these people are DUMB

Probably they won't, but a lot of people would welcome it, I think, based on what I've heard here. It's not the weirdest idea in the world, TN.

So you want to give all the power to a couple of states?
While not the weirdest idea it sure is the stupidest.
I didn't actually say if I like the idea or not, but this argument that a couple of states would get all the power seems crazy to me. If the vote were simple majority, like everything else, it would be individual voters, not states, making the decisions. Do you think everyone in certain states votes the same way? Because a state is "red" or "blue" doesn't mean everyone feels that way. Just the majority of those who vote. Maybe if the individual's choice mattered more, more people would vote.
But I don't really care one way or the other. Until the parties start giving us better candidates, it doesn't really matter how the vote is counted.
California is !/3 illegals! Ewe want them to vote. That’s why you want open borders and to eliminate the EC.
Illegals aren't allowed to vote. Another stupid argument. Give me a good one.
They do though! Illegally! Just like they do everything else! And ewe support them while preaching to real Americans about the rule of law.
I know, their not suppose to get welfare. But they do.
Didn't we have a problem of thousands of SS numbers stolen or being used by illegals in the past ??
Link? That they were used for voting, not employment?
Really ????? So you are in denial of the alledged reports we had in the past concerning SS numbers being given to illegals either by employers or individuals so they could operate here under the radar as illegals for cheap labor etc ?? If they were able to secure through such SS numbers or identities stolen in order to be here illegally, then could they not take those identities and numbers and vote with them, and would they vote in favor of the party that keeps it all going ??? I'm just asking questions here.
I'd just like some proof, please. There have been voter fraud investigations before, and I would just like to see where your accusations are shown to be true.
What accusations ?? Mine is a study, and then an assessment of the possibilities of the very way things could have actually been connected or done, even though the elites won't connect the dots for us because they may have been involved in it all.
"assessment of the possibilities of the very way things could have actually been done" is a fancy way of saying you used your imagination. You have no proof because there was no evidence of it after being investigated, because IT DOES NOT HAPPEN THAT WAY. There could be a few. There are not thousands or "millions" as Trump would have it.
You admit as there being a few, as in a few million maybe ??
So you want to give all the power to a couple of states?
While not the weirdest idea it sure is the stupidest.
I didn't actually say if I like the idea or not, but this argument that a couple of states would get all the power seems crazy to me. If the vote were simple majority, like everything else, it would be individual voters, not states, making the decisions. Do you think everyone in certain states votes the same way? Because a state is "red" or "blue" doesn't mean everyone feels that way. Just the majority of those who vote. Maybe if the individual's choice mattered more, more people would vote.
But I don't really care one way or the other. Until the parties start giving us better candidates, it doesn't really matter how the vote is counted.
California is !/3 illegals! Ewe want them to vote. That’s why you want open borders and to eliminate the EC.
Illegals aren't allowed to vote. Another stupid argument. Give me a good one.
They do though! Illegally! Just like they do everything else! And ewe support them while preaching to real Americans about the rule of law.
I know, their not suppose to get welfare. But they do.
Add schooling and now drivers liscense in California right ??
Link? That they were used for voting, not employment?
Really ????? So you are in denial of the alledged reports we had in the past concerning SS numbers being given to illegals either by employers or individuals so they could operate here under the radar as illegals for cheap labor etc ?? If they were able to secure through such SS numbers or identities stolen in order to be here illegally, then could they not take those identities and numbers and vote with them, and would they vote in favor of the party that keeps it all going ??? I'm just asking questions here.
I'd just like some proof, please. There have been voter fraud investigations before, and I would just like to see where your accusations are shown to be true.
What accusations ?? Mine is a study, and then an assessment of the possibilities of the very way things could have actually been connected or done, even though the elites won't connect the dots for us because they may have been involved in it all.

Well, yeah, it's hard to accuse someone of 'what if'.
Happens in court all the time.. It's called circumstantial evidence. Get enough of it, and things begin to turn.

No, it doesn't. That's bullshit. Circumstantial evidence and idle speculation are not the same things.
They really think the states are going to give up the EC :lol:
Probably they won't, but a lot of people would welcome it, I think, based on what I've heard here. It's not the weirdest idea in the world, TN.

Yes, it is. They would never even think about getting rid of it if Hillary had won. It’s a radical move by a bunch of whiners who can’t accept things as they are and completely un-American.

