These OWS Kids Are Not Only Making Me Proud, They Are Making History

If 20 friends of mine locked arms and sat in the middle of I-95 during rush hour......acting peaceful.....what should the state troopers do?

Now...bear in mind...our arms are locked....simply taking each one of us individually is impossible without a phuysical struggle that would likely create injury to either the protesters or what should they do?

reroute traffic until you get tired a go home.

this is not meant to be an insult to you directly...

But simple solutions are not always as simple as they seem.

20 people blocking traffic on I-95 is not as simple as rerouting traffic. It would result in semis not being able to go anywhere as the local road overpasses are not designed to have trucks of that size go under them....most people would not be able to get to work....there would be stop dead traffic along one of the busiest corridors for hours and hours...if not days (we saw how long OWS stayed in NYC)....

It would require many officers having to simply stand there and do nothing for hours....protecting the safety of the "sitters"...

Removal of the protesters would be mandatory.....ignoring them would not be an option...

SO I again do you remove them if they are arm locked without injury them or the officers being injured?

You use night sticks or pepper spray.

Pepper spray is preferrable.
reroute traffic until you get tired a go home.

this is not meant to be an insult to you directly...

But simple solutions are not always as simple as they seem.

20 people blocking traffic on I-95 is not as simple as rerouting traffic. It would result in semis not being able to go anywhere as the local road overpasses are not designed to have trucks of that size go under them....most people would not be able to get to work....there would be stop dead traffic along one of the busiest corridors for hours and hours...if not days (we saw how long OWS stayed in NYC)....

It would require many officers having to simply stand there and do nothing for hours....protecting the safety of the "sitters"...

Removal of the protesters would be mandatory.....ignoring them would not be an option...

SO I again do you remove them if they are arm locked without injury them or the officers being injured?

I think ignoring them is the best option. If you ignore them, the demonstrations peter out and go away much quicker.

If all those police officer can't pick up one person and unlock his arm with another, without causing serious injuries to either of them, than we need new police officers.

if you say this (in bold) then you do not understand why protesters arm lock.

It is not simply to show solidarity.

2 Arms locked are stronger than two arms together. It creates a bond that requires enormous force to break free.....THUS WHY IS IS COMMONLY USED IN MANY HAND TO HAND CONFLICTS.

They actually outlawed it in football for this reason alone. It used to be a common practive on special teams.
Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.

Wow, it says a lot about a person who claims to be proud of unbathed lil' whiners who shit on cop cars, throw ammonia on cops, rape women in their "occupied" enclaves, push lil' ol' ladies down stairs, destroy the enclaves they "occupy", masturbate in public, step on the rights of their fellow americans, break windows, destroy the bathroom of a sandwich shop owner who was trying to be nice by allowing them to use it, get violent, bash jews, accost the media, and on and on and on.

And, then these people wonder why the support for those unbathed lil' whiners is going down the friggin' tubes.
reroute traffic until you get tired a go home.

this is not meant to be an insult to you directly...

But simple solutions are not always as simple as they seem.

20 people blocking traffic on I-95 is not as simple as rerouting traffic. It would result in semis not being able to go anywhere as the local road overpasses are not designed to have trucks of that size go under them....most people would not be able to get to work....there would be stop dead traffic along one of the busiest corridors for hours and hours...if not days (we saw how long OWS stayed in NYC)....

It would require many officers having to simply stand there and do nothing for hours....protecting the safety of the "sitters"...

Removal of the protesters would be mandatory.....ignoring them would not be an option...

SO I again do you remove them if they are arm locked without injury them or the officers being injured?

I think ignoring them is the best option. If you ignore them, the demonstrations peter out and go away much quicker.

If all those police officer can't pick up one person and unlock his arm with another, without causing serious injuries to either of them, than we need new police officers.

Ignore people who are blocking a major thoroughfare?

And when an emergency vehicle can't get through to save a life ... does the family have a justifiable lawsuit against the municipalities and LEO's who did not make sure the path was clear?

What about the thousands of people who use that road to go to work.

What about the thousands (millions) of tax payers who are paying for all the extra security and public safety costs?
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I think ignoring them is the best option. If you ignore them, the demonstrations peter out and go away much quicker.

If all those police officer can't pick up one person and unlock his arm with another, without causing serious injuries to either of them, than we need new police officers.

Ignore people who are blocking a major thoroughfare?

yes ignoring them feels better

'specially if it is a "good" cause like OWS
The OWS communists are probably hired by Wall Street banksters themselves for discrediting any serious opposition to them.
Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.


What exactly are they protesting? I thought Obama was going to fix all our problems?

These people are supposedly upset about how things are in our country, yet are perfectly happy with maintaining Democrat control of our government? :cuckoo:

Remember when all of the loons were fainting at Barry's campaign stops?? ROFLMAO
Demonstrators Plan to Occupy Retailers on Black Friday
News Headlines

OWS now are planning to Occupy retailers on Black Friday, including Walmart and Toys R Us. Brilliant move! If they occupy any retailer and piss off serious shoppers who are looking for bargains to have a decent Christmas, there will be violence!

