These OWS Kids Are Not Only Making Me Proud, They Are Making History

Why protest the bribers?

Isnt it smarter to protest AND REPLACE those that accpet the bribes?

Because the bribers will bribe the next batch.

Why not protest them?

as I see it...we have the legal right AND ability to "fire" those that take the bribes.

The OWSers are looking to create a legal right to control the bribers.

Well...if we cant control the ones TAKING the the hell are we going to control the ones OFFERING the bribes.

FYI...offering a campaign donation is not against the law...even if it can be deemed as a bribe....pushing legislation with the sole intent to pay back a big donor IS against the law (I believe)
Why protest the bribers?

Isnt it smarter to protest AND REPLACE those that accpet the bribes?

Because the bribers will bribe the next batch.

Why not protest them?

as I see it...we have the legal right AND ability to "fire" those that take the bribes.

As I see it we have the legal right and ability to protest those who wholly own DC.
The OWSers are looking to create a legal right to control the bribers.

Wall Street is always looking for ways to expand the avenues to bribe people .... Citizens United has created a bribery bonanza.

Well...if we cant control the ones TAKING the the hell are we going to control the ones OFFERING the bribes.

If we can't control the ones taking the bribes because the next set just gets bribed too, why are we wasting time holding Congress' feet to the fire?

FYI...offering a campaign donation is not against the law...even if it can be deemed as a bribe....pushing legislation with the sole intent to pay back a big donor IS against the law (I believe)

I think money should be entirely out of politics and all elections/campaigns should be publicly funded.
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ah OWS...the biggest movement based out of ignorance in the history of America.

So let's see who's ignorant and who just spews what their choice of media have led them to believe:

What are the two of the biggest changes OWS seeks to effect in the American Political Election System (Not according to the whackjobs and wingnuts but according to the majority of OWS GAs)?

What Legislation did Newt Gingrich not realize was a major OWS point, when he said it should not have been passed?

Which issues are Ron Paul and OWS in complete agreement on?

Now see, if you're a completely ignorant whackjob, you'll dodge, project what is not true etc... because you can't handle direct questions etc...
If not, I look forward to learning what you know!
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Because the bribers will bribe the next batch.

Why not protest them?

as I see it...we have the legal right AND ability to "fire" those that take the bribes.

As I see it we have the legal right and ability to protest those who wholly own DC.

Wall Street is always looking for ways to expand the avenues to bribe people .... Citizens United has created a bribery bonanza.

Well...if we cant control the ones TAKING the the hell are we going to control the ones OFFERING the bribes.

If we can't control the ones taking the bribes because the next set just gets bribed too, why are we wasting time holding Congress' feet to the fire?

FYI...offering a campaign donation is not against the law...even if it can be deemed as a bribe....pushing legislation with the sole intent to pay back a big donor IS against the law (I believe)

I think money should be entirely out of politics and all elections/campaigns should be publicly funded.

I agree with public funding elections.

Its the only fix that will work.

Buyt again.....I would understand OWS if it wsa ALSO OC (congress)....but I dont get why go after the private world only when the elected world is just as guilty.
as I see it...we have the legal right AND ability to "fire" those that take the bribes.

As I see it we have the legal right and ability to protest those who wholly own DC.

Wall Street is always looking for ways to expand the avenues to bribe people .... Citizens United has created a bribery bonanza.

If we can't control the ones taking the bribes because the next set just gets bribed too, why are we wasting time holding Congress' feet to the fire?

FYI...offering a campaign donation is not against the law...even if it can be deemed as a bribe....pushing legislation with the sole intent to pay back a big donor IS against the law (I believe)

I think money should be entirely out of politics and all elections/campaigns should be publicly funded.

I agree with public funding elections.

Its the only fix that will work.

Buyt again.....I would understand OWS if it wsa ALSO OC (congress)....but I dont get why go after the private world only when the elected world is just as guilty.

JEEZ! An open mind? Adaptability? A direct answer? WTF, are you a Marine or something?!?!?!

Public Financing is the number one political change OWS seeks. Dumping "Citizen's United" and Term Limits seem to be about tied for second, depending on which GA you talk to.

BTW, we ARE Occupying DC. The reason it started as OWS is simple. Congress are the dogs. Wall St & The F500 are their masters.
We have a concerted campaign to get in front of our elected officials to discuss legitimate issues (e.g. repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley, Campaign Finance Reform etc...). I have personally sent request to every one of my officials twice a week, for five weeks now. Zero response.
Guess what would happen if I was a lobbyist or CEO? We both know the answer.
You'll see a more reasonable and lucid compenent come out of the original tent Occupiers.
What are the two of the biggest changes OWS seeks to effect in the American Political Election System (Not according to the whackjobs and wingnuts but according to the majority of OWS GAs)?

where are the officially stated positions of the majority of OWS (GAs whatever that is) for review ?
Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.


