They are also going to take away your gas isn't about being "green," it is about control.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If anyone is still under the delusion that the left/democrats want "green" energy because they want reliable, cheap, plentiful really, really need to wake up.....

The left/democrats want to reduce the ability of people to live freely....and one of the ways to do that is to control and limit access to energy....and that is all this "green" energy movement is about....

The left/democrats crave power and control.....they also believe that there are too many people and that they need to be of the ways you reduce the population and control to limit access to energy...

So, the left/democrats, want to over burden the power supply, which will reduce the freedom to live your life the way you will be forced to reduce your family size, where you you live....and on top of that, if they have central control over the energy supply, they can cut you off whenever they want...just ask the people who have "smart" thermostats in democrat party controlled cities....when the weather gets extremely cold or hot, and the fascists take over your home heating and cooling....

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District includes “Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, southwestern Solano and southern Sonoma counties.”

If your gas furnace or water heater gives out after 2027, you’re screwed. You have to buy an electric model:

We know what the left has done in the past...........the social control, the mass murder, the genocide.......we know where this ends...we have to say "no," we remember, we will not let you do it all over again.................
If anyone is still under the delusion that the left/democrats want "green" energy because they want reliable, cheap, plentiful really, really need to wake up.....

The left/democrats want to reduce the ability of people to live freely....and one of the ways to do that is to control and limit access to energy....and that is all this "green" energy movement is about....

The left/democrats crave power and control.....they also believe that there are too many people and that they need to be of the ways you reduce the population and control to limit access to energy...

So, the left/democrats, want to over burden the power supply, which will reduce the freedom to live your life the way you will be forced to reduce your family size, where you you live....and on top of that, if they have central control over the energy supply, they can cut you off whenever they want...just ask the people who have "smart" thermostats in democrat party controlled cities....when the weather gets extremely cold or hot, and the fascists take over your home heating and cooling....

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District includes “Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, southwestern Solano and southern Sonoma counties.”

If your gas furnace or water heater gives out after 2027, you’re screwed. You have to buy an electric model:

We know what the left has done in the past...........the social control, the mass murder, the genocide.......we know where this ends...we have to say "no," we remember, we will not let you do it all over again.................

That's not all they are aiming for.
I don't like taking anything
rather it is your gas heater or that of my rights to change my body the way I wish and dress the way I wish.

It is all bullshit.

You can dress however you want.......but if you think the left is going to leave you alone to dress the way you just need to look at China and how they treat cross dressers........

The left wants total control of every aspect of life............
Well I really don't care if it is just San Fransisco. Besides, if i lived in earthquake country, I am not sure I would be keen on having natural gas anything.

We have a natural gas heat pump. I heart that mutha. When it is frigid out for a week and people get raped on their electric bills, mine might go up 30 bucks--and that is mainly because of the electric that drives the blower me thinks.
Yeah makes tons of sense.

Take away a gas furnace that is 96% efficient that will lase for decades and replace it with a less efficient more expensive and shorter lived electric one.
Yeah makes tons of sense.

Take away a gas furnace that is 96% efficient that will lase for decades and replace it with a less efficient more expensive and shorter lived electric one.

Makes sense if you want to keep people poor........and control how much energy they use.
Texas Republicans last power outage killed 702 people, caused
Billion of dollars in property damage & lots more misery.
Republicans crave deed restricted HOA communities that mandate what your vehicles, yard, trees will look like & what your house color will be, etc.
Texas Republicans last power outage killed 702 people, caused
Billion of dollars in property damage & lots more misery.

They had historic cold and some valves froze....they fixed the and wind make that problem permanent.....and make normal people the slaves of the dumb clod.
Republicans crave deed restricted HOA communities that mandate what your vehicles, yard, trees will look like & what your house color will be, etc.

You don't have to join those dumb ass........when the left takes control of the government, you have no idiot.
I don't like taking anything
rather it is your gas heater or that of my rights to change my body the way I wish and dress the way I wish.

