They know it's not just "a clump of cells"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"For decades, Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocates have insisted that abortion does not end human life, but rather removes undifferentiated “clumps of cells” before they develop human characteristics. Last year’s undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress exposed that claim as utterly false, capturing PP executives haggling over prices for organ sales from aborted fetuses, including hearts, brains, livers, and entire intact bodies. Live Action follows that up with former PP clinic managers, who explain the reality of abortion and the need for the euphemism “products of conception” rather than saying body parts while making sure an abortion has been completed:

"Today, national pro-life organization Live Action released video testimonials from a former Planned Parenthood manager and nurse describing in detail what happens immediately following abortions in the “products of conception” lab where abortionists sift through the dismembered body parts of the babies they just killed.

"The gruesome process these women describe exposes not only the barbarism of abortion, but also that Planned Parenthood isn’t aborting “clumps of cells” or “products of conception” – euphemisms the abortion industry often uses to mislead women about how developed their babies are – but rather children with beating hearts at just three and a half weeks old."

As those of us who actually care about human rights have always maintained...changing the terms does not change the reality. Just because you SAY they aren't people doesn't mean they aren't people (something we learned with WWII).

I think the thing that people find so hard to conceive of is that pro-abortionist death cultists really don't believe the tripe they spout. In reality, they're just okay with exploiting vulnerable women, and chopping up babies. They get a charge out of it.

"“He would sometimes talk to [the aborted child], saying – I’ll never forget him saying, ‘Now, where’s your little arm? I didn’t see – I’m missing this arm.’ And he would sift through it, trying to find the pieces, make sure he had everything. And then he’d say – I remember him saying, ‘Oh, there you are! Now, where’s the head and where’s this?’… There was another doctor who also visited… He really seemed to kind of get into it. He – I’ll never forget the first day he was there – and he goes, ‘Look at this – this is so cool!’”

"Abortion defenders claim that the procedure does not terminate life, and that it has no more moral meaning than excising a tumor or a cyst, a “clump of cells” in the most common construction. On Twitter, a young actor in Hollywood offered a more crude assessment this week. “A pile of goop should not have more rights than a human being,” Lucas Neff tweeted, “period.”

"Now, though, we see that the same abortion clinics that argue for the “pile of goop” status see things very, very differently when it comes time to benefit from the results of their services. They adjust their techniques to extract and market human organs for buyers to meet demand, with the clear value attached on the basis of both their humanity and specificity. Clinic executives like Dr. Ginde want to negotiate those markets on a per-item basis because of the value that humanity and specificity provides to both parties, “just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

"The true danger to Planned Parenthood and the entire industry is the exposure of their hypocrisy. The two positions of “clumps of cells” and negotiating over human organs from abortions are mutually exclusive. One cannot extract human organs from “a pile of goop,” or from tumors or undifferentiated “clumps of cells.” Human organs come from human beings, and the only way to harvest them from unborn human beings is to kill them first. The videos cut through all of the misdirection, all of the antiseptic generalities used in defense of abortion, to expose its true nature — and that’s what has Planned Parenthood panicked over the videos."

How the Planned Parenthood videos expose abortion for what it truly is
Former Planned Parenthood workers: They know it’s not just a “clump of cells” - Hot Air
A person, including a woman, has a right to have any growths removed from their body.

It is their body.

If the growth can survive outside of the womb then it should be incubated and brought to full term.

If not then they can use it for research, sure, why not ??

They like to cloak themselves in this self-righteous argument that they provide all these essential services to women other than abortion. They CLAIM that abortion only accounts for 3% of their services but it's because of how they calculate that number. If a woman comes to them for an abortion, she may also receive birth control for the future, counseling, STD testing, etc. All of these services are counted and abortion is considered a small portion of her overall services provided... in reality, the abortion was the only service she came for. If you go to a steak house and you have 1)steak 2)potato 3)salad 4)desert 5)appetizer 6)beverage... did you only eat 16% steak?

According to their OWN website... they served 725,000 women worldwide in 2012... they performed 327,000 abortions. Do the math. 45% of the women PP saw in 2012 received an abortion. BY THEIR OWN NUMBERS!
OK, you ever so compassionate 'Conservatives', let us see you establish a fund for mothers that are forced to carry the baby to term. And make the fund cover the cost of raising the child. Otherwise your 'morals' are just self righteous drivel.
A person, including a woman, has a right to have any growths removed from their body.

It is their body.

If the growth can survive outside of the womb then it should be incubated and brought to full term.

If not then they can use it for research, sure, why not ??

Because the "growth" in question is a human being. The very same argument was once made regarding slaves who lived on your property and belonged to you. You could treat them anyway you pleased because they belonged to you and it was your property. This was justified for years while we denied that slaves were human beings.
OK, you ever so compassionate 'Conservatives', let us see you establish a fund for mothers that are forced to carry the baby to term. And make the fund cover the cost of raising the child. Otherwise your 'morals' are just self righteous drivel.

Since WHEN does money become a factor in whether someone is allowed to live or die? We could easily apply this standard to welfare recipients and start the furnaces up tomorrow... we can't afford to take care of these people, right?

