"..they may have been phoney in the past, but they're for real now.."

You were never a Hillary fan????????

NEVER a Hillary fan...........She was forced upon me by an orange clown.

You mean you were "Feeling the Berne". A Marxist.

What did you think about Ole Share-The-Wealth-Bernie buying his third house (this one on a lake) with the payoff he got from the Clintons for his support?

Has there ever been a worse pack of Hypocrites than the Democrat Party is today? I doubt it.
Sean Spicer stated the above (quoting Trump, as he instructed) with a wide smirk on his face knowing full well that he thrown before the press corps and asked to LIE.

Of course, Spicer was commenting on the job growth of this past month, the 85th straight month of an upward tic in the employment market.....Although under Obama the growth had been higher on a per month basis, Trump wanted...DEMANDED....all the glory for the good news.

Look, my right wing friends, be honest (if not to the rest of us) to yourselves, and admit that the Trumpster is a narcissistic, LIAR.
A white house spokesman lying? Dear Lord what is the world coming to?

Did you just arrive on these shores?
Here some facts about Obama, your messiah and salvation:

Meanwhile, annualized GDP growth nearly stalled in the first quarter at a meager 0.5 percent. This is down from already tepid 1.4 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Obama is the only U.S. chief executive in history not to preside over even a single year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes:
  • ‘From 1790 to 2000, U.S. real GDP growth averaged 3.79 percent,’ entrepreneur Louis Woodhill explained at RealClearMarkets. He expects final figures to show that ‘2015 will have been the tenth year in a row that real GDP growth came in at under 3.0 percent.’
During the Obama years, the number of Americans below the poverty line is up 3.5 percent.

Real median household income: down 2.3 percent.

Americans on Food Stamps — 33 million then, 46 million now: up 39.5 percent.

Americans who own homes: down 5.6 percent.

National debt — $10.63 trillion then vs. $19.19 trillion last Wednesday: up 80.5 percent.

'Nuff said.

I guess that morons like you try to divert when the original question posed is too hard......Expected from Trump lap dogs....

But out of curiosity, did you know that the TWO wars during the GWB illustrious years were never placed in the national debt until Obama was honest enough to include those costs?
.....and Medicare Advantage was also a "hidden" debt....LOL

Books prove you wrong, but you post it for years. No time to re-educate, Easier to ignore.....
I don't like blatant lying, I have not really seen it from DJT? Maybe a few exaggerations? A few embellishments? Like an entertainer, not a liar. I know what he is trying to say.
Sean Spicer stated the above (quoting Trump, as he instructed) with a wide smirk on his face knowing full well that he thrown before the press corps and asked to LIE.

Of course, Spicer was commenting on the job growth of this past month, the 85th straight month of an upward tic in the employment market.....Although under Obama the growth had been higher on a per month basis, Trump wanted...DEMANDED....all the glory for the good news.

Look, my right wing friends, be honest (if not to the rest of us) to yourselves, and admit that the Trumpster is a narcissistic, LIAR.

Yes, he is. And so is Obama, and Hillary, so what's your point? Politicians, especially successful ones, are all narcissistic liars. Are you that naive that you don't realize that?
Again it is a question of the frequency and magnitude of the lying
Trumps lying is unprecidented
What it means is the public and other countries can assign no credibility to what he says.......that is the way it works with liars
Sean Spicer stated the above (quoting Trump, as he instructed) with a wide smirk on his face knowing full well that he thrown before the press corps and asked to LIE.

Of course, Spicer was commenting on the job growth of this past month, the 85th straight month of an upward tic in the employment market.....Although under Obama the growth had been higher on a per month basis, Trump wanted...DEMANDED....all the glory for the good news.

Look, my right wing friends, be honest (if not to the rest of us) to yourselves, and admit that the Trumpster is a narcissistic, LIAR.

Spicer would have been good at selling Trump University enrollments.
You are daily making a Fool of yourself on this board. Its not my business really; but it seems someone ought to let you know.

Actually, and with ALL due respect, let me tell you to go royally fuck yourself.

I was never a Hillary fan, but you and your fellow morons helped to elect a clown, and if your ilk "thinks" that such is an improvement, you deserve to be royally screwed.......At the very least, I did not vote to be screwed.....YOU, on the other hand, actually paid for the rope to hang yourself.......LOL

Bugs Bunny would be better than the Hildabitch, sorry.
The Trumpster may have a personality disorder or two...don't we all.

