They Did It AGAIN - 6 Jan Committee Caught Altering Evidence Then Lied About It

And nothing will happen to them. They can get caught cheating and lying all day long and they won't be punished at all.

This will end, they won't be able to prove anything and since they lost they won't bring it up again and things will just fade away.

Trump Says His ‘Fight Like Hell’ Speech Before Capitol Riot Was Actually ‘Extremely Calming’​

“I wasn’t involved in that and if you look at my words and what I said in the speech, they were extremely calming, actually,” the former president said on Fox News​

And Trump denies even being involved in the insurrection. So he's throwing all his supporters who he sent under the bus. Love it!​

And there's more​

  • “And we fight. We fight like hell And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
  • “All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats, which is what they’re doing … We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.”
  • “Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about … We will stop the steal.”
  • “Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong.”

He also said:

Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.
The Primetime "special" and I am glad you gave it the proper name, cause that's what it was......proved nothing.

the hearings are going to be laid out like a court trial. thursday was only the ' opening statement ' ... the rest will be proving that donny had a 'consciousness of guilt ' because he was told by numerous people that there was no fraud & it will be shown that his INTENT was to defraud by continuing to lie AND solicit cash from his dupes - - - just like the conman he is. this is gonna be set up like a RICO case.
the hearings are going to be laid out like a court trial. thursday was only the ' opening statement ' ... the rest will be proving that donny had a 'consciousness of guilt ' because he was told by numerous people that there was no fraud & it will be shown that his INTENT was to defraud by continuing to lie AND solicit cash from his dupes - - - just like the conman he is. this is gonna be set up like a RICO case.
Sorry...if Liz was a prosecutor she'd be disbarred for making up evidence....this committee has no credibility
Tonight they're going to prove not only did Trump lie about the election being stolen, he knew he was lying.


Show me Trump threatening my kids. Show me any Trumptard anywhere threatening my kids.

On the other hand, leftist racial riots complete with commies throwing Molotov cocktails, threatened my children for EIGHT MONTHS.

I don't give a damn about Trump or your fucktard Congress. But I care a LOT about my kids.

Progtards are the ones who make children unsafe and fearful Lefties are going own that bird and eat it too.
You clearly didn't watch the prime time special. Are you telling me to not believe my lying eyes? You MAGA's are nuts you know that right?
Snowflake, you don't need criminal political theatrics to support what you already believe.

The same Democrats who ran 2 criminal Impeachments against President Trump in which they were caught manufacturing false evidence/ / altering evidence IOT remove a sitting President from office (Conspiracy, Sedition) are running the 6 Jan Committee....AND THEY GOT CAUGHT DOING IT AGAIN!

"The Jan. 6 Committee has a well-established credibility problem. The committee released various text messages that have actually exonerated Donald Trump, but they falsely characterized the messages as incriminating. And when the truth wasn’t incriminating, they doctored text messages to make them look so."

During the Impeachments Democrats Adam Schiff were caught committing Perjury, Manufacturing False Evidence, and Altering Evidence, for which both should BE IN PRISON.

In their desperate, pathetic attempt to finally take down the President they tried to remove from office - and failed - the same Democrats nowbon the 6 Jan Committee reverted back to their criminal ways and attempted to perpetrate the same crimes they were caught committing during the Impeachments.

The 6 Jan Committee can no longer claim this 'investigation' is about finding out what happened on 6 Jan IOT prevent another such event from happening.

The 6 Jan Committee can no longer deny this whole 'investigation' is about theor sick obsession with former President Trump and about attempting to do mow what they could not do during their 2 proven criminal, treasonous Impeachments.

The 6 Jan Committe just got caught committing the sane crimes and lying about it, DESTROYING ANY AND ALL CREDIBILITY AND LEGITIMACY they and this Committee had and have going forward.

As a result of this (expected by many) revelation;

1. The 6 Jan Committee should immediately be DISSOLVED

2. The 6 Jan Committee's proven nefariously partisan and criminal investigation TERMINATED

3. The individuals who have been charged with crimes for failing tobappear before this criminal committee shoukd have those CHARGES DROPPED, their RECORDS CLEARED

4. The proven criminals on this criminal court, to include Nancy Pelosi, if for no other reason then being responsible for creating this scandal, Committee, and appointing the same criminals tobthis committee asshe had on her Impeachment teams, should be CENSURED at the very least!

The Constitution did not exist in an athiest-imposed society. I'm convinced the Democrats swindled the American people in order to insert themselves as "deciders" which is against the majority of American people. The more evil that is done eventually places people in the decision chair of the anarchy of oligarchism, or the sanity of living within the boundaries of acceptable behaviors of telling the truth, accepting good advice, and acting with justice. This current oligarch system imposed on America by cheaters and proud liars may take a war to clean up the swamp. I found an interesting book at Good will the other day, and I'm going to read it this month if I can. It's called "The Federalist Papers," and it is credited as written by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, as I recollect.

