They get one day and gay get one month.

The men who fought, bled, got maimed, suffered PTSD, and died are barely a blip on the radar screen in modern, American society. The “men” who dip their wick in a most filthy, bacteria-ridden part of another man's anatomy are considered “proud” and “courageous.” “Effing” sick!
To the party that likes to fuck kids it's more courageous to bend over and grab your ankles and have another gentleman rearrange your insides than to fight for your country.

THEY are the enemy. When the divorce happens... and it will.... THOSE mother fuckers will be our sworn enemy.... and they'll be right outside our borders.

godless fucks a.jpg
Makes so much mocking sense to the left doesn't it?

Um, I guess. Very few of us are going to use the day off for Memorial day to go to cemetery and put flowers on the graves of dead soldiers. It just becomes another holiday where we take trips, cook food on the barbeque, and so on. So your protestation that the war dead (who are dead and frankly don't care, one way or the other) aren't getting the same consideration as gay people is a little silly.

Nobody is getting a day off for Gay Pride month.

The men who fought, bled, got maimed, suffered PTSD, and died are barely a blip on the radar screen in modern, American society. The “men” who dip their wick in a most filthy, bacteria-ridden part of another man's anatomy are considered “proud” and “courageous.” “Effing” sick!

Has anyone ever noticed that supposedly straight homophobic people just can't stop fantasizing about anal sex? It's like a vegetarian who can't stop talking about steak.

Completely forget that half of gay people are gay women who don't do the butt sex.

Should also point out that Memorial Day is just for those who died, not those who fought, bled, got maimed, suffered PTSD, but still got to tell the tale.
Exactly this ^

I think because it's a single day, it gets more attention. Fireworks. Cookouts. Trips to memorials. Special musical events on PBS.
Exactly. I realized that a while ago when I embraced minimalism .

I used to have all these old personal items form my mother and the man who became my mentor and my true father. I had so much of their things that they were really interfering with my memories of the people and what they meant to me so I gave most of them to other people who I thought could use them or who wanted something to remember these people and I only kept a few things that were the most meaningful to me now the few things I have are precious but they were diluted when I had too much stuff
Proud that they can openly declare who they are, openly display their relationships.
Proud that they no longer have to hide in the shadows
Proud they have leftists willing to allow grooming of their children.

The men who fought, bled, got maimed, suffered PTSD, and died are barely a blip on the radar screen in modern, American society. The “men” who dip their wick in a most filthy, bacteria-ridden part of another man's anatomy are considered “proud” and “courageous.” “Effing” sick!
They'll never be forgotten.
Gay and trans shit is tiresome

Be queer, pretend to be a woman.... just leave kids alone.

They can't do that and that's the problem
There are about 50 pride events in San Francisco next month.
There is one small event for memorial day. And guess what? It is organized by "Pink Spots" an LGQBT organization.

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