Piss off shoppers. I hope these aren't college paople. I'd like to think they are brighter than this.

Note: In some instances, they will boycott instead of occupy. That wouldn't make any difference anyway. They are not into giving. They are into taking.
Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.

Wow, it says a lot about a person who claims to be proud of unbathed lil' whiners who shit on cop cars, throw ammonia on cops, rape women in their "occupied" enclaves, push lil' ol' ladies down stairs, destroy the enclaves they "occupy", masturbate in public, step on the rights of their fellow americans, break windows, destroy the bathroom of a sandwich shop owner who was trying to be nice by allowing them to use it, get violent, bash jews, accost the media, and on and on and on.

And, then these people wonder why the support for those unbathed lil' whiners is going down the friggin' tubes.
Can you provide any evidence substantiating your entire first paragraph?
What are the two of the biggest changes OWS seeks to effect in the American Political Election System (Not according to the whackjobs and wingnuts but according to the majority of OWS GAs)?

where are the officially stated positions of the majority of OWS (GAs whatever that is) for review ?

Thank you for asking! There are probably 5,000 sites that are or claim to be genuiely associated with or maintained by Occupiers - Lots are fakes though - if you see one demanding a $20+ minimum wage or that people should be paid without working, guess what: you're on a fake site meant to make us look bad).

To find out what the majority of people want, takes effort because we're still leaderless - for now. But if you go to enough sites, you see what is consistent:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

Stuff like that. Here are links to some examples:

This educates members on what The Federal Reserve is and Why It's UnConstitutional and just plain bad for us:

Occupy Together |  DISCUSS

Stop Bailout for FREDDIE MAC:

Freddie Mac Bailout asked for after huge bonuses

Occupy Washington DC: One of the many plans you'll find about reducing the deficit (I agree with many but not all points here):

The 99%

Occupy Wall Street Political Platform:

Political Platform

I mean, you'll find a lot of differing views. On most of the discussion forums, you'll find trolls who post complete bs too. But if you talk to people in person or talk to me directly, we're all happy to answer any questions directly and in a civil manner.
What are the two of the biggest changes OWS seeks to effect in the American Political Election System (Not according to the whackjobs and wingnuts but according to the majority of OWS GAs)?

where are the officially stated positions of the majority of OWS (GAs whatever that is) for review ?

Thank you for asking! There are probably 5,000 sites that are or claim to be genuiely associated with or maintained by Occupiers - Lots are fakes though - if you see one demanding a $20+ minimum wage or that people should be paid without working, guess what: you're on a fake site meant to make us look bad).

To find out what the majority of people want, takes effort because we're still leaderless - for now. But if you go to enough sites, you see what is consistent:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

Stuff like that. Here are links to some examples:

This educates members on what The Federal Reserve is and Why It's UnConstitutional and just plain bad for us:

Occupy Together*|* DISCUSS

Stop Bailout for FREDDIE MAC:

Freddie Mac Bailout asked for after huge bonuses

Occupy Washington DC: One of the many plans you'll find about reducing the deficit (I agree with many but not all points here):

The 99%

Occupy Wall Street Political Platform:

Political Platform

I mean, you'll find a lot of differing views. On most of the discussion forums, you'll find trolls who post complete bs too. But if you talk to people in person or talk to me directly, we're all happy to answer any questions directly and in a civil manner.

Independent, I agree with these:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

but to be honest, I could not ever join a movement that uses the tactics of lawlesness that OWS represents. If you approached Tea Party members, I think you would find similar attitudes, but look at the differences on how each handle themselves.

Please don't say there is no difference between the two, we both know better.

BTW, you would probably agree that corporate financing and Union financing should both be eliminated, wouldn't you?
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The first ammendment in action. The most patriotic thing you can do is protect the first amendment. We praise the courage of lone rebels in foreign lands while mocking and chastising those who express themselves here.

breaking the law discredits the noblest of causes

Do you actually believe that? Many of the great men of history that won freedom for their countries were branded dangerous criminals or traitors by the establishment they were fighting. By definition all of our founders were traitors to the crown.

Comparing the Occupy WallStreet Protestors to our Founders? Now there's the biggest . . S T R E T C H . . of the imagination in comparison if I ever saw one. I doubt they would have approved of some of their public behavior, with no respect for private property as they simply went into people's homes.
Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.

Wow, it says a lot about a person who claims to be proud of unbathed lil' whiners who shit on cop cars, throw ammonia on cops, rape women in their "occupied" enclaves, push lil' ol' ladies down stairs, destroy the enclaves they "occupy", masturbate in public, step on the rights of their fellow americans, break windows, destroy the bathroom of a sandwich shop owner who was trying to be nice by allowing them to use it, get violent, bash jews, accost the media, and on and on and on.

And, then these people wonder why the support for those unbathed lil' whiners is going down the friggin' tubes.
Can you provide any evidence substantiating your entire first paragraph?
We've already done that Marc, in that other thread you fled from after being asked to prove your claims of all that Tea Party violence and debauchery, that was on par with what we are seeing from these dirty, unbathed, rude, destructive, violent, whiney lil' fucks who call themselves the OWS movement.
where are the officially stated positions of the majority of OWS (GAs whatever that is) for review ?