There are waiting lists of thousands of couples wanting to adopt children. This number continues to grow every year. We don't have a shortage of people willing to adopt, we have a shortage of children TO adopt. But even if this weren't the case, is THAT a reason or justification to end human life? I think about all the millions of people who no one really gives a damn about, whether they live or die.... should we advocate extermination for them? Too much of a burden to care for? Of course not! So why would anyone make such an asinine argument regarding infants?
OK, you ever so compassionate 'Conservatives', let us see you establish a fund for mothers that are forced to carry the baby to term. And make the fund cover the cost of raising the child. Otherwise your 'morals' are just self righteous drivel.

How about YOU people start being responsible?
A person, including a woman, has a right to have any growths removed from their body.

It is their body.

If the growth can survive outside of the womb then it should be incubated and brought to full term.

If not then they can use it for research, sure, why not ??

Because the "growth" in question is a human being. The very same argument was once made regarding slaves who lived on your property and belonged to you. You could treat them anyway you pleased because they belonged to you and it was your property. This was justified for years while we denied that slaves were human beings.
Since there is never going to be any agreement on this from both sides which are highly charged and polarized, we need a national dialog resulting in a Federal amendment, one way or the other.

Whenever a civilization cannot agree on an issue, it should vote, one person one vote.

However the vote goes we should live with that and stop crying about it.
A person, including a woman, has a right to have any growths removed from their body.

It is their body.
That is bullshit and if you could give it even a fleeting thought you would realize it.

Women cannot take illicit drugs, cannot sell their body parts legally and cannot legally engage in prostitution in most states.

This idea that a woman should have the legal right to murder her child in the womb is a ghastly lie predicated on the stupidest assumptions on the planet.
Pro-lifers, we know you're lying. You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. It's an insanely stupid to say specks are people, and even you aren't that dumb.

So what's your real motivation? What do you gain from lying like that?

Oh, wait. Sassy gives it away.

How about YOU people start being responsible?

You're just pervy control freaks, forever obsessing about who is having "improper" sex.
Pro-lifers, we know you're lying. You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. It's an insanely stupid to say specks are people, and even you aren't that dumb.

So what's your real motivation? What do you gain from lying like that?

Oh, wait. Sassy gives it away.

How about YOU people start being responsible?

You're just pervy control freaks, forever obsessing about who is having "improper" sex.

You're incapable of grasping it. Be responsible and you won't have to kill your unborn child.

Now shut up, you daffy libturd
You're incapable of grasping it. Be responsible and you won't have to kill your unborn child.

Now shut up, you daffy libturd

It clearly bugs the hell out of you, you poor little control freak sicko, knowing that people are boinking out of wedlock, and that there's nothing you can do to stop it.

That's another reason why it's so good to be a liberal. We don't feel the need to be bedroom police.
Pro-lifers, we know you're lying. You don't think abortion is murder. Nobody does. It's an insanely stupid to say specks are people, and even you aren't that dumb.

So what's your real motivation? What do you gain from lying like that?

Oh, wait. Sassy gives it away.

How about YOU people start being responsible?

You're just pervy control freaks, forever obsessing about who is having "improper" sex.
They didn't even care about abortion until the Religious Right needed a steady money maker in the 70s.
You're incapable of grasping it. Be responsible and you won't have to kill your unborn child.

Now shut up, you daffy libturd

It clearly bugs the hell out of you, you poor little control freak sicko, knowing that people are boinking out of wedlock, and that there's nothing you can do to stop it.

That's another reason why it's so good to be a liberal. We don't feel the need to be bedroom police.

You're a loon.

Only a selfish asshole would murder their own child, asshole
Since there is never going to be any agreement on this from both sides which are highly charged and polarized, we need a national dialog resulting in a Federal amendment, one way or the other.

Whenever a civilization cannot agree on an issue, it should vote, one person one vote.

However the vote goes we should live with that and stop crying about it.

I disagree with this on the fundamental basis that "right to life" is an inherent natural right that cannot be alienated. It's not up to a national referendum. IF we had held a national vote on whether or not slaves were people back in 1861, slaves would've never been freed. This is one of the dangers of a pure Democracy and why we established a representative Republic instead. Indeed, it took the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to abolish slavery in the US... along with a costly war.

I am opposed to the killing of a million unborn human beings each year, mostly for the sake of convenience and vanity. It's sick and wrong. I'm not unreasonable, I understand there are certain circumstances, I understand unusual situations exist... I don't advocate that we completely ban any and all abortions in the United States. In fact, for most first trimester abortions, with certain criteria met, I don't have a problem with allowing them. BUT... I think this should be decided on a State level so as to protect individual liberty... if you really want an abortion and you live in a state where it's illegal, you can go to another state. If your state is cool with abortions and make them legal in the first trimester and you don't like that, you can move to another state. Why doesn't that work for you?

Let me tell you why... because the extremes on both sides don't really want to solve the problem. The Issue is what is important to them because it helps them push a narrative and agenda. It's far more crucial to maintain The Issue than to actually work together for a mutual resolution we can all live with.
So...the GOP have a pretty sweeping control of the federal government. Why is abortion still legal?

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