trump didn't like, so Trump is now on the path to trash McConnell..
Trump has done this from the beginning of his campaign last year..

OMG you mean Trump is Thin Skinned????? Say it isnt so!!!! who fucking cares. 8 years of Obama should have gotten you used to thin skinned cry babies.
Yah, nice PHOTO OF WHEN THEY FIRST OPENED THE DOORS. I watched the actual rally, LIAR and They panned this entire section all the way to The EXIT SIGN and it was wall to wall people.

Look douchey don't have to lie and deceive people if you want to discuss actual topics...but that's not what trolls do. Keep Trolling and posting lies and FAKED PHOTOS....and you will just be another casualty that ends up on My IGNORE LIST.
Picking a fight with McConnell struck me as ... odd. LOL
Why? McConnell is whats wrong with the country. If Trump by accident helps fix that I am not going to complain.
Trump can't get any legislation passed. And Trump has not done the one thing he could do to push McConnell to pass things - make peace with the dem moderates in the senate, and after his Charlottesville gaffe of saying "there were some good people with the Nazis and White Supremicists" that's not happening
There most likely were good people in the rally. Not smart people. There had to be a percentage of idiots who didn't know what the Altright really was. We can thank the Media for that since they lump ALL who are not regressives like them into the Altright. Same can be said from the communist side of BLM and Antifa.
Exactly what is THE ALT RIGHT? Because I don't think YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE.
It's a fictitious term originally made up as THE LEFT...

If The People who elected President Trump are ALT RIGHT as you say, then there is no ALTERNATE RIGHT. Because The President won 85% of the counties in the 50 states vs. Clinton's 15%.
So ALT RIGHT.....really is just "MAINSTREAM MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA" and alt right is just a figment of people's imaginations.
I know what they are. They are a collection of racist morons who think the western culture is synonymous with being white and need to save the white race from other races. If you dont think the white race is superior you are NOT alt right. No matter what that retard Milo said.

Your Statement is Proof you don't KNOW.
I guess you have no clue at all. Tell me, were you able to see the eclipse with your head up your ass?
Because I am pretty sure you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

You apparently know how to define FASCIST LEFT NEO NAZIS...which are entirely LEFT....and support THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.
Actually your post shows you dont know. Unlike you I actually know the leaders in the movement and for fuck sake there is VIDEO of them saying the same thing. So you are ether dishonest and secretly agree with them or you are stupid and fell for the Medias painting with a broad brush.... The Alt right is a big government hate group just like Antifa.
When even rigged polls surprise the MSM when they show support for President Trump the criminal conspiracy in the MSM manages to spin it to something hateful. It's painfully obvious that Trump can't get a break from the media and tax exempt Media Matters. The point is that angry incoherent lefties (who haven't won a significant election in six years) can't even let a rally go without whining and complaining. Democrats are so tied to the mainstream media and the dying mulch rags that they can't grasp the reality of the information age. Most Americans are better informed (if they want to be) than the stodgy old politicians who rely on staffs of sycophants. Democrats can't seem to get their way in the voting booth so they send out dirty tricksters that used to be effective back in LBJ's day but they backfire on democrats every day. Democrats have no agenda or leadership so they attack everything like a freaking rabid animals. I guess that's good therapy if it keeps them off the streets and smashing windows and torching cars.
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Exactly what is THE ALT RIGHT? Because I don't think YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE.
It's a fictitious term originally made up as THE LEFT...

Didn't Richard B Spencer (founder of in multiple speeches and articles say he came up with the term to describe his white nationalism group?

How's he from the left?

Doesn't Breitbart even have articles defending the term and Bannon called his news company "the platform for the alt-right". How are they a leftish news organization???

I'm sorry but saying Alt Right is a fictitious term made up by the left, is like saying that Lincoln only went to war because the Confederacy was building nuclear weapons. It's literally that false of a statement, where it's not even remotely close to the truth.

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