They Killed 3000 Innocent People In The USA

Your definition of a genuine proposal and an actual genuine proposal differs a lot.
What offer do you think Israel should make ?

I think Israel should make an offer which, if declined, would humiliate the Palestinian leadership.

I think Israel should make an offer which demands that people all over the world acknolwedge that Israel is doing everything possible for peace.

Like this one ?

Ha! No, I don't mean a plan that was literally scrawled on a napkin.
the only thing i see here is two JEWISH posters indulging in a little whine fest and two JEWISH posters who couldn't give one single little flying fook about 3000 dead americans outside of their utility as political fodder to promote their sick zionist agenda of hatred.


Just as I hate seeing people joke about the Holocaust and Nazis, I hate seeing people turn 9/11 into a game.

There are no doubt posters here who lost family in both these atrocities - a little respect would be nice.
For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim.
Purim exalts and commemorates an ancient operation very much like 9/11. It glorifies the deceptions of Esther, who concealed her Jewish identity to seduce the King of Persia, then slyly tricked him into slaughtering 75,000 people deemed “enemies of the Jews.”
poorrichards blog: israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on purim holiday
Again we agree...It was right wing Zionism as one of the main reasons America was attacked in 9/11...Our arming Israel with bombs galore to fight grass roots Islam everywhere to control ME oil...Then Israel convinces Stupid Ass Bush via the pro Israel PNAC traitors to attack Israel's enemy Iraq, losing 4,000 young Americans for the Right Wing Zionist cause of Eretz Israel, and counting!

Yup MJ, thanks for reminding us what the Zionists did to America on 9/11...

Terrible terrible logic.
First of all, Bin Laden cited the U.S being allied with Israel as one of the reasons he panned the attack. Why did you forget the to mention the other reasons ?
Second, do you have any proof that Israel invading Iraq was a direct result of 'Zionist Pressure', or is this another one of those blame the evil JOOOOS comment ?

I clearly stated the attack was one of the Main reasons...Binladen in an interview stated that the attack by Israeli Jets during the Lebanon War on the Beirut Towers gave him the idea on how to attack America on 9/11...Of course America extended its power through Israel... the collusion is obvious...

I think America has seen the light and now supports the Arab Springs because it can no longer contain Arab Nationalism...

Israel should make peace and stop instigating Arab anger with the slow Islamic Ethnic cleasing of Muslims from Palestine.

Until this stops, there will always be war...

I completely agree, the Israelite extremism is forming a sort of prolonged "genocide" and getting rid of all Palestinian culture. That's what Zionism does, it's a form of affirmative action. Just research Zionism, it states that its against the assimilation of other cultures within the State of Israel. Iran and Amhedinejad are just simply against the biased idea of a lonely Israelite state without Palestinian equality. And it's not your average Jewish person, its just the extremism that associates with the idea of Zionism, there are plenty of Jewish people who are against Zionism and a lonely state of Israel.
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Thank you for posting this glaring example of how 9/11 CTs fudge the facts to serve their agenda ... in this case, an anti-Israeli/anti-Jew agenda.
According to your vid 2 or 3 were arrested in a van filled with explosives.
In the case of the Israeli van 5 were arrested.
In addition the arrests on the GW Bridge (or under the bridge, or on the Turnpike, or on the Parkway depending on which story you choose) did not yield explosives.
Changes to the original story were broadcast as facts came to light ... changes the CTs would not include in their videos as the truth does not support their CTs.
Your story is bogus, the connection to Israel is bogus, and you are a typical Nazi trying to sell your hate on the Internet as so many Nazis do. Sieg Heil, Bubba!

"On CBS Tuesday night there was a report -- originated by its New York station, WCBS -- that a van filled with explosives had been found on the George Washington Bridge. Though men in a van were detained, the vehicle did not contain explosives. Still, CBS said the report was based on trusted sources and the station corrected it when it learned that the report was in dispute."

AFTER THE ATTACKS - THE COVERAGE - Some Flawed Information Occasionally Creeps In -
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Eots -

Wonderfuil audio - I love the part where the cop says "I don't know why anyone would be interested in this."

A damning incitement indeed!

