They are also going to take away your gas isn't about being "green," it is about control.

Because they took our freedoms. If I want to build houses with asbestos then by golly, this is America, I should be able to build houses with asbestos. Just like gas stoves. Fuck what the dangers studies show. They were probably all fake anyhow, right? Just like asbestos. Asbestos is probably healthy as shit.

Also, I'm not a leftist.

Dipshit........fake crises to push government control over every aspect of our lives is just evil............out of nowhere, after decades and decades of use, all of a sudden you shitheads don't like gas stoves and gas heaters, cause......your green god doesn't like them.............while going electric allows you to limit our access to life saving, life improving, life extending energy...

You assholes don't like people...we get it, hence the mass murder and genocide you work yourselves up to every 50 years or so.........and now you are using the fake "global warming crisis," as a means to punish people and limit their lives....

You are evil.
You mean like the one Pelosi lives in? So she doesn't have to be bothered by the peasants.
No. Like the domed freedom cities with flying cars Trump will build in his second term.

Replete with gas stoves and Xbox controllers that don't have a sleep mode.

A conservative paradise.
Dipshit........fake crises to push government control over every aspect of our lives is just evil............out of nowhere, after decades and decades of use, all of a sudden you shitheads don't like gas stoves and gas heaters, cause......your green god doesn't like them.............while going electric allows you to limit our access to life saving, life improving, life extending energy...

You assholes don't like people...we get it, hence the mass murder and genocide you work yourselves up to every 50 years or so.........and now you are using the fake "global warming crisis," as a means to punish people and limit their lives....

You are evil.
Yeah. I agree. It really pisses me off because I just got a new steelmade flat top for my oven and it works so much better om gas then electric. Now I have to use fucking spacers so they it doesn't sit directly on the glass top.

Asbestos pissed me off too back in the day. It pisses me off too because when I was in the service, their was an old building we were clearing out on base that had asbestos and they made us wear masks. Everyone knows masks don't do shit but they had to "control" us.

We had used asbestos for years and years and then suddenly it was deadly? What a crock.
Yeah. I agree. It really pisses me off because I just got a new steelmade flat top for my oven and it works so much better om gas then electric. Now I have to use fucking spacers so they it doesn't sit directly on the glass top.

Asbestos pissed me off too back in the day. It pisses me off too because when I was in the service, their was an old building we were clearing out on base that had asbestos and they made us wear masks. Everyone knows masks don't do shit but they had to "control" us.

We had used asbestos for years and years and then suddenly it was deadly? What a crock.

Oh....a member of the chinese flu mask cult........actual research now backs up what people who told you morons that masks didn't work to stop the spread.....that masks didn't stop the fucking spread of the Chinese flu............actual masks used for asbestos removal work for that because the asbestos particles are a lot fucking bigger than the tiny virus of the Chinese dumb ass clod....
Oh....a member of the chinese flu mask cult........actual research now backs up what people who told you morons that masks didn't work to stop the spread.....that masks didn't stop the fucking spread of the Chinese flu............actual masks used for asbestos removal work for that because the asbestos particles are a lot fucking bigger than the tiny virus of the Chinese dumb ass clod....
No. Did you not read my post? They made me wear a mask when I was working around asbestos. This violated my freedoms.

Asbestos fibers are bigger then droplets of saliva? You may want to double check that.
No. Did you not read my post? They made me wear a mask when I was working around asbestos. This violated my freedoms.

Asbestos fibers are bigger then droplets of saliva? You may want to double check that.

They are bigger than a virus, dipstick........we were told the masks would stop an airborne virus....masks that were not designed to stop airborne viruses...but thanks for trying to change what we were told now that they are finally admitting masking did nothing to stop the spread...
They are bigger than a virus, dipstick........we were told the masks would stop an airborne virus....masks that were not designed to stop airborne viruses...but thanks for trying to change what we were told now that they are finally admitting masking did nothing to stop the spread...
Viruses reside in saliva. Did you think COVID viruses just float independently, without suspension, on their own, when people cough or sneeze?

Who told you masks did nothing?
Viruses reside in saliva. Did you think COVID viruses just float independently, without suspension, on their own, when people cough or sneeze?

Who told you masks did nothing?
Scientists said mask did nothing. Even your hero Fauci said the same, in the beginning.
Scientists said mask did nothing. Even your hero Fauci said the same, in the beginning.
Shocking that things change as more is known about something. Scientists said smoking was good for younearlu on...then they learned otherwise.

"Fauci explained that at that time, “we were not aware that 40 to 45% of people were asymptomatic, nor were we aware that a substantial proportion of people who get infected get infected from people who are without symptoms. That makes it overwhelmingly important for everyone to wear a mask.”

“So when people say, ‘Well, why did you change your stance? And why are you emphasizing masks so much now when back then you didn't -- and in fact you even said you shouldn't because there was a shortage of masks?’ Well the data now are very, very clear,” he said."

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