They Found Footage of A Deranged Racist ANTIFA Bastard Shooting Into The Crowd in Charlottesville

He didn't shoot into the crowd. He shot into the dirt in front of the asshole with the hairspray can and the lighter. Obvious for even the most blind of observers. So what does that make you?
Note the person who this poster is taking the DEFENSIVE position on.

That is all.

I did note it. I am also an expert witness when it comes to firearms issues and have testified in Court many times across this nation of ours. He was pointing it at the dirt in front of the spray can user. It's obvious. Your claim is BS.
Ya'll lower 48ers are so weird... If someone threatens you with anything that can cause bodily harm you're authorized to shoot them up here. Yet here's this thread whining that a guy shot the ground, not even shooting at the punk, just firing a warning shot. There are no warning shots in Alaska, just sayin.

Shooting at the ground in front of a group of people seems pretty dangerous. If the bullet ricochets it might hit an innocent person. I don't know if it could be convincingly argued that the guy with the makeshift flame-thrower was seriously threatening anyone at the time the man shot; perhaps that will be the shooter's defense? Whatever the case, from what I read he's being charged with discharging a firearm within 1000 feet of a school. :dunno:

It certainly "could", but it most likely can't. Based on the plants growing in that area the dirt is a loamy type which sucks bullets deep. That being said the asshat that pulled the trigger needs to be arrested for discharge of a firearm in public. That is a crime. He was not in fear for his life, so the shot was not justified.
~shrug~ "near a school" sounds like a misdemeanor, rather than a felony charge, a reasonable judge would probably just slap him on the wrist with some probation or a fine. A gun hater judge will probably ignore the fact that he was facing a flamethrower in hostile hands and throw the book at him - though if "near a school" is all they came up with, I'd say they don't have anything else that'll stick. We'll see what happens.
Ya'll lower 48ers are so weird... If someone threatens you with anything that can cause bodily harm you're authorized to shoot them up here. Yet here's this thread whining that a guy shot the ground, not even shooting at the punk, just firing a warning shot. There are no warning shots in Alaska, just sayin.

Shooting at the ground in front of a group of people seems pretty dangerous. If the bullet ricochets it might hit an innocent person. I don't know if it could be convincingly argued that the guy with the makeshift flame-thrower was seriously threatening anyone at the time the man shot; perhaps that will be the shooter's defense? Whatever the case, from what I read he's being charged with discharging a firearm within 1000 feet of a school. :dunno:

It certainly "could", but it most likely can't. Based on the plants growing in that area the dirt is a loamy type which sucks bullets deep. That being said the asshat that pulled the trigger needs to be arrested for discharge of a firearm in public. That is a crime. He was not in fear for his life, so the shot was not justified.

~shrug~ I don't know the state/muni laws there. Up here you can shoot someone for threatening you (and no the discharge of weapons within city limits law does /not/ apply when you're defending yourself, your family, your friends, your property, your families property, or even your friends property when you're a guest, etc. Up here a typical judge would consider that situation as self defense and they'd probably be more likely to praise the guy for not shooting him than to admonish him for shooting the ground. Different country up here I suppose.

The only situation I can think of where the warning shot would be considered "in the wrong" is like... well up here you can shoot someone if they're like running from the cops (we're kind of vigilante in a way, but then not because we're heavy military and frankly chronically low on officers so it's kind of "expected" that you'll assist an officer, but it's not required or anything.) Anyway so it can get a bit fuzzy if you miss in the course of assisting the officers to take down a shooting or fleeing criminal. If your aims good then you get accolades from the public for helping out, but if you miss then there might be a "risk" fine or penalty for "discharge in city limits" or "reckless discharge" kind of laws. Generally speaking, the only reason we even have those laws up here is because it lets us tack more years on to criminal's sentences and thus keep them off the street longer, it's not something that would typically be applied to "everyone" - I suppose you could almost call it a "discriminatory" law in that it typically only applies to criminals vs folks who go out in the woods to practice shooting their guns or something. Then again, we have a crap ton more space and wild areas than most cities and we're a crap ton more used to guns than most urban yahoos. (We're at 70-75% carry in the city, 90% outside it...)
Did you see it? They found found footage of a deranged racist ANTIFA guy, wait a minute, this just seems to have really been another white supremacist expressing his innermost feelings.

Check it out...

