These People Tell Us How Government Dependence is Wrong


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
While they depend on the government for money. These guys tell everybody about lazy slackers on welfare and part of the population falls for it. They tell us that socialissm is bad, while simultaneously being funded by government money. It's time for we the people, ALL THE PEOPLE to get woke in its most fundamental way, meaning we wake up to the corporate scam being run and change this system so that it becomes truly productive for all the people.

But there is a black drag queen down the road you need to eliminate. The elite have many by the nose and they lead them to mob violence and cancel culture of the minority.
Stewart was good because he wasn't an extreme partisan. Some may miss the fact that this condemns the Democrats as much as anyone.
But there is a black drag queen down the road you need to eliminate. The elite have many by the nose and they lead them to mob violence and cancel culture of the minority.
I forgot about that serious national security threat.
Stewart was good because he wasn't an extreme partisan. Some may miss the fact that this condemns the Democrats as much as anyone.
Nobody misses that, but bothsiderism is also a problem.
Stewart was good because he wasn't an extreme partisan. Some may miss the fact that this condemns the Democrats as much as anyone.
Comedy shills are political plants from the elites. They got what they promoted the last few decades and now seeing things falling apart from it.
Comedy shills are political plants from the elites. They got what they promoted the last few decades and now seeing things falling apart from it.

I'm not really interested in your vast generalizations. I said what I said about Stewart because it was true.
While they depend on the government for money. These guys tell everybody about lazy slackers on welfare and part of the population falls for it. They tell us that socialissm is bad, while simultaneously being funded by government money. It's time for we the people, ALL THE PEOPLE to get woke in its most fundamental way, meaning we wake up to the corporate scam being run and change this system so that it becomes truly productive for all the people.

Dude must have missed out on the covid scam and now wants to blame everyone else. If you want more govt money all ya gotta do is lie. They don't care.
While they depend on the government for money. These guys tell everybody about lazy slackers on welfare and part of the population falls for it. They tell us that socialissm is bad, while simultaneously being funded by government money. It's time for we the people, ALL THE PEOPLE to get woke in its most fundamental way, meaning we wake up to the corporate scam being run and change this system so that it becomes truly productive for all the people.

On the surface, it just seems so great that you don't have to work and the government will take care of you. Who wouldn't want to be able to live without having to work, the ultimate Utopia? However, on closer inspection, the people who don't work and live off the government have very shitty lives compared to those who do. But, ultimately, it becomes a lifestyle where you just get used to living a shitty life and not working. I would hope that most people would aspire to working and having a better life but once it becomes your life, it's hard to get out of it and it lasts for generations with no light at the end of the tunnel.
On the surface, it just seems so great that you don't have to work and the government will take care of you. Who wouldn't want to be able to live without having to work, the ultimate Utopia? However, on closer inspection, the people who don't work and live off the government have very shitty lives compared to those who do. But, ultimately, it becomes a lifestyle where you just get used to living a shitty life and not working. I would hope that most people would aspire to working and having a better life but once it becomes your life, it's hard to get out of it and it lasts for generations with no light at the end of the tunnel.
On the surface your post doesn't have a damn thing to do with the thread topic.
Problem is, both sides are the problem.
Not really, and that's part of the reason why we are at this point. One side has been actively working to take rights away, the other side has not.
The GOVT lives very large (6 figures) to pretend to “take care of some” handing out a minimal existence to those incapable or unwilling to make a living working on their own. IM2 & Savanna lap it up ignoring the results over decades in the “inner cities” or yes suburban trailer parks.
Not really, and that's part of the reason why we are at this point. One side has been actively working to take rights away, the other side has not.

Not true. Both sides are for removing rights. It may not be the same ones but overall those arguments in the end are just cover for their being bought and sold by the corporations.
I'm not really interested in your vast generalizations. I said what I said about Stewart because it was true.
I stopped believing in those types some years ago. Half the citizens in our nation who are Progs listen to these people as gospel. He and the rest did their damage in our five-minute attention span society. The ultimate propaganda. If there was real justice, the peasants attacking other peasants would get these shills instead.
I stopped believing in those types some years ago.

Those is plural. Stewart is one person.

Half the citizens in our nation who are Progs listen to these people as gospel. He and the rest did their damage in our five-minute attention span society. The ultimate propaganda. If there was real justice, the peasants attacking other peasants would get these shills instead.

Being non partisan is damaging in your eyes?

Sadly there are many people who believe as you do.

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