They said it: Israeli leaders on Palestine

Do you agree 96 out of every 100 inhabitants of the land between the River and the sea were non-Jews when the political movement of Zionism began in Europe in the late 19th century?
Nope, Jerusalem had majority Jewish population in the late 1800's.
Which says nothing about the total ratio of Jew to non-Jew living between the River and the sea in the late 1800s.
Sure it does. All of Israel and Jordan were supposed to be Jewish Palestine. Arabs didn't like it, so the British imported a ruler related to the Saudi King from Saudi Arabia and carved out an "Arab Palestine" aka Jordan. Israel became Jewish Palestine, but the Arabs still couldn't accept a Jewish state in the ancient homeland of the Jews in their midst. They attacked it again and again, and lost their butts, again and again. It was never over creating this fictional Palestine, as the Arabs themselves scoffed at the idea of a Palestine the most. So the Arab population, who are recent invaders from neighboring Arab states to the land, refused to accept Jordan as Arab Palestine, and refused to accept a Jewish state, and subsequently attacked the Jewish state, many times.

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity".

Who was it that made this brilliant statement?
Do you agree 96 out of every 100 inhabitants of the land between the River and the sea were non-Jews when the political movement of Zionism began in Europe in the late 19th century?

Why should anyone agree with that: it's not true. Zionism didn't 'begin' in the late 19th C. - nor are Zionist fanatics.

Alison Weir is about as reliable a source of information on Zionism as Henry Ford is on Judaism.

That ratio seems disjointed. By the late 1800's the two major Aliyot from Russia had already taken place. Also, the Holy Land was not altogether devoid of Jews from 70 CE. There was a great mystical movement in Sefad, and Tiberias was also flourishing during those Diaspora years.
I suppose we would first have to agree on a source:
"However, according to the data of Karpat, cited here, in the Ottoman Turkish Census of 1893, there were 371,959 Muslims and 42,689 Christians, for a total of 414,648 Arab Palestinians, and only about 9,000 Jews. The data of Beinin and Hajar probably include subdistricts of the Acre Sanjak that are in modern Lebanon. Everyone agrees that the numbers for Jews and Muslims are far too low. Rupin (cited in the same article here) claimed there were a total of 689,275 persons in Palestine in 1893, of whom about 80,000 were Jews. This number is probably an overestimate.
This could prove confusing.
Nope, Jerusalem had majority Jewish population in the late 1800's.
Which says nothing about the total ratio of Jew to non-Jew living between the River and the sea in the late 1800s.
Sure it does. All of Israel and Jordan were supposed to be Jewish Palestine. Arabs didn't like it, so the British imported a ruler related to the Saudi King from Saudi Arabia and carved out an "Arab Palestine" aka Jordan. Israel became Jewish Palestine, but the Arabs still couldn't accept a Jewish state in the ancient homeland of the Jews in their midst. They attacked it again and again, and lost their butts, again and again. It was never over creating this fictional Palestine, as the Arabs themselves scoffed at the idea of a Palestine the most. So the Arab population, who are recent invaders from neighboring Arab states to the land, refused to accept Jordan as Arab Palestine, and refused to accept a Jewish state, and subsequently attacked the Jewish state, many times.

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity".

Who was it that made this brilliant statement?
River to the sea, Hasbara.
Ten times as many Arabs as Jews.
Let the other "Roudy" try.
She's much smarter than you are.
We know that Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders made racist statements and had racist intentions.
"Under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to fellahs or worked by them. Only if a fellah leaves his place of settlement, should we offer to buy his land, at an appropriate price.
- Written statement (1920), as quoted in Teveth, Shabtai (1985), Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs: From Peace to War, Oxford University Press.​

"We do not wish, we do not need to expel the Arabs and take their place. All our aspirations are built upon the assumption — Proven throughout All our activity in the Land — that there is enough room in the country for ourselves and the Arabs."
- Letter to his son Amos (5 October 1937), as quoted in Teveth, Shabtai, Ben Gurion: The Burning Ground; and Karsh, Efraim (2000), Fabricating Israeli History: The 'New Historians'; this has been extensively Misquoted as "[We] must expel Arabs and take their places" after appearing in this form in Morris, Benny (1987), The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947–1949, Cambridge University Press, p. 25.​

"Even amidst the violent attacks launched against us for months past, we call upon the sons of the Arab people dwelling in Israel to keep the peace and to play their part in building the State on the basis of Full and Equal citizenship and due representation in all its institutions, provisional and permanent."

- Israel's Proclamation of Independence, read by Ben-Gurion on May 14, 1948​

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"In the late 1800s a small, fanatic movement called 'political Zionism' began in Europe.

"Its goal was to create a Jewish state somewhere in the world.

"Its leaders settled on the ancient and long-inhabited land of Palestine for the location of this state.1

"Palestine's population at this time was approximately ninety-six percent non-Jewish (primarily Muslim and Christian)"

Do you agree?

