They are killing our dreams illegals hold mock funeral in U.S. Senate


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Illegal alien activists held a mock funeral in the U.S. Senate rotunda, saying that because Congress and President Trump have not given them amnesty, “they are killing our dreams.”
‘They Are Killing Our Dreams!’: Illegals Hold Mock Funeral In U.S. Senate

The dumb a** leftist who are dumb enough to hand our Country over to nonAMerican's proves 1. you are an idiot. 2. YOu've been brainwashed. 3. You won't realize how stupid you are until it's to late. 4. Should you win your little DACA fight we can gurantee you will regret it as you will become 100% unimportant in your own nation just like EUROPE you dumbasses.

When a man can get fired for claiming their are two genders............... that should worry you
When a young girl can get kicked off a train because she had her feet up on another seat and nobody was trying to sit down it was just comfortable for her............... that should worry you............

While at the same time you idiots are all getting just what you wanted in those two situations LOL

p.s. the two mentioned incidents had nothing to do with anyone being DACA, but the fact our Country is losing our own rights and so is Europe.
Proof that liberalism is a mental disorder: they DON'T get physically nauseated by listening to minority self-pitying, sniveling grievance-mongering.
DACA racist burning American flags
daca burning flags.jpg

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