But, he had the good fortune to be running against a craven haint who thought America was a Banana Republic, and she got to be President just because her husband was President, like Evita Peron. And he was running against a Democratic Party which had been jerked to the left by Bolshiviks who now dominate it.

So, people in Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, voted for the dude with personality disorders. Sometimes you have to take a chance, and hope you get lucky. The Britts were absolutely sure that Winston Churchill was bat-shit crazy....until the Huns were at the Gate...and they had to take a chance on Crazy.

You Pinheads need to realize that the People knew they were taking a chance on Trump. Sometimes only evil choices are available to the wisdom of man.

They did so after hearing intense screeching from the Liberal Press, and they have not changed their minds just because of the continued intense screeching from a Press which they value just about at the level of cockroaches and head lice.

You are daily making a Fool of yourself on this board. Its not my business really; but it seems someone ought to let you know.

So in other words you are too stupid to address the FACTS presented by the op AND/OR you know he is lying, but that's okay because he is a conservative.
Either way, that's makes you pretty sorry....
Trump has surrounded himself with people who are willing, for a paycheck, to treat the truth with the same amount of contempt that Trump himself is willing.
Here's the challenge...there will be three more pages of conservative lying, deflecting,twisting, strawman,etc. and not a single one will be adult and honest enough to admit that spicer was lying and full of bullshit...
conservatives can you simply admit the common sense truth that was put right before your eyes...spicer blatantly lied in front of the country.
You are daily making a Fool of yourself on this board. Its not my business really; but it seems someone ought to let you know.

Actually, and with ALL due respect, let me tell you to go royally fuck yourself.

I was never a Hillary fan, but you and your fellow morons helped to elect a clown, and if your ilk "thinks" that such is an improvement, you deserve to be royally screwed.......At the very least, I did not vote to be screwed.....YOU, on the other hand, actually paid for the rope to hang yourself.......LOL
Must be sad to know that the person your party ran was beaten soundly by a clown. That says a whole lot about the modern democrat party. The people got tired of the malaise of the democrats. The people got tired of you and you ilk telling us how bad we were. We got tired of your S&it and showed you at the ballot box.

If you don't like Trump you have only yourselves to blame. You were told but as always you are so damn sure of yourself but so damn wrong.
Here's the challenge...there will be three more pages of conservative lying, deflecting,twisting, strawman,etc. and not a single one will be adult and honest enough to admit that spicer was lying and full of bullshit...
conservatives can you simply admit the common sense truth that was put right before your eyes...spicer blatantly lied in front of the country.
How about we deplorables just admit we don't give a chit about what you or the OP has to say? Elections have consequences, you and your ilk should have thought about that when you cheated Sanders and ran such a terrible candidate as Hillary.
Here's the challenge...there will be three more pages of conservative lying, deflecting,twisting, strawman,etc. and not a single one will be adult and honest enough to admit that spicer was lying and full of bullshit...
conservatives can you simply admit the common sense truth that was put right before your eyes...spicer blatantly lied in front of the country.
How about we deplorables just admit we don't give a chit about what you or the OP has to say? Elections have consequences, you and your ilk should have thought about that when you cheated Sanders and ran such a terrible candidate as Hillary.
While you are at it, you "deplorables" just helped cement that sentiment...but I know you couldn't address the o.p. the truth is too painful for you...
conservatives can you simply admit the common sense truth that was put right before your eyes.

Like in the children's story about the emperor's new clothes, if the above finally dawns on conservatives, Trump is history......and NOT "good history."
Add one more to the bullshit/deflection column...lol.
I gave you a very direct answer, we don't give a chit what you think and we are not going to dance for you like puppets. NO one gives a crap about your fake issues other than you and your ilk and you only care because you want to cause division, well we the deplorables are not playing your game no matter how much you whine.
Add one more to the bullshit/deflection column...lol.
I gave you a very direct answer, we don't give a chit what you think and we are not going to dance for you like puppets. NO one gives a crap about your fake issues other than you and your ilk and you only care because you want to cause division, well we the deplorables are not playing your game no matter how much you whine.
Maybe you believe stupidity is a positive character trait,,,it ain't.
The simple fact is that spicer got on the WH news podium and lied...take off your menstrual stained panties and put some boxers on...
spicer lied and you lapped it up...

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