Remember, these guys came to the "Unite The Right" rally armed to the teeth, this was their intent. This was well before ANTIFA was ever in the picture.

Will he break down in tears like that other Nazi?
Did you see it? They found found footage of a deranged racist ANTIFA guy, wait a minute, this just seems to have really been another white supremacist expressing his innermost feelings.

Check it out...

Remember, these guys came to the "Unite The Right" rally armed to the teeth, this was their intent. This was well before ANTIFA was ever in the picture.

You mean he fired at the guy with a flamethrower? That would have been a justified killing.

Life sucks for ANTIFA douche bags.
Ya'll lower 48ers are so weird... If someone threatens you with anything that can cause bodily harm you're authorized to shoot them up here. Yet here's this thread whining that a guy shot the ground, not even shooting at the punk, just firing a warning shot. There are no warning shots in Alaska, just sayin.

Shooting at the ground in front of a group of people seems pretty dangerous. If the bullet ricochets it might hit an innocent person. I don't know if it could be convincingly argued that the guy with the makeshift flame-thrower was seriously threatening anyone at the time the man shot; perhaps that will be the shooter's defense? Whatever the case, from what I read he's being charged with discharging a firearm within 1000 feet of a school. :dunno:

It certainly "could", but it most likely can't. Based on the plants growing in that area the dirt is a loamy type which sucks bullets deep. That being said the asshat that pulled the trigger needs to be arrested for discharge of a firearm in public. That is a crime. He was not in fear for his life, so the shot was not justified.

~shrug~ I don't know the state/muni laws there. Up here you can shoot someone for threatening you (and no the discharge of weapons within city limits law does /not/ apply when you're defending yourself, your family, your friends, your property, your families property, or even your friends property when you're a guest, etc. Up here a typical judge would consider that situation as self defense and they'd probably be more likely to praise the guy for not shooting him than to admonish him for shooting the ground. Different country up here I suppose.

The only situation I can think of where the warning shot would be considered "in the wrong" is like... well up here you can shoot someone if they're like running from the cops (we're kind of vigilante in a way, but then not because we're heavy military and frankly chronically low on officers so it's kind of "expected" that you'll assist an officer, but it's not required or anything.) Anyway so it can get a bit fuzzy if you miss in the course of assisting the officers to take down a shooting or fleeing criminal. If your aims good then you get accolades from the public for helping out, but if you miss then there might be a "risk" fine or penalty for "discharge in city limits" or "reckless discharge" kind of laws. Generally speaking, the only reason we even have those laws up here is because it lets us tack more years on to criminal's sentences and thus keep them off the street longer, it's not something that would typically be applied to "everyone" - I suppose you could almost call it a "discriminatory" law in that it typically only applies to criminals vs folks who go out in the woods to practice shooting their guns or something. Then again, we have a crap ton more space and wild areas than most cities and we're a crap ton more used to guns than most urban yahoos. (We're at 70-75% carry in the city, 90% outside it...)

I understand that the discharge laws don't apply in a self defense scenario. I also can see that no reasonable person would conclude that he was in any kind of fear for his person, or another. He was pissed at the asshat with the hairspray and wanted to scare him. That is an irresponsible discharge of a weapon. Period end of story.
Did you see it? They found found footage of a deranged racist ANTIFA guy, wait a minute, this just seems to have really been another white supremacist expressing his innermost feelings.

Check it out...

Remember, these guys came to the "Unite The Right" rally armed to the teeth, this was their intent. This was well before ANTIFA was ever in the picture.

Not hard to remember their intent considering the other footage of four alt-white morons beating a special ed teacher with poles for the crime of being black. That one had an armed 'guard' collaborator (actually a couple IIRC) protecting their "right" to assault.

One by one, these crazy alt right traitors are getting caught and charged.

If this really had anything to do with history, why were they yelling insults and threats to Jews and Blacks?

One by one, these crazy alt right traitors are getting caught and charged.

If this really had anything to do with history, why were they yelling insults and threats to Jews and Blacks?



Didn't hear that the first time around. I apologize and that was unacceptable. Did you not see the aerosol spraying and then the large flame??? Be honest. It sure looked like he was creating a potentially hazardous situation.

Photo above clearly shows the situation.
That's not the shooter.

White guys don't all look alike you know. The white guy in the pic is not the same white guy in the video.

Who is propping up this pic as evidence of the situation in the video, and why are you so willingly falling for it?

