They Found Footage of A Deranged Racist ANTIFA Bastard Shooting Into The Crowd in Charlottesville

So, Antifa asshole with a spray can flame-thrower = bad.

Racist with a gun shooting toward a crowd (even if it is at the dirt in front of a crowd) = bad.

Plenty of bad to go around here.
So, Antifa asshole with a spray can flame-thrower = bad.

Racist with a gun shooting toward a crowd (even if it is at the dirt in front of a crowd) = bad.

Plenty of bad to go around here.

Gee almost like both sides are to blame

Remind me, who said that?
Didn't hear that the first time around. I apologize and that was unacceptable. Did you not see the aerosol spraying and then the large flame??? Be honest. It sure looked like he was creating a potentially hazardous situation.

Photo above clearly shows the situation.
He's not interested in honesty. Only his agenda

That true Marc?? Can you be honest now and say the guy was creating a potentially hazardous situation? Or are you only interested in your agenda? I apologized for misunderstanding the situation. Can you?
Didn't hear that the first time around. I apologize and that was unacceptable. Did you not see the aerosol spraying and then the large flame??? Be honest. It sure looked like he was creating a potentially hazardous situation.

Photo above clearly shows the situation.
That's not the shooter.

White guys don't all look alike you know. The white guy in the pic is not the same white guy in the video.

Who is propping up this pic as evidence of the situation in the video, and why are you so willingly falling for it?
Didn't hear that the first time around. I apologize and that was unacceptable. Did you not see the aerosol spraying and then the large flame??? Be honest. It sure looked like he was creating a potentially hazardous situation.

Photo above clearly shows the situation.
That's not the shooter.

The white guy in the pic is not the same white guy in the video. White guys don't all look alike you know.

Who is propping up this pic as evidence of the situation in the video, and why are you so willingly falling for it?

Good gawd, stop fucking lying
Didn't hear that the first time around. I apologize and that was unacceptable. Did you not see the aerosol spraying and then the large flame??? Be honest. It sure looked like he was creating a potentially hazardous situation.

Photo above clearly shows the situation.
That's not the shooter.

White guys don't all look alike you know. The white guy in the pic is not the same white guy in the video.

Who is propping up this pic as evidence of the situation in the video, and why are you so willingly falling for it?

OKKK...... so you are so blinded by partisanship that common sense doesn't play into your thinking. Look, I get it. There are a lot of D-Bag nut jobs
posting from the other side, and I am sure you feel you have to be strident to combat them. However, this kind of thing makes you look like a D-Bag nut bag for your side. You'd be much better off and more believable if you took an honest assessment of things.
The white shooter in the video has...
  1. long hair in a ponytail
  2. bandana on backwards
  3. long black cargo pants
  4. blue sleeveless shirt
  5. Some kind of camouflage or military green vest
  6. brown construction boots

The white guy in the picture has...
  1. black baseball cap
  2. black sunglasses
  3. white short-sleeve t-shirt
  4. camouflage short pants
  5. long black socks
  6. black army-type boots

If you're saying he's the shooter, you're simply identifying YET ANOTHER angry white supremacist shooting at a crowd of people at the "Unite The Right" rally
They came armed, because of what they have seen antifuk's doing since the election.

Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

Their faces hidden behind black bandannas and hoodies, about 100 anarchists and antifa— “anti-fascist” — members barreled into a protest Sunday afternoon in Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park.

Jumping over plastic and concrete barriers, the group melted into a larger crowd of around 2,000 that had marched peacefully throughout the sunny afternoon for a “Rally Against Hate” gathering.

Shortly after, violence began to flare. A pepper-spray-wielding Trump supporter was smacked to the ground with homemade shields. Another was attacked by five black-clad antifa members, each windmilling kicks and punches into a man desperately trying to protect himself. A conservative group leader retreated for safety behind a line of riot police as marchers chucked water bottles, shot off pepper spray and screamed, “Fascist go home!”

Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin has called for authorities to tackle left-wing violence by classifying members of antifa, the loosely organized group of “anti-fascists” who believe that violence is acceptable in countering right-wing extremism, as a gang.

A largely peaceful demonstration in Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Civic Center Park was disrupted Sunday by black-clad antifa counterprotesters, who jumped over police barriers and chased Trump supporters, according to multiple news reports.

Berkeley's mayor wants antifa to be classified as a gang
The white shooter in the video has...
  1. long hair in a ponytail
  2. bandana on backwards
  3. long black cargo pants
  4. blue sleeveless shirt
  5. Some kind of camouflage or military green vest
  6. brown construction boots

The white guy in the picture has...
  1. black baseball cap
  2. black sunglasses
  3. white short-sleeve t-shirt
  4. camouflage short pants
  5. long black socks
  6. black army-type boots

If you're saying he's the shooter, you're simply identifying YET ANOTHER angry white supremacist shooting at a crowd of people at the "Unite The Right" rally

My vid and your vid is the same guy, doofus. Flame thrower clearly visible
I'm comparing the VIDEO to the PICTURE


Two different old, angry, white supremacists.
The white shooter in the video has...
  1. long hair in a ponytail
  2. bandana on backwards
  3. long black cargo pants
  4. blue sleeveless shirt
  5. Some kind of camouflage or military green vest
  6. brown construction boots

The white guy in the picture has...
  1. black baseball cap
  2. black sunglasses
  3. white short-sleeve t-shirt
  4. camouflage short pants
  5. long black socks
  6. black army-type boots

If you're saying he's the shooter, you're simply identifying YET ANOTHER angry white supremacist shooting at a crowd of people at the "Unite The Right" rally

Seriously?? Nobody is saying that the guy who shot is the same guy who was getting the flame thrown at him. In fact, if you look at the photo, then look at the still of the video before it starts, you can clearly see (it almost looks simultaneous) that the guy in the photo getting the flame thrown at him is in the same position in the video still and the shooter is down below on the street to the left of them. You can see both the white guys in the still of the video AT THE SAME TIME. 2 different guys!
You didnt even realize a flame thrower was involved, you asked for a link. Then it was privided and you're all over the defense map.

Your agenda is shot
I saw the so-called flamethrower.

So what do you think my agenda is?

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