I didn't understand the question

Do you agree 96 out of every 100 inhabitants of the land between the River and the sea were non-Jews when the political movement of Zionism began in Europe in the late 19th century?


That's historically incorrect.

Most Arab squatters came to Israel at the beginning of the 20st century and suddenly invented a false nation that didn't exist before.
We know that Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders made racist statements and had racist intentions.
"Under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to fellahs or worked by them. Only if a fellah leaves his place of settlement, should we offer to buy his land, at an appropriate price.
- Written statement (1920), as quoted in Teveth, Shabtai (1985), Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs: From Peace to War, Oxford University Press.​

"We do not wish, we do not need to expel the Arabs and take their place. All our aspirations are built upon the assumption — Proven throughout All our activity in the Land — that there is enough room in the country for ourselves and the Arabs."
- Letter to his son Amos (5 October 1937), as quoted in Teveth, Shabtai, Ben Gurion: The Burning Ground; and Karsh, Efraim (2000), Fabricating Israeli History: The 'New Historians'; this has been extensively Misquoted as "[We] must expel Arabs and take their places" after appearing in this form in Morris, Benny (1987), The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947–1949, Cambridge University Press, p. 25.​

"Even amidst the violent attacks launched against us for months past, we call upon the sons of the Arab people dwelling in Israel to keep the peace and to play their part in building the State on the basis of Full and Equal citizenship and due representation in all its institutions, provisional and permanent."

- Israel's Proclamation of Independence, read by Ben-Gurion on May 14, 1948​

"From the beginning, Zionists advocated a 'Jewish State' not just in
Palestine, but also in Jordan, southern Lebanon, and the Golan Heights as well. In 1918 Ben-Gurion described the future
'Jewish state's' frontiers in details as follows:

"'to the north, the Litani river [in southern Lebanon], to the
northeast, the Wadi 'Owja, twenty miles south of Damascus; the southern border
will be mobile and pushed into Sinai at least up to Wadi al-'Arish; and to the
east, the Syrian Desert, including the furthest edge of Transjordan'" (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 87)
Click here to view the 'Greater Israel'
map that was submitted by the Zionists to the peace conference after WWI.

"In an article published by Ben-Gurion
in 1918, titled 'The
Rights of the Jews and others in Palestine," he conceded that the
Palestinian Arabs have the same rights as Jews. He explained that Palestinians had
these rights since they had inhabited the land 'for hundreds of
. He stated in the article:

"'Palestine is not an empty country . . . on no
account must we injure the rights of the inhabitants.
' Ben-Gurion
returned to this point, emphasizing that Palestinian Arabs had 'the full
right' to an independent economic, cultural, and communal life, but not
political. (Shabtai Teveth,
Such a Deal.

David Ben-Gurion-A Brief Biography & Quotes - Palestine Remembered:eek:

"In the 1970s and 80s, Rajoub served 17 years in Israeli prison for terrorist activity."

Do you know the details of Rajoub's "terrorist activity?"

?Moderate? Palestinian Leader Swears: ?If We Had a Nuke, We?d Have Used It This Very Morning?

"In the 1970s and 80s, Rajoub served 17 years in Israeli prison for terrorist activity."

Do you know the details of Rajoub's "terrorist activity?"

?Moderate? Palestinian Leader Swears: ?If We Had a Nuke, We?d Have Used It This Very Morning?

Quite a serial offender, isn't he?

"In the 1970s and 80s, Rajoub served 17 years in Israeli prison for terrorist activity."

Do you know the details of Rajoub's "terrorist activity?"

?Moderate? Palestinian Leader Swears: ?If We Had a Nuke, We?d Have Used It This Very Morning?

Quite a serial offender, isn't he?
Resisting Israel's occupation of Palestine is not an offense.
"In 1940, German occupational authorities began to concentrate Poland's population of over three million Jews into a number of extremely crowded ghettos located in large Polish cities."
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In the 1970s and 80s, Rajoub served 17 years in Israeli prison for terrorist activity."

Do you know the details of Rajoub's "terrorist activity?"

?Moderate? Palestinian Leader Swears: ?If We Had a Nuke, We?d Have Used It This Very Morning?

Quite a serial offender, isn't he?
Resisting Israel's occupation of Palestine is not an offense.
"In 1940, German occupational authorities began to concentrate Poland's population of over three million Jews into a number of extremely crowded ghettos located in large Polish cities."
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Big big fail.

No comparison at all. Anyone can see that.
"In the 1970s and 80s, Rajoub served 17 years in Israeli prison for terrorist activity."

Do you know the details of Rajoub's "terrorist activity?"

?Moderate? Palestinian Leader Swears: ?If We Had a Nuke, We?d Have Used It This Very Morning?