May God have mercy on the people of America who are getting lied to by witless hatemongers bent on division and destruction of the Founders' wise government. Their ultimate lie is culminated in their ever-changing Jan. 6 falsetto narrative.
Sorry...if Liz was a prosecutor she'd be disbarred for making up evidence....this committee has no credibility

lol ... you should know there are lots of experienced prosecutors that were on the job, including this dude.


Aug 12, 2021

Bolton, MS—Chairman Bennie G. Thompson today announced that Timothy J. Heaphy, University Counsel at the University of Virginia, will take a leave of absence from his position to serve as Chief Investigative Counsel for the Select Committee. Mr. Heaphy previously served as United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia.
Thompson Announces Chief Investigative Counsel for Select Committee


Tonight they're going to prove not only did Trump lie about the election being stolen, he knew he was lying.
Yeah, you got him THIS time, snowflake.


The Democrats' problem is they ate having to criminally manufactured evidence IOT prove their case...which means they have no case.

Try as they might, they / you can not prove what you say people think / know.


'Trump believed he could fly and see through walls ... oh, oh ... the vision is fading...'

Yeah, you got him THIS time, snowflake.


The Democrats' problem is they ate having to criminally manufactured evidence IOT prove their case...which means they have no case.

Try as they might, they / you can not prove what you say people think / know.

View attachment 657293
'Trump believed he could fly and see through walls ... oh, oh ... the vision is fading...'

Oh we most certainly have him. I'm hearing many Republicans now admit he was wrong and was behind it all and the election was not stolen.

They just don't like how we sent everyone absentee ballots during the pandemic. Trump wanted "snowflakes" to not go to the polls because of social distancing. Covid, he thought, was going to help him win. Instead my Democratic governor mailed everyone an absentee ballot. And Trump was sad about it. Like you. LOL. 2 more years!

Trump Says His ‘Fight Like Hell’ Speech Before Capitol Riot Was Actually ‘Extremely Calming’“​

Snowflake, when a coach tells hos team to 'fight like hell' do you think he means 'start a violent insurrection'?

Then again, how would you know?! You probably stopped playing sports after getting your participation trophy In T-Ball.

lol ... you should know there are lots of experienced prosecutors that were on the job, including this dude.


Aug 12, 2021

Bolton, MS—Chairman Bennie G. Thompson today announced that Timothy J. Heaphy, University Counsel at the University of Virginia, will take a leave of absence from his position to serve as Chief Investigative Counsel for the Select Committee. Mr. Heaphy previously served as United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia.
Thompson Announces Chief Investigative Counsel for Select Committee

View attachment 657294

Yep....and they should be disbarred for making up and doctoring evidence.

JONATHAN TURLEY: That's one of the problems that the Democrats are going to have to confront. Not just that most people have moved on. They got to the condemnation stage two years ago. So they're trying, as The New York Times said, to reframe their argument for the midterm elections. The Times was referring to Democrats telling them that. But the question is, will it work? Because unlike other commissions and committees historically, this one doesn't have any other side. So even with like Pearl Harbor, with Watergate, with our wars during the Bush administration, it was all bipartisan. And sure, that makes for a messy scene, that makes for people pushing back, but it also gives it an authenticity that was entirely missing yesterday. The fact that they edited quotes like that, just really was quite glaring, you're not even trying to look like this is any type of true investigatory proceeding.

Snowflake, when a coach tells hos team to 'fight like hell' do you think he means 'start a violent insurrection'?

Then again, how would you know?! You probably stopped playing sports after getting your participation trophy In T-Ball.

What did he think his team was going to do?
Don't worry. We have more evidence to lay out to the American people, and you guys.

You guys can explain away anything. I think it's a talent you all have. You're like a bunch of slimy lawyers who no one is buying their story

Oh we most certainly have him.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard that from a snowflake the last 6 years I could probably pay off the deficit myself.


But thanks for confirming that this 6 Jan Committee bullshit was about 'getting Trump' and nothing to do with 6 Jan from the start.
What did he think his team was going to do?

Ummm ... PEACEFULLY WALK down to the Capitol, let their voices be heard supporting their representatives, obeying the law, not being violent, listening to the Capitol Police ....LIKE HE ASKED THEM TO DO?!

I know, sounds crazy ... but unlike Democrats, sometimes people actually mean what they say.

What matters is what, if anything, the DOJ does anyway.

Like ignoring Democrats who threaten USSC Justices, who call for intimidation of and violence against USSC Justices, and who incite assassination attempts on USSC Justices, like Schumer?

Like ignoring Democrats who openly call for Insurrection, like Warren?

Like ignoring Democrats who criminally manufacture or alter evidence?


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