Just more dumbing down of America.
I didn't actually say if I like the idea or not, but this argument that a couple of states would get all the power seems crazy to me. If the vote were simple majority, like everything else, it would be individual voters, not states, making the decisions. Do you think everyone in certain states votes the same way? Because a state is "red" or "blue" doesn't mean everyone feels that way. Just the majority of those who vote. Maybe if the individual's choice mattered more, more people would vote.
But I don't really care one way or the other. Until the parties start giving us better candidates, it doesn't really matter how the vote is counted.
California is !/3 illegals! Ewe want them to vote. That’s why you want open borders and to eliminate the EC.
Illegals aren't allowed to vote. Another stupid argument. Give me a good one.
They do though! Illegally! Just like they do everything else! And ewe support them while preaching to real Americans about the rule of law.
I know, their not suppose to get welfare. But they do.
Add schooling and now drivers license in California right ??
If they're going to be driving anyway (which they do) wouldn't it be better to know they have memorized the rules of the road and can pass the road test?
And schooling.....give a little thought to what kind of mess we would have on our hands if millions of illegal minors grew up illiterate and completely unaware of how this country functions. Great gang recruitment tactics, that.
Let's get them to stay home, but in the meantime, the ones who are here need to be made part of the herd.
Really ????? So you are in denial of the alledged reports we had in the past concerning SS numbers being given to illegals either by employers or individuals so they could operate here under the radar as illegals for cheap labor etc ?? If they were able to secure through such SS numbers or identities stolen in order to be here illegally, then could they not take those identities and numbers and vote with them, and would they vote in favor of the party that keeps it all going ??? I'm just asking questions here.
I'd just like some proof, please. There have been voter fraud investigations before, and I would just like to see where your accusations are shown to be true.
What accusations ?? Mine is a study, and then an assessment of the possibilities of the very way things could have actually been connected or done, even though the elites won't connect the dots for us because they may have been involved in it all.

Well, yeah, it's hard to accuse someone of 'what if'.
Happens in court all the time.. It's called circumstantial evidence. Get enough of it, and things begin to turn.

No, it doesn't. That's bullshit. Circumstantial evidence and idle speculation are not the same things.
You call it idle speculation, but who are you ?? The courts in many cases used overwhelming circumstantial evidence to get convictions in cases, and going back to years of reporting in eveidence of the problems being reported on, wouldn't you think that the same could be done even though it won't be ??
They really think the states are going to give up the EC :lol:
Probably they won't, but a lot of people would welcome it, I think, based on what I've heard here. It's not the weirdest idea in the world, TN.

Yes, it is. They would never even think about getting rid of it if Hillary had won. It’s a radical move by a bunch of whiners who can’t accept things as they are and completely un-American.

Just more dumbing down of America.
This has nothing to do with Hillary. It comes up after every single election. There has been an organized movement working the individual states for support for decades. I read some of their stuff here about a year or so ago. I can't remember the name of it. It has nothing to do with who won this time.
They really think the states are going to give up the EC :lol:
Probably they won't, but a lot of people would welcome it, I think, based on what I've heard here. It's not the weirdest idea in the world, TN.

So you want to give all the power to a couple of states?
While not the weirdest idea it sure is the stupidest.
I didn't actually say if I like the idea or not, but this argument that a couple of states would get all the power seems crazy to me. If the vote were simple majority, like everything else, it would be individual voters, not states, making the decisions. Do you think everyone in certain states votes the same way? Because a state is "red" or "blue" doesn't mean everyone feels that way. Just the majority of those who vote. Maybe if the individual's choice mattered more, more people would vote.
But I don't really care one way or the other. Until the parties start giving us better candidates, it doesn't really matter how the vote is counted.

Oh my... The EC was CREATED in order to balance out the vote and not have one or two heavily populated areas decide the vote for the whole country. The founders didn’t want the shit show here they endured from the countries they came from. Do some research please.
California is !/3 illegals! Ewe want them to vote. That’s why you want open borders and to eliminate the EC.
Illegals aren't allowed to vote. Another stupid argument. Give me a good one.
They do though! Illegally! Just like they do everything else! And ewe support them while preaching to real Americans about the rule of law.
I know, their not suppose to get welfare. But they do.
Add schooling and now drivers license in California right ??
If they're going to be driving anyway (which they do) wouldn't it be better to know they have memorized the rules of the road and can pass the road test?
And schooling.....give a little thought to what kind of mess we would have on our hands if millions of illegal minors grew up illiterate and completely unaware of how this country functions. Great gang recruitment tactics, that.
Let's get them to stay home, but in the meantime, the ones who are here need to be made part of the herd.
They gonna break the law anyway. So just give them licenses, oh a sneak it in they can register to vote as well.
I'd just like some proof, please. There have been voter fraud investigations before, and I would just like to see where your accusations are shown to be true.
What accusations ?? Mine is a study, and then an assessment of the possibilities of the very way things could have actually been connected or done, even though the elites won't connect the dots for us because they may have been involved in it all.

Well, yeah, it's hard to accuse someone of 'what if'.
Happens in court all the time.. It's called circumstantial evidence. Get enough of it, and things begin to turn.

No, it doesn't. That's bullshit. Circumstantial evidence and idle speculation are not the same things.
You call it idle speculation, but who are you ?? The courts in many cases used overwhelming circumstantial evidence to get convictions in cases, and going back to years of reporting in eveidence of the problems being reported on, wouldn't you think that the same could be done even though it won't be ??
You haven't got "overwhelming circumstantial evidence" of squat.
They really think the states are going to give up the EC :lol:
Probably they won't, but a lot of people would welcome it, I think, based on what I've heard here. It's not the weirdest idea in the world, TN.

Yes, it is. They would never even think about getting rid of it if Hillary had won. It’s a radical move by a bunch of whiners who can’t accept things as they are and completely un-American.

