These OWS Kids Are Not Only Making Me Proud, They Are Making History

What history are they making?



I hope Guiness is there to record the history making as it happens.
Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.


You're proud of these disgusting dirty ignorant Marxist socialist fucks???

Yet you would condemn the Tea Party as racist and violent.

OWS behavior is absolutely inexcusable and quite frankly if the TEA Party behaved themselves like the OWS retards "behave themselves" they would be persecuted by EVERY FUCKING NEWSPAPER in the country as evil, vial and disgusting human beings..

So in what universe does political philosophy change an opinion on ones behavior??

Progressives could slaughter the babies of the "1%" er anyone that has a job and pays their bills and you would find that utterly fantastic...

All you motherfuckers have done is destroy businesses, destroy public property, impede individuals from going on with their daily lives, made unrealistic demands and lived like a bunch of drug addicts getting stoned in the basement of an abandoned building...

If they make you proud than you're a piece of shit like the rest of the junkies who feel entitled to a "financially subsidized" life..

All you got down there are ignorant junkies, ignorant career students who want their career to be paid for by the rich which is - going to school for a career - the white nationalists, Nation of Islam, "American" communist party, the new SDS etc..

Of course these are all the same MOTHERFUCKERS THAT ABUSED FORCED LENDING...

If this was the GREAT USSR they would have been executed or thrown in the Gulag looong ago..

You're the LEAST productive of society -- don't fucking forget that. You're cannon fodder...
My avatar is a dude from the football team that plays 45 minutes from my house. Prior to that it was a Bruins player. Prior to that a Celtics player and prior to that a Red Sox player.

See a motif there?

You don't know shit about me. Stop pretending you do.

I know you like shit teams. just saying.

Yup, the teams here just suck. The evidence is clear.

I haven't watched the Celtics since Bird, and the Red Sox always completely lose it during the playoffs so I've given up on them too. Pats are the only team that I ever watch from New England anymore.
Typical of MarcieAtl to latch on to the petulant dregs/moochers of society.

perceived victimization means never having to be accountable

All progressives do is play that game... Its racism, its sexism, its anti-gay bias, ts inequality etc...

How about they're lazy fucking idiots who want something for nothing??

This all started because Clinton forced the banks to loan to them and like the greedy assholes they are they took advantage of it with no intention to pay back what they borrowed, some lost all their goodies they NEVER INTENDED to pay for and now they're fucked for being greedy....
Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.


Make history how? No one has pissed and shit all over themselves this much in our history?....
What exactly are they protesting? I thought Obama was going to fix all our problems?

These people are supposedly upset about how things are in our country, yet are perfectly happy with maintaining Democrat control of our government? :cuckoo:

Who should they turn to? The Republicans?

You mean those same people who are calling them filth, stinky, lazy, unpatriotic, unAmerican, telling them to go take bathes and telling their Smitherses to release the hounds on them?

Is that how it should go in your mind?

It's so amazing those who stand up and idolize the OWS movement are the very same ones who called the T-Party movement protestors unPatriotic, racist, haters, terrorists, astroturf, etc.

My how much the pied piper has changed under the same administration!
Yup, the teams here just suck. The evidence is clear.

I haven't watched the Celtics since Bird, and the Red Sox always completely lose it during the playoffs so I've given up on them too. Pats are the only team that I ever watch from New England anymore.

You must be about 16- 20 max..

Actually I used to watch the Sox back when they had Jim Rice, Carlton Fisk, Carl Yaz Yastrzemski, and George Scott "the Boomer"
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What exactly are they protesting? I thought Obama was going to fix all our problems?

These people are supposedly upset about how things are in our country, yet are perfectly happy with maintaining Democrat control of our government? :cuckoo:

Who should they turn to? The Republicans?

You mean those same people who are calling them filth, stinky, lazy, unpatriotic, unAmerican, telling them to go take bathes and telling their Smitherses to release the hounds on them?

Is that how it should go in your mind?

It's so amazing those who stand up and idolize the OWS movement are the very same ones who called the T-Party movement protestors unPatriotic, racist, haters, terrorists, astroturf, etc.

My how much the pied piper has changed under the same administration!

That's the funny part - the same fucks out there right now getting fed and paid and clothed and the evil dicks in the media that support them were the same ones calling the TEA Party paid astroturf...