You were right about these kids. They were brave after attacked with the pepper spray. I don't think I would have been so calm as they appeared!

I can't really equate them to the Civil Rights Movement. There was a real message being sent out to the country. "Hey we are here, just as good as anyone and we expect to be given the respect we deserve." It was a non violent movement with clear message lead by courageous leaders who were even more brave than the OWS participants. The American Revolution and the Civil Rights Movement will be unequalled in history, even in modern times.

I do wish the participants showed their bravery in terms of taking their message which is still unclear to most of us and encouraging others to do so without violating the rights of others. What do you think their message is, and do you think they can turn their great resolve they have into a time to see a positive growth in our country?
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Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.


You were right about these kids. They were brave after attacked with the pepper spray. I don't think I would have been so calm as they appeared!

I can't really equate them to the Civil Rights Movement. There was a real message being sent out to the country. "Hey we are here, just as good as anyone and we expect to be given the respect we deserve." It was a non violent movement with clear message lead by courageous leaders who were even more brave than the OWS participants. The American Revolution and the Civil Rights Movement will be unequalled in history, even in modern times.

I do wish the participants showed their bravery in terms of taking their message which is still unclear
to most of us and encouraging others to do so without violating the rights of others. What do you think their message is, and do you think they can turn their great resolve they have into a time to see a positive growth in our country?


Watch the flick

[ame=""]"Little Shop Of Horrors" [/ame]

" Feed Me Git It "

Feed me. Feed me. Feed me!

Feed me, Seymour.

Feed me all night long.

"That's right, boy!"

You can do it...

Obviously the spray used on those spoiled twits wasn't very strong. In fact, I doubt at all that the smell was worse than their own BO! There was certainly nothing at all brutal about the way they were treated, absolutley not as brutal as the protesters are themselves. And positively not as brutal as they want to be!

The sight of those protesters getting what was comeimg to them was pretty mild and not nearly what they deserved.

LOL! Okay so it's not like anyone expected an objective or intelligent reply from the Conservs here.

Several people were treated for chemical burns.

So out of curiosity, what do you think an American who is sitting peaceably "deserves"? Imprisonment? Water-Boarding? Hang 'em?

So Marc, there is without a doubt, an undesireable element in OWS but you're right. That element is becoming smaller and as N17 proved, the peaceful, reasonable element is now dominent at protests because the Home Occupiers now outnumber the Tent Occupiers.

If 20 friends of mine locked arms and sat in the middle of I-95 during rush hour......acting peaceful.....what should the state troopers do?

Now...bear in mind...our arms are locked....simply taking each one of us individually is impossible without a phuysical struggle that would likely create injury to either the protesters or what should they do?

reroute traffic until you get tired a go home.
Obviously the spray used on those spoiled twits wasn't very strong. In fact, I doubt at all that the smell was worse than their own BO! There was certainly nothing at all brutal about the way they were treated, absolutley not as brutal as the protesters are themselves. And positively not as brutal as they want to be!

The sight of those protesters getting what was comeimg to them was pretty mild and not nearly what they deserved.

LOL! Okay so it's not like anyone expected an objective or intelligent reply from the Conservs here.

Several people were treated for chemical burns.

So out of curiosity, what do you think an American who is sitting peaceably "deserves"? Imprisonment? Water-Boarding? Hang 'em?

So Marc, there is without a doubt, an undesireable element in OWS but you're right. That element is becoming smaller and as N17 proved, the peaceful, reasonable element is now dominent at protests because the Home Occupiers now outnumber the Tent Occupiers.

If 20 friends of mine locked arms and sat in the middle of I-95 during rush hour......acting peaceful.....what should the state troopers do?

Now...bear in mind...our arms are locked....simply taking each one of us individually is impossible without a phuysical struggle that would likely create injury to either the protesters or what should they do?

The troopers should arrest them for blocking traffic and unlawful assembly and the protestors can go to jail.
LOL! Okay so it's not like anyone expected an objective or intelligent reply from the Conservs here.

Several people were treated for chemical burns.

So out of curiosity, what do you think an American who is sitting peaceably "deserves"? Imprisonment? Water-Boarding? Hang 'em?

So Marc, there is without a doubt, an undesireable element in OWS but you're right. That element is becoming smaller and as N17 proved, the peaceful, reasonable element is now dominent at protests because the Home Occupiers now outnumber the Tent Occupiers.

If 20 friends of mine locked arms and sat in the middle of I-95 during rush hour......acting peaceful.....what should the state troopers do?

Now...bear in mind...our arms are locked....simply taking each one of us individually is impossible without a phuysical struggle that would likely create injury to either the protesters or what should they do?

reroute traffic until you get tired a go home.

this is not meant to be an insult to you directly...

But simple solutions are not always as simple as they seem.