9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks - YouTube

More fudging of the facts. The officer told one story (no explosives, no resisting arrest) despite the AFP interviewer trying desperately to feed him a bogus story filled with fabrications. So who or what is American Free Press? How about the offspring of Liberty Lobby's "Spotlight" mag, whose founder, Willis Carto, has been one of America's most influential political racial theorists known for his promotion of antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial.
Gee, Naziboy, is there no Nazi source to which you don't subscribe? :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

Thank you for posting this glaring example of how 9/11 CTs fudge the facts to serve their agenda ... in this case, an anti-Israeli/anti-Jew agenda.
According to your vid 2 or 3 were arrested in a van filled with explosives.
In the case of the Israeli van 5 were arrested.
In addition the arrests on the GW Bridge (or under the bridge, or on the Turnpike, or on the Parkway depending on which story you choose) did not yield explosives.
Changes to the original story were broadcast as facts came to light ... changes the CTs would not include in their videos as the truth does not support their CTs.
Your story is bogus, the connection to Israel is bogus, and you are a typical Nazi trying to sell your hate on the Internet as so many Nazis do. Sieg Heil, Bubba!

"On CBS Tuesday night there was a report -- originated by its New York station, WCBS -- that a van filled with explosives had been found on the George Washington Bridge. Though men in a van were detained, the vehicle did not contain explosives. Still, CBS said the report was based on trusted sources and the station corrected it when it learned that the report was in dispute."

AFTER THE ATTACKS - THE COVERAGE - Some Flawed Information Occasionally Creeps In -

Fuck you and your anti American anti Gentile agenda asshole. Any thinking American should be appalled at the amount of Israeli infiltration and intimidation there is in our nation. There is nothing wrong with being Pro American, and pointing out who the real antisemitic apartheid nuclear armed Sampson option psychopathic Nazi's are in the world today.
If you hate America and love Israel so much GTFO.

Thank you for posting this glaring example of how 9/11 CTs fudge the facts to serve their agenda ... in this case, an anti-Israeli/anti-Jew agenda.
According to your vid 2 or 3 were arrested in a van filled with explosives.
In the case of the Israeli van 5 were arrested.
In addition the arrests on the GW Bridge (or under the bridge, or on the Turnpike, or on the Parkway depending on which story you choose) did not yield explosives.
Changes to the original story were broadcast as facts came to light ... changes the CTs would not include in their videos as the truth does not support their CTs.
Your story is bogus, the connection to Israel is bogus, and you are a typical Nazi trying to sell your hate on the Internet as so many Nazis do. Sieg Heil, Bubba!

"On CBS Tuesday night there was a report -- originated by its New York station, WCBS -- that a van filled with explosives had been found on the George Washington Bridge. Though men in a van were detained, the vehicle did not contain explosives. Still, CBS said the report was based on trusted sources and the station corrected it when it learned that the report was in dispute."

AFTER THE ATTACKS - THE COVERAGE - Some Flawed Information Occasionally Creeps In -

Fuck you and your anti American anti Gentile agenda asshole. Any thinking American should be appalled at the amount of Israeli infiltration and intimidation there is in our nation. There is nothing wrong with being Pro American, and pointing out who the real antisemitic apartheid nuclear armed Sampson option psychopathic Nazi's are in the world today.
If you hate America and love Israel so much GTFO.

Uh-huh, and thankfully America has you Nazi types to protect us, eh Princess? :lol: :lol: :lol:

9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks - YouTube

More fudging of the facts. The officer told one story (no explosives, no resisting arrest) despite the AFP interviewer trying desperately to feed him a bogus story filled with fabrications. So who or what is American Free Press? How about the offspring of Liberty Lobby's "Spotlight" mag, whose founder, Willis Carto, has been one of America's most influential political racial theorists known for his promotion of antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial.
Gee, Naziboy, is there no Nazi source to which you don't subscribe? :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

what a fruit cake...its was all in mainstream news...

9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks - YouTube

More fudging of the facts. The officer told one story (no explosives, no resisting arrest) despite the AFP interviewer trying desperately to feed him a bogus story filled with fabrications. So who or what is American Free Press? How about the offspring of Liberty Lobby's "Spotlight" mag, whose founder, Willis Carto, has been one of America's most influential political racial theorists known for his promotion of antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial.
Gee, Naziboy, is there no Nazi source to which you don't subscribe? :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

what a fruit cake...its was all in mainstream news...

You're a liar (what a surprise!)! You posted that AFP interview with the cop, claiming "THE REPORT IN NOT IN DISPUTE BY THE OFFICER INVOLVED" when, in fact, he refuted your claims despite the lame efforts of the AFP (read: Nazi) interviewer to get him to validate your bogus story. In typical fashion you defend your lies by piling on more lies. :D

You seem to forget your earlier Youtubes falsely attempted to connect the Israelis to a van full of explosives and then posted another in which the arresting cop was interviewed by a Nazi reporter from AFP. You claimed the cop supported your charges but of course he did no such thing. Your own Youtubes prove you a dime-a-dozen Nazi liar selling your hate. Sieg heil, Bubba! :D
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