Quite a serial offender, isn't he?
Resisting Israel's occupation of Palestine is not an offense.
"In 1940, German occupational authorities began to concentrate Poland's population of over three million Jews into a number of extremely crowded ghettos located in large Polish cities."
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazi comparisons are for idiots
Quite a serial offender, isn't he?
Resisting Israel's occupation of Palestine is not an offense.
"In 1940, German occupational authorities began to concentrate Poland's population of over three million Jews into a number of extremely crowded ghettos located in large Polish cities."
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazi comparisons are for idiots
"In January 1941, (the Idiot) Stern attempted to make an agreement with the German Nazi authorities, offering to 'actively take part in the war on Germany's side' in return for German support for Jewish immigration to Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish state.

"Another attempt to contact the Germans was made in late 1941, but there is no record of a German response in either case.[12]"

Avraham Stern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Resisting Israel's occupation of Palestine is not an offense.
"In 1940, German occupational authorities began to concentrate Poland's population of over three million Jews into a number of extremely crowded ghettos located in large Polish cities."
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazi comparisons are for idiots
"In January 1941, (the Idiot) Stern attempted to make an agreement with the German Nazi authorities, offering to 'actively take part in the war on Germany's side' in return for German support for Jewish immigration to Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish state.

"Another attempt to contact the Germans was made in late 1941, but there is no record of a German response in either case.[12]"

Avraham Stern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Benedict Arnold in American history to Dathan at the time of the Ten Commandments, there are always going to be traitors around.
Nazi comparisons are for idiots
"In January 1941, (the Idiot) Stern attempted to make an agreement with the German Nazi authorities, offering to 'actively take part in the war on Germany's side' in return for German support for Jewish immigration to Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish state.

"Another attempt to contact the Germans was made in late 1941, but there is no record of a German response in either case.[12]"

Avraham Stern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Benedict Arnold in American history to Dathan at the time of the Ten Commandments, there are always going to be traitors around.
"Stern was unpopular with the official Jewish establishment leaders of the Haganah and Jewish Agency and also those of the Irgun. His movement drew an eclectic crew of individuals, from all ends of the political spectrum, including people who became prominent such as Yitzhak Shamir, later an Israeli prime minister..."
Avraham Stern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arafat, the father of modern terrorism

Arafat: Father of modern-day terrorism

Yasser Arafat, who reportedly is now breathing his last, is considered the father of modern terrorism. He is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Israeli citizens, the deaths of untold numbers of Arabs and the killing of more than 100 U.S. citizens. Among the Americans were two diplomats, whose cruel murders in Sudan Arafat ordered by radio from his Beirut headquarters. In 1995, Ariel Sharon said, "I don't know anyone other than Arafat who has as much civilian Jewish blood on his hands since the time of the Nazis."

Arafat's official biography on the Nobel Prize website glosses over his terrorist past, writing only, "In 1958 he and his friends founded Al-Fatah, an underground network of secret cells, which in 1959 began to publish a magazine advocating armed struggle against Israel. At the end of 1964 Arafat left Kuwait to become a full-time revolutionary, organising Fatah raids into Israel from Jordan. It was also in 1964 that the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was established, under the sponsorship of the Arab League, bringing together a number of groups all working to free Palestine for the Palestinians. The Arab states favoured a more conciliatory policy than Fatah's... Arafat developed the PLO into a state within the state of Jordan with its own military forces. King Hussein of Jordan, disturbed by its guerrilla attacks on Israel and other violent methods, eventually expelled the PLO from his country. Arafat sought to build a similar organisation in Lebanon, but this time was driven out by an Israeli military invasion. He kept the organization alive, however, by moving its headquarters to Tunis..."
In fact, however, this long period was one of blood and murder orchestrated by Arafat. The PLO under his leadership conducted plane hijackings, bombings, and other acts of violence against Israel. In fact, the beginning of terror sky-jackings has been attributed to Arafat and the Fatah. Two years ago, after an Israeli plane was almost shot down in Kenya, then-Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned, "Sky-jacking terrorism first began against Israeli targets abroad by Arafat and Fatah in the late 1960's, and it very quickly became an international plague. We face exactly the same situation now. The terrorism of firing missiles against civilian airlines is now beginning against Israeli planes, but it can easily spread to other areas..." Arutz-7 reported at the time that though there had been "transportation" skyjackings in which criminals wished to reach Cuba, the first terrorist-extortion hijacking of an airliner apparently occurred when Palestinians hijacked an El Al airliner to Algiers in July 1968. Two years later, Palestinian terrorists hijacked four jets almost simultaneously; the passengers were released after three weeks, and the planes were blown up.
The PLO under Arafat was also responsible for the massacre of 26 people, mostly children, in the Netiv Meir school in Maalot in May 1974. Another PLO organization perpetrated the Munich Olympics slaughter, killing eleven Israeli athletes in 1972. ("Arafat: Father of Modern-Day Terrorism", October 28, 2004)
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