It is all bullshit.
It goes further than just your gas heater, cooking stove or washer. There are millions of Americans that still use wood to heat their homes in winter and have wells to furnish water..
A gas furnace in a house is better than an electric furnace.

Gas has no pre heating stage, soon as it fires its at max temp and it's max temp is much higher than electric. When a gas furnace turns on it has a brief pre purge stage, induced draft motor comes on, gas ignites and off you go. In less than 40 seconds your blowing 120 to 125 degree air in your house. So natural gas furnace will heat a house much faster. Faster means it has to run less than electric in terms of time.

So ok you aren't burning gas but the vast amount of electricity needed for a electric furnace negates any benefit because you need to increase electric usage which generates its own waste.

Natural gas furnace are better for the environment at the end of the day.
A gas furnace in a house is better than an electric furnace.

Gas has no pre heating stage, soon as it fires its at max temp and it's max temp is much higher than electric. When a gas furnace turns on it has a brief pre purge stage, induced draft motor comes on, gas ignites and off you go. In less than 40 seconds your blowing 120 to 125 degree air in your house. So natural gas furnace will heat a house much faster. Faster means it has to run less than electric in terms of time.

So ok you aren't burning gas but the vast amount of electricity needed for a electric furnace negates any benefit because you need to increase electric usage which generates its own waste.

Natural gas furnace are better for the environment at the end of the day.

This isn't about the environment...this is about control, and limiting access to energy.
Yep, the left is going after natural gas here in Oregon as well.

In Eugene, their city council had the opportunity to allow the voters to have a say in whether all new homes built after June 2023 should have gas infrastructure. They decided, no, the voters shouldn't even have a say, and they passed the measure themselves.
Now, there's a signature drive to put the measure in front of voters. Hopefully voters will tell their city council to shove it up their asses!
Republicans crave deed restricted HOA communities that mandate what your vehicles, yard, trees will look like & what your house color will be, etc.
You mean like the one Pelosi lives in? So she doesn't have to be bothered by the peasants.
If anyone is still under the delusion that the left/democrats want "green" energy because they want reliable, cheap, plentiful really, really need to wake up.....

The left/democrats want to reduce the ability of people to live freely....and one of the ways to do that is to control and limit access to energy....and that is all this "green" energy movement is about....

The left/democrats crave power and control.....they also believe that there are too many people and that they need to be of the ways you reduce the population and control to limit access to energy...

So, the left/democrats, want to over burden the power supply, which will reduce the freedom to live your life the way you will be forced to reduce your family size, where you you live....and on top of that, if they have central control over the energy supply, they can cut you off whenever they want...just ask the people who have "smart" thermostats in democrat party controlled cities....when the weather gets extremely cold or hot, and the fascists take over your home heating and cooling....

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District includes “Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, southwestern Solano and southern Sonoma counties.”

If your gas furnace or water heater gives out after 2027, you’re screwed. You have to buy an electric model:

We know what the left has done in the past...........the social control, the mass murder, the genocide.......we know where this ends...we have to say "no," we remember, we will not let you do it all over again.................
Good thing you far righties weren't so prevalent when asbestos was banned. Millions would have died while y'all railed against control.
Good thing you far righties weren't so prevalent when asbestos was banned. Millions would have died while y'all railed against control. does banning asbestos apply to banning gas heaters and furnaces?

You leftists......are so stupid you would be funny, if you didn't have such a fondness for mass murder and genocide.... does banning asbestos apply to banning gas heaters and furnaces?

You leftists......are so stupid you would be funny, if you didn't have such a fondness for mass murder and genocide....
Because they took our freedoms. If I want to build houses with asbestos then by golly, this is America, I should be able to build houses with asbestos. Just like gas stoves. Fuck what the dangers studies show. They were probably all fake anyhow, right? Just like asbestos. Asbestos is probably healthy as shit.

Also, I'm not a leftist.

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