Thank you for asking! There are probably 5,000 sites that are or claim to be genuiely associated with or maintained by Occupiers - Lots are fakes though - if you see one demanding a $20+ minimum wage or that people should be paid without working, guess what: you're on a fake site meant to make us look bad).

To find out what the majority of people want, takes effort because we're still leaderless - for now. But if you go to enough sites, you see what is consistent:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

Stuff like that. Here are links to some examples:

This educates members on what The Federal Reserve is and Why It's UnConstitutional and just plain bad for us:

Occupy Together*|* DISCUSS

Stop Bailout for FREDDIE MAC:

Freddie Mac Bailout asked for after huge bonuses

Occupy Washington DC: One of the many plans you'll find about reducing the deficit (I agree with many but not all points here):

The 99%

Occupy Wall Street Political Platform:

Political Platform

I mean, you'll find a lot of differing views. On most of the discussion forums, you'll find trolls who post complete bs too. But if you talk to people in person or talk to me directly, we're all happy to answer any questions directly and in a civil manner.

Independent, I agree with these:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

but to be honest, I could not ever join a movement that uses the tactics of lawlesness that OWS represents. If you approached Tea Party members, I think you would find similar attitudes, but look at the differences on how each handle themselves.

Please don't say there is no difference between the two, we both know better.

BTW, you would probably agree that corporate financing and Union financing should both be eliminated, wouldn't you?

I've been to several Tea Party meetings and rallies. Found a great deal that is agreed upon. The difference between the two, is that Liberals aren't stupid enough to say "You don't want to end taxes!" or "You don't want less government!" when TP's say they do.

And yes, I agree that both Corporate AND Union Financing of elections should be eliminated - along with soft-money and all ads legalized by the Citizen's United decision.
Thank you for asking! There are probably 5,000 sites that are or claim to be genuiely associated with or maintained by Occupiers - Lots are fakes though - if you see one demanding a $20+ minimum wage or that people should be paid without working, guess what: you're on a fake site meant to make us look bad).

To find out what the majority of people want, takes effort because we're still leaderless - for now. But if you go to enough sites, you see what is consistent:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

Stuff like that. Here are links to some examples:

This educates members on what The Federal Reserve is and Why It's UnConstitutional and just plain bad for us:

Occupy Together*|* DISCUSS

Stop Bailout for FREDDIE MAC:

Freddie Mac Bailout asked for after huge bonuses

Occupy Washington DC: One of the many plans you'll find about reducing the deficit (I agree with many but not all points here):

The 99%

Occupy Wall Street Political Platform:

Political Platform

I mean, you'll find a lot of differing views. On most of the discussion forums, you'll find trolls who post complete bs too. But if you talk to people in person or talk to me directly, we're all happy to answer any questions directly and in a civil manner.

Independent, I agree with these:

1. Ending Corporate Control of our Government (the three most often forwarded solutions are Public Campaign Financing, Countering "Citizen's United" and Term Limits).
2. No more bailouts
3. Closing the tax loopholes, special breaks, subsidies etc...

but to be honest, I could not ever join a movement that uses the tactics of lawlesness that OWS represents. If you approached Tea Party members, I think you would find similar attitudes, but look at the differences on how each handle themselves.

Please don't say there is no difference between the two, we both know better.

BTW, you would probably agree that corporate financing and Union financing should both be eliminated, wouldn't you?

I've been to several Tea Party meetings and rallies. Found a great deal that is agreed upon. The difference between the two, is that Liberals aren't stupid enough to say "You don't want to end taxes!" or "You don't want less government!" when TP's say they do.

And yes, I agree that both Corporate AND Union Financing of elections should be eliminated - along with soft-money and all ads legalized by the Citizen's United decision.

Thank you! Are you sure they want to end taxes, or no more taxes? Look, did you ever think OWS and TP could agree on anything?

Now, to be honest, how many of each will say that is their goals? I just see that they (OWS) aren't working, aren't applying for jobs and not going to class. And I believe the TP members would generally agree what the arguments of the movement are...lowering taxes and less government.
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Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.

I support their right to protest. But in my opinion they do not have a clue what they are protesting.. If they really wanted to go after the thugs they would go to D.C.
Do you guys realize we are watching history being made?

That video of Friday's atrocious brutality of the police by Pepper Spraying these unarmed, unviolent student protestors.

The kids didn't panic, they didn't riot, they simply huddled together in solidarity and braced for the worse. The full-on BRUTALITY by the Powers That Be gone wild.

None of them left rank. This is truly like watching the Civil Rights Movement. No other movement in recent history has made me feel that way.

If America's future belongs to those patriotic kids, then America's in good hands.

I support their right to protest. But in my opinion they do not have a clue what they are protesting.. If they really wanted to go after the thugs they would go to D.C.
They had one there...but didn't hold it in the right place. They should have erected TeePees right on the front lawn of the WhiteHouse, The Steps of The Congress...Maybe Dingy Harry Reid would then have a legitimate gripe about the 'smell' of the visitors...:eusa_whistle:
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