20 people blocking traffic on I-95 is not as simple as rerouting traffic. It would result in semis not being able to go anywhere as the local road overpasses are not designed to have trucks of that size go under them....most people would not be able to get to work....there would be stop dead traffic along one of the busiest corridors for hours and hours...if not days (we saw how long OWS stayed in NYC)....

It would require many officers having to simply stand there and do nothing for hours....protecting the safety of the "sitters"...

Removal of the protesters would be mandatory.....ignoring them would not be an option...

SO I again do you remove them if they are arm locked without injury them or the officers being injured?
LOL! Okay so it's not like anyone expected an objective or intelligent reply from the Conservs here.

Several people were treated for chemical burns.

So out of curiosity, what do you think an American who is sitting peaceably "deserves"? Imprisonment? Water-Boarding? Hang 'em?

So Marc, there is without a doubt, an undesireable element in OWS but you're right. That element is becoming smaller and as N17 proved, the peaceful, reasonable element is now dominent at protests because the Home Occupiers now outnumber the Tent Occupiers.

If 20 friends of mine locked arms and sat in the middle of I-95 during rush hour......acting peaceful.....what should the state troopers do?

Now...bear in mind...our arms are locked....simply taking each one of us individually is impossible without a phuysical struggle that would likely create injury to either the protesters or what should they do?

The troopers should arrest them for blocking traffic and unlawful assembly and the protestors can go to jail.

Easy answer...but it doesdnt answer the question...

How do you arrest 20 people armlocked who refuse to move when ordered to? Have you ever seen arm locked protesters when you try to move them? Next to impossible withoput first weakening them....such as with pepper spray....

Or you can get physical with them.......then what?
If 20 friends of mine locked arms and sat in the middle of I-95 during rush hour......acting peaceful.....what should the state troopers do?

Now...bear in mind...our arms are locked....simply taking each one of us individually is impossible without a phuysical struggle that would likely create injury to either the protesters or what should they do?

reroute traffic until you get tired a go home.

this is not meant to be an insult to you directly...

But simple solutions are not always as simple as they seem.

20 people blocking traffic on I-95 is not as simple as rerouting traffic. It would result in semis not being able to go anywhere as the local road overpasses are not designed to have trucks of that size go under them....most people would not be able to get to work....there would be stop dead traffic along one of the busiest corridors for hours and hours...if not days (we saw how long OWS stayed in NYC)....

It would require many officers having to simply stand there and do nothing for hours....protecting the safety of the "sitters"...

Removal of the protesters would be mandatory.....ignoring them would not be an option...

SO I again do you remove them if they are arm locked without injury them or the officers being injured?

I think ignoring them is the best option. If you ignore them, the demonstrations peter out and go away much quicker.

If all those police officer can't pick up one person and unlock his arm with another, without causing serious injuries to either of them, than we need new police officers.
I think ignoring them is the best option. If you ignore them, the demonstrations peter out and go away much quicker.

If all those police officer can't pick up one person and unlock his arm with another, without causing serious injuries to either of them, than we need new police officers.

you are out of your lane
If 20 friends of mine locked arms and sat in the middle of I-95 during rush hour......acting peaceful.....what should the state troopers do?

Now...bear in mind...our arms are locked....simply taking each one of us individually is impossible without a phuysical struggle that would likely create injury to either the protesters or what should they do?

The troopers should arrest them for blocking traffic and unlawful assembly and the protestors can go to jail.

Easy answer...but it doesdnt answer the question...

How do you arrest 20 people armlocked who refuse to move when ordered to? Have you ever seen arm locked protesters when you try to move them? Next to impossible withoput first weakening them....such as with pepper spray....

Or you can get physical with them.......then what?

Well, that's a problem. That's when you use the pepper spray because the are resisting arrest. Either that or go for the women first because they are probably easiest to unarm (pun). But, getting physical comes at a cost. Use the pepper spray.
The troopers should arrest them for blocking traffic and unlawful assembly and the protestors can go to jail.

Easy answer...but it doesdnt answer the question...

How do you arrest 20 people armlocked who refuse to move when ordered to? Have you ever seen arm locked protesters when you try to move them? Next to impossible withoput first weakening them....such as with pepper spray....

Or you can get physical with them.......then what?

Well, that's a problem. That's when you use the pepper spray because the are resisting arrest. Either that or go for the women first because they are probably easiest to unarm (pun). But, getting physical comes at a cost. Use the pepper spray.

Which is why the officers used the pepper spray. They were ordered to leave by 3PM as they were breaking the law. At 5 PM they were still there and were told to leave. They refused. They were then told they were under arrest and to stand and put their hands out. They refused. So they were pepper sprayed so the officers could arrest them without causing further injusry to themsleves or the protesters.

Things are not what they always appear to be on a film clip that doesnt show the entire event....

Didnt we learn something with the Acorn films?

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