Fuck them...
Typical of MarcieAtl to latch on to the petulant dregs/moochers of society.

perceived victimization means never having to be accountable

All progressives do is play that game... Its racism, its sexism, its anti-gay bias, ts inequality etc...

How about they're lazy fucking idiots who want something for nothing??

This all started because Clinton forced the banks to loan to them and like the greedy assholes they are they took advantage of it with no intention to pay back what they borrowed, some lost all their goodies they NEVER INTENDED to pay for and now they're fucked for being greedy....
They're idiots that have the same oppritunity as everyone else. They have been told all thier lives that no one keeps score...until they get into the real world and realize that they were lied to...The REAL WORLD DOES KEEP SCORE...:eek:...but are protest anyway those that have been lied against (the business community)...and are supported whole heartedly by those that lied to them to perpetuate the lie...Obama, The Unions, Van Jones, Soros, et,al...and they buy it hook line, sinker.

How convoluted is that?

Interesting MarcieATL as usual is on the wrong side...and ferrets himself out as being on the wrong side as usual. (Thinking its a great thing to leave this Republic in the hands of vandals, thugs, and hoodlums).

I have NO sympathy for ANY of them.
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I haven't watched the Celtics since Bird, and the Red Sox always completely lose it during the playoffs so I've given up on them too. Pats are the only team that I ever watch from New England anymore.

You must be about 16- 20 max..

Actually I used to watch the Sox back when they had Jim Rice, Carlton Fisk, Carl Yaz Yastrzemski, and George Scott "the Boomer"

You're talking mid to late 70's there, earlier than that with Yaz..

They won a couple World Series since then and have been contenders for pretty much the last decade..
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Make you proud?

Occupy Thugs Taunt Black Security Guard

[ame=]Occupy Thugs Taunt Black Security Guard - YouTube[/ame]

The chick yelling at him is the same one who used children to blockade a door a few weeks back.

Occupy Wall Street protesters use children to block DC Convention Center

[ame=]Occupy Wall Street protesters use children to block DC Convention Center - YouTube[/ame]
Seems ths protestors think the black security guard is a "false negro" the same claims that Harry Belafonte made of Cain.

Harry Belafonte Lambasts Herman Cain | News One

Ouch! Harry Belafonte On Herman Cain: “He’s A False Negro And Bad Apple”

Kills me, the left was upset that Obama was asked to prove his citizenship after Hillary Clinton's lawyer started the first lawsuit about his BC and now black people are being asked to prove they are 'real black people'. How does one do that I wonder?
CaféAuLait;4448211 said:
Seems ths protestors think the black security guard is a "false negro" the same claims that Harry Belafonte made of Cain.

Harry Belafonte Lambasts Herman Cain | News One

Ouch! Harry Belafonte On Herman Cain: “He’s A False Negro And Bad Apple”

Kills me, the left was upset that Obama was asked to prove his citizenship after Hillary Clinton's lawyer started the first lawsuit about his BC and now black people are being asked to prove they are 'real black people'. How does one do that I wonder?

NAACP membership card?
this is not meant to be an insult to you directly...

But simple solutions are not always as simple as they seem.

20 people blocking traffic on I-95 is not as simple as rerouting traffic. It would result in semis not being able to go anywhere as the local road overpasses are not designed to have trucks of that size go under them....most people would not be able to get to work....there would be stop dead traffic along one of the busiest corridors for hours and hours...if not days (we saw how long OWS stayed in NYC)....

It would require many officers having to simply stand there and do nothing for hours....protecting the safety of the "sitters"...

Removal of the protesters would be mandatory.....ignoring them would not be an option...

SO I again do you remove them if they are arm locked without injury them or the officers being injured?

I think ignoring them is the best option. If you ignore them, the demonstrations peter out and go away much quicker.

If all those police officer can't pick up one person and unlock his arm with another, without causing serious injuries to either of them, than we need new police officers.

if you say this (in bold) then you do not understand why protesters arm lock.

It is not simply to show solidarity.

2 Arms locked are stronger than two arms together. It creates a bond that requires enormous force to break free.....THUS WHY IS IS COMMONLY USED IN MANY HAND TO HAND CONFLICTS.

They actually outlawed it in football for this reason alone. It used to be a common practive on special teams.

I could do it, I think the cops could do it. You ever hear of tickling somebody?

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