They are busting Trump rght now in court

This thread was started Monday. It's Thursday and he's still not "busted". This isn't going the way the Democrats thought it would. Funny thing about abusing power like the Democrats are doing, the public will turn against you.
This trial has really backfired on the Demafacsit...bigly
I didn't say it was used for that.
You said "how it was paid" is what made it illegal.

If you were not referring to how the money to Cohen was invoiced, recorded, and paid, then what part of "how it was paid" are you claiming was illegal?
Cohen did it at Trump's bequest.
Yes, Trump wanted a NDA, nobody has disputed that. There is notihng illegal about wanting an NDA, and hiring an lawyer to do it.

What Cohen did though, was a piss poor job, apparently not able to get it done, not communicating with his client, didn't even get his client to sign the NDA, and then had to come up with the money quickly, and paid out of pocket.....afterwards he bills his client.

I don't think many people, outside of some Dems, would say Cohen is a good lawyer or person at this point
You said "how it was paid" is what made it illegal.

If you were not referring to how the money to Cohen was invoiced, recorded, and paid, then what part of "how it was paid" are you claiming was illegal?
He honestly has no's pretty obvious at this point
This trial has really backfired on the Demafacsit...bigly

"Demofascist" may work better. I like the effort!

The modern Democrats are a blend of Marxists / Fascists. They have become some really insidious people. It's funny watching Leftists attack the MAGA crowd and think Democrats have any high ground. People are willing to look at the MAGA crowd and think they are a bit over the top, but nothing like the threat the Democratic Party is to America.

A recent PBS / Marist Poll (Leftist) found that Americans feel the Democrats are a greater threat to Democracy than the Republicans. What rational person would be surprised by this poll result?
"Demofascist" may work better. I like the effort!

The modern Democrats are a blend of Marxists / Fascists. They have become some really insidious people. It's funny watching Leftists attack the MAGA crowd and think Democrats have any high ground. People are willing to look at the MAGA crowd and think they are a bit over the top, but nothing like the threat the Democratic Party is to America.

A recent PBS / Marist Poll (Leftist) found that Americans feel the Democrats are a greater threat to Democracy than the Republicans. What rational person would be surprised by this poll result?
I can't think of any rational person that could be surprised by that
You said "how it was paid" is what made it illegal.

If you were not referring to how the money to Cohen was invoiced, recorded, and paid, then what part of "how it was paid" are you claiming was illegal?

The payment to Stormy was not a falsification of records.

The reimbursement to Cohen is not the underlying crime. It's the crime Trump was charged with in terms of how he reported it.
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He doesn't. He had to pay Cohen. There are no TDS threads here. You guys don't get to post all your anti Biden shit and whine when people post truth about Trump. You right wingers are not special, you don't get to dish it out and everybody else just take it. Donald Trump is a miserable no good, evil, grifting, racist, raping son of a bitch and he is going to get the disdain he deserves. If you don't like it, go post at Truth Social.

" IM2 is a miserable no good, evil, grifting, racist, son of a bitch and he is going to get the disdain he deserves. "

There, I corrected it for you.
The payment to Stormy was not a falsification of records.

The reimbursement to Cohen is not the underlying crime. It's the crime Trump was charged with.
How does this answer the question you were presented with? It doesn't.
Yes, Trump wanted a NDA, nobody has disputed that. There is notihng illegal about wanting an NDA, and hiring an lawyer to do it.

What Cohen did though, was a piss poor job, apparently not able to get it done, not communicating with his client, didn't even get his client to sign the NDA, and then had to come up with the money quickly, and paid out of pocket.....afterwards he bills his client.

I don't think many people, outside of some Dems, would say Cohen is a good lawyer or person at this point

There is something illegal about it when a candidate asks someone to make an excessive contribution.
There is something illegal about it when a candidate asks someone to make an excessive contribution.
When did Trump do that? Every piece of testimony so far was that Trump wanted a NDA, and even the State own witness said it was because he was concerned about his wife.
When did Trump do that? Every piece of testimony so far was that Trump wanted a NDA, and even the State own witness said it was because he was concerned about his wife.

That's a lie. There's evidence that Trump did it just because of the election. And again, that's been adjudicated. Cohen was convicted for it.
That's a lie. There's evidence that Trump did it just because of the election. And again, that's been adjudicated. Cohen was convicted for it.

Hicks, while being questioned by prosecutors, said that Trump was worried how the story “would be viewed by his wife,” Melania.

Later, when the defense questioned Hicks, she expanded on the point, saying that Trump “really, really respects” what Melania has to say; “I think he was just concerned of what her perception of this would be.”

This is a very significant issue in the case.
There is something illegal about it when a candidate asks someone to make an excessive contribution.
Okay, so you are claiming the conspiracy was to solicit illegal campaign contributions?
I answered the question in context with that poster's previous post.
No you did not. I asked you how "the way it was paid" was illegal.

You told me what wasn't illegal.

Something has to be illegal about the "catch and kill" scheme to satisfy the felony enhancement of falsification of records.

I am asking what part of "catch and kill" was illegal. Recording the payments to Cohen as legal expenses happened after the election was over, and it cannot be used to argue the scheme was illegal.

There has to be some other basis. You initially said it was "the way the payments were recorded" that made it illegal. That dog does not hunt.

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