They get one day and gay get one month.

That is the key
They are now mainstream and out in the open

Those who mock homosexuals are now the outcasts
Trans trenders are not homosexuals. Infact the gay community is getting sick of them. Why are you pushing them on everyone?
Actually, God is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.

You have long been on my Ignore List for your serial stupidity and atheism, but I clicked on BS Filter's post to understand his response. BSF was spot on and you are as ignorant as ever.

The Declaration of Independence cites "Nature's God."
Every bill of currency you have ever spent reads "IN GOD WE TRUST."
Our Founding Fathers were overwhelmingly Christians and said so time and again.
I won't bother to cite the countless quotations by them. You can look them up yourself.
Some sixty-five percent of Nobel Laureates in the sciences are Christians or Jews who believe in God.

The scientific evidence of the Brilliant Creator is overwhelming and statistically powerful, if you could comprehend it. I reconstituted a website offering a tiny fraction of the evidence, after my original websites were deleted by Leftist Google for my expose on Hunter Biden's pedophilia. They kill the messenger to censor all critics, in order to protect their incompetent buffoon who has rewarded them financially for their conspiracies, alongside those of Facebook, Twitter, FBI, CIA, DOJ and the media in general.

You have long been on my Ignore List for your serial stupidity and atheism, but I clicked on BS Filter's post to understand his response. BSF was spot on and you are as ignorant as ever.

The Declaration of Independence cites "Nature's God."

But the constitution doesn't... that's the point I was making. the Founders weren't Christian, they were Deists.

Also, you've been on my ignore list because you engaged in some truly creepy stalking... which is where you are going back to after this.

Some sixty-five percent of Nobel Laureates in the sciences are Christians or Jews who believe in God.
So what? All the smart people in Ancient times believed in Zeus. That didn't make Zeus a true thing.

The scientific evidence of the Brilliant Creator is overwhelming and statistically powerful, if you could comprehend it.

No, it really isn't. If your Sky PIxie is the "Creator", then why does only 1/4 of humanity believe in him?

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