these three factors indicate that a major economic downturn is going to happen soon !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
1 recently studies show that the pandemic savings many American put back when the gov sent out relief checks is depleted
2 another survey reports that Americans have been dipping into their 401Ks at a record rate to pay for rising expenses do to inflation.
3 add to the fact that the majority of consumers have started buying less do to said inflation and the above mentioned practices becoming unviable for much longer it appears though it was delayed a magore economic downturn is inevitable ..:(

1 recently studies show that the pandemic savings many American put back when the gov sent out relief checks is depleted
2 another survey reports that Americans have been dipping into their 401Ks at a record rate to pay for rising expenses do to inflation.
3 add to the fact that the majority of consumers have started buying less do to said inflation and the above mentioned practices becoming unviable for much longer it appears though it was delayed a magore economic downturn is inevitable ..:(

Republicans have been predicting this for 3 years. Did it for 8 years on obamas watch. Clinton’s too. Wrong every time. Democrats know how to prevent recessions
God is not going to grant your prayers for disaster just so Trump has a slightly better chance at winning. Why would you want something like that?
Republicans have been predicting this for 3 years. Did it for 8 years on obamas watch. Clinton’s too. Wrong every time. Democrats know how to prevent recessions
i'm not even going to argue or make fun of you about what you posted on this topic because it is to serious to a problem to do so ... listen to me .. dont listen because i may or may not agree with you politically listen because like it or not its going to happen .. get prepared the downturn will be sudden and sharp when it hits .:(
God is not going to grant your prayers for disaster just so Trump has a slightly better chance at winning. Why would you want something like that?
i dont want it to happen ... i dont want people to suffer ... remember we are all Americans ! and we are all in it together ! prepare yourself and your loved ones ! dont take on any new debt if you can avoid it ! like it or not its going to happen ! and yes republicans and democrats alike are going to suffer .
i'm not even going to argue or make fun of you about what you posted on this topic because it is to serious to a problem to do so ... listen to me .. dont listen because i may or may not agree with you politically listen because like it or not its going to happen .. get prepared the downturn will be sudden and sharp when it hits .:(
They happen. How a president handles it matters. Manufacturing hurt in the 2000s. Bush years. Offshoring. Greatest recession right as he was walking out the door. How did he handle the recession Clinton handed him? 2 wars and tax breaks to the rich. Even the companies offshoring
They happen. How a president handles it matters. Manufacturing hurt in the 2000s. Bush years. Offshoring. Greatest recession right as he was walking out the door. How did he handle the recession Clinton handed him? 2 wars and tax breaks to the rich. Even the companies offshoring
its 2023 pal ... this ones gonna be bad ! and the mortgage bundles on bad loans caused the last great recession .
You guys keep saying that but really he’s not.

Trump shit the bed the first crisis he was faced with. Covid. His first mistake only cost 1 million plus lives.

Luckily most of those were anti vaxers and old people. Republicans

You're a disgusting excuse for a human being and even less of a man.

And yeah- he really is.
i dont want it to happen ... i dont want people to suffer ... remember we are all Americans ! and we are all in it together ! prepare yourself and your loved ones ! dont take on any new debt if you can avoid it ! like it or not its going to happen ! and yes republicans and democrats alike are going to suffer .
Barring something unexpected like another outbreak or big terrorist attack there's no reason to expect the kind of sudden deep recession that you are hoping for. You wanted the economy to cool off and ease inflation didn't you? What do you think that looks like? Everyone expects a correction after an inflationary cycle. No panic.
They happen. How a president handles it matters. Manufacturing hurt in the 2000s. Bush years. Offshoring. Greatest recession right as he was walking out the door. How did he handle the recession Clinton handed him? 2 wars and tax breaks to the rich. Even the companies offshoring
And then Andrew Cuomo's housing bubble burst and George got blamed for that one. Even after the 2004 Senate Hearings where Fannie and Freddie said, that Andy's policies were unsustainable, but Dog Face Maxine Waters, Dick Sucking Barney Frank, and Chrissy Dodd, all screamed racist, if the Republicans tried to stop the sub-prime fiasco that was started with Bill Clinton....
Barring something unexpected like another outbreak or big terrorist attack there's no reason to expect the kind of sudden deep recession that you are hoping for. You wanted the economy to cool off and ease inflation didn't you? What do you think that looks like? Everyone expects a correction after an inflationary cycle. No panic.
  • According to 3 sources

A recession is coming this summer and will last until mid-2024, Evercore chairman Ed Hyman said. The market veteran pointed to worrisome signals in the economy that are warning of a downturn. "I've never forecast a recession this far in advance," he said in an interview with Bloomberg.

Recession Coming This Sum…

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