Just more dumbing down of America.
This has nothing to do with Hillary. It comes up after every single election. There has been an organized movement working the individual states for support for decades. I read some of their stuff here about a year or so ago. I can't remember the name of it. It has nothing to do with who won this time.

They would never propose to eliminate the EC if Hilary had won by it.
California is !/3 illegals! Ewe want them to vote. That’s why you want open borders and to eliminate the EC.
Illegals aren't allowed to vote. Another stupid argument. Give me a good one.
They do though! Illegally! Just like they do everything else! And ewe support them while preaching to real Americans about the rule of law.
I know, their not suppose to get welfare. But they do.
Add schooling and now drivers license in California right ??
If they're going to be driving anyway (which they do) wouldn't it be better to know they have memorized the rules of the road and can pass the road test?
And schooling.....give a little thought to what kind of mess we would have on our hands if millions of illegal minors grew up illiterate and completely unaware of how this country functions. Great gang recruitment tactics, that.
Let's get them to stay home, but in the meantime, the ones who are here need to be made part of the herd.
Build the fucking wall and stop making entitlements for rat bastards that sneak across outr borders! Give the American Tax payers a break!
They really think the states are going to give up the EC :lol:
Probably they won't, but a lot of people would welcome it, I think, based on what I've heard here. It's not the weirdest idea in the world, TN.

So you want to give all the power to a couple of states?
While not the weirdest idea it sure is the stupidest.
I didn't actually say if I like the idea or not, but this argument that a couple of states would get all the power seems crazy to me. If the vote were simple majority, like everything else, it would be individual voters, not states, making the decisions. Do you think everyone in certain states votes the same way? Because a state is "red" or "blue" doesn't mean everyone feels that way. Just the majority of those who vote. Maybe if the individual's choice mattered more, more people would vote.
But I don't really care one way or the other. Until the parties start giving us better candidates, it doesn't really matter how the vote is counted.

You'd be giving all the power to a couple of states and thats a fact.
Do you really want the people of Calipornia and New Dork deciding who runs our country?

She doesn’t get it and obviously has never informed herself about the EC and why it exists in the first place. Her words display her ignorance.
Pelosi voted to give 54 billion in foreign aid and not one dollar to protect America. She is a ****! A cud chewing ****.
Illegals aren't allowed to vote. Another stupid argument. Give me a good one.
They do though! Illegally! Just like they do everything else! And ewe support them while preaching to real Americans about the rule of law.
I know, their not suppose to get welfare. But they do.
Add schooling and now drivers license in California right ??
If they're going to be driving anyway (which they do) wouldn't it be better to know they have memorized the rules of the road and can pass the road test?
And schooling.....give a little thought to what kind of mess we would have on our hands if millions of illegal minors grew up illiterate and completely unaware of how this country functions. Great gang recruitment tactics, that.
Let's get them to stay home, but in the meantime, the ones who are here need to be made part of the herd.
They gonna break the law anyway. So just give them licenses, oh a sneak it in they can register to vote as well.
In my state, anyway, BOM wouldn't be doing that without a bumpy copy of a birth certificate and a valid social security number and an actual proof of residence, such as an electric bill in your name.
Bureaucrats LOVE rules.
They really think the states are going to give up the EC :lol:
Probably they won't, but a lot of people would welcome it, I think, based on what I've heard here. It's not the weirdest idea in the world, TN.

So you want to give all the power to a couple of states?
While not the weirdest idea it sure is the stupidest.
I didn't actually say if I like the idea or not, but this argument that a couple of states would get all the power seems crazy to me. If the vote were simple majority, like everything else, it would be individual voters, not states, making the decisions. Do you think everyone in certain states votes the same way? Because a state is "red" or "blue" doesn't mean everyone feels that way. Just the majority of those who vote. Maybe if the individual's choice mattered more, more people would vote.
But I don't really care one way or the other. Until the parties start giving us better candidates, it doesn't really matter how the vote is counted.

You'd be giving all the power to a couple of states and thats a fact.
Do you really want the people of Calipornia and New Dork deciding who runs our country?

She doesn’t get it and obviously has never informed herself about the EC and why it exists in the first place. Her words display her ignorance.
So why does it exist, if not to give state government the final say on who goes to Washington? If you're so goddamned smart, let's hear the "why" that I don't know.
You'd be giving all the power to a couple of states and thats a fact.
Do you really want the people of Calipornia and New Dork deciding who runs our country?
Well, I was raised in conservative New York country. There are plenty of them. And they are as reasonable as anyone else. Those of you who think in nothing but meaningless stereotypes wouldn't know anything about reality.
Can't tell ya anything about California, but I'm guessing it is no different.

It's common knowledge OL. Look it up.
What is common knowledge? No, I'm not researching anything. You have something to prove, it's your move to bring it here.

That you dont know this fact is rather disturbing.
I hope you dont vote.
I can make statements pulled out of my ass, too, and then tell everyone who doesn't agree with me that they're ignorant. Doesn't make me right.

You’re saying he’s wrong and not even looking it up to verify if he’s wrong, which is insanity!

“No, you’re wrong even though I don’t really know if you’re wrong and how dare you ask me to prove it!” <—- YOU

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