They Did It AGAIN - 6 Jan Committee Caught Altering Evidence Then Lied About It

Oh, honey, you poor snowflake... Another 'We've got him THIS time' blows up in your face.

It's OK- let it out. You know what to do - you've done it before. Run outside with l of your snowflake TDS-suffering friends, and...

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I know nothing is going to happen to Trump, this is America and we never hold our leaders accountable. If we did Hillary would be in jail a long time ago.
Okay but stay focused. What Trump did was treasonist. Did they get something wrong?

Let me give you an example. Trump got on TV and told the proud boys to stand by. A guy like you will argue that's not evidence he's coordinating with them. Don't worry. We have more evidence.
Oh, honey, NO...

President Trump asked people to PEACEFULLY WALK down to the Capitol and let their voices be heard, to NOT be violent, and obey the law.

The Democrats were caught (again) altering those words and claim he called for an Insurrection, like D-Warren did.

The same Democrat who personally threatened a USSC Justice and incited an assassination attempt against one, rhe same people who were caught criminally altering evidence IOT remove axsitting President from office, are the ones claiming TRUMP, not themselves, is the criminal.

'We have more evidence.'

If not, Schiff can always manufacture more. :p

After being caught committing crimes to 'fix' / 'rig' this 'investigation', destroying their credibility & legitimacy, you think this proven scam should go on?

Of course you do. You are as TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, and batshit crazy as the criminals running the 6 Jan Comittee.

Pelosi, Schiff, and this Committee just confirmed for the American people it is the criminally partisan shit show we all thought it was.

I know nothing is going to happen to Trump, this is America and we never hold our leaders accountable. If we did Hillary would be in jail a long time ago.
Says the dupe who still supports and defends the proven traitors who ran the largest criminal political scandal in history and who committed crimes (altering evidence) IOT criminally remove a sitting President from office, all of whom walked away without being held accountable.

You're such a pathetic, hypocritical puss.
You & the MAGA herd seem to be a bundle of nerves over an investigation you guys claim is a farce.

Save your sulking for today's hearing when more damning information is revealed.


You've been fed a carefully-crafted version of reality designed to elicit an emotional response.

You're performing exactly as ordered by people who don't give a shit about you.

If there was any damning evidence, it would have shown up by now. There's nothing there, and the story in the OP proves it.
You clearly didn't watch the prime time special. Are you telling me to not believe my lying eyes? You MAGA's are nuts you know that right?
President Trump asked people to PEACEFULLY WALK down to the Capitol and let their voices be heard, to NOT be violent, and obey the law.

That you choose to ignore all his words between the election and Jan 6th does not mean the rest of us are going to as well.
Well the first three would be a non-issue had the dems not stole the election.

SCOTUS will not ban abortion but they might leave it up to the states to decide.

Will our guns have a "happy switch"? ;)
There's that right wing lie about "letting the states decide".

If you control the white house, senate, house and supreme court, are you telling me you nuts won't make MURDER, I mean ABORTION illegal?

Says the dupe who still supports and defends the proven traitors who ran the largest criminal political scandal in history and who committed crimes (altering evidence) IOT criminally remove a sitting President from office, all of whom walked away without being held accountable.

You're such a pathetic, hypocritical puss.

I was against the Russia investigation, I was against the impeachments...said so 1000 times probably on this forum.

As if your SOP, you have no clue what you are talking about.
The linked "article" is about hyper-partisan Jim Jordan complaining.


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^^^ that ^^^
Oh, honey, NO...

President Trump asked people to PEACEFULLY WALK down to the Capitol and let their voices be heard, to NOT be violent, and obey the law.

The Democrats were caught (again) altering those words and claim he called for an Insurrection, like D-Warren did.

The same Democrat who personally threatened a USSC Justice and incited an assassination attempt against one, rhe same people who were caught criminally altering evidence IOT remove axsitting President from office, are the ones claiming TRUMP, not themselves, is the criminal.

'We have more evidence.'

If not, Schiff can always manufacture more. :p

After being caught committing crimes to 'fix' / 'rig' this 'investigation', destroying their credibility & legitimacy, you think this proven scam should go on?

Of course you do. You are as TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, and batshit crazy as the criminals running the 6 Jan Comittee.

Pelosi, Schiff, and this Committee just confirmed for the American people it is the criminally partisan shit show we all thought it was.


Trump Says His ‘Fight Like Hell’ Speech Before Capitol Riot Was Actually ‘Extremely Calming’​

“I wasn’t involved in that and if you look at my words and what I said in the speech, they were extremely calming, actually,” the former president said on Fox News

And Trump denies even being involved in the insurrection. So he's throwing all his supporters who he sent under the bus. Love it!

And there's more

  • “And we fight. We fight like hell And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
  • “All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats, which is what they’re doing … We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.”
  • “Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about … We will stop the steal.”
  • “Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong.”

There's that right wing lie about "letting the states decide".

If you control the white house, senate, house and supreme court, are you telling me you nuts won't make MURDER, I mean ABORTION illegal?

Not me, I'm pro-choice, the womenz just need them some guardrails concerning the practice. ;)
Okay but stay focused. What Trump did was treasonist. Did they get something wrong?

Let me give you an example. Trump got on TV and told the proud boys to stand by. A guy like you will argue that's not evidence he's coordinating with them. Don't worry. We have more evidence.

Are you trying to pull a johnny cockren? Remember he got OJ off just because Mark Furhman lied about never saying the N word? You know despite whatever this is you're showing us, Trump is guilty as fuck. And you try to downplay the insurrection? Do you still after watching all that video footage?
Oh bullshit.

Your side swears Trump said to drink bleach so there is a history of made up bullshit.

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