Did you not watch Sassy's video?
The guy is clearly using a spray can as an improvised flame thrower.
The white shooter in the video has...
  1. long hair in a ponytail
  2. bandana on backwards
  3. long black cargo pants
  4. blue sleeveless shirt
  5. Some kind of camouflage or military green vest
  6. brown construction boots

The white guy in the picture has...
  1. black baseball cap
  2. black sunglasses
  3. white short-sleeve t-shirt
  4. camouflage short pants
  5. long black socks
  6. black army-type boots

If you're saying he's the shooter, you're simply identifying YET ANOTHER angry white supremacist shooting at a crowd of people at the "Unite The Right" rally

Are you really this stupid? The video shows the guy using his n!gger rigged flame thrower.
Did you see it? They found found footage of a deranged racist ANTIFA guy, wait a minute, this just seems to have really been another white supremacist expressing his innermost feelings.

Check it out...

Remember, these guys came to the "Unite The Right" rally armed to the teeth, this was their intent. This was well before ANTIFA was ever in the picture.

Will he break down in tears like that other Nazi?

Here's one of your friends, soon the aim will not be to the groin, it'll be to the head and it won't be rubber bullets it will be live rounds :badgrin:

Did you see it? They found found footage of a deranged racist ANTIFA guy, wait a minute, this just seems to have really been another white supremacist expressing his innermost feelings.

Check it out...

Remember, these guys came to the "Unite The Right" rally armed to the teeth, this was their intent. This was well before ANTIFA was ever in the picture.

Will he break down in tears like that other Nazi?

Here's one of your friends, soon the aim will not be to the groin, it'll be to the head :badgrin:

One of my all time favorite vids!!!
Didn't hear that the first time around. I apologize and that was unacceptable. Did you not see the aerosol spraying and then the large flame??? Be honest. It sure looked like he was creating a potentially hazardous situation.

Photo above clearly shows the situation.
That's not the shooter.

White guys don't all look alike you know. The white guy in the pic is not the same white guy in the video.

Who is propping up this pic as evidence of the situation in the video, and why are you so willingly falling for it?

Did you not watch Sassy's video?
The guy is clearly using a spray can as an improvised flame thrower.

They don't watch videos or read articles, unless the videos and articles are approved from The Huffington Post, the Clown News Network, Daily Kos, Pink News, random Twitter losers who live with their parents etc.
Did you see it? They found found footage of a deranged racist ANTIFA guy, wait a minute, this just seems to have really been another white supremacist expressing his innermost feelings.

Check it out...

Remember, these guys came to the "Unite The Right" rally armed to the teeth, this was their intent. This was well before ANTIFA was ever in the picture.

Will he break down in tears like that other Nazi?

Here's one of your friends, soon the aim will not be to the groin, it'll be to the head :badgrin:

One of my all time favorite vids!!!

Here's more of the human filth, this from when the Antifa vermin were violently attempting to stop Milo - who's a Homosexual and is Jewish - from speaking at the Berkeley thing.



^^^^ Look at the Antifa faggot holding TWO Communist Hammer and Sickle flags, you can see both insignias beginning at 44 seconds in the below video, later in the video the Antifa faggots get fired upon by the police from the balcony.

The ONLY good Commie is a dead Commie.

So many of the Antifa wear spectacles and look like they couldn't get fucked in a brothel, pathetic losers, it would be easy to round them up and put them in Special Camps and dispatch them.

Pretty clear the guy was concerned about someone creating a home made flame thrower. Was it the best option?? maybe not. But it is possible he scared the guy off and prevented a tragedy. He also yelled at the guy a couple times.
Gotta link?

Yeah, he yelled at him alright, he yelled "N!GGER!" at him.

Is this you with the improvised flame thrower? No, your type are Internet Keyboard Warriors posting from the basement, your type don't have the balls.

Someone should have returned fire and actually hit him.

Instead the dumb ass brought a silly make shift flame thrower to a gun fight
I agree. He should have brought his .45 ACP or 9mm.

Bbbbut ANIFTA is peaceful
They shouldnt be peaceful. They should be militant.

Yes....antifa marxists needs to be militant.....marxists of the past murdered 100 million innocent men, women and antifa has a lot of murdering to do to catch up with that number......

"Yes....antifa marxists needs to be militant.....marxists of the past murdered 100 million innocent men, women and antifa has a lot of murdering to